This is a sticky wicket to navigate. I am usually of the opinion that gov't works for the largest corporations. So they might accept these added costs to provide info because it stifles competition who lack the ability to eat those added costs. I think, at the end of the day, the average citizen is at the mercy of big corps and govt deciding what we can and can not do so that it preserves bottom lines, and budgets. It's a bleak opinion I know, but that's why we are striving to become our own power grid. Keep the videos coming Sinuhe. 👍
@stephenbrickwood16028 ай бұрын
Some thoughts on 2 different futures. Nuclear electricity. in USA $ $5,339 per kW, construction $ 0.509 per kWh, running costs $ 0.282 per kWh, running costs PLUS extra grid construction costs Rooftop electricity. in USA $s $3,000 per 6.6 kW installed costs. Australia. $ 454 per kW installed costs $0.00 running costs $0.00 running costs $0.00 running costs NO GRID COSTS. An LNG tank in the corner for emergency in mid winter weeks. If needed. Warming climate does have advantages, Hahaha. Shorter winter. More energy in the atmosphere. Grid capicty costs factors Customers / buildings numbers off. length to customers, klm $1million per klm 15% of energy is electricity. 100% electricity is 7 TIMES more grad capacity. Grid rental is 66% of grid electricity.
@stephenbrickwood16028 ай бұрын
More thoughts. The wrong way is expensive. Doing nothing maybe climate destabilisation expensive. Rooftop is 22% efficient, no running costs, no grid costs Offgrid if grid costs expand. Nuclear is 33% efficient or less if you have to slow it down over night. Expensive operators, shift worker 27/7/365 New expensive grid construction costs To stop CO2 emissions from fossil fuels Disaster insurance Government. Government guaranteed cash flows. Offgrid banned by government. No stranded assets. 60years payback locked in. Site clean-up costs. Government pay back commitments 40 to 80 year technology concept. EVs universal in 20years. Selfplug-in V2G EVs parked 23hrs daily, driving building to building. 100kwh battery Home and building.10kwh battery New battery technologies and reducing costs. Recycling increasing.