Concord Review: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

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@ramdjow2882 Ай бұрын
I don’t know a whole lot of people sponsoring this game. Most people have used the phrase “dead on arrival” in the title of their videos
@just_some_greek_dude Ай бұрын
The biggest problem of this game is that its 40 bucks it really isnt all that special and unique to cost money
@JSON_bourne Ай бұрын
Most valid criticism I've seen yet. They smoking crack for that pricetag
@KaufDirGeld Ай бұрын
they take money for that slop? it would even fail if it was free and ran on a calculator, but that is total game death
@dbiii231 18 күн бұрын
40 for no micro trans, no BP, free maps and char. Everything people say a paid game should be.
@dbiii231 18 күн бұрын
If you're a destiny player you'd be super surprised how good it feels. Like the Asian lady is a solar warlock with a grenade launcher. It's fun man. Don't let the vitriol of people on the internet always direct your opinion. I do think it is a 40 dollar risk only because of the internet being the internet. It also didn't have a good debut trailer.
@Midnxx 18 күн бұрын
@@dbiii231 I might check it out, didnt even know it was made by bungie devs?
@velspy9851 Ай бұрын
This game is fun, it has issues but they aren't impossible to fix. It's really hard finding unbiased reviews on the game. People want to hate this game so bad that they cling to the problems without actually attempting to give it any credit to what it does right. Most people I've played with went in expecting it to be terrible because of that, but ended up actually enjoying it
@orkodork2764 Ай бұрын
I’ve heard most people say it’s kinda fun but it’s $40 and it’s nothing special. Also people think the character designs r bland and lame, which is subjective, but I kinda agree
@iph2 Ай бұрын
i enjoyed it too the crew system needs chnage though. its dumb that you need to die on characters you dont want to play to upgrade your main
@velspy9851 Ай бұрын
@@orkodork2764 I agree with all of these things, I just like the gameplay and athestetic outside characters
@velspy9851 Ай бұрын
@@iph2 crew system sucks
@orkodork2764 Ай бұрын
@@velspy9851yeah actual gamplay and abilities look decent. I think the turn off is the $40 price tag. There’s so many free shooters out rn, it’s hard to justify playing and purchasing this one
@Raining_Potatoes Ай бұрын
Genuinely one of the most sauce less games I've ever seen
@B1argB1arg Ай бұрын
Based off the population of the beta. It’ll collapse in 6-12 months 😂 Edit: Looks like I was 6-12 months off in my prediction.
@mrmeownandez732 Ай бұрын
Yeah this game seems like it's taking itself too serious. Like they seem focused on skill gap and stuff which will always drive away casuals thus making the game less fun foe the people who do play. Kinda the vicious cycle of games over the last 5 years
@saverx1775 Ай бұрын
i give it 1
@rundown132 Ай бұрын
@stephenmisener1659 Ай бұрын
Less id say. I dont think itll even get enough players at launch to be sustainable.
@mrmeownandez732 Ай бұрын
@stephenmisener1659 betas are supposed to be good for marketing the game but this beta is having the opposite effect 🤣
@Shay_D_Mann Ай бұрын
Built by the former Destiny team is not exactly a selling point for someone who's had to deal with their extreme incompetence in Destiny's PvP Crucible mode for the past 10 years. Destiny PvP is downright awful and is actively avoided by players, new and old, and people only engage with the mode when they absolutely have to. And this is coming from a guy with a 2 k/d in Destiny.
@BalkanGames Ай бұрын
I'm completely baffled by the fact that Bungie decided to keep the Crucible for Destiny 2. It was already a waste of resources in Destiny 1.
@Shay_D_Mann Ай бұрын
@@BalkanGames It’s to keep their PvP junkies quiet. They are a very vocal minority who are delusional, think they are good at PvP even though they’re all trash (D2 PvP players comprise of rejects from other titles), and act entitled when they are really should stfu. If Bungie ignores them too much, they cause PR disasters for the brand. If Bungie ignores them just the right amount, Bungie can actually work on what sells D2 - the PvE - without wasting too much resources on PvP. Bungie keeps working on PvP to keep their PvP junkies quiet, even if their PvP balancing comes at the detriment of Destiny PvE. PvP would have been a worthwhile game mode if it weren’t for the same devs working on Concord right now. It’s one thing to give people second chances but these former Bungie devs are the worst of the worst.
