Could Terry Silver Beat John Kreese, Sato, and Col. Dugan?

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Ken Cole

Ken Cole

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@rickscott8756 3 жыл бұрын
I think Sato is overhyped, but I still agree with your rankings. Watching the Karate Kid part 2 more recently, I feel like I picked up on cues that suggested Miyagi was another level above Sato -which Miyagi knew and Sato may have been realizing again throughout the film. I think Sato may have assumed that Miyagi would