Complete Tokyo DISNEYSEA Guide for First Time Visitors

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Steven & Diep

Steven & Diep

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@rudolph_ci 3 ай бұрын
Is it true that you have to line up at the entrance at 3am to get into the new Fantasy Springs? I’m planning on going in December, will that still be the case?
@stevenanddiep 3 ай бұрын
You can get the Standby Passes and Disney Premier Access passes to get into Fantasy Springs once you enter the park. Because they run out really quickly, people line up super early so they can be one of the first to enter the park at around 8:30am. I'm not sure what it will be like in December unfortunately. It depends on how popular it is then. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
@rudolph_ci 3 ай бұрын
@@stevenanddiep No you're fine, I'm just so happy that I even got a response from you, it's an honor. I'm starting to understand the deal now with Tokyo Disney! I guess I'll keep watching your vids too to learn more.
@stevenanddiep 3 ай бұрын
@@rudolph_ci We're happy that you watch our videos and I hope they're helpful. And more importantly, I hope your enjoy your time at the park.
@007koyu 3 ай бұрын
日本語でごめんやけど、ファンタジースプリングス自体には開園時間に入っても結構大丈夫だで。 なぜならファンタジースプリングスにある4つのアトラクショのどれかのスタンバイパスかプレミアムアクセスを取れるだけでええから、人気どころのピーターパンですら朝の11時ぐらいでやっとなくなるかな?ぐらいやし、一番人気がないティンカーベルなら、午後でもワンちゃん取得できるやで〜 早く行ったほうが乗れるアトラクションの数が増えるからおすすめっちゃおすすめではあるやけど、まぁ、午前3時から並んでる「兵(つわもの)」もいるからね…結局はその時次第ではあるけど、あまり怖がらず、早くても開園1時間前でいいと思うよだで。
@devpac7861 Ай бұрын
good luck it's Nov 15 2024 and we here atm waiting times to get in FS is 3hrs long...will probably be worse in December unless you're luck...the app sucks too cause we can't even get our family in one group...sometimes we gwt paired but most times we're solo. The app is a mess...super frustrating...can't watch any shows or get on any attractions, I really feel like we paid all this money to be miserable
@jessygeorgiou5761 Ай бұрын
Ok I love this video, the information is really good AND the background music is nice and quiet, it's really hard to watch videos that have loud music when you are also trying to listen to the information and read what is on the screen. Thank you for making this and for sharing your knowledge.
@stevenanddiep Ай бұрын
Thank you for your kind words Jessy. We hope you have a fun time at DisneySea :)
@oren9106 7 күн бұрын
Seconded, nice video, good props.
@stevenanddiep 6 күн бұрын
@@oren9106 Thanks mate 🙂
@melissamolina386 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for the video! I have been looking for a video that shows the park around using the map. This was perfect! Thank you so much!
@stevenanddiep 4 ай бұрын
I'm glad you found the video helpful :) Feel free to ask any questions if there's anything that isn't clear or if I missed anything.
@noel6002 2 ай бұрын
This was so helpful! Can you show us more in depth how to get from Tokyo to the park?
@stevenanddiep 2 ай бұрын
Do you know where you will be staying in Tokyo? It depends on where you're staying. Google Maps does a pretty good job of showing you which trains to take.
@no1caresss Ай бұрын
hi!! thank you so much for the video 😊 im still a little confused about the passes. so if we get the standby passes to the rapunzel/frozen rides, after we have selected an available time do we still have to wait in line as well? is the DPA the only way we can skip a line?
@stevenanddiep Ай бұрын
hi!! yes, you will still have to wait in line but I wouldn't bother buying a DPA if you manage to get a standby pass. :)
@no1caresss Ай бұрын
@ thank you!! so nervous - i hope we get to get into frozen 😭
@stevenanddiep Ай бұрын
@@no1caresss I hope so too! Be sure to get there early so that you have a better chance 🙂
@WrathChild-NZ Ай бұрын
we sprinted straight to the indiana jones ride. 10min wait. woo
@stevenanddiep Ай бұрын
Nice one David :) Hope you didn't wait long for the other rides as well
@nilam1810 14 күн бұрын
Hi I am going Disney sea on 23rd Dec and Disney land on the 24th December can you please help me with how to get premier access to skip the queue as we have very little time and list down the thriller rides for adults and will the premier access be available for those rides. Thankyou in advance
@stevenanddiep 10 күн бұрын
You need the tokyo disney app and be inside the park to get the premier access pass. Not all the rides will have a premier access pass but the most popular rides do anyway.
@Iss2004 Ай бұрын
Can I please know if it’s a must to purchase Disney premier access to watch believe! Sea of dreams show? Or is it included in the park ticket?
@stevenanddiep Ай бұрын
You don't need to purchase the pass to see the show. The pass gives you a dedicated spot to watch the show from. :)
@Iss2004 Ай бұрын
I see. Thanks for the reply.
@yuanxu7272 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for your video. I am not sure which ticket I should purchase. Day 1 I will arrive in a hotel at Disney land in the evening, I will need to take the mono rail. Day 2, enjoying Disney sea, need to take mono rail. Day 3, enjoying Disney land, need to take mono rail. Day 4, leaving in the morning, need to take the mono rail. In my case, do I need to buy the 3 days or 4 days pass? Although I will be taking monorail over 4 different days, but I will only be using it over 72 hours period. Thank you for your clarification
@stevenanddiep 3 ай бұрын
From a quick calculation, it looks like you'll be using the monorail 6 times? If so, it would be worth it with the 3 or 4 day pass. You could get the 4 day pass, or you could buy a single fare the first day and buy a 3 day pass for the rest of your time there. I only looked at it quickly though. Your best bet is to calculate how many times you'll be taking the monorail which costs 300 yen each single ride, and compare it to the day pass cost which is 1200 yen for a 3 day pass, and 1500 yen for 4 day pass.
@pasinnk.623 3 ай бұрын
So the Toy story mania attraction is closed right now? :(
@stevenanddiep 3 ай бұрын
It was closed when we went recently this year but I heard that it might be open again.
@topitsgaming4035 2 ай бұрын
What time does the firework usually ends? We have a tight schedule 😅
@stevenanddiep 2 ай бұрын
@topitsgaming4035 the schedule changes sometime and some nights they dont even have it. Usually it lasts for 5mins. I'd say it would finish by 9pm
@Jonathanest90s 3 ай бұрын
$16 for Priority Pass? That’s not too bad for first timers like me. I’ll use it.
@stevenanddiep 3 ай бұрын
The priority passes for really popular rides can run out so you can still miss out even if you can afford it. Something to watch out for.
@IronKirton99 2 ай бұрын
Is it per ride ?
@stevenanddiep 2 ай бұрын
@@IronKirton99 It is per ride but not all rides have passes. Only the popular ones.
@Colombianita1095 2 ай бұрын
Can you purchase them in advance though? When I look at the app it says you have to be at the park 😢 👉🏼👈🏼
@stevenanddiep 2 ай бұрын
@Colombianita1095 nah sadly you can only get it once you're in the park. That's why some people line up early so they can get in first and buy the passes early 😔
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