@jaylenpledger4214 Ай бұрын
I like the pop in destiny. I just think you shouldn't be able to bring raid weapons into it. It's just not fair at that point. If you can't get a weapon off drop, it shouldn't be allowed in the crucible.
@AlegendArises Ай бұрын
@@BalkanGamesPvP went about 3 years without a meaningful content update. It should’ve been done a long time ago but they keep it alive. It’s a horrible experience these days 😂
@Shay_D_Mann Ай бұрын
@@cheehee808_ Balancing isn't even the core issue. A highly unbalnaced game can still be fun if that game is fundamentally good. D2 PvP is NOT fundamentally good. The terribly built maps, the stupid aggressive sbmm, punishing losses in Trials where some PvE gear is locked behind some some stupid reason (which in a looter shooter is the lasting thing it needed), the gameplay loop is terrible (in contrast to PvE's gameplay loop), and worst of all, aspects of PvE got nerfed for PvP - this is literally why Titans are useless in comparison to the other classes. The PvP cooks at Bungie just did not cook at all. And D2 PvP has never played "good" ever. It doesn't matter what you compare D2 PvP against, crap is crap.
@L3RK Ай бұрын
Honestly it looks like a cross between paladins and lawbreakers.
@majortom331 Ай бұрын
It is like a spiritual successor to lawbreakers in a way.
@abendroid Ай бұрын
The Good : Gameplay The Bad : Gamers are ignoring it The Ugly : The character roster Verdict : DOA
@captainRogue41 Ай бұрын
The Good: Nothing The Bad: Game The Ugly: All in game
@wentoneisendon6502 Ай бұрын
They / them - instant no buy
@the_doot_slayer7015 Ай бұрын
Nah, the gameplay looks boring tbh
@semitope 18 күн бұрын
Join the crew of the Concord..... To fight the crew of the Concord.....
@VaneWalker Ай бұрын
It's nice to see someone appreciate the games aesthetics and designs. Personally, I just have no interest in Hero shooters with abilities. I don't want to play as a wacky character designed for people to get parasocially attached to. I don't want to deal with predefined load-outs and abilities. If I was in the market for this type of experience I probably would take more time to appreciate the art and characters, but as it is everything justs looks too annoying and busy.
@hamza-chaudhry Ай бұрын
Completely agree with both your points
@republicofsandles 8 күн бұрын
Goodbye Concord.
@widowedhen4998 Ай бұрын
some of the characters look cool but too much of the cast looks like board room, chemically made sludge. Gameplay wise, i am not seeing what i would like in terms of FPS inspiration. I would be more interested if it took some gunplay and movement from quake/unreal tournament
@ccricers Ай бұрын
I've seen the characters compared to the show Farscape which is probably the nicest thing I've read about the characters.
@corymartini4658 Ай бұрын
I'm fairly certain gamers log on to escape social commentary and the real world. The second it gets put in, they go back to their games that don't care about any of the white noise of the real world.
@AGoofyGoober75 Ай бұрын
It is true media such as games can act as a form of escapism, but simultaneously media and art offer social commentary on the real world. Sometimes it's more subtle or virtually non-existent, other times it's strong. Good art gets us to think and having social commentary makes the worlds feel more immersive because they are to some degree relatable. If someone doesn't like the inclusion of pronouns, they can just ignore it because it's a minor detail. But ultimately, our creations are going to include aspects of human life, including politics, rather people admit it or not.
@corymartini4658 Ай бұрын
None of these topics were present in video games prior 2016/17. I'm certain Super Mario Bros/Zelda/Metroid etc were designed with fun in mind, not social commentary. Nobody ever complained about their artistic direction or social impact. Just fun.
@AGoofyGoober75 Ай бұрын
@@corymartini4658 Yes certain political topics are more recent but I mean social commentary exists in all forms of media and isn't mutually exclusive with fun. Take Skyrim as an example. The main quest, the civil war quest, and the lore definitely touch on nationalism, racism and anti imperialist resistance between the Nords the Empire and the High Elves. Or a more recent example take Ghost of Tushima and its commentary on dogmatic obedience to traditional norms such as honor and its critique of conformity. These things don't strip fun from the game. Other games, like the ones you mentioned, don't have that, and that's okay. But my point stands that social commentary in gaming has always been a significant aspect.
