COULD A BATTLE ROYALE MODE WORK? (Space Marine 2 Discussion) Patch 5.1

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@InquirerAshen Күн бұрын
No, space marine 2 does not need a BR mode, just a good horde mode
@KB8Killa Күн бұрын
@Zeff0 Күн бұрын
@lordember5230 16 сағат бұрын
Agreed. Bring back the necons, fun maps on a planet and a few ops would be sweet and refreshing.
@warangelthelight2077 2 сағат бұрын
Well said brother
@Doggomurai Сағат бұрын
And more Operations Mode
@Just_Some_Clown Күн бұрын
A 40k Battle Royale sound like the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard…one for Space Marine 2 even more so. Whoever genuinely considered it should be turned into a servitor.
@glenndelucia8877 Күн бұрын
NO, what heresy is this! They need new maps game modes for pvp, but this is not a BR game that's just crazy talk, imo. You'd have to rebalance every class for it, or there'd instantly be a sniper meta. An a battlepass? Seriously? Just stop it. Don't even entertain the thought. I thought the gaming community was fed up with these crappy trends, or at least anyone with a functioning 🧠
@gigganator9857 22 сағат бұрын
No battle royale. I really hope not. I think this game needs to stay as it is with the horde mode being the only addition. This game was designed to be fun, not super competitive! Allocate the resources to improve and update the modes we have!
@SHmoogleThe1st Сағат бұрын
Only filthy xenos would wish for such a thing
@servalkorion686 Күн бұрын
We just need anything new for PvP we’ve been starving
@violetspider_ Күн бұрын
I want a count of each type of enemy I've killed compared to other 2 brothers. For now we only get kills nr but there's a difference in enemy type amd if I don't kill, how many I've hit.
@shadixbloodshadow Күн бұрын
Not even going to watch the video..... But fuck no space marine does not and never will need a stupid battle royal mode.... So sick and tired of BR modes....
@Kermitpuffin_420 23 сағат бұрын
No we need horde mode.
@gogitoDBZ963 13 сағат бұрын
As great of a game Space Marine 2 is, the idea of a Battle Royale mode would only spell disaster. It’s just not something that should be done, because with games like Fortnite and PUBG, they breed toxicity. And if this were to happen, it’d be the one mode that would make people super toxic. Space Marines work with each other, not get Winner Winner Chicken Dinner just because they are the last one left.
@Keilink 15 сағат бұрын
Battle Royal... You're all Iron Warriors or World Eaters after failing a planetary invasion... in time. Good luck!
@NotYourNachoes420 18 сағат бұрын
Tbh a battle royal sounds interesting if done right, I say theres many possibilities for story and could add more use for the chaos marines and customization
@chief1lung94-psn2 21 сағат бұрын
Open conflict like battlefields conquest maps PvE or PvP, or a horde mode.
@colettemcdermott5677 20 сағат бұрын
We need extended campaign with the inclusion of heavy armour, drop pods, the ability to call in air strikes and customisable load out for bots.
@anonymussssssssss Күн бұрын
Day 10 or asking you to talk about the awful servers and lack of class filtering and why the devs haven't done anything yet about it.
@nathancawley8759 Күн бұрын
class filtering isnt done because then the wait to get into a mission would be even longer and everybody would complain about that instead. Its work that will not benefit the game or make money, so theres no reason to do it. Yes its annoying that I have to either swap classes and carry the lvl3 version of my main thru ruthless on an alt class or drop and re-queue, but adding class queue would mean a few classes wait 15-20 mins for a match and others get in soon which would generate more hate and vitriol overall than switching or dropping 60% of the time. Servers have been fine, I dont know why you think they're awful.
@anonymussssssssss 21 сағат бұрын
@nathancawley8759 I disagree. Whatever time it would add to the queue would pale in comparison to waiting through the long loading screens just to find out you can't use the class you want and then having to quit and wait through another long loading screen just to cross your fingers and try again. Nevermind how outdated the lobby structures are in general.
@KB8Killa Күн бұрын
@AndrewRedskin 23 сағат бұрын
Horde mode.
@reneedewitt6021 7 сағат бұрын
If they start focusing more on PvP and not coop I’m out
@DarthJeffery-st5lk 19 сағат бұрын
Battle royale is HERESY!!!!!
