Cooperation: global goods, rules, institutions - The New World (Dis) Order (EP 9) - with Alex Stubb

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STG Series

STG Series

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In this episode of the New World (Dis)Order, Professor Alex Stubb delves into the final chapter of part 3, chapter 9, exploring the interplay between competition, conflict and cooperation.
In this latest instalment, he especially focuses on three major points: global goods, global rules and global institutions.
- In memory of President Martti Ahtisaari (1937-2023), Nobel Peace laureate -
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@Carla93-93 7 ай бұрын
Congratulations President Stubb! 💙🤍
@lucimicle5657 7 ай бұрын
Congratulations Mr. President! 🎉
@breandennolan7216 7 ай бұрын
Congratulations President Stubb! Don't think we'll be seeing these videos anytime soon tear😢
@fruitenantcolonel9207 7 ай бұрын
Congratulations President Stubb🫡🇫🇮
@alext2664 7 ай бұрын
Congrats on your new position! Hopefully you'll be back to enhance the discourse with even greater perspective! Cheers!
@garruksson 7 ай бұрын
Now president of Finland! 🎉🎉🎉
@terremoto6663 5 ай бұрын
Well deserved. I'm proud to have found his videos long ago and being amazed by the clarity of the arguments and the logics behind his reasoning and how concisely he formulated his thoughts. I'm not a Finn never followed Finnish politics and was amazed to find out that Alex Stubb is now the president 😮
@gestaltmoldova 7 ай бұрын
Congrats! Your win makes me personally very happy. Been watching your videos for 2 years and I prefer more academically structured material than other ones
@Oikonomos12 7 ай бұрын
@bbbart77 7 ай бұрын
I am glad to see someone who has all the answers in charge of Finland.
@calinoprea8190 7 ай бұрын
not sure Alex will still read comments on youtube, but congratulations!
@kyleklunk6333 7 ай бұрын
its not often I hear people mention that they believe everything is connected! Thank you saying that! With systems thinking at work. Great Video as always Mr Stubb!
@tekannon7803 9 ай бұрын
What an excellent idea to get the fluff out of your new book! Yes; to do these presentations gives you the chance to have feedback and to improve on your ideas.
@banesovilj 9 ай бұрын
The last chapter, in addition to its excellent organization, seems to have a way more attractive content (which is literally closer to Earth and farther from ideological/axiological viewpoints). I can't wait to learn about the conclusions and predictions in more detail. Great job, as always, and big thanks!
@Karkkuss 9 ай бұрын
@aaron2709 9 ай бұрын
Very good. Now I see what the other chapters were building to. We are a species of tribes and every tribe wants recognition and representation on the world stage. It's the same problem we constantly negotiate on the smaller scales of village (with families and individuals), cities and countries.
@paulvalentine4157 9 ай бұрын
"every tribe wants recognition and representation on the world stage" Really? I don't think so, I think each tribe mostly wants to be left alone except for an occasional trade. Perhaps you are bringing your bias into that assumption.
@aaron2709 9 ай бұрын
Humans are a social species so yes, really. Perhaps you are bringing some of your own bias and assumptions.@@paulvalentine4157
@RightSideNews 9 ай бұрын
I've enjoyed the series.
@viper5006 7 ай бұрын
Congratulations on your win Alex or should I say President Stubb.
@ThanosAverroes 7 ай бұрын
Congratulation President Stubb ! I'm happy to see a reasonable and intelligent man come in power. Don't hesitate to educate our president Emmanuel Macron.
@Jhon-xj2em 7 ай бұрын
@masterchinese28 9 ай бұрын
India now has the largest population in the world. It's a fair question, if you are Indian, to ask "why are we not a permanent member of the Security Council?"
@deborahhebblethwaite1865 9 ай бұрын
And so you should be🇨🇦
@rakadus 9 ай бұрын
Let's not get entangled in "global power games" with 800 million people taking free food from the state. Might be once our per capita GDP reaches USD 10,000.
@blafonovision4342 9 ай бұрын
Good question. Better question: why is there still a United Nations?
@jjd6137 9 ай бұрын
Japan and India have been heading a push for reform to the permanent membership of the UN Security Council. I also believe Japan and India should be on it. But China and Russia would be against it as it would potentially push the balance of votes towards the U.S., France and UK, which might result in them using UNSC resolutions to fulfill national interests rather than the greater good for the rest.
