Coexistence with Aliens

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Isaac Arthur

Isaac Arthur

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@isaacarthurSFIA Жыл бұрын
Sorry about the audio blast at 14:10, I put this together pretty fast yesterday from mostly-existing 3 year old prior video, and that one slipped by.
@rennscott5808 Жыл бұрын
"Please dont shoot my kids" EPIC MUSIC STARTS
@skalgrimfellaxe5796 Жыл бұрын
Im surprised about the Orson Scott Card reference to various types of aliens, as the terms, not counting "ramen", are all swedish. "Utlänning" means foreigner , "Främling" means stranger, "Ramen" would mean "frame" in swedish so Im assuming this is a different thing. "Varelse" means creature or being, and "Djur" means animal. Where are these found in his book series and does he explain them and their meaning?
@AsmodeusDHare Жыл бұрын
*leans into hsi chair, enjoying the audio.... **14:18** comes by* Gah I'm awake I'm awake!!!
@gkr2189 Жыл бұрын
No worries, tyvm for the video Isaac!
@deker0954 Жыл бұрын
Hope they gave you some good drugs.
@michaelporzio7384 Жыл бұрын
Aliens: "Take me to your leader!" Earthling: "can you come back in a few years when we have one?" Feel better Isaac, get some rest, we will wait.
@bigtime4794 Жыл бұрын
Isaac should be ambassador representing the humans at the galactic council
@brentmartin6833 Жыл бұрын
Other Earthling: I'm late enough but fine, hop in. Toss on this robe. OE: We love the leader. Alien: oh so your leader is loved that's good. OE: Oh, yes! He'll help us free our minds. Alien: Sounds good to be open minded, is that why you're ok with me being here. OE: Yup. well kinda, you see we each had a quota to bring in, I mean I made it but I think the Leader wants as many as possible. Alien: Ah, yes. As many to be open minded. OE: here we are. Every One: We love the leader! LEADER: As we drink to free ourselves lettuce embrace each other in peace. Every One: Sips/Chug/Glup Later: Ugh. *THUD* Still later: (in a sealed room) Alien where am I and what happened. Normal Human: Hi, um, how long have you been on Earth? Alien: a few hours... I think how long have I been out? Normal Human: Only a few hours and you already joined a cult!?
@sheilakirby5616 Жыл бұрын
@PaulSpades Жыл бұрын
Nice to hear you after the surgery. Get well soon and don't strain yourself!
@victoriagonzalez5774 Жыл бұрын
Can I ask you why he needed surgery? And where is his accent from?
@alfredandersson875 Жыл бұрын
@@victoriagonzalez5774rhotacism perhaps? Although do know that I don’t actually know
@69Kazeshini Жыл бұрын
The killing star rule#1 'They value their life over yours'. Reminds me of ME3 where commander shepard was trying convince the citadel council to give the alliance their resources to build an unknown superweapon, when they can use those same resources to defend themselves against the reapers.
@crispico4727 Жыл бұрын
One idea I've toyed around with is an alien built like a crow, which uses it's mouth for manipulating matter. Since they can't speak and hold things at the same time, speaking is an instant symbol of peace for them
@thiagom8478 Жыл бұрын
That places a interesting path for interaction. Since we have no such limitation, some humans may at first exploit the false sense of security your crow fellows have when we start speaking. What eventually would give them the equally false impression that no humans is safe to be around or can be honest. Not ever. Because we are natural liars and unnatural traitors. Because some of us violated something that is that basic to their perception of reality. Therefore making obvious that we all CAN violate that basic moral principle (what, going in full circle, is correct. We all can talk and be violent at the same time). This sort of hiper-generalization is very common in fiction, both fantasy and scifi. Often using cannibalism (or, more recently racism) as the label that proves a given sort of alien to be "Evil" and totally beyond the possibility of peaceful interaction. However, neither cannibalism nor racism are a base as solid for hiper-generalization as the one you propose. Because both things are possible for humans (and in fact those who speak more loudly against "racism" in current days are wildly racist themselves. They just have elected black as supreme race instead of white, and in their books that does not count as racism). I suppose a very philosophical crow-person, strongly inclined to abstract thinking and Ethical contemplation (over moral contemplation) could understand why their taboo isn't "natural" to us. But even such a fellow would still "feel" we are monsters. Until he manage to overcome that physical aversion.
@david7384 5 ай бұрын
... they would build a voice activated gun
@derekmcmillian6557 8 ай бұрын
That Dison theory is something we humans came up with. The other beings probably learned how to harvest energy in a more profound manner that we can't even imagine
@phaedrus000 5 ай бұрын
There's still the question of where those beings all are. If they've discovered some exotic technology that provides them with so much cheap, abundant, easily accessible energy that the very stars are no longer of use to them, then they are a powerful race indeed whose capabilities would be nearly boundless. This makes the Fermi Paradox that much worse. If such aliens exist they should be everywhere. The whole universe would be their playground.
@toplobster7714 9 ай бұрын
Nothing to do wiht sci-fi, but I'd just like to thank you for making these videos. I think my hearing comprehension of English (my third language) has greatly benefitted from these long, yet interesting, videos.