@corymartini4658 Ай бұрын
@AGoofyGoober75 and I will wholly agree that The Elder Scrolls touches on deep social issues as a focal point of its story while also being addicting and fun. Learning of the lore is part of the fun in those games. Shoe horning pronouns into a game about shooting each other seems out of place and adds nothing to the experience. Concord isn't a game about Nationalism, racism, civil war, or dogmatic obedience to traditional norms.
@grutsthefoodman3645 Ай бұрын
​@@corymartini4658 are you gonna act like metal gear solid hasn't been kojimas political mouth piece for 30 plus years
@EliasBremer 28 күн бұрын
One thing that people don’t seem to know which will increase everyone movement speed is the crew passive bonus system. Each of the six role (like anchor, tactician etc) have 1 passive ability that will activate when you die as a character of that role and will persist for you through out the rest of the game/match. The Haunt role will give you increased movement speed so as long as you start with a haunt and then, you will have increase movement speed on any character you play. I’m guessing though that this doesn’t work in modes with no respawn..
@gleebybooer Ай бұрын
I think the game look surprisingly good and super fun. But it’s gonna have a hard time since it’s $40 in a world where Overwatch, Warzone, Apex, and Destiny are all free.
@bulmascoffee Ай бұрын
destiny shouldnt be on the list of "free" since u have to pay to actually play the relevent parts of the game the free part is jsut doing stupid fetch quest with nothing to actually aim for
@gleebybooer Ай бұрын
@@bulmascoffee yeah true, I never have played the free version I stopped okaying before it went F2P
@TrickyJebus 8 күн бұрын
Game is SHutting Down around September 6th
@Aerb931 28 күн бұрын
im a bit disappointed i missed the Destinywatch beta. i didn't see any advertisements for it. i wonder if that says something about their promotion
@JoshsTesla Ай бұрын
As a Destiny 2 enjoyer myself, Destiny's PvP gameplay is so much more fluid and much faster than this game. I disagree about this game being a mix of Overwatch/Destiny since both of those games have much faster movement and have ultimate's, which surprises me why a hero shooter like Concord wouldn't at least have ultimate's for each character. Long time fan of the channel, keep doing the lord's work Drift0r!
@Xerodm Ай бұрын
Bad character designs and PVP from Destiny vets when Destiny PVP is horrible. Good combo.
@mrmeownandez732 Ай бұрын
This looks like their version of valorant. Tbh kinda tired of hero games I love the idea of slow but in hero games the meta always becomes movement characters. These games always start out fun when people are learning and having fun. After a few seasons too many characters come out and the meta becomes unfun
@DJ-wl5qo Ай бұрын
OK but WHY did they take Mei and make her into a fat dude?
@kevingonzalez-james6421 Ай бұрын
You know why 😏
@DJ-wl5qo Ай бұрын
@@kevingonzalez-james6421 can’t even have decent looking chubby characters anymore smdh
@blacklightredlight2945 Ай бұрын
The closest to mei is the robot, Daw isn't anything like mei
@DJ-wl5qo Ай бұрын
@@blacklightredlight2945Aesthetically I meant. Unless a morbidly obese scientist guy ISN’T a ripoff somehow
@garretwoeller7669 Ай бұрын
I gave this game the benefit of the doubt and then I played it and it was awful like there was massive input delay on M&K
@haasithgarapati8261 Ай бұрын
Whoa this is the first review I’ve seen that likes the character design. I personally thought the character design was good as well (7/10) but was really surprised by how much hate they got online. I can understand some people arguing it’s more of a 6/10 since I personally feel the introduction voicelines and the voicelines in general are weaker compared to games like Overwatch, but people are acting like these are 2/10 or 1/10 character designs. Idk if this massive negative reaction is bigotry against groups that many of the concord characters fit in or if it’s something else, but I can see what the developers were going for and I agree that they accomplished their goal. They seem dedicated to creating a futuristic and cool fictional universe that is within the real of believability, and the character designs reflect that. Like in a big wide universe where billions of humans exist everywhere, you’re definitely gonna have black, Latino, Asian, White, Robotic, and Alien mercenaries with some looking scrappy and bulky and others looking more fashionable. Weirdly enough, Concord has some of the most realistic sci-fi character design in any shooter I’ve seen (which is kind of a paradox since sci-fi is inherently unrealistic but you get what I mean). Anyways nice review; glad to see another like minded individual who can appreciate the intention behind the character designs.