@jjd6137 9 ай бұрын
@@blafonovision4342the UN is pivotal, without it, there would be no focal point for international cooperation and resolutions. We’d be going back to a 19th century Europe scenario of a concert of powers. We all know what happened in 1914. The UN might not always work, but it is pivotal in allowing states to come together, discuss issues, and try to shape international norms of conflict management and peace.
@zacharydavis4398 9 ай бұрын
Please tell us that Alex Stubb will meet the American presidential requirements/etc in the year(s) to come 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 Alex Stubb for president in a future election 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾PLEASE… we need you post 2028 💯🙏🏾 especially for what is to come in 2024 thru that Presidential term 💔we’re entering another high risk period for the chance of another blip in modern American history … which may not be considered a blip at that point but a trend 💔 Do what you need to do to become President in America… consult with someone such as but not limited to: Arnold Swarzenegger on processes🙏🏾 Do it for the alliances and beyond 🙏🏾 STRONGER TOGETHER 💯💯💯💯💯💯
@bofink5377 9 ай бұрын
Hey, for Your info, Alex Stubb is today first in line of the candidates, running for Precident of Finland. The elections are in end of January. Your idea is very good, but he might be unavailable for Your precidency for six or twelve years. 😉🎉🎄🤶🇫🇮🇪🇺
@bcanuck 9 ай бұрын
Zachary, I don't believe he would enjoy that job. He's too intelligent and well intentioned.
@ThePrimaFacie 4 ай бұрын
I was wondering why I wasn't seeing more vids. and Im just now realizing. Congratulations best of luck
@ramilaj 9 ай бұрын
The regional representation is a great idea. My suggestion would be to remove Veto power all together. The role of the security council has to change. It has a role of enforcing security. Membership, therefore, should take into consideration military power. Its role should be more about the enforcement of the rules than the establishment of said rules. When it comes to rules based global order, representation should be based on fair criteria: population, economic output, contribution to global trade, scientific output (maybe)… This could be done within the GA or smaller regionally representative bodies within the UN. The global order today is based on the balance of military power. This leads to many dysfunctions. Including other elements of power into the balance will help in the establishment of a more balanced UN.
@nunyabusiness863 9 ай бұрын
You're right in that the veto should be removed for all parties to give the council teeth and democratic movement. However, a nation could then simply walk away from the council if they want to go agaibst its decisions. Regional representation wont work because there are no offical "regions" the way stubbs suggests. What effects venezuela may not effect chile, or what effects india may not effect pakistan. The "region" will never approve a rep from another nation to represent it. That would require some sort of regional vote which will never happen and will result in deadlock. Thats a nonstarter and shortsighted of Alex. And sadly no one will count science, tech, or any other factor as high as ballistic persuasions. Im afraid the world doesnt work that way. We need global powers to help sway more tyrannical govts. For instance, think about where north and south korea, the Phillipines, israel, syria would be without their more powerful allies.
@88HaZZarD88 7 ай бұрын
Congrats 🇪🇺🇫🇮🇮🇹
@Catinkontti 8 ай бұрын
This guy might be next President of my country, Finland.
@naukkarais 8 ай бұрын
hopefully not
@Catinkontti 7 ай бұрын
your hope did not come true then@@naukkarais
@naukkarais 6 ай бұрын
@juhamattila 7 ай бұрын
Hyviä rationaalisa videoita. Nämä videot muutti mun näkemystä susta ja hyvä niin. Toivottavasti susta tulee Salen ja Maran veroinen pressa.
@alexanderthegreat5519 9 ай бұрын
Totally agree with you that the Security Council needs representation from all continents. Why the same 5 countries?
@imnotanalien7839 9 ай бұрын
Who votes where aid goes? (Billions). Who votes where to intervene in conflicts? It should be PAY to play! What continent receives the most benefits from the aid givers? Should countries that do not give a penny in aid, but receives great benefits be on the permanent security council? The fox guarding the henhouse so to speak. The countries not on the permanent security council can start their own NGO. Why don’t they? Because they want money, they don’t want to give money! Who is helping Somalia, Congo/Rwanda conflict… who is giving aid to those countries in the Middle East. Why isn’t South Africa giving aid to other African countries….? They just received 10 billion from a UN affiliate. Why should they be on the permanent security council voting on which countries get the next 10 billion! That money is EARNED by other people… ie U.S. taxpayers. People are totally insensitive to the people, who year after year, decade after decade are giving these dictator run countries their hard earned billions of tax dollars…dismissing them totally as unimportant victims in this UN story. The U.S. should not give one more penny than China does (and you can’t count the belt and road as aid to foreign countries, China draws blood in resources and interest in return)! I think that is why US taxpayers are FINALLY paying attention to the draining of their tax dollars to the UN.