@nowhereman6019 Жыл бұрын
When interacting with aliens, I think it's fair to expect an equal amount of caution and understanding from them as from us. Remember, we are just as alien to them as they are to us. Our natural behaviors, culture, and methods of communicating will need to be understood by them, and if you've been human for long enough, you know that it can be a challenge to understand even other people! The representatives of alien species will likely be scientists and explorers, just like us, and will likely be prepared to learn about us, just like we them.
@boobah5643 Жыл бұрын
On the other hand, the folks at the pointy end of contact aren't likely to be the ones making the decisions that matter. Those will be made by folks who answer to the whims of domestic politics.
@bobinthewest8559 Жыл бұрын
I have no idea what you’re trying to say 🤷‍♂️😏
@mrvk39 Жыл бұрын
It would really depend on experience of such aliens. Assuming they are far more advanced and the ones finding us, they might have experience meeting all sort of intelligent life before us. If that is the case, they would probably first study us without revealing themselves and categorize us a type, just like we do with animals. Their approach would be tailored by prior experience.
@mrvk39 Жыл бұрын
also, they might be explorers but for which purpose? If they identified our planet as a potential colonization site, and assuming that the speed of light is still a limit for them, they might arrive here ready to colonize our planet based on some probes they sent ten or twenty thousand years ago.. and surprise! find that in that time, a civilization has developed here on its own. That would be a very awkward encounter ... especially if they were on a one-way trip
@pinklady4703 Жыл бұрын
Nothing says that they think like we do. I highly doubt it.
@seankash8546 Жыл бұрын
Well done! Wonderful to see the three cornerstones of success; exploration, diplomacy, and trade. This is quite relevant for the public to see :)
@yapflipthegrunt4687 Жыл бұрын
Four*. There's always violence.
@seankash8546 Жыл бұрын
The 48:27 animation, with a couple of nonterrestrials raising a fine glass of highly-desirable Earthly (Terran) beer... I see you, Issac, I see you! This film will age extremely well :)
@vapormissile Жыл бұрын
​@@yapflipthegrunt4687 amen. Diplomacy through other means.
@seankash8546 Жыл бұрын
​@@yapflipthegrunt4687 Well, thankfully or not, all of those American tax dollars usurped into covert programs over the years have the aspect of planetary protection covered fairly well, hopefully :)
@charlescharles9755 Жыл бұрын
I'm so happy to hear you just succeeding in life, conquering your problems and pumping out the most interesting and thought provoking content. I honestly think you will be remembered in history as someone who pushed our species forward. Good luck and God speed.
@buddhasmurfy Жыл бұрын
14:06 I was just dozing off. Not cool.
@cartermclaughlin2908 Жыл бұрын
I have never seen a high production value video media outlet go a year without a break. SFIA is going on, what? 7 years and only a couple missed episodes, filled in with epic stock reel? What a machine!
@JPWack Жыл бұрын
I hope you get well after your surgery soon, best wishes for you and yours
@charlesblithfield6182 Жыл бұрын
Super interesting analysis. I wonder that if first contact is likely going to be with an AI from an alien civilization, particularly a Von Neuman probe type system, whether that A.I. will reflect the values of the biological entities that created it or if has evolved its own values from generations of self replication on the systems long journeys through the galaxy.
@MnemonicHack Жыл бұрын
That's what I'm thinking will happen. I think there's a good chance there are already aliens in the solar system, in the form of a Von Neumann probe that arrived here long ago. Whether it'll be a machine programmed to deal with us in one way or another, a true AI, a collection of uploaded intelligences in cold storage, or a machine set up to grow biological bodies for it's intelligences, I have no idea. But my money is them already being here, if they exist. I also think it's very likely we're the first on the scene too, and that we'll be the ones sending out the probes. Perhaps we're the aliens, sent by some long-ago civilization that detected a useful world in this system and sent a seed ship here to plant life and guide it's development to a civilization like where we came from.
@thefinestsake1660 7 ай бұрын
I like the part where if we get into a space war, it'll be either evenly matched or heavily lopsided. Really covered all the bases there. I bet we we'd either win or lose in the long run... unless we draw!
@arandomzoomer4837 Жыл бұрын
Oh thank you so much bro! I’ve really hoped to see this series but I didn’t want to get a nebula just for the series
@glauberglousger6643 Жыл бұрын
I’d like to see more actual diplomatic conflicts in movies, and how people get around all the massive difference in between civilizations Not jus constant war because someone got upset that a lesser civilization insulted their customs or some weird nonsense... Like aliens floating in water I’d also like an episode on Alien and human love and compatibility (also AI and Human, that’s more recent as is a real thing people occasionally have nowadays, Replika caused depression after her censoring) The biology compatibility, how different species mate, how anything would work, and how while technology could make it work, Any children would probably be more machine than biology... assuming we and other life aren’t all machines anyways, How would the differences in Alien mating and biology affect everything? It’d be interesting to explore As for if the relationship works? Love is love, people are into weird stuff, someone’s going to make it work, (like with AI, and same gender pregnancy) this would also be interesting to explore though
@mosaicmind88 Жыл бұрын
You get to see sci-fi diplomacy in the Star Trek series.
