Cosmoteer Basic Ballistic Guide

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Captain Caffeine

Captain Caffeine

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Пікірлер: 91
@wurst1284 Жыл бұрын
It is also worth noting that unlike lasers which become sitting ducks, cannons don't care about disruptors and can facetank them all day. you might also want to add some disruptors to peel off enemy shields so that juicy penetration action doesnt go to waste.
@sebastianahrens2385 Жыл бұрын
Just to drive the point home about storing sulfur instead of ammo: The conversion ratio is 1:20. Each 5-stack of sulfur is 5 times the amount of ammo you could store in that place. Considering a Deck Cannon with 3 factories and two 2x2 storages attached, that's 55 sulfur in total, or 1100 ammo. Add to that 3 stacks of ammo in the factories, 4 stacks of ammo in the Deck Cannon, and two shots loaded in said Cannon, you end up at a total of 110+6+8+2 shells. Depending on the firing mode, you'll either get 63 double shots or 126 single shots out of this. Unless you're planning to take part in really long, drawn-out fights, this is usually more than enough. Don't forget to add a capacitor between the two 2x2 storages - you don't want your factories to run our of energy either.
@DarrenMalin Жыл бұрын
I build a ship with 25 deck guns , each has it own factory , storage and dedicated crew. it is a total monster :)
@the_hate_inside1085 9 ай бұрын
Are you overcompensating for something?
@Alnarra Жыл бұрын
A lot of thanks for breaking down efficient loading patterns, with the deck gun especially, it's not incredibly intuitive what an efficient design for those looks like reloading wise and all of the PvP brawlers you see don't really make use of factories as the assumption is the alpha strike is going to effectively decide the match anyway.
@JoshuaGanoTyraxLightning Жыл бұрын
Yeah, PvP and PvE are different beasts. PvP punishes failure to Min Max for the exact combat circumstances you will face... whereas PvE, you will regret it if you don't plan for Attrition Resistance and potential for the unexpected to potentially happen. Sometimes it can be a chore to find info for one if the other is the more popular Format to play. (Example: PvE Info in a game where the PvP Side gets the dominant amount of attention.)
@reek7518 Жыл бұрын
Really high quality content! Thank you for making.
@beodyn7648 Жыл бұрын
An actual informative Cosmoteer Video? nice! thank you!
@foxelling Жыл бұрын
Interesting informative video, looking forward to more! I hope someday a video will be released about shields and their logistics, which generator is the most efficient, the number of crew, etc. :)
@captaincaffeine Жыл бұрын
i will definitly put it on the list. Next up are missiles though and lastly lasers. With the 3 weapongroups out of the way, i can make additional videos for defensive stuff.
@foxelling Жыл бұрын
@@captaincaffeine Missiles are my favorite weapon, so I will wait :)
@captaincaffeine Жыл бұрын
@@foxelling definitly an underestimated weapon. at least in my group, they barely get any attention. i think they can both be powerful on their own if you have the manpower to fire huge waves but even more importantly i think they are the best support weapon. in my ballistic video, some of my background ships use emp-missiles for example. its an amazing power-multiplier. currently having a blast recording footage, as i try to get as far as possible while only using the weapontype without backup-weapons and with the sensor array i sometimes just delete a base with all 4 surrounding stations on x8 speed and they just cant shoot back. give your ships enough power to fly 80-90 in reverse and you can kite any ship. looking forward to writing the script ^^
@foxelling Жыл бұрын
@@captaincaffeine I completely agree, missiles are the best support weapon, which is unfortunately underestimated. With mines, the situation is even sadder. This is an excellent defensive weapon with huge damage, but absolutely no one uses it because of the inability to use it correctly, although it is enough just to fly in the opposite direction from the enemy and the enemy will crash into the mines.