@TheForever206 Ай бұрын
Considering pc/console matchmaking is turned off by default and judging by pc current player base. I expect this game to be DOA on pc. Console might have a chance, but i wouldn't bet on it. My guess is the game will be dead in a few months like Foamstars.
@gleebybooer Ай бұрын
@@TheForever206 its only on PS store/windows as well :( I would really only play it in xbox bc my pc is not good enough, probably others in the same boat
@dieaking6475 Ай бұрын
Yeah but you can play in cross tho
@EricOosenbrug 27 күн бұрын
If the main concern with this game is the gravity (slow falling), why should we despair? Isnt tweaking gravity a relatively simple change that could be made post-launch? Im not sure why we're sweating the small stuff here. I love the idea of a "more casual Overwatch" - im sold on that, and the fantastic character design!
@viccsi Ай бұрын
I love the slower movement speed. Not EVERYTHING movement-wise i gameplay has to be on steroids like "the kids" are used to in games today . . . The movement speed here for me was refreshing
@shy8054 22 күн бұрын
I actually thinks most titles are too slow in my tastes. I want true movment arena shooters. Something like Titanfall or Lawbreakers. Midair/Tribes with skating was also cool. I think having big health pools is ok if the movement matches it. So engagements are more about skill.
@viccsi 22 күн бұрын
@@shy8054 i really loved Titanfall
@Audiot4pe Ай бұрын
Twisted Metal died for this. Sony made a huge mistake ditching TM for another run of the mill hero shooter, especially with how surprisingly well the show did in 2023.
@paulkdragon 18 күн бұрын
3:35 on the topic of charcter designs there's 1 character that looked like Yondu from Guardians of the galaxy only with a diffrent colour
@jakecarroll4603 Ай бұрын
I appreciate the fact game knowledge seems more important than shooting which is odd to get used to but it makes you feel great when you play your character right (yes I do firmly believe there is a right and wrong way to play each)
@evilaccel9259 18 күн бұрын
Farscape is old, but it doesn't feel like it. It has the charm of its time, but nothing that makes it seem old like the older version of Doctor Who or even the early 2000s version of Doctor Who.
@zapyoug Ай бұрын
Happy to see you back driftor! Shame to see a pretty solid review of a seemingly eeeeehhhh game attracted all the cranks but comments are good for the yt algorithm. Hence another comment
@Drift0r Ай бұрын
Thank you for a wholesome algo boost :)
@alexstein5116 20 күн бұрын
I understand why they want to push the search and destroy mode, what with the success of valorant and cs2. They know that comp esports brings in money, but they also have the chance to fill the void overwatch 2 left where people want a fun hero shooter.
@Henbot Ай бұрын
Great review drift
@DjWhiteSpider Ай бұрын
between Overwatch & Paladins
@BlackOni Ай бұрын
Great video bro! The health bars are INDEED waaaaaay too much health, TTK is way too long. Aesthetics are amazing, character variety is awesome, the respawn modes are fun. The UI and "hidden systems" look nice, but it doesn't give enough info on glance. There's also a lot of moments where if you sprint, and aim, it doesn't aim sometimes and it just cancels both actions. Hard to explain, but it feels like it glitches when you sprint and aim. Also agreed on the healer classes. They feel TERRIBLE to play. Maybe there should be healing over time, even if its slow, cuz like you mentioned, I see a TON of people hovering around health packs. No one plays healers cuz they just offer small amounts of healing over long periods of time, and their kits are not great.
@JadeTaylorButAtWork Ай бұрын
so is this what happens when guardians of the galaxy and overwatch have a baby?
@Drift0r Ай бұрын
@iskabin Ай бұрын
Game is a mix of failures (Destiny PvP and OW), compete in a saturated market (hero shooters) and has a DEI culture into it, we all know where it'll lead. In a couple months nobody will remember this crap
@llama62 Ай бұрын
Go watch birth of a nation
@iskabin Ай бұрын
@@llama62 1915 or 2016?
