黑白瑪莉可能有另外嘅formulation: 瑪莉天生就係黑白色盲,睇唔到彩色,佢靠住自己努力向住科學家嘅目標前進,又好好彩咁冇乞到食,成為咗個頂尖科學家,而佢嘅最大成果係令到佢可以改變眼/腦嘅結構/功能,睇返顏色。手術成功,佢打開眼嗰下,佢唔會唔「噢」出黎? 甚至仲有其他版本,例如有個普通人天生眼部結構問題睇唔到嘢,後天手術重見光明之類 個關鍵未必係知識上面,不論你用上面邊樣formulation,都可以用腦神經科學還完成某種嘅腦部活動,可能係某啲大腦腦區之間有個習慣咗嘅刺激,而今次有新嘅stimuli,刺激到之前冇刺激過嘅腦區,個腦就將呢啲刺激連結起黎,所以你「學」咗樣新嘅嘢,你係普通人定係科學家似乎唔重要。 反而更重要嘅係「噢」呢個字背後個意思,呢個感歎字個表現咗啲重要嘅元素,例如你嘅驚嚇之情。而過程中(1)有啲嘢係令得你可以將唔同qualia(e.g. 你以前嘅經驗、現家嘅感官刺激)組織一齊,而(2)你將呢組織埋一齊時伴隨(先不判斷先後)你對呢個組織超黎哋qualia嘅情緒反應(驚嚇/驚嘆)同埋諗法(發現眼前事物同以往唔同),而呢啲新嘅嘢都可以叫qualia。現時就算呢啲係將來腦神經科學解答到點黎,仲有一個問題,就係點解腦嘅活動要伴隨qualia嘅出現,係難以用科學去解釋,呢樣有另一個名,叫hard problem of consciousness
Brain and mind 的分別,令我想起krishnamurtis 説think and thought 是有很大分別的。如果有可能就討論吓krishnamurtis 這位世界導師。
@wwttwtlee24892 жыл бұрын
The crux of the argument boils down to whether qualia (or mental phenomena) is just an emergent property of the physical brain; or qualia has its own causal laws that are independent of the physical brain; or qualia (such as desires and will power) has any causal effect on the physical brain and hence the individual's behaviour.
Very interesting.... 我在想knowing that 嘅 that 就係 finite number of phenomenons. Knowing how 嘅 how 就係 number of possible representations of each phenomenons. 多了一個know-how 並唔會多了一個phenomenon. 黑白瑪莉噢就好似 Stephen Hawking 發現嘅黑洞就係黑色嘅地方找黑洞。If Stephen Hawking can find a simple way that can clearly see Black Holes and locate them, I could imagine he were amazed, too.
@ers_manners2 жыл бұрын
@rspace64262 жыл бұрын
@stephenphelps9202 жыл бұрын
個論證有啲似 John Searle 嘅 Chinese Room thought experiment