@captaincaffeine Жыл бұрын
a designphilosophy that i often notice with my colleagues is that they invest in a lot of engines for forward speed, but very few for turning or reverse. always funny when they rage on discord, as their attempts at missile boats blow up and they blame it on the weapon ^^ but here is the best part: HE and EMP Missiles dont even care in which direction your ship is flying. you can just rotate your ship or change the flight direction so even that kind of ship can stay away from enemys. and as long as you stay roughly over 400 meters (ballistic 190m, lasers 240m, ion 300m, rail 300-600m) you wont loose your engines to enemy fire anyway. in theory you can also just fly in random directions and the missiles will still fire on their own. i guess they dont want to get kited themselves, so they overinvest on backward facing engines to chase, even though it doesnt make sense for some designs (one loves lasers, but still decides to brawl). but hey, those mistakes (and i do enough myself) help me make those videos and know what to research :)
@anthonyklanke1397 10 ай бұрын
Love your content man, it's like I'm getting a lecture on real ship design ❤
@jamesofthekaijukompendium Жыл бұрын
Also one thing to note, if your railgun launcher module (the front-most part) gets exploded, the rest of the railgun will explode as well, so make sure nothing reactive is right next to your railguns!
@Redicule_research._ridiculous Жыл бұрын
I spend half the video wondering whether I heard an German accent or not. Your English is better than mine
@Reoh0z 10 ай бұрын
You can get 9 "Ammo" by placing 3 of their factories in a triangular pattern so all of them are touching each-other granting +50% to all.
@emilpoiss8732 9 ай бұрын
Couldnt you also build a rhombus like factory system to increase the boost further ?
@erikvale3194 7 ай бұрын
If you put factories in a triangle instead of a line you get +50% on all 3.
@Favmir Жыл бұрын
7:09 Crew optimization is my sepcialty! Here you can actually supply 4 small cannons with 4 loaders+2 suppliers. I haven't tried optimizing other setups yet, but I'll send you the compilation once it's done!
@captaincaffeine Жыл бұрын
looking forward to that
@Favmir Жыл бұрын
@@captaincaffeine After some real world testing though, I've found that it's more practical to sacrifice the efficiency to increase stability by putting armor between factory and cannons. My conclusion is that you should ALWAYS optimize the shield as much as possible, and as for the weapons you focus more on durability. Weapons perform the same even if you supply them slowly. But if you optimize a shield supply path from 2 tiles to 1 tile, the shield is basically 2 times better.
@captaincaffeine Жыл бұрын
hmm understandable. still thx for testing
@Favmir Жыл бұрын
@@captaincaffeine FYI, I tried optimizing Deck Cannon crew but your setup was already almost peak performance - best I could was using 2 less loaders(or 4 less loaders for 15 shots before it's dry), and maybe 1 less factory supplier. Not worth the shape restriction and extra cost required for most cases.
@hink3042 Жыл бұрын
@@captaincaffeine When you talk about the railguns 3:50 you mention you can set the launcher ship component to a hotkey how do you set hotkeys for components I seem to be overlooking how. I was trying to set it up so I can select my tractor beams quickly and change their modes. i can hotkey their modes but I have to select them first and cant hotkey to select them I just have to zoom into the ship select them then change the modes Edit: figured it out you select all the things you want then use Ctrl + 1 (or whatever number you want)
@francescodamico7621 Жыл бұрын
I think that a useful guide can be about crew management and room placement
@LordovImmortalion Жыл бұрын
Nice vid, ima use this for my next build I love cannons
@captaincaffeine Жыл бұрын
glad that you liked it. Same goes for me. Especially the fire and impact sound just clicks with me. hearing 3 deck cannons in action is very satisfying
@phalamy9180 Жыл бұрын
I gotta say, Railguns are my favourite. Mainly for the penetration. Doesn't matter how much armor you got if my railgun shoots straight through it and blasts the reactor
@leinis80 Жыл бұрын
Deck guns for the win!
@1481Connors Жыл бұрын
Great video. Can you cover optimized setup and crew assignments for a railgun?
