Good to see you back. Good things for the new year coming I hope. Really wanted to hear your take on this one 🙏🏼
@TaneeshaArmstrong4Күн бұрын
Song is 🔥🔥🔥 Joyner Lucas with his idol. They did a song in the past
@DariusBarnes-gu1rxКүн бұрын
Duh it's called Will everybody knows that 😂
@CloudslnMyCoffeeКүн бұрын
I now want a Marshall and Will collab where they look back on the last 2 decades and share their growth - extra points if Marshall doesnt cuss but Will does.
@johnhalpin5169Күн бұрын
Love his ADHD album since I have ADHD it really speaks me and i have liked him ever since. Great video again Cliff so glad your back
@pandarage21Күн бұрын
As a 90s kid Will Smith cursing is crazy
@morgiman8422 сағат бұрын
Cause he doesn't have to cuss to sell records haha check out "you saw my blinker" the only other song ever that I've heard him curse.
@tommystringham663820 сағат бұрын
Glad to see you back fam!!
@Djmbs237Күн бұрын
Wooooow, Jada did a serious number on the Fresh Prince. All morals are out tha winda 😂😂
@M7awesatКүн бұрын
He aint fresh no more.
@XxcowardicexXКүн бұрын
First time i ever actively looked up Will Smith for music. shit went hard as fuck, i just love my dude Joyner. big ups to my NE rappers. Will came with some heat!
@hassanjaral7682Күн бұрын
@TheJgolfwКүн бұрын
@CloudslnMyCoffeeКүн бұрын
Joyner is criminally underrated. I think Will realized he has already torched his family-friendly media persona, so he might as well be real. I dont think this is an anthem, but its a bop
@invaderzvКүн бұрын
How can you be real when your rapping someone else's words ? 😂
@jacklinetirimba469022 сағат бұрын
“The thing” 😅😅😅😅😅
@noahmarquis22423 сағат бұрын
So glad you're back man!
@Colex_ykf22 сағат бұрын
This is so damn dope . People are saying they think Joyner wrote for Will on this . He does sound just like Joyner
@CripplifiedКүн бұрын
You didn't see it coming? Joyner literally has a song titled Will and featured him before.
@therefixframeuproduction1093Күн бұрын
Surprisingly Good ✅
@levi943Күн бұрын
Glad your back
@briang6815Күн бұрын
I liked this on first listen. It was better than I ever expected.
@briang6815Күн бұрын
Check out the new KSI song featuring Billie Eilish too. It was another really good one I didn't see coming. I'm not even a fan of Billie's.
@udayshah7205Күн бұрын
Let's go i wanted this 😅
@AroundTheWay_JayКүн бұрын
💪💪💪💪🔥🔥🔥 let’s gooo
@livin90proofКүн бұрын
Joyner always delivers 🙌 💯% my favourite hip hop artist 🔥🔥🔥🔥
@user-wz7ov3cx1lКүн бұрын
Glad to have ya back Cliff -
@briang6815Күн бұрын
Everybody keeps missing the No Limit/Master P bar.
@dannyfrazierii376Күн бұрын
He said he wasn’t pointing out every bar.
@dannyfrazierii376Күн бұрын
He said he wasn’t pointing out every bar.
@joshbuechler4385Күн бұрын
@cliffbeats also the trend of all the OG"S coming back. Will is riding that too. All the greats are making a come back right now.
@CloudslnMyCoffeeКүн бұрын
I think its because there's been a talent vacuum, and the greats love hip-hop too much to let it die. They want to show the new generation how to do it
@Fall2Caine23 сағат бұрын
I can never hear that vocal filter Joyner and a few other people use without thinking of 'Take Care' cause that was the first time I can think of where i really ever heard that filter and flow paired together with one another. After Drake released Take Care, that vocal filter and flow was everywhere for years.
@djjathegod_0321 сағат бұрын
@THUNDER52Күн бұрын
I’ve never heard WS aside from the bell air intro, so this is totally new to me!
@DLFLuxКүн бұрын
Never? Not even the Men in Black theme? That’s insane man lol
@THUNDER52Күн бұрын
@ I’ve seriously never heard him rap outside of fresh prince lol.
@DLFLuxКүн бұрын
@@THUNDER52 check out his track “Miami” dude, it’s a good up beat head bopper
@johnboy05macmiller82Күн бұрын
@mr.jglokta191Күн бұрын
"I done took my punches" You sure did Will... You sure did
@MrHollywood42122 сағат бұрын
I know you saw my blinker
@morgiman8422 сағат бұрын
Agree with the With Smith thing. As someone who love comedy and enjoys playful banter and trash talk, there is always a day we hit a nerve and are gonna catch one. I dont agree with the time, place and how, but it's a risk taken with any joke at someone else's expense.