@mauriciomaycotte2514 Сағат бұрын
Hell no, a br mode would only make the devs work on other things rather than taking care of the beautiful project they already have, besides i’m sick and tired of the br trend games, one reason a lot of us love this game is because it breaks away from the mainstream brain rot
@Cmaximus7 23 сағат бұрын
Hopefully battle royale is just a free for all mode lol.
@wilfredwayne7139 Күн бұрын
God no that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
@paulkaddu5192 5 сағат бұрын
HERESY!! BR would definitely not be easy to implement and make fun
@Jbonesaa 20 сағат бұрын
Just go fully into the PvE side of things. PvP is fine but if it disappeared tomorrow I would t really care. Most people bought the game for the OPs and campaign. Embrace it.
@lazytekafatafgoldcrestbirb9735 Күн бұрын
WH40k is a very strict IP. There would never exist a Battle Royale. Keep that BR bs out of my hobby. It's been messed with already too much, keep your heresy out of my god damn community. I already have to tolerate Chaos, Orks, Eldar, Tau, Necrons, Tyranids, and mutants. So no BR. No it wouldn't be cool, if you are on board with a BR, be turned into a servitor for me please and thank you.
@lazytekafatafgoldcrestbirb9735 Күн бұрын
at the end of the day, this is my strong opinion, you are welcome to flip me off and tell me to go fuck myself
@MrBassbump Күн бұрын
Ewwww battle royal is a narcissists game mode. Kill that mode completely
@xXCendreXx 20 сағат бұрын
Just make a Battlefield like space marine (eternal crusade rip
@leaflizard8485 13 сағат бұрын
Fallout dropped their battle royale mode was dropped for low player count
@mrself5824 14 сағат бұрын
Short answer: No. Long Answer: No not really.
@frankandluna99 Күн бұрын
Nah, horde/zombies for pve and search and destroy.
@evilajax5657 14 сағат бұрын
NO! not every game needs a BR, that game type is over-done as is
@HappyNoob17YT Күн бұрын
battle royal needs drop pod deploymnets
@Cebion91 Күн бұрын
@nathancawley8759 Күн бұрын
Battle Royale gets suggested for every game that gets even a little bit popular, and it needs to stop. Its an old formula, its been done to death, and it wasnt particularly innovative since PUBG, everything since has just been reskinning, rebranding, and remonetizing the same tired formula. I would like a PvEvP mode where 2 teams are competing to take the same AI controlled objective. Think like an astartes fireteam and a chaos warband both trying to seize a relic from a vault deep in 'Nid territory. Which opens a lot of strategic options that simply dont exist now. Im 100% sure that a Battle Royale mode would bring in a lot of players, but not the kind you want. If you want your game to be populated by maladjusted, inconsiderate, sociopathic 9-year-old brats who scream racial slurs 24/7, adding a Battle Royale mode is exactly how you accomplish that.
@Goteckss45 18 сағат бұрын
if you think battle royal should be added to space marine 2 then you're an asinine putz go back to fortnite or warzone both of those games are loosing their player base because its the same thing year round year after year. Someone tell me what the differences are between the versions of warzone over the years and why they cant keep their player base going into 2025, because its the same crap from 2022 but less detail and work put in resulting in the failed games we have now. Gamers need to give their heads a shake when they say stupid things like space marine 2 needs Battle Royal..... remember battlefield 5, Fire storm? It Failed and burned like EA's credibility. Going forwards lets try and differentiate games from each other or we will be tricked into playing the same game again and again and pay for it each time like its new, when it isn't.
@xsaytinx4495 Күн бұрын
I’d be down for some BR space marine. The PvP grind is kinda much lol every class max with all weapons maxed in operation mode and only lvl13 in pvp
@Dunrig Күн бұрын
Please God no battle Royale
@perry3366 20 сағат бұрын
@vnthony_ka1535 21 сағат бұрын
God no. Stop with the battle royales 🤦🏾‍♂️
@GiggyWiggy2086 Күн бұрын
No we don't it will get Fortnite washed instantly like every game with a battle royal
@thesavagegummybear7341 20 сағат бұрын
No, silence heretic
@Argomat 19 сағат бұрын
Ur background "sound" is hella annoying bruf dont u have something else than that?
@Goteckss45 17 сағат бұрын
Yeah I agree it's super annoying every video of his on space marine 2 has this sound for the background music but again what do you expect from creators these days they lack passion and its just a pump and dump of the same generic content to get views these days as Its all for the money which is sad and despairing.
@ultimatebobafett130 10 сағат бұрын
When you have a very capricious child 😂😘👍
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When you have a very capricious child 😂😘👍
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