man you guys was moving some the tyres sound like a fighter jet flying past great vid bud keep them coming
@adbraytonАй бұрын
Haha cheers Marra I was we were that fast 🚀🌪️👊🏼
@kenwhyte1088Ай бұрын
i know whats coming next......stripping wall paper
@adbraytonАй бұрын
It could be the best vlog yet 😂😂😂
@kenwhyte1088Ай бұрын
@@adbrayton 🤔
@adrianwilkinson2547Ай бұрын
I think Dale’s fringe is on the line if bottles again 😂 Hope you had a good birthday Marra (21 again plus VAT, plus international shipping🤣)🎂🥳🤘❤️🌈🕊️🌍
@adbraytonАй бұрын
Hahaha that’s his main pulling power that beast 😂 I did cheers Marra. Big fish today. Back to reality tomorrow 😂 feel 21 that’s the main thing 😂👊🏼🎉
@andrewcalvert8035Ай бұрын
Looking at the choice of riding......I think I need to move to BC!!!!!!
@adbraytonАй бұрын
Yeah forget a trip just move there 😂😂😂
@computerbob062 ай бұрын
When Brayton saw Whales, I wonder if he thought of a Shark!?
@adbraytonАй бұрын
Hahaha shark would have been in there chomping 🦈😂
@coldshoulder37532 ай бұрын
Yes granddad, getting me fired up to ride my local on a Sunday morning.
@adbraytonАй бұрын
Good man hope you have a good one 👊🏼
@Michaelarvin71Ай бұрын
the real question is- whatcha fishing for?
@adbraytonАй бұрын
Trout 😂
@gnarthen99772 ай бұрын
RAF Flyingdale 🤣
@cunning-stuntАй бұрын
To anyone not aware there is an RAF Fylingdales which makes this even more hilarious.
@adbraytonАй бұрын
This bloody tickled me. Dale makes jets too 😂
@computerbob06Ай бұрын
Adam. As you don't film the 1st few runs. I'm thinking you could film them, then not edit them and put them out on Patreon as raw videos!? This way you'll have another revenue stream but won't have to worry about any swearing etc getting demonitised by KZbin!
@adbraytonАй бұрын
I will check this out marra. You just think raw laps of whatever track I’m on ?