Necesito entrar por BIOS pero no tengo el password, alguien sabe como entrar a la BIOS sin password?
@angelmeneses61933 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this!, It's good material... I have this one at the office but recently it crashed due to an electricity shutdown. When I connect to the serial COM port shows: "BIOS Loading ... Init BootBus ... done init DD3... Press Ctrl + A to show DDR details.. en: 1, clkf: 11, p11_MHz: 550, ddr_hertz: 550000000, error: -17000000, best_error: 533000000 Measured DDR clock 533314908 Initializing DDR interface 0, DDR Clock 533314908, DDR Reference clock 50000000, CPUID 0x000d900a row bits: 15, col bits: 10, banks: 8, ranks 2, dram width: 8 size: 4096 MB {MORE LINES OF INFO} ROM start." And the sequence starts again in a loop. Additionally, the port LEDs don't turn on. I think it's a BIOS issue... What can I do? Thank you in advance for your help Thavan! Do you have a new subscriber already