@tbotalpha8133 Жыл бұрын
If everyone's living in fully-automated luxury space communism, there's no real reason for polities to come to blows over... anything. When your society is already built on sharing all production to provide for the needs of all, it would be trivial to extend that generosity to alien polities. So conflicts over resources wouldn't exist, outside of purely bureaucratic squabbles. That just leaves ideological conflicts, which... wouldn't really exist if everyone's a communist with access to all the same scientific knowledge. At most you might see disagreements over unfalsifiable things, like the existence of God or life after death. But with everyone's material needs provided for, so much of the tribalist tension of the past would simply evaporate. The only way for space polities to end up coming into conflict would be if they weren't fully-automated communists. If there were elites in one of the polities, looking to protect or expand their personal wealth or power, then that polity would end up butting heads with any other polity it came into contact with. Because the elites would use their power to influence the polity's government to act in their interests, regardless of what the powerless masses wanted. The elitist polity might attack another, because the elites wanted access to the victim's resources (to sell for profit, to parcel out among their supporters, or to fuel further conquests). Or the elitist polity might attack another, because the elites were bigots and wanted the aliens to be destroyed. And/or because the elites had whipped the masses into a xenophobic frenzy (to distract them from all the problems the elites themselves were causing), and the government needed to follow through on that hatred or risk losing legitimacy. Or the elitist polity might attack another just to protect the interests of their own elites, either because alien elites wanted their stuff (or wanted them dead), or because space-communists wanted to reform their society. And that's just warfare. Space polities might try to influence each other in subtler ways. Like trying to win over alien hearts and minds, so that an alien polity's citizens develop divided loyalties. Or giving resources and support to fringe political groups in alien polities, to polarize and divide their internal politics. Or giving resources to a polity's enemies, to create additional threats that the polity needs to worry about. Or creating military, economic or ideological alliances, that can collectively pressure outside polities. But if all the aliens are living in the lap of robotic luxury, there is no reason for anyone to start throwing hands (or other dextrous gripping appendages).
@corbinbuesch289 Жыл бұрын
After surgery, I don't know if I'm up for an hour long Q and A session..... proceeds to post hour+ long video 🤣🤣🤣... Isaac.... 🤔🤣 Thanks for the vid my man!
@TraditionalAnglican Жыл бұрын
Nice to see you are recovering from your surgery… How my cat responds to your newly modified voice remains to be seen - This version calms her down…
@UrdnotChuckles Жыл бұрын
Imagine some space faring civilization showing up at the doorstep of their neighbour to pit their trillion-ship drone fleets together, specifically so they could hopefully claim battlefield salvage. Because the greater galactic community has rules about claiming raw materials and the like, but salvage from battle is fair game. Plus it is a convenient loophole to get more refined materials such as alloys or electronics. Even if not all of them survive in an exactly pristine state. Meanwhile another galactic neighbour shows up with half a dozen other trade fleets from different worlds to enter into fierce bidding wars to secure the rights to new entertainment options, stories, or novel concepts. Both groups think the other are crazy with their outlandish priorities for trade and resource acquisition. Meanwhile space vegas is taking bets on the outcomes of both the drone war and the trade war, and can hook you up with some sweet black market augmentations while you're visiting.
@MrBottlecapBill Жыл бұрын
My personal feeling is that much like on earth, the life forms will be a LOT like us................or more likely nothing like us. Great video.
@MasoudNyoni-g8o 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing this massage which brings civilization
@anthonyinzerillo3882 Жыл бұрын
Isaac does a great Elmer Fudd impression.
@philipmetts8831 24 күн бұрын
I love how Isaac is ftl neutral. He doesen't include it much but doesen't deny it either. Very wise!
@iriswaters Жыл бұрын
Sound goes a little wild at around 14:00. Sudden loud music
@Mossy5150 Жыл бұрын
You could make an entire playlist at this point just from videos where Isaac drops, "Glacial," spoilers 🤣😂
@Lumolla Жыл бұрын
Love your videos! There's so much helpful and useful information i didn't watch yet! Also do you or anyone else know how to speed up star's fusion process (with purpose to age it faster)? What video to look if you have such or any video with a similar topic/discussions? Or what things to look and research on the internet myself? Thank you for your videos :o
@jamesu9508 Жыл бұрын
I love the series. Keep it up bud
@greggweber9967 Жыл бұрын
47:00 Cortez had an alliance with an Indian tribe against the Aztecs.
@ralphclark Жыл бұрын
The nucleotide bases are not amino acids they are purines and pyrimidines. Pray that you never have to smell them in their unbound form.
@mattisvov Жыл бұрын
Side note, but I raised a bit of an eyebrow at the "Hierarchy of Foreignness". 15:10 I can't speak for the Norse, but four out of five of the terms are the same in modern Swedish, my native tongue. (Ramen I don't know what it means, apart from noodles, which is obviously not what is referenced here.) But the real shocker was that Isaac knows his way around the Umlauts. It is so very rare to hear an English-speaker who realizes Ä reads differently from A. Didn't expect the science KZbinr to get what some linguist KZbinrs miss. Just a little detail, but kudos.