@captaincaffeine Жыл бұрын
i will (at some point) revisit the different weaponclasses with an advanced guide series and i will definitly put more emphasis on the railgun the second time around. But before that i want to get other topics out of the way, more hours into the game and really stresstest my own skill as "knowing something" doesnt mean i always follow my own guidelines. Often resulting in my own death but thats what i get for preaching water and drinking wine
@JoshuaGanoTyraxLightning Жыл бұрын
@@captaincaffeine Hey, ya can always say that ya know the fundamentals, but are just trying out 'experimenting' with new ideas. Experimentation is part of the fun with games like this! I love experimenting too! ;D
@TheLobberKaiser Жыл бұрын
You may have to to make another video because the chain guns is technically out but it’s a rcs
@NickAndriadze Жыл бұрын
This is a really good informative video that does it job perfectly, great job! Except one thing I disagree with, is the Flak. Don't get me wrong, I *LOVE* Flak, it's aesthetically epic, it's a great concept and on paper it is a beast. But, and this is a big but, it is honestly the weakest weapon in the game, no contest. It has its fair share of niche uses where it can be better than Point Defence, as per tile of surface area it is better (I.E. One flak is better than 3 PD) and if you can pilot perfectly, you can have your flaks always face the enemy weapons and shred through them, but all and all they are still pretty awful. The degree of fire, first of all, whilst allowing you to hide Flaks behind really deep armor channels with shields, makes this an absolutely atrocious piece of weaponry both offensively and defensively. It can't hit agile opponents and even if face-to-face, enemy missiles fly right past their terrible area coverage and still hit you, even if on the sides. Their range is pathetic for how long they take to rotate their barrel around and detect enemy shots to fire at, and even if the splash damage is neat, it effectively cuts the effective Flak DPS, which is an impressive 7200 basically in half (The reason Deck cannon won against it, aside from penetration). PD are fast and reliable enough to take down even railgun shots, while Flaks are too dull, as they're big, bulky and their AI takes way longer to recognize there's a projectile in their firing capabilities and then rotate their slow as hell barrel in a very limited firing arc and fire. By that time you'd already be eviscerated by an enemy, most definitely. The same problem applies to nukes, whilst in this case PD suffer a lot as well. In conclusion, the only real time Flak has any chance to be better than Point Defence is when enemy is armed with a lot of blasters and electro-bolters, because those are literally the only projectiles PD can't take down. P.S. Oh boy did I cook up a Flak Essay XD.....
@captaincaffeine Жыл бұрын
While i would consider the standard Laser to be weaker and the mines to be even more niche, i get where you are coming from. Especially since the AI seems to just turn off sometimes if you turn a bit too hard. But i for one have had very good experiences with flak overall. I use 1 Flak between my cannonmodules and also dont burry them that deep in armor. maybe 1 tile but not more. And 3 or 5 Flak batterys have enough overlap at range to basicly start eliminating most missiles when they come fresh out of the launcher (i tend to brawl at around 150m or even closer). More of a mid-game example: the onslaught if i remember that name correctly. That missilefrigate with 6 launchers. i was able to turn my (at that time 2) flak on in defensive mode and wasnt hit by a single missile. Again: maybe i was just lucky in the past but i feel like the flak can be incredibly powerful if positioned correctly and is burried just enough to still make use of the firing arc. Also: while it turns slower than PD, its a hitscan weapon. No traveltime for the projectile, which makes it way more consistent at taking down nukes which tend to be some pretty fast boys...unless its an alexander
@NickAndriadze Жыл бұрын
