Beautiful. It is a great joy to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!
@dianesnider7161Ай бұрын
Sooo true!! What a tremendous blessing ❤️
@educcacyahuillcamtc6 күн бұрын
Come Lord Jesus to the Wounded and broken heart, come lord prince of peace, Come lord Jesus great Redeemer, come to us to rule and reing, prepare us to kneel and greet thee. 😇😇😇
@czcz690513 күн бұрын
This is so beautiful ❤️. The pure voices of God's children.
@moxeyjc2 ай бұрын
What a beautiful song.
@nananellypumpkinkeafАй бұрын
So very beautiful! My favorite hymn 🎵 performed during this General Conference, I think! 💭 Love ♥️ the words and melody! 🎶
@jamesmaclean5586Ай бұрын
Yes! This marvellous gem is from the “Saviour of the World” Musical presentation…. produced around the year 2000 at a height of the creative colaberation of Gods people with the Spirit. You can hear all the music on youtube. Something this good will never be produced again until the eve of the actual New Jerusalem in my opinion.
@amandadangerfieldpianoАй бұрын
@@jamesmaclean5586Thanks for the information about it! 💜🎵
@ToddJankowski-m9r23 күн бұрын
Life changing lyrics and music. Our Great Redeemer will come and bring peace to this earth. We can help bring peace too, moment by moment. He can and will heal each of us as we trust in Him, for He is our Great God.
@epicwriter96Ай бұрын
I first heard this song in Savior of the World. I’ve loved it ever since. It was so lovely to hear it.
@ClintOverton113 күн бұрын
Perfect soundtrack for lunch breaks.
@educcacyahuillcamtcАй бұрын
My favorite song.
@jointunity74962 ай бұрын
@JaefarSABNW2 ай бұрын
AeMNWAL was one of the Aramaic (Biblical Hebrew) words for Prophet. It means who is the People's Abiding Belonging to God. MAeWNH was the word for temple upon the same principle. It is obvious that before TV, these conferences could produce life changing experiences in a way that connects them to some Book of Revelations like biblical cosmology.