@benw9949 Жыл бұрын
I hope you're healing up great. Don't strain yourself. You do great stuff, fun and fascinating. -- Have you ever done an episode on the problems of alien communication / language forms? Almost every sci-fi story I can think of, with rare exceptions, seems to think of human speech sounds, rather than other sounds or chromatophores or sign language. Research with dolphins seems to show there's something there, maybe language, maybe not quite, and maybe more to it. (echolocation map in one channel, sons/speech in another?) And yet they are fellow mammals, in some ways very similar to us. Speech buttons as a possibility for cats and dogs, a keyboard of symbols or sign language for apes -- we don't yet know how truly effective these are, how reproducible or how well they may be taught to others. -- So if it's this difficult to determine whether other animals on Earth, even closely related, mammals, can talk to us or if they have their own language ability, then how could we hope to communicate with aliens, or is it easier than we think? also thinking of octopus and cuttlefish, more distanty related but still Earth life. -- How would we even represent some other forms, like dolphin sounds, whale song, so complex and sounds we can barely imitate, if at all? So I wonder a lot about this topic, and language is an area I have special interest in.It might be that the basic thinking patterns would be too different, too alien, with aliens from other planets. But maybe there are things that would tend to be in common with intelligent life, like mathematics or music, sight or sound. So I'd love to see another video in future, plus whatever you've already done that I've missed or am not thinking of.
@MrTimeken Жыл бұрын
The Hierarchy of Foreignness is Swedish: Utlänning = Foreigner Främling = Stranger Ramen = The Frame Varelse = Creature Djur = Animal
@sarcasmo57 Жыл бұрын
Wishing you a speed recovery.
@secrethealinghacks1913 5 ай бұрын
I love that this video has over half million viewers.
@floridanews8786 Жыл бұрын
Nothing like an extraterrestrial dumping its "treasures" on you. ... "Sir, the analysis says that it's fecal matter not an advanced meta material"
@tetraquark2402 Жыл бұрын
Wishing you a speedy recovery
@JOEMAMA_06 Жыл бұрын
I freaking died at 10:22
@elitemook4234 Жыл бұрын
Yes Inquisitor, this man right here.
@ToqTheWise 9 ай бұрын
Another issue with short lived species, I think, is intelligence versus perceived maturity. Say a species only lives for ten years, if they spent 10% of their lives developing to physical maturity they would reach adulthood after only a single year. You would have a physical and cognitive adult with only a year of life experience. You could argue they learn faster than we can to make up for this but then you have a population where the standard IQ is 200, something to rival our greatest geniuses.
@kazansky22 8 ай бұрын
I mean, we all want Star Trek, but warhammer 40k is more likely.
@SkyFly19853 Жыл бұрын
That video also reminds me Master of Orion the video game... So similar...
@reverendrv151 Жыл бұрын
The existence of the Philosophical, Transcendent Laws of Logic, are the reason we have Sentience. Extraterrestrials will be Sentient, if they function based on the Laws of Logic. For instance, they could not function without being able to apply the Law of Non Contradiction; they would be Autistic. So the Fundamentals of their Psychology should be understood. As an Advanced Species, they should be very Benevolent; that's what we expect out of Evolution. - The better question is; could we be good enough to get along with them?
@Chazulu2 Жыл бұрын
I agree with your skepticism regarding the lack of money in the future. However, I do think it's likely that the ability for money to be used to impact the material(non-digital) world will be greatly diminished. It seems likely that people would spend significant amounts of time and money on and in virtual reality, where wanting to populate such an environment with simulations of ancestors would be persistently difficult. A person prioritizing which ancestors he or she or they or... wants to interact with, and betting on how knowledge from shared probes will change the true good faith accurate representation of those ancestors, could be seen as a market with currency(ies); such activities would still likely have real material impacts on the actions of those and future probes. It seems plausible that such probes could attempt to use energy stored in rotating black holes via the Penrose process and that trade and communication between us and more advanced civilizations could look like us attempting to use stored energy from them, and being allowed to by their probes or not. If rejected, we might see our probes pushed into the black hole and be expected to instead help the hole continue to spin. This would effectively be them telling us that our search frontier was not well aligned in exchange for us helping them to consolidate power and would require them to trust us. In regard to the Dyson Dilemma, I think it may be more plausible that civilizations attempt instead to extend the lifetime of their home star systems by using a nearby gas giant to create a binary star system. Assuming significant construction times for a completed Dyson sphere or swarm, this would allow them to access more total energy as a
@TheFish711 Жыл бұрын
Purge the xenos in holy fire!!!
@Smooth_Lime_Nine Жыл бұрын
For the god emperor of terra!
@DAYBROK3 11 ай бұрын
quiet, until they get to know you then you have trouble getting them to shut up
@iam-ChadYT 11 ай бұрын
I've had contact 3 times this year and once when 7
@PurpleRhymesWithOrange Жыл бұрын
I do not believe humans could have ever risen to dominance without developing the symbiosis with dogs. Without hunting cooperatively with dogs we would have been unable to take on the megafauna and likely would have remained scavengers instead of becoming apex predators. Also without them guarding us in the dark we could have never developed the habit of sleeping long hours. Both a high protein diet and extended deep sleep are required for the development of higher level intelligence.
@thedoruk6324 Жыл бұрын
Super habitable planets need serious researching !
@EliasMheart Жыл бұрын
11:38 Wait, you aren't clear on why humans are considered to be more cruel than other animals? Only humans understand our vulnerabilities enough to truly be cruel. Animals may hurt their prey in various ways, but it isn't because they want it to suffer. It's because that's what they do. Humans are very different in that regard. And I believe that you yourself made that point at another time, which confuses me even more...? Being German, we learn a lot about it in History classes. And I believe that Russia, China, Japan, and many other countries have similar horrors in their history, if maybe not quite as present in their populations minds (really, no idea). But... This question by itself just sounds alien to me^^
@greggweber9967 Жыл бұрын
IMHO money is the median of both exchange and more importantly, taxation.