@ericsilva51422 сағат бұрын
Joyner and will did a song a couple of years ago - will remix. It was pretty good
@kaynesheldon490522 сағат бұрын
I love being born in Massachusetts and seeing the Massachusetts plate on the car instead of a California plate full of hollyweird shit.
@Azrael_TombsКүн бұрын
I mean it's super obvious that Joyner wrote Will's verse coz if u close your eyes and listen it's Joyner's cadence, flow, lyrics, speech pattern, wordplay, etc.
@OneAllahOneMessageКүн бұрын
Or will wrote it and rapped it the way thought fits the beat. Will been spitting before Joyner
@Azrael_TombsКүн бұрын
@ 🤣🤣🤣u delusional asf if u think Will can spit like that. Yea Will can rap but not like that
@atrikillersharkКүн бұрын
will got help with flows and cadences but will did write his lyrics.
@Azrael_TombsКүн бұрын
@ yeah sure keep lying to yourself
@michaelrapp916Күн бұрын
For the algo cliff but the old heads droppin new music im here for it being a old head myself lets go!!!
@LiquefiedVisionКүн бұрын
My soul is starting to heal with seeing new Cliff videos. Cliff have you seen all the stuff with Upchurch, Jelly Roll, and Calhoun? That's some crazy drama going on there.
@Fall2Caine23 сағат бұрын
New upchurch drama again?
@LiquefiedVision23 сағат бұрын
@Fall2Caine yeah gl to his channel. He has video of Adam Calhoun and Jelly Roll conspiring against him. His dad has been stealing millions from him for years. That's where it started
@Fall2Caine23 сағат бұрын
@LiquefiedVision i just went and was watching the first onebut i had to skip to the actual footgae, because Ryan Upchurch cracked out his mind tweakin on camera is just embarrassing. But that clip he put in there of jelly roll "conspiring against him on radio" and whatnot, was just him and jelly roll having a conversation in a room full of their peers about the fact that Jelly roll went on an interview propping wverybody else in his circle up instead of himself, and then Upchurch turning around and trashing Jelly roll in videos online for what everyone in the room seemed to feel was unjustified reasons
@MixedGamerOfficialКүн бұрын
Glad to see you back! I also didn’t expect this collab😂 you gonna check out snoops song with 50 and Em?
@maggedo-x1sКүн бұрын
Cliff reacted to Snoop, Fiddy, & Em's "Guns 'N' Smoke" collab last night... 👍
@MixedGamerOfficialКүн бұрын
@ ik I saw that. It had just posted
@Sog8045Күн бұрын
I know its late but I jumped on with membership! Should have done it years ago but better late than never.
@DJRatAttackКүн бұрын
Aren't we all quick to click 😉
@michaelsaylor4903Күн бұрын
That's how you know joyner wrote wills verses In this song because will is actually cussing
@BobbyGenerikКүн бұрын
I think Will wrote it following Joyners style. Cuz its soo similar but not as good
@berniewatts5028Күн бұрын
❤️❤️❤️for the algorithm. Happy your back, where’s your better half 🔥❤️🔥❤️Gmaw
@michaelmarley9900Күн бұрын
Yeah I got regrets, you've heard about some of them 😅😅
@DLFLuxКүн бұрын
It’s crazy that Will Smith is never in the conversation when it comes to rappers, sure his music might not be for everyone and it’s all radio friendly, but the dude can spit and back in the day his records sold like crazy
@ceciltuttle743Күн бұрын
No………just f no hahahahaha
@DLFLuxКүн бұрын
@ what part wasn’t true?
@MixedGamerOfficialКүн бұрын
Nvm just saw it posted😂
@levi943Күн бұрын
How you noticed since “not like us” by Kendrick horns have skyrocketed in popularity
@michaelmarley9900Күн бұрын
Did will write this? He went in!
@MrRmeachamКүн бұрын
If you haven't reacted to it check out Will - Joyner Lucas ft. Will Smith
@mylesreynolds260921 сағат бұрын
But they have Collabed before Joyner did a whole tune dedicated to will smith
@beckyleavitt7808Күн бұрын
Algo in case you release this.
@henrynewgate9019Күн бұрын
Dude please react to the most recent Daddyphatsnaps music it's fire 🙏
@Adolescent_yodaКүн бұрын
What is going on with Sosa? Saw a recent pic, long way from that homerun chase summer. Guys looking more slim shady than will smith. Glad to have you back by the way!
@Wickit96Күн бұрын
Early for the non members haha
@southrnsweety88Күн бұрын
I know I'm missing something on that sleeping on me/sofa bar...can someone explain m
@drowsyone414323 сағат бұрын
This is not the first song on which Will and Joyner have collaborated.
@iSpitboxer23 сағат бұрын
Bout time wtf
@chuckwest241Күн бұрын
You should check out Andy Mineo- Okay We Back. He just went indy and dropped a new project.
@dannyman85Күн бұрын
Have you listened to their first collab Will?
@patrickculver9144Күн бұрын
Joyner and will are close ever since Joyner did the song "will". And this pattern is different than the Russ song.
@conanedigawa9860Күн бұрын
Is will on his redemption arc?
@DJDarthVader22 сағат бұрын
you didn't see it coming?...where were you when he dedicated a whole song to Will 4 years ago...?
@Azrael_TombsКүн бұрын
Damn... Will disrespecting tf out of his grandmother for cussing.
@samanthaspringman5527Күн бұрын
Morning Cliff. Got my coffee lol. So is Karen not allowed on reactions 😂 some crazy KZbin rule?? Just curious because they took all the reactions with her.
@carlknight746921 сағат бұрын
Check out 0-60 brother joe
@beauross855322 сағат бұрын
Yeah Mel Gibson cursed in Signs too. Um, why is Joyner rapping with a white guy if it isn't Eminem?!
@smokestackmac3441Күн бұрын
You know they have another song together right?
@diane_games1111Күн бұрын
My take on Will, he's doing music cuz he black balled him self with a single slap, can't do movies. No one will touch him, much like what they did to Jonny Depp. Good to see him fighting his way back. Hope Will and Chris worked things out between them.
@chimado2107Күн бұрын
Yo Cliff you and your lady still together Sorry to ask a personal question but I wanted her and you to react to biggie and Eminem. Dead wrong and wanted her opinion who had the better verse Also Kendrick and Eminem. Love game And wanted her to say who had the better verse
@wespe1717Күн бұрын
Hello I am Eminem Fan
@ThePSA1CollectorКүн бұрын
Hii, We all are.
@michaelsaylor4903Күн бұрын
Nobody cares
@drimin1868Күн бұрын
@OGTricksy22 сағат бұрын
Hello I am air fan 😂
@likemike75121 сағат бұрын
Hello I’m a harry Mack fan
@andrewbacon9613Күн бұрын
No way listen to Will remix crank lucas wrote will's verse
@astralnomadКүн бұрын
more matt rife -
@agtjackbauerКүн бұрын
I hate that I love this. I used to love Will until the slap heard around the world. I'm not gonna condemn somebody for 1 action though. I really hope there's remorse and he sees what he did was wrong.
@zachosborne6577Күн бұрын
You’re kinda hating on will a little bit. I’m just curious is Joyner penned wills verse or will was in there writing. Will sounded good.
@BruceJohnson-om5klКүн бұрын
Joyner isn’t the inventor of this flow, there are a hundred of MCs that used this flow. Mcing is more then Flow it’s the skill to execute flawlessly. And Will sounds better then half of MCs out now. This is your trauma: You have a issue with age and it might be personal. Because you seem to only do this with “ LL, Will, Snoop etc.. these dudes are the architects of Flows. Before these guys learned the alphabet. Stop type casting and putting the OGs in 📦 📦
@SteveCoronado2Күн бұрын
Sorry Cliff I can’t support someone who literally assaulted someone on national television, not only didn’t get punished (except the self imposed exile) AND was rewarded!! It’s never sat right with me and it never will!! Love your channel though so that’s why I’m leaving the comment without watching the reaction
@ALopezTheGreatКүн бұрын
Nah bro. So you want him to rap like he in the 80s or 90s? Over this beat? LOL...nah bro, It's called evolving with the times and Im sure he's been studying the modern game right now, but Will has never followed anyone or any rap trends. Just think about that for a minute. Dude literally has done his own thing his whole career especially when he made music and it was clean music. He could've cussed, talk about drugs and all that like everyone else was but he chose not to. That ain't following....that actually leading. 🤷🏻♂️
@Dat_boi_sanchezКүн бұрын
saying Thiers alot of fake numbers in the industry right now like their always wasnt hilarious
@BruceJohnson-om5klКүн бұрын
First of all, have you watched Bad Boys? Will curses more then anybody. Will said that 25 years ago bro. He’s in a position now to do Whatever TF he wants. No Boxes over here.
@Revenant-BotsOfDeathКүн бұрын
No one said will doesn’t curse but will himself said he doesn’t curse in his raps to sell records so can’t compare movies to rapping
@invaderzvКүн бұрын
Lmfao you can tell joyner wrote his verse ..its his exact flow just with wills voice .lol wack ..retire will .its over