@Henbot Ай бұрын
Think BF was the first game that allowed you to reload whilst sprinting. It so good when you can
@rodrigoshimonishi Ай бұрын
Nice to see you man! You could come with some old games casual matches sometime!! Like COD MW or any other one!! Greetings!!
@evilaccel9259 18 күн бұрын
I think the problem with this game is the fact that there's way too many of its type. This type of game is-was popular, but it's getting old.
@Pack52022 Ай бұрын
Never seen a more ugly set of video game character designs in my entire gaming life
@steveluna1627 Ай бұрын
I dunno but it looks ugly and generic as hell. And the fact that it doesn't have major bugs doesn't mean it's actually good, specially when there's better games that are free (like overwatch or valorant). Overall the mediocre design and woke pandering is a sure way to know this game will be forgotten in less than a year just like foamstars, I mean lawbreakers was way more different and it didn't even cut it because the market is supersaturated with hero shooters.
@sandwhicheater 17 күн бұрын
i dont think gamers even know what birth of a nation is
@macmeezy4869 Ай бұрын
Chit looc like paladins used to play it wit my nephew
@TheGXDivider Ай бұрын
The DEI is strong in this game. Wouldnt be surprised to see it addes to Sweet Baby inc detected steam group.
@aaronmannofficial Ай бұрын
Great review! Looks interesting. I’ve been really into the finals lately so always looking for other hero shooters.
@javiermarrerro9508 Ай бұрын
Everyone’s hating lol but I had a great time in the beta. Excited to play it when it comes out.
@saloz9483 18 күн бұрын
Im sorry did you just say whoever design the character should get a bonus? Yea no disagree they ether should be fired or never allowed to design a character again. All of these characters are some of the worst designs iv seen. Also using the farscape pictures didn't help. I know nothing about farscape but just going by visuals alone that chiana character looks miles better than whatever that thing from this game.
@Predi12 Ай бұрын
Looks like an ai generated neon vomit dei heroshooter stretched over destiny 2-s pvp.
@majortom331 Ай бұрын
What is woke ?
@Mayhemz.95 Ай бұрын
played a few hours and once i found a few heroes i gelled with i am actually having a really good time playing with my cousin and brother
@JSON_bourne Ай бұрын
Thanks for dropping am acrually hoenst review!
@Al0neStillAlive Ай бұрын
The good (the low player count), the bad (the gameplay), and the ugly (the characters)
@joanromba6972 Ай бұрын
It doesn't have a chance being not F2P.
@OhBronco Ай бұрын
Has the game received lots of promotion though? Last week was the first ive heard of this game, and 0 of my friends have either, and hero shooters is all we currently play. Shame that the characters look awful, because the graphics and gameplay do look solid.
@PointToBlank89 Ай бұрын
Is this really what FPS players want? I don't know... maybe I'm in minority... But I would really like to see someone try and shake the COD throne...
@thedub007 Ай бұрын
XDefiant isn't doing it for you? Some annoying things in the game sure, but it scratches the CoD multiplayer itch nicely for me.
@PointToBlank89 Ай бұрын
@@thedub007 why ty bro, completely forgot about it. Playing it now, so far so good
@user-c3jdf9lylzse Ай бұрын
what throne? valorant and cs are sitting on that throne.
@mindfortress105 Ай бұрын
Lets name out video game after an airplane
@TheSpawnTrapper Ай бұрын
I think Marvel Rivals has a much better shot than Concord does even though Concord looks decent. But that's ultimately not gonna cut it in 2024.
@nims5537 Ай бұрын
The character designs are just horrible and 40 is too expensive for a game that seems less fun than Paladins
@Bloodklot Ай бұрын
I pretty much agree with everything you said. I still had fun, but I think $40 is a bit high. I think $20 is prob a more accurate price range. I think they’d get more people playing this game at that cost. Because you can’t sell season passes and micro transactions is no one is even playing. Btw, the auto captions wrote, “Destiny esque” 😂
@TheNordCourier Ай бұрын
So it's just overwatch but every character just a reskinned character than already exists from other IP's
@SvenJohansen91 Ай бұрын
The good: DOA
@GBHorizon Ай бұрын
This should have been F2P
@N.A.69 8 күн бұрын
Aaaand shut down.