@apakansaja8505 Жыл бұрын
If Aliens like what have been depicted, I rather stay with human kind.
@gumunduringigumundsson4315 Жыл бұрын
Anything with feelings and / or intelligence deserves at least respect.
@Renuntius_BRICS Жыл бұрын
So an interplanetary BRICS ? No way with USA/GB! :-)
@clippedwings225 Жыл бұрын
26:04 though blind humans use smartphones!
@alfredotto7525 Жыл бұрын
HBO's new hit comedy series Hillbilly aliens.
@bobinthewest8559 Жыл бұрын
I’m not sure if I’m “optimistic”, or “pessimistic”… Which one thinks we could get along with aliens fine, if we can reach the stars before we all kill each other ???
@sokuyamashita7751 Жыл бұрын
Would limestone be considered unique to earth?
@catalystnz74 Жыл бұрын
Your voice is iconic Issac.Congratulations on your surgery and recovewy. Ever since discovering your channel a few years ago and the "wasscally wabbits" explanation you gave I've never had to turn on subtitles, I've understood you perfectly and thoroughly enjoyed your well considered and substantial contributions towards futurism and science fiction. What has shone through is your message ... delivered in a slightly quirky way, with humor, humility, humanity and high intelligence. Thank you.
@ASpaceOstrich Жыл бұрын
I'll admit that half the reason I'm subscribed is because of his unusual accent. It caught my attention when I stumbled across this channel while on a sci-fi worldbuilding kick.
@Vercur Жыл бұрын
Stop trying so hard to be ironic.
@melvinjansen2338 Жыл бұрын
@melvinjansen2338 Жыл бұрын
​@@ASpaceOstrich to make peace with it all i had to tell myself that Isaac comes from the future and thats why he sounds like that. I bet in the future all of them do.
@DrAnime-iz6qz Жыл бұрын
god bless you Isaac, as he said your voice is iconic and we can see/hear that you try your best to soud as good as you can, we apreaciate that and honestly as obvious as the surgical intervention seems now it is an amazing sacrifice youve done for our sake. I hope it delivers as much as you deliver us, with your intelligence and now unlocked(literally) tongue youll be the best. Many thanks, you have become nearly an institution on your own, thank you and hopefully, youll live long enough to get in on all the life extension tech you wish.
@Grimpy970 Жыл бұрын
I remember how sad I was when I had to cancel my nebula and curiosity subscriptions. I'm glad you released this to the general public! Discussions like this should never be behind a pay-wall, but conversely I understand that you have bills to pay Anyway, thanks for what you do
@Wertsir Жыл бұрын
One day we'll achieve post-scarcity communism and all information will be free. Until then we must suffer under the capitalist yolk and the chains it places on the free exchange of knowledge.
@denniscollett303 Жыл бұрын
I'm so happy to see you post this series. I'm a huge fan and have wanted to subscribe to Nebula and Curiosity Stream for years but unfortunately health problems and limited income have prevented me from seeing your Nebula content. Thank you for all you do and I hope you get well soon.
@ManiusCuriusDenatus Жыл бұрын
I can barely co-exist with our cat.
@DeadInside-ew8qb Жыл бұрын
I worry more about how our cat overlords coexist with each other
@TS-jm7jm Жыл бұрын
​@@DeadInside-ew8qb they dont, and gopro videos of cats on walkabouts demonstrate this.
@miguelespinosa80 Жыл бұрын
Take care, Isaac 🤕 Maybe phosforus would be a trade good between systems that are relatively abundant of it (like the Solar System) and those which doesn't 🤔 Being phosforus essential for terrestrial life.
@NameHomeRoom Жыл бұрын
I will
@BitcoinMeister Жыл бұрын
If the legendary "island of stability" really exists on the periodic table then in theory since at this point we can't find such elements in our solar system we might be able to find a trading partner that resides in a solar system where these elements are available. This would take advantage of uneven distribution of (theoretical) elements that would exist. So I agree that distribution of elements appears to be generally the same across the universe (boring as you put it) the theoretical exceptions that prove the rule would provide amazing trade acquisition possibilities.
@lucashinch Жыл бұрын
Wish you a speedy recovery Isaac! Thanks for todays video
@isaacarthurSFIA Жыл бұрын
Thanks Lucas!
@SkylerLinux Жыл бұрын
Funny thing about the Buildings being old and important, is that in Japan homes older than about 30 is considered like the West considers old Cars
@auntvesuvi3872 Жыл бұрын
I hope you heal quickly from your recent surgery, Isaac. 🌿 #IsaacArthur #Aliens #IntelligentAliens #AlienPsychology #HumansInteractingWithAliens #CoexitenceWithAliens
@cannonfodder4376 Жыл бұрын
This series is the reason I happily signed up for Nebula all those years ago. Glad to see others will now get to learn from this wonderful series. And happy to know you are recovering nicely. Take all the time you need to recover.
@CharliMorganMusic Жыл бұрын
Same here!!!!!