@bcanuck 9 ай бұрын
The UN is headed by António Guterres, president of Socialist International. He is essentially a communist.
@anonnimus 9 ай бұрын
Well Done. I agree with the concept of larger groupings for representation. The only fly in the ointment I see is how do you build stable regional organizations, that represent their regions? Also are regions (geography) the right kinds buckets? (The challenge I see is getting countries to agree to this representation scheme. It seems that we're seeing ideological conflicts within the EU Nevermind other regions. How does the representation get allocated? If you announce the number of permanent seats available and allow, countries to vote on which region the want to join, if the regions have "Veto" power on the UN security council this will serve as an incentive. But what happens to those countries that don't want to join any union? And what happens to the current permanent members? Can a country join a union/region that is not in their local geography?
@mitupbruchsal 9 ай бұрын
Q: The author highlights that we all need common goods wherever we come from, whether from the Global South, East, or West. He also mentions that countries from the Global South need more agency, and governments from the Global East want even more capability to influence the game's rules. I assume that people in the Global East and Global South feel treated unfairly by the Global West, first of all, because of the imperial past. If this emotional standing of the Global East and Global South is accurate, would the leaders of the Global East and Global South really pay attention to the common goods (climate, trade, rules, institutions, etc.), or would they rather focus on challenging the distribution of power in the world order first? Thank you for answering.
@brunobormannzero 9 ай бұрын
In a world that is facing many dire problems that are global in nature, and therefore need global solutions, some form of true world governance has become a necessity. We urgently need a democratisation of the international institutions that constitute the governance that we now have to start giving them the solid representativeness and legitimacy that they presently lack. Only by opening themselves to the influence of voices that have been so far marginalised will these institutions be able to work as respected and trusted international decision making and arbitration bodies. The reform and enlargement of the UN Security Council has been suggested, and demanded in the past, but to no avail. It is clear that the Global South has to be better represented in it, not only to bring fresh perspectives on global issues, but also to potentially moderate the brooding conflict between the Global West and the Global East. A more radical solution would be the abolition of the Security Council and the devolution of its powers to the UN General Assembly, a truly democratic body. That , of course, is something the the present great powers will not accept.
@paulpain7337 9 ай бұрын
In this global community of fractal intelligence coalescing from the ever increasing complexity that is the universe and the path forward with Ai its rational moving to the sustainable where data integrity is king let us be guided by what comes next perhaps Alex
@whyme760 9 ай бұрын
When the Soviet Union was no more wasn't there a declaration of a new world order? And what was done in its name? And what happened to the world under that new world order? And then the war on terror. What was done under that name? After WWll was there ever a rules based order? And who set the rules when the Soviet Union fell? Just questions that I have. Looking for answers.
@jaymacpherson8167 9 ай бұрын
Why should any country be a permanent member of the UN Security Council? Also, to divvy Security Council permanent membership by global regions presumes a lasting shared interest which history has shown fluctuates. While not mentioned as a topic, why should veto power exist in the Security Council given the ongoing abuse of that power?
@aaron2709 9 ай бұрын
The UN is not really a 'world government.' No country, including the US, will give up its sovereignty. Countries negotiated UN structure, and all other things, for their individual advantage. As with all power, people/institutions who have it, want to keep it.
@blafonovision4342 9 ай бұрын
Why should there be a Security Council?
@jamesruscheinski8602 9 ай бұрын
political government conflict overcome with divine central authority
@sharonhearne5014 9 ай бұрын
I think world power players behind the scenes have enough power to sweep the rest of world policies, trends, inconsistencies despite what the common world citizens would desire or how traumatic climate will become in the world. In America you can see some of these behind-the-scenes power GOP political players trying to drive America toward Russian alliances which is a bet that Russia, with its wealth of natural resources combined with America might dominate the world in a new way. Of course I believe the normal little guy will simply be swept along in constant turmoil in this reshuffling so this series seems noble, dreamy and unrealistic.
@ClementGreen 9 ай бұрын
Alex says that this is the Age of Information, but isn't it the Age of Autocracy?
