Shut up take my money!! 😆😆 the first bit not swivel?
@millsixstudios4 жыл бұрын
“... add a little curb pressure which horses like” - what??! LIKE? No. Respond to? Yes. Because curb pressure is freaking intense on a horse’s mouth.
@btghorsemanship56084 жыл бұрын
Leverage and curb pressure are two different things. Curb pressure refers solely to the pressure applied to the chin groove by a curb strap. Leverage is a function of the ratio between purchase length and shank length. The greater the ratio, the greater the leverage. On a Myler bit with hooks, the ratio is 1:1, thus, no leverage, only added curb pressure. With the addition of the curb strap, some of the pressure is taken away from the mouth and shifted onto the chin groove, thus reducing the pressure on the mouth.
@serendipitouswisdom3 жыл бұрын
Hackamore, bosal, halters all work on pressure and leverage. This is for horses that have hours of groundwork and don't need you hanging on their face. These bits are fantastic niw that they have been explained. I really don't care for shank bits but these are the best of both worlds. Thank you for your explanation.