Talking to her to your pillow; Far away she stays, Across the seas but you hear her voice or wait for her text, You hang on to every word, awaiting her reply’s, To know she is thinking of you, To feel that she is there, To need to hold. To sense her presence by your side, For time you are alive, You talk and talk in to the night, Next you look out and sun is pecking over the roof tops, Then the realisation, In a short time you have to leave for that other world. Then you beg her forgiveness that you have to leave, She says it’s ok, speak later today, You take your time to say goodbye in so many ways, It’s just you don’t want to leave her, For the world you are sharing is perfect, It’s just love, but in your heart it’s everything, it’s other world. Finally the time is pressing, Reality is calling, You don’t want to sleep, Because it’s like saying goodbye to heaven, And awaking to the cold harsh day ahead, Tonight I will long for you to be there a thousand miles away, But in my head and heart you are next to me in bed. Mike Baker(Author)