@@captaincaffeine AI of flak ''turns off'' sometimes because of the heavily aforementioned horrible degree of fire thing, which really, really needs a buff. And yeah, that's one really cool thing about flak. They can be amazing as singular pieces, way better than 3 PD (The width of which they themselves are), when enemy isn't spamming and is shooting several small yet devastating things like EMPs and Nukes at you (Railguns too but they can't be shot down by flaks unfortunately as they are too fast :'c...), but they become considerably worse and more useless the more you add them, whilst PD are completely opposite, the more you add them the better they become. There's one ship in the game from Monolith Cooperative, named ''Mercygiver,'' it is a wall of 18 flaks. You would imagine it to be completely busted and literally untouchable unless rammed, but you would be wrong. It fails to protect against almost any ship of its size or slightly larger, unless it's nothing but pure HE, and not even a spam. This is caused by *yet again, BY THE UNHOLY FLAK FIRING ANGLE!* It's the root of all flak's problems, together with their AOE damage taking away most of what's advertised of their damage, which looks absolutely amazing. Also please don't underestimate small laser blasters, on a wall, or if placed 90 degree sideways on your ship, they can be truly impactful. P.P.S, the ship you mentioned, with 6 missiles, is called Onset. I remember name of almost all built-ins like names of my own family members :> P.P.P.S, flak can actually be buried through three tiles of armor above the barrel, just parallel to their red and yellow deadzone. P.P.P.P.S, yes, their hitscan nature and infinite tiles per second projectile travel time make them surprisingly good, but they can't really utilize it that efficiently because of their range, and yet again, their godforsaken firing arc. And yes, Alexander is a thorn on every high level player's side. _And don't even get me started on the wretched Voluntas!_ And Anzu too even if it can theoretically be defeated by a maneuverable ''squib'' with a single blaster, which is ironic XD
@JoshuaGanoTyraxLightning Жыл бұрын
Instead of PD or Flak, why not both? PD in the front to intercept stuff first with Flak behind to finish off what PD didn't get enough damage on first + potentially be able to priority its attention on what PD can't hit, working together simultaneously...?
@RedGodofWar Жыл бұрын
Fantastic video! Super helpful, thank you.
@kearoful 11 ай бұрын
Time to add Gatling Gun.
@wilhelmwick2038 Жыл бұрын
Playing with cannons makes me feel like i’m watching a Star Wars artillery battle with those hangars full of huge canons and shells
@SCUBAelement-Intl Жыл бұрын
I learned a lot thanks
@nikchoi5901 Жыл бұрын
You are so helpful!
@AjuntaPall316 9 ай бұрын
This guide has been really helpful. Thanks. Was it made before Chaingun was added to the game however? Because that is something I was interested in.
@captaincaffeine 9 ай бұрын
yes, the video was released on the 23.12.2022 while the chaingung got released on the 30.9.2023 if i recall correctly. unfortunatly this problem is also present in my other videos as i saw a few updates about roof hatches, collectors etc. therefore my series is probably heavily outdated. cant say how much though as im currently relearning it myself after that long break.
@davidklemen5264 Жыл бұрын
i remember using cannons for the first time and getting destroyed because my cannons and ammo machine were right next to my reactor, i didint know why i died right when my gun was destroyed so i just decided to not use any weapons that use ammo, so only lasers...
@JoshuaGanoTyraxLightning Жыл бұрын
I personally would blame that on the In-Game Tutorial still needing more Polish and still leaving too much of the beginning of the game up to 'Crash Course Trial and Error'... As of the time of this Post, i'm having similar woes. My first Playthrough was GG'd in less than 2 hours... :(
@ConorFoxyss4GokuFox 8 ай бұрын
Why would you want ammo factories attached to your guns instead of ammo within storage?
@ConorFoxyss4GokuFox 8 ай бұрын
Never mind I missed it first time
@MassiveDynamic9 Жыл бұрын
very good video
@mpbiggame1010 Жыл бұрын
Can you do a guide on railguns?
@somedudeok1451 Жыл бұрын
I find it weird that you say the Flak is a good defensive option. It is by almost all means inferior to plain PD-guns. It is less reliable at shooting down missiles for its cost, often letting crucial EMP salvos through. The only upside it has is that it can target laser & disruptor shots. That can be valuable when facing a close range enemy, but outside of that it is better in the vast majority of cases to just use energy PD-guns. Other than that it's an informative video. Well done.