@stephenanthony5923 Жыл бұрын
Im pessimistic about any meaningful coexistence with aliens, given humans have barely managed to extend equitable existences to nature and disadvantaged groups such as women, children, the sick, the elderly and the poor. The collective has improved from the past but there is a long way to go. If aliens with similar psychologies to humans would appear today, the encounter would be tense and contentious at best
@MeepChangeling Жыл бұрын
I'm pessamistic about the continued existance of pesamistic people who don't bother looking up real data but get their entire world view from news companies literally owned by political parties and shit some politician tweeted. One day soon, there may not be anyone left who thinks everything sucks always because somone's got hooks in their brain for political power.
@MrNote-lz7lh Жыл бұрын
Well if the aliens contact us first they would be far more powerful than us so we would at least pretend to be far nicer to them.
@therealspeedwagon1451 Жыл бұрын
I see examples of how we’ve interacted with each other as how we very likely will interact with aliens. In all likelihood aliens will be enslaved or massacred. Or at the very least, seen as filthy and not human by the common man.
@explosivemodesonicmauricet1597 8 ай бұрын
​​​@@MrNote-lz7lhThe only big problem is how to NOT let them think we are just grovelling xenophobes worthy of a planet cracker at least. Imagine they saw a bunch of W4K/Stellaris/TBP "purge the xeno" comments and posted this right in front of the UN delegation asking like "Are you guys nuts?!"
@evanceaicovschi7230 Жыл бұрын
Orson Scott Card's "Xenocide" as well as "Ender's Game" and "Speaker for the Dead" are great books for exploring this topic.
@Spartan135 Жыл бұрын
Also Warhammer 40k...or Halo... 😂
@therealspeedwagon1451 Жыл бұрын
Also Stellaris. The one game that has genocide and slavery as genuine gameplay
@evanceaicovschi7230 Жыл бұрын
@@therealspeedwagon1451As a xenophobic and authoritarian void-dweller main, this is my bread and butter in a literal sense.
@digital_gravity Жыл бұрын
I have Nebula, but am glad you posted this on KZbin. Maybe all bonus features can eventually make it to KZbin. Nebula could mainly be for ad free or early access.
@isaacarthurSFIA Жыл бұрын
That was loosely the idea originally, but then I switched over to doing extended editions for a while and KZbin doens't let you replace them so it got shelved.. I've mostly switched back to doing bonus episodes on Nebula so I suspect I'll bring those over after a reasonable time, maybe a year, or bring over an expanded version.
@7lllll Жыл бұрын
probably not all. some are made nebula exclusive because even though they are great, they would hurt the channel by the youtube algorithm
@digital_gravity Жыл бұрын
@@isaacarthurSFIA sounds like a solid plan.
@isaacarthurSFIA Жыл бұрын
@@7lllll Yeah, I can think of a few that would be true of or even a couple it was true of. Paperclip Maximizer was my first exclusive, first exclsuive by anyone on Nebula for that matter, and did well when I brought it over, but 2 and 3 were Butterfly Effect and our cloning episode, me, myself, and I, and both, even 3 years later, have less total views than what an episode would get in Week 1 after release and still be considered a flop, yet have very high like ratios, they just didn't appeal to a wider audience :)
@Zarcondeegrissom Жыл бұрын
@@isaacarthurSFIA or didn't get the approval of the YT paperclip maximizer algorithm that manages vid suggestions to non-subscribers, yeah. KZbin can be rough even tho we do appreciate the content. ("Thanks multiverse for nebula" spoken under breath to avoid the context warning bots attention). do be well soon, much to be doing's. B)
@Evil0tto Жыл бұрын
Purge the xenos from the stars in the name of the God Emperor.
@addisonchow9798 Жыл бұрын
Can't be xenophobic if there are no more xenos around.
@vapormissile Жыл бұрын
Better dead than chitinous.
@jasonjacoby Жыл бұрын
Say that to Maugan Ra's face.
@vapormissile Жыл бұрын
@Apsoy Pike Damn bugs better.
@iivin4233 Жыл бұрын
What happens when someone proves that pan-spermia did happen and there is no xenobiology, just biology?
@digitalnomad9985 Жыл бұрын
On the subject of interstellar interaction. Trade: Higher levels of technology have so far required greater varieties of specialization. It follows that each tech level has required a minimum population to support it. Now it may be that this useful rule of thumb won't apply to tech levels ahead of us, or there may not be many tech levels ahead of us. But if the game we're playing DOES have enough tech levels and the rule of thumb I mentioned holds true, a civilization might well reach the point where advancing to the next level requires more population than a particular system has. (For a system populous enough to send colonies to other planets, this would be MANY levels higher than our current state.) Interspecies trade on this model might enhance trade through novel manifestations of the trade principle of comparative advantage, because one species is more efficient at making a particular good or service, or different species just like or value making different things. Also recent high tech levels have generated artifacts which have a high value to size or mass ratio, often from fairly cheap raw materials (computer chips from sand and trace amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus, for example). Higher tech levels may do this more. High value trade need not imply high bulk. Polity: Longevity may well subvert our expectations of how interstellar distances effect interstellar travel considerations over crews staying on mission, or interstellar diplomacy or even a sort of political macrofederalism. If you expect to live 50 years after you contemplate some action, the prospect of an intervention fleet from the fleet node system arriving 300 years from now may not be much of a deterrent. But if your life expectancy is 1000 years or indefinite barring accident or violence, this attitude may well change. Light speed micromanagement is still unfeasible on this scale, But interstellar collective defense/offense may well be possible.