@williamalvarez707 Ай бұрын
well I was curious about this game...not anymore though, thanks for the video, great analysis btw
@petejunior7075 Ай бұрын
I feel like when they started development on this game this genre was popular but now it’s died down
@sk84lyfe1211 Ай бұрын
The graphics and style don’t look too bad. I have no interest in games like this tho so it’s hard to want to try the beta because I know I won’t spend money on this type of experience. Massively different healths/character sizes (hit box size), different character movements, every character having a different weapon/no create a class are all big turn offs to me in an fps game. Edit: they could have rebooted Socom but instead we are getting this
@Pat-The-Fat Ай бұрын
Hey drift, I wanted to give you feedback about this thumbnail and thumbnails for game reviews. Just based on the thumbnail (at least to me) the game looks uninteresting/ uninspiring. It kinda looks like fortnite because of the high contrast where as i.e. Jackfrag's thumbnail for this game got my interest and watched his video. I love you but just giving constructive feedback.
@Drift0r Ай бұрын
I will take this to heart
@5hane9ro Ай бұрын
I think I'd rather play something like the Socom Confrontation or Killzone 2 fan servers instead of this crap. Hell, I'll just play more destiny 2, the PvP is better concord in almost every way.
@crasyman101 Ай бұрын
Overwatch reload cancelled with melee and so did destiny so you can probably do the same in this game
@callofdutyfreak10123 Ай бұрын
5:05 💀💀💀
@Drift0r Ай бұрын
Smart person identified!
@callofdutyfreak10123 Ай бұрын
@@Drift0rnah, I just haven’t heard that title since my grandpa died 12 years ago 💀
@MountKash1 Ай бұрын
​@@Drift0ryou can stack your characters perks as you switch through them within a match. So you can use a character like IT-Z first. Then when you die, you can select a different character and their movement speed will be increased because of the faster character used before them. If you used a fast reload or max ammo character prior to that last character you selected. It's also have that perk too. You can basically make your favorite character more OP in a sense. People don't realize these things. Throwing a fast movement character into you selection loop will help the game not feel "slow."
@MountKash1 Ай бұрын
​@@Drift0rAlso, you can stack up to 6 characters bonus perks i believe (may be 8). I usually average between 2 to 4 depending on who's available to select through in the match. I pretty much combo IT-Z or BAZZ with every match just to make sure I make all my other selections throughout that match move around quicker. The game wants you to use different characters. & you're rewarded by doing so. You get to share perks, learn/get better/good with more characters & it counts towards XP at the end of the match. People don't even realize this because they try to only choose 1 character throughout the entire match. So if they solely pick slow characters each match. They think the game just always moves at that speed. Not knowing they can use a character like IT-Z to make others move quicker.
@trabant3060 Ай бұрын
Does it have to be the Directors cut because that sounds like a good deal.
@molochz 19 күн бұрын
The Destiny movement and animations are a deal breaker for me. No thanks.
@onlyyoucanstopevil9024 28 күн бұрын
@walker193356 Ай бұрын
Game is amazing. 22hours so far
@Vokoca Ай бұрын
I'm not the biggest fan of the character designs (I just don't think this specific aesthetic is for me, I did not grow up with these shows so it doesn't do much for me), but I have to say seeing all these people in the comments extremely butthurt because pronouns got mentioned is really funny. I didn't even know pronouns were mentioned in the game but that sure does explain a lot about the reception of the game. Great and measured review and it gave me new appreciation for the art style since I didn't make the connection myself. Keep up the great work!
@MeRenegade Ай бұрын
It looks fun from the gameplay footage.
@GalletaGalletosa Ай бұрын
The game is very fun, love the weight of it
@WhenUgottaViBeUgottaViBe Ай бұрын
It's nice to see your healthy enough to be uploading a lil more frequently missed watching you and don't mention it to him but xclusiveace don't tempt me like you do
@GreenFoo72 Ай бұрын
Looks like a new gen Paladin tbh
@hairypotter259 19 күн бұрын
Measured response
@Spezifischable Ай бұрын
For some reason the actual beta runs really bad on pc. Even in your gameplay I can see the framrate dropping all the time.
@Drift0r Ай бұрын
To be fair, I and also dual streaming and dual capturing on the same PC that I run the game on
@therealbladepacino07 17 күн бұрын
If they want this game to have a chance they better nerf and fix with an update quickly or this game will die faster.