@achimhanischdorfer3403 Жыл бұрын
I find it worth it. It deletes Railgun shots and EMP missiles. 7200 dps in 4 shots/sec with 4m AOE and it is hitscan with ~2° of spread.
@somedudeok1451 Жыл бұрын
@@achimhanischdorfer3403 *It deletes Railgun shots and EMP missiles.* Not really. Especially when testing it vs EMP missiles it sucks compared to energy PD. You can always use a cheaper regular PD setup to achieve better results vs EMPs than with flak. I imagine it's the same against Railgun shots.
@kohonac Жыл бұрын
@@somedudeok1451 PD do not shoot down railgun shots that ive seen and definitely dont shoot down disrupter shots so flak has its place and uses
@Sapeidra Жыл бұрын
I really wonder if long railguns are worth it. I'll have to try something aside of my 10 acc for max range build. I know they bring diminishing returns, but railguns are all about getting through the armor to the juicy parts. I mean why send two shots in adjacent armor parts when the option would be to puncture through the armor and deliver 20k damage to the inside?
@JoshuaGanoTyraxLightning Жыл бұрын
I assume "send two shots in adjacent armor parts" is supposed to instead be "Railfan" for tactical purposes. Railguns beside each other but not Railfanning seems to be 'doing it wrong' from what my researching Cosmoteer Infos has gathered thus far.
@alternateaccount6913 Жыл бұрын
couldn't you place the third ammo factory in a triangle position to get an additional boost to the other two factories?
@Beankoi 9 ай бұрын
Where chaingun?
@martindejonge695 Жыл бұрын
I enjoy the background music, what tracks are you using?
@captaincaffeine Жыл бұрын
Spirit of Fire by Jesse Gallagher
@gabou_ Жыл бұрын
@electron1264 10 ай бұрын
Do a grandadmiral playtrough.
@mcbrite Жыл бұрын
Warst Du ne Zeit lang in England/USA, oder warum ist Dein Englisch so gut? Besonders so spezielle Ausdrücke wie "bumf**k nowhere" usw würde jemand mit normalem Schul-Englisch niemals wissen/nutzen?
@captaincaffeine Жыл бұрын
Zocke auf Englisch, schaue meine Serien/Filme auf Englisch und hatte damals Englisch-Leistungskurs. Da kommt über die Jahre einiges zusammen, aber ich stolper selbst noch häufig genug bei längeren und komplexeren Sätzen. Da kommt dann der Vorteil eines Skripts und der Fakt, dass ich Abschnitte so häufig aufnehmen kann, bis ich zufrieden bin.
@mcbrite Жыл бұрын
@@captaincaffeine Wow, ohne England/USA echt imposant! Ziemlich vergleichbar mit meinem, aber ich war fast 4 Jahre in England und schau auch Alles auf Englisch... Anyway, danke für die geilen Videos, helfen mir Cosmoteer Anfänger MASSIV weiter! Bin ein neuer Sub! ;)
@fictitiousnightmares Жыл бұрын
7:58 I'm confused. How did you invert the 3rd AF on the right so the ammo is at the top near the gun? If you just right click twice and rotate it then the sulfur is nearest the cannon but yours has the ammo there. How?
@captaincaffeine Жыл бұрын
when you build you dont only have the choice to rotate a part. you can also mirror it verticaly and horizontaly. i dont know the keybind and am not home at the moment to check but if you selected a part, you should see 4 buttons appear above the selection-tab. the 2 on the left are for rotating and the 2 on the right are for mirroring. I hope that helps.
@fictitiousnightmares Жыл бұрын
@@captaincaffeine I see them now and was able to use them. I had no clue those buttons even popped up as I didn't pay attention and just used right click. Thank you for the response and details on how to find it! You make amazing informational videos and are appreciated!
@Siaynoq8 Жыл бұрын
I don't even understand how to get sulfur.