@WaterPickle Жыл бұрын
Make sure to get rest and get better dont strain yourself ❤
@joz6683 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video. It's great to know you're on the mend. Good luck with your future endeavours.
@k8tina Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the hard work in putting this series in one complete video. Please do not over-do it, though, as you recover from your surgery! Let the wife and little ones take care of you (I can see the kids making drawings and 'cards' for you, so cute!). You sound a little different (in a good way) but I can tell you're still newly healing. Again, thank you for this edit/video but please take it easy!! 🥰🤗🤞🏻🙏🏼
@CrassSpektakel Жыл бұрын
Î suggest the story "The Road Not Taken" by Harry Turtledove which shows that travelling the stars doesn't mean you are automagically superior in warfare. Also the whole Genre of HFY makes it a focus that warlike humans are pretty nasty. (btw, Turtledove released the story for free and it is easy to find by google)
@bad_covfefe Жыл бұрын
That's a cool story, but merely positing the scenario doesn't actually "show" anything, any more than my own depiction of a civilization made of pizza shows that such a thing is possible.
@JohnnyWednesday Жыл бұрын
I like living with aliens, I just wish they'd contribute more to the planet. Would it hurt to clean the atmosphere a bit? it's not like they pay rent.
@hotwheels2621 Жыл бұрын
Came here from listening to “Hey, I don’t work here” which ends with a brief interplanetary war
@singletona082 Жыл бұрын
Isaac. May you have a speedy and easy recovery. Also congradulations on hosting the confrence.
@chickenusgoddus464 Жыл бұрын
Why coexist when you can purge the xenos?
@isaacarthurSFIA Жыл бұрын
That's covered in part 3 :)
@jotasietesiete4397 Жыл бұрын
​@@isaacarthurSFIA I'm on part 2 and you already got me hyped
@chickenusgoddus464 Жыл бұрын
​@@isaacarthurSFIA just got to the trade part now I can't wait for part 3 glory to the god emperor of mankind
@mariovillarreal8647 Жыл бұрын
Congratulations on your co-hosting!! Thank you for All your hard work and effort and this pod cast .
@benw9949 Жыл бұрын
Two criticisms (constructive yet worrisome) on the War section: (1) If you've got robots running A.I. software or even approaching sentience, you can always either download a fresh copy of the original software into a new chassis body, or you can possibly download the old one before it's destroyed, perhaps periodic backups, and upload that to storage, then download that copy with all it has learned into a new chassis body. That has even been done in video science fiction with the Cylons in the BSG Reboot, as well as, I think, suggested in an X-Files episode or SkyNet for the Terminators, or I think an old Outer Limits (90's version?) or Twilight Zone (also 90's version?) episode, I can't recall for sure. But yeah, that just adds to the nightmare scenario of that escalating even faster than humans do. Maybe Isaac said that and I missed it. I'm surprised he wouldn't have thought of it, since he's so thorough and a science fiction fan. -- The most worrisome thing about sentient artificial intelligences, if we ever truly achieve those, is how fast computers are. Software that's truly intelligent, sentient, and capable of learning, growing, could potentially outstrip humanity in anywhere from a few nanoseconds to minutes or perhaps days, depending on how fast true sentience processes, even at current computer speeds, much less whatever might be available by the time we have any truly thinking / learning A.I. software, any true sentience. (2) I'm not sure we could say modern conflicts tend to be less frequent or destructive or limited than earlier times. Or more sane than earlier times. Yes, we've probably avoided all-out war sometimes. But just look altho dictatorial powers threatening or actually waging war, such as the war, ongoing for over a year now, between two neighboring former Soviet countries, just for one dictator's fevered ambitions, when the other side hadn't committed any aggression to start a conflict. Or a certain dictator of a small Asian country bent on threatening their immediate neighbors or the US, or potentially large neighbors, all because of one man's insecurities and his cronies in power not refusing him. Or, hmm, a recent former leader with authoritarian wannabe-dictator leanings, allegedly (and likely) responsible for an attempted coup. -- In other words, even in modern times, it's still possible for crackpots and ideological / cult-like leaders and dictators to make otherwise sensible people get into war, large-scale, even, for little more than a personal grudge or ambition, wrapped in a flag of nationalism or religion, or flimsier reasons.
@boobah5643 Жыл бұрын
There's a difference between 'limited war' and 'total war.' Or 'regional war' and 'world war.' Sure, you still see some of the former of those pairs, but rather little of the latter. That more than satisfies 'modern conflicts are less frequent/destructive/limited than earlier times.' Nobody claimed there was no war.
@commiedeer Жыл бұрын
1. The logistics of what you suggest are a lot more complicated then you think. To do that as you think would require huge jumps in data transfer and storage to keep up with the volume of data a constantly learning and reincarnating need AI would need. 2. Umm YES, they ARE saner and smaller in scale. Compared to the, as Sacred Cow Shipyards would call them, our "Not Quite World Wars" that engulfed huge swaths of multiple continents where millions died and entire cities were completely demolished, we are doing quiet well. While still brutal, we have become much more precise in our application of wanton murder. Also, it's hard to see dictatorial powers as a threat in the future when they've been a constant somewhere in the world since at least the 80's and very few of them last for any length of time. Autocracies tend to have a life expectancy that mirrors the autocrat...