@actrue9712 Ай бұрын
When is that marvel hero shooter supposed to come out?
@anonymousalligator7994 Ай бұрын
Not sure about the actual release, but the beta for it is out now
@actrue9712 Ай бұрын
@@anonymousalligator7994 ahh okay
@spiralzzz3and419 Ай бұрын
You get to play as the background characters in guardians of the galaxy...
@Drift0r Ай бұрын
@WeasyMac 18 күн бұрын
The Bad, The Bad, & The Ugly
@eternal_napalm6442 Ай бұрын
Dead on arrival. I bet The First Descendent has sold more ultimate Bunny skins than there are people who played this free beta 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
@gameon_ct Ай бұрын
@kintsugi3932 Ай бұрын
The game is literally from Destiny pvp team and you still have overtards calling it overwatch.
@GonzalezJio Ай бұрын
I think the game is fun. Reminds me of Black ops 3 with a mix of valorant
@chrishudson9525 Ай бұрын
The design looks very generic, frankly. Looks like they took inspiration from people they saw at Walmart...
@DerekEklund Ай бұрын
Sony first party in charge of FPS.
@dbiii231 18 күн бұрын
This is the most real review so far. Everyone else talking about it is not just talkikg about the game.
@YxngTexas Ай бұрын
Looks like a pretty fun game overall still… might have to give it a try!
@CrocodileWhispers Ай бұрын
People only hating on this because everyone else is. I thought it was pretty good
@Darkeus1 Ай бұрын
The character design is horrendous. I don't know what you are smoking man. It is just not a good game.
@doomham7652 Ай бұрын
Destiny 2 x Siege
@majortom331 Ай бұрын
I knew I wasn't the only one that got Farscape vibes from the alien designs ! I really like it for that reason alone.
@Jacko0_0 26 күн бұрын
When everyone in a room is telling you your wrong and your answer is "no I'm not". I hate to tell you but at that point it's no longer up to you. Funny you used the term butt hurt. When the whole video screams butt hurt.
@Drift0r 26 күн бұрын
Bad logic. The entire room can very much so be wrong.
@Jacko0_0 26 күн бұрын
@Drift0r lol. Spoken like a man who thinks he's never been wrong.
@Jacko0_0 26 күн бұрын
@@Drift0r btw this is not based on logic. It's a matter of opinion.
@Jacko0_0 7 күн бұрын
Sooooo what you think today now that this masterpiece has fallen, along with your credibility?
@MountKash1 Ай бұрын
The thing is, the game is actually good and fun. The game is getting a lot of unwarranted hate & being held to standards that other games are held to. •Treating this game as though it has to be something completely different to anything else out there (can't look like anything or play even remotely close to anything else out there. Not even a little bit). While other games aren't being held to those same standards. & while the game actually does have things about it that do make it different from other games. They're being ignored or treated like it's not enough. •idiot's telling people not to play it because they're calling it "woke." Not caring that the game is actually good & fun. Just hating because of their own personal bias and agenda. •People refusing to play it & just calling it trash just because it's not free to play. Feeling like they'll force Playstation to make it go F2P. •Playstation gamers that only want Playstation to make Single Player games. Just blindly & ridiculously want PS multiplayer games to fail. •People that just don't like Hero Shooters in general. I personally am not a fan of hero shooters but this game is great. Concord & Shatterline are 2 hero shooters that i actually really like. •Then there's the people that don't know how to play it. Don't realize different characters movement speed & abilities are all different. Don't know you can stack bonus perks amongst your selected characters throughout a match etc. Or just aren't good, getting beat in every match so they just call it trash. •Then there's just the PS hates that are just gonna hate & spread misinformation about the game hoping people listen. This game has a lot of unnecessary crap being held against it. All completely distressing that the game is actually good & fun. Smh
@DAOG1 Ай бұрын
A lot of words for a kids game 🤣
@MountKash1 Ай бұрын
@@DAOG1 a whole lot of hate for a "kids game" 🤷🏽‍♂️🫤
@yungjoemighty879 Ай бұрын
It looks fun
@Twophones0415 Ай бұрын
i was smoking people people. you're the best and most informative
I tried 'Concord' at launch...
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