@captaincaffeine Жыл бұрын
Its a material that you either have to buy at a station or you need to mine it. Asteroids usually have a letter on them. Sulfur is marked by an S. If you approach the asteroid, you can press G or click on the pickaxe icon on the bottom left of your screen. After that you click and hold the left mouse button and mark the area that you want to mine. Keep in mind that every mineral can be mined by hand but some tiles on an asteroid can only be mined by the mining laser.
@Siaynoq8 Жыл бұрын
@@captaincaffeine Can my storage bays be micromanaged like in Factorio? I don't want to filter plates to not be gathered, but I just want them to be capped at a certain amount.
@willsmith2932 Жыл бұрын
@@Siaynoq8 Yes, in the storage section of your ship manager (looks like a box) you can select a material and then select individual places in your storage container (or the whole thing at once). Gets a bit tedious as you need to setup each spot, but once its setup you can leave it.
@Siaynoq8 Жыл бұрын
@@willsmith2932 That seems to have worked, thanks!
@jelletje8 Жыл бұрын
@fluffythecandleeater6196 Жыл бұрын
1006% railgun goes srait though anything =
@lebensraumimostenfinden7531 Жыл бұрын
hi i have to ask how did u put the factory on the right side like this i cant put the all down so that the ammo will sit on top on all 3
@captaincaffeine Жыл бұрын
you can turn the object with the right mouse button. however you can also mirror it vertically and horizontally. look at the middle of your toolbar. there should be 4 buttons above your buildingblocks. the left 2 are for rotating and the right 2 are for mirror. so if your sulfur is on top, just press the right button. this should but the ammo on top.
@Mersoh 5 ай бұрын
Was this before the deck cannons stunned crew around it after every shot? It's hard to tell if it's still worth using now
@skyhr Жыл бұрын
Can you simply explain what "penetration" is in this context?
@captaincaffeine Жыл бұрын
basicly how many tiles you punch through. you dont simply "impact" on the first tile. Instead your "penetration" value goes through as many tiles as it wants until the "penetration resistance" of certain components and armor has eaten everything up or it has used up all of its damage. However normal walkways dont seem to count towards penetration as i was able to punch through 26 walkwaytiles (normally the railgun only has 15m penetration) and the shell only dissappeared because the damage reached 0 (tile after tile the shells damage decreases). Also: If the enemy has 12 meter of penetration resistance (2 layers of armor) you still cant shoot through them even though your penetration is sufficent because the armor will eat up all of your shells damage. I hope that was simple enough. tl;dr Number go bigger makes shell go deeper makes ship dissappear quicker.
@skyhr Жыл бұрын
@@captaincaffeine Thanks bro!
@irrelevantirrelevant7332 9 ай бұрын
Wonderful guide and it has confirmed my suspicions. I made one playthrough with a railfan and had a blast, but the game was trivialised. I tried to limit myself to cannons and I am purely frustrated. Cannons are inferior in every way. The ammo production is ridiculously cumbersome, the accuracy is laughable, you are guaranteed to take damage, but cannons directly interfere with armor or shield negatively. Cannons are the essence of what happens when you bring a knife to a gunfight. You do not bring a knife to a gunfight.
@lotharhansen4170 Жыл бұрын
Great Work
@AbyssStalkerv. 11 ай бұрын
i love that one of your ships had a german name
@lycon7000 Жыл бұрын
so 2 deck cannons would need 40 crewmen? That seems like a lot no? Seems very ineffective? :/
@captaincaffeine Жыл бұрын
considering you shoot every 2.4 seconds with 15000 damage (7500 per projectile and 6k dps) which oneshots a small shield and is you basicly have the firepower of 3 large cannons but dont need 24 men to operate one. In fact: deckgunrammers are a common sight in competitive pvp as the damageoutput in combination with the ability to put massive amounts of armor in front of it is just amazing. Yes, 20 crew is a huge investment but its well worth it.
@lycon7000 Жыл бұрын
@@captaincaffeine Im going to try that, 3 deckguns with 3 factoryies and 60 men! When I can buy 60 men ofc, thanks for answering!
@NgocPham-ff3on Жыл бұрын
Your ship plzzzz :D
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