@darkdawnbringer Жыл бұрын
T D S it's in the brain...
@arthurdowney2846 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Nebula subscribers!
@svijj_ Жыл бұрын
Another point that is worth mentioning is the feasability of multispecies civilisations that often exist in Sci-Fi. Let's say you have an interstellar society with inhabitants of 4 different species living there. All of these species have a different amount of legs, arms, digits, optical organs, just everything. Furthermore, if a society like this is supposed to treat these species equally (like they do in aforementioned media), it would need to have 4 different types of chairs, 4 different models for clothing in stores (meaning quadruple the costs of production), completely different kinds of amenities that are essential for their existence. Those are just a few specific examples, and we're not even talking about the language barrier or the air composition of a planet. If alien life would indeed be very different, It's just very impractical and too complicated to co-exist like this
@thomassaldana2465 Жыл бұрын
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm glad your surgery went well. There's always a non-zero amount of risk, so it's good to see you not having any problems. However... It's a bit sad that you felt the need to. That thing which some people call a speech impediment is, to my mind, a charismatic accent. I listened to your videos for a few months before I ever heard that accent referred to as an impediment. It's one of the things which make you special in the KZbin community. If you want to change something about yourself, you should be allowed to, of course. #yourbodyyourchoice Just don't feel like you have to. You are what you are, and that's ok. If you do end up losing your so-called impediment, It'll make your videos that much less unique.
@nyrdybyrd1702 Жыл бұрын
Oh Issaac, you didn't have to substitute anything for the livestream; you're so kind, when I grow up, I wanna be your mitochondria. 🥰
@youdontgettoknow139 Жыл бұрын
A Wind in the Door?
@nyrdybyrd1702 Жыл бұрын
@@youdontgettoknow139 Book Two of Madeleine L'Engle's Time Quintet?. yes, I read it (🤔 gosh, two-three times, most recently) like fifteen years ago; wasn't consciously aware when I commented but 🎯, precisely. - My pleasure to make your e-cquaintance, good sir, err person; I'll leave a token of my appreciation (due to nexus non grata rumors circling KZbin) in the following reply.. here's wishing you a wonderful day/night/week/whatever. ☺️
@nyrdybyrd1702 Жыл бұрын
@thingonathinginathing Жыл бұрын
*Watches this after unprecedented UAP whistle-blower claims* What do you know sir!?
@Mustachioed_Mollusk Жыл бұрын
If ET taught me anything is keep an extra burner phone you can give to a passing alien friend. Phone home little buddy
@kobebarka8633 Жыл бұрын
An extra Sunday episode! Let’s go!!
@VisiblyPinkUnicorn Жыл бұрын
Isaac: "casually killing our kids because they irritated the aliens could have wider effects" The video: *goes full HFY*
@js70371 Жыл бұрын
How do you suppose that various Super AI’s interact with one another when they come into contact throughout the galaxy/universe?
@vapormissile Жыл бұрын
I bet the entire substrate of reality is one big solid-state AI.
@johnassal5838 Жыл бұрын
Probably a lot like in middle school
@vapormissile Жыл бұрын
@@johnassal5838 nuh uh
@AnimeShinigami13 Жыл бұрын
@johannageisel5390 Жыл бұрын
Spinning yarn and knowing about the problem of excess zucchini? You seem like a person I would want to befriend IRL.
@kratos2105 11 ай бұрын
This is one of the most exciting and scariest times in the history of mankind.
@Nemoticon Жыл бұрын
We can't even coexists with each other, never mind actual, otherworldly aliens, lol.
@boobah5643 Жыл бұрын
Yes, as all know, whenever two people meet each other, only one survives the encounter.
@MrNote-lz7lh Жыл бұрын
Honestly I think it'd be easier to coexist with something the more alien it is. Like I don't care if some wild animal has a habit of eating it's young. But I see humans committing infanticide as completely evil. To the point I'd want to see a society which practices the act in a widespread manner destroyed.
@user3141592635 Жыл бұрын
My son is also convalecent from advanced suregery now. Humans and other speices can co-operate if they set things straight I found that on the fact, that not even the alike Swear and the Gutes could co-exist, without a bloody battle to set things up. Now we are the best friends since the 800's, or something like that :) I also set up things with my elder brother in a fight. Now we are good friends.
@theedude2207 Жыл бұрын
Coexistence with Aliens....we cant even do it with our own species!
@jaydrianpieters7718 Жыл бұрын
Knowing aliens exist will force to coexist
@MrNote-lz7lh Жыл бұрын
​@@jaydrianpieters7718 Honestly I'd rather Aliens kill half of us and take over as our slave masters than coexist with a lot of people.
@MisterZimbabwe Жыл бұрын
Seems pretty easy to coexist with aliens. Like 'em? Stick around! Don't like 'em? Pick literally ANY direction other than where they're at and just ... go that way.
@Methuselah969V Жыл бұрын
When is Isaac Arthur going to be on Lex Fridman podcast?
@kinngrimm Жыл бұрын
10:22 what happened to Bob there in the back? Damn that must have been some stiff drink ^^.
@DeadInside-ew8qb Жыл бұрын
There’s always one in every group
@kinngrimm Жыл бұрын
@@DeadInside-ew8qb true :)
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