Eu am ajuns la 50 de ani si pot sa spun ca am muncit toata viata. Nu am reusit sa calatoresc cu avionul intr-o vacanta pana acum din cauza saraciei extreme. Si avand in vedere ca am intrat in datorii foarte mari (credit ipotecar pentru un apartament la bloc si credit pentru nevoi personale pentru a supravietui) mai am de platit tot venitul lunar pana la 64 de ani (oare mai traiesc pana atunci?) Deci nici viitorul nu suna bine, deci nici nu am dreptul sa visez ca as putea calatori cu avionul intr-o vacanta!!! Cu siguranta intr-o alta viata voi indeplini dorinta de a calatori o data pe an si sa ma bucur de roadele muncii si de viata!!! Dumnezeu ajuta!!!
@CockpitView6 жыл бұрын
My dear this is typical for all of us. Book your airplane ticket and hotel and let the bank wait for a little longer. Thank you for being normal and dreaming with us..
@vali1luci6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the encouragement! I have dreamed of 40 years. It looks like it is too late. Maybe in another life. Poverty to which I was brought up bad people, it is fatal! And yet suppose I would lend someone money to fly it for the first time with the plane, I wouldn't have power because of the poverty that I have. I would be a shame that from a human point of view I wouldn't be able to support.
@CockpitView6 жыл бұрын
Dear vali, When I was getting my private license in 1986 I met a French gentleman that was getting his private license as well. He was 76 years old proving it's never too late for a dream to become reality. :)