@deborahhebblethwaite1865 9 ай бұрын
I like your ideas. Your comment about rules around the weaponization of trade I find particularly interesting as the west with its sanctions seems to cut off its nose to spite its face. Look around at all the sanctions the west has created ….and now look around at the hostility and mess the world is in. And who suffers….ordinary folk just trying to get by…I understand that Russia is a bully in your dealings with them. But so are a lot of other country’s leaders. We need a different tack. 🇨🇦 Thank you
@jakobwedman2528 9 ай бұрын
Is a rule-based order possible if the institutions are dominated by countries without respect for human rights etc? UN of today, with superpower veto, is rule based for all countries expect for those superpowers (with friends). What is the point of such an organisation? Isn't it time for the democraties of the west to start a new global organisation?
@colonial1770 9 ай бұрын
I have a curious social experiment we can perform, let's disable every DNS server in Russia, and see what happens.
@DanielAndresCalle 9 ай бұрын
maybe 10 permanent members of the Security Council...?
@paulforbes1217 9 ай бұрын
Transactionalism is likely correct. However, trust but verify.
@Oe830sn 9 ай бұрын
You might be interested in - if you don't already know it - the "New School of Multilateralism" by Ursula Werther-Pietsch.
@ericgardiner7715 9 ай бұрын
As someone from the global south I would like to affirm the importance of your idea of how the industrialisation of the west was built from its empires, colonies and exploits of Africa. The global rules were then written by said western powers once they finished their pillaging and lost their empires in WW2. Africa thinks that it is very ironic that the western lead global institutions do so much preaching about sovereign rights of states when only a century earlier they were invading entire continents and disregarding any notion of sovereignty for the native people whom they slaughtered. In the present age they enjoy the benefits of the wealth that was built from their bloody history and try to act like things are different now, but actually the exploitation of Africa continues by the evil, polluting private companies like Shell or Nestlé. This means that if the west is actually going to achieve cooperation with Africa (the continent that is suffering the most because of climate change caused by industrialization of the west), then the west needs to actually repay Africa for the wealth it took, the cooperation needs to tangibly benefit Africans. The west needs to put concrete action to transform Africa into a tech hub. Africa is awakening, with its young demographics, natural resources and growing political consciousness. Once Africa achieves cooperation within the continent then it will have a truly powerful voice in the global institutions as the African Union should be on equal standings as the European Union.
@bcanuck 9 ай бұрын
The suggestion that "the West" was built on wealth from Africa is false. Very few people gained from the empires. Look to them alone to place blame. Currently the African leadership benefit greatly from resource deals with international businesses. Ask the corrupt leaders in African countries where the profits are going.
@HoseTheBeast 7 ай бұрын
I feel you have a very strong point and based on fact sadly. For so long even in my young life I’ve wanted to see African nations flourish, prosper and progress towards peace. As for repaying to Africa I feel it is not a collectional western responsibility, most western nations didn’t colonize. As a finn I feel opposed to pay taxes to repay Africa when Finland has never colonized anything or had any slaves, if anything we were slaves to the Imperial Russia.
@kamikadzeto7 7 ай бұрын
I find that inconsistency that you talked about in your own arguments. You condemn Russia (and rightly so), but for some reason not Israel. Even though you seem like you try to get out of your own bias and give voice to the underrepresented people, I think you fail to recognize the positive bias you have towards the west. When we are the baddies - our eyes for our criems are closed.
@HellAD0 9 ай бұрын
You don't get it ,do you ? The west needs to look at its savage past and vow not to interfere in the internal mattters of other countries for if it were to persist with its moral sermons against a backdrop of its own barbarous history, conflict and contempt shall be the inevitable consequences . Especially Europe . Europe has neither the moral agency nor does it have any hard power to stand in the ranks of Great powers. All comparison and most challenges are contextual. The point is not whether or not Europe has the technological or the industrial wherewithal to morph into a military superpower, it's the present incapacity of the continent to defend itself against Russia that it needs to be benchmarked upon. Just look at the ceasefire vote yesterday and you'd understand better the direction of both moral and geopolitical headwinds.
@TheMighty_T 7 ай бұрын
Congratulations on your election success. I've been following your talks here for a while and occasionally comment. Right now we need to focus on European unity, more important now than at any other time since the end of WW2. Russia will be the biggest challenge, a-symmetric war has already been aimed at European nations and there is a good chance we will fall into disunity from this. I live in France currently, but am having to leave but will keep my focus on trying to help Europe through this difficult period. Congratulations again on your win.
@wait-ing 6 ай бұрын
Congratulations Mr PM/President Stubb
@arteterapieevolutivehumaniste 9 ай бұрын
IF its not otanisthan order is a disdorder😂
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