Is it just me or was this interview somewhat awkward with the Google moderator trying to steer the conversation to CS and Limor trying to discuss hardware hacking. There didn't seem to be a lot of overlap, apart from the tinkering/discovery ethos. Maybe they might have found more common ground over the Android Open Accessory project. I mean, at one I/O, there was plenty of talk about Arduino compatibility and the potential that brings to the platform. I haven't heard much talk about that since.
@GrinsInc7 жыл бұрын
Do all elves come from the north pole?
@Bri-yk9lh Жыл бұрын
5:19 5:20 5:21
@adirmugrabi11 жыл бұрын
what?! a FEMALE in Computer Science?! and one that DOESN'T look like a dude! I'm shocked! JK, more power to you. any tips on how to help the remainder of the females in my class? currently there are less than 10% of the amount of females we had in the first year. and now more than half want to quit. and we are on the 3rd year! i have don'e my best to help them pass the tests, by tutoring them. but i just couldn't find a way to make them LOVE it, as much as i do.
@CBaggers11 жыл бұрын
@adirmugrabi11 жыл бұрын
Dude, JK means just kidding
@CBaggers11 жыл бұрын
adir mugrabi Removed it after I re-read but now I wish I hadn't. The part after the 'jk' isl part of the problem. People don't need to be MADE to love something, the general tone is patronizing, and sounds like without the help of some strong influence those poor women just won't 'get it'. And as I said in the original post, I'm sure that isn't the tone that is intended...but it is the tone that comes across. That perceived attitude can be a big negative factor to people who are trying to get into a subject. My point was that we should find ways to relate better and map more interest into this amazing field we are part of, rather than assuming that our way of enjoying the subject is the correct one. Sorry if that came across poorly. Peace
@zerocred1010 жыл бұрын
Baggers Yes it comes across badly and you should delete it again.
@zerocred1010 жыл бұрын
The fact is only about 2% males turn out to be electrical/electronic engineers, and even fewer females (you can Google more). So not everyone is interested, females less so - in general. And why should anyone be interested? Engineering and programming can so easily be outsourced along with your career. A lot of what you learn at uni and this years' hot technology will be redundant or landfill in 5-10 years. My advice to my young son will be, don't do engineering or programming unless you are exceptional. Choose medicine or law first. Keep engineering for a hobby.