Dear Ladies, Dear Sirs, Are there any KZbin videos of this event to watch for us as German citizens ? We are very *much interested* in the *TRUE* Native + non-Native (North+ South) American history, as we have had to make the experience that the contents of A LOT of chapters in our OWN school history books of OUR generation (pupils/ students from the beginning of the 1980s to the mid of the 1990s) is sooo very much *WRONG* !!! THIS is THE FACT *even today (!!!)* in our *children's* school history books, what WE, as THE today's parents, have been *immensely* complaining about at our 3 different types of middle school (public school, grammar school, junior +senior high school). *1 Example* : the *extremely WRONG* infos we got during our OWN school time concerning "boarding/ residential schools" i.the USA+ Canada i.our school history books !!! We, as subscribers to your Y.T. channel, would be very much pleased to watch more videos of the above-mentioned event +beyond !!! Very tru(e)ly yours, Irissia+ Joerg (=Jorge) Beckmann, University City of D-48165 Muenster, North-Rhine- Westfalia (=NRW), Germany 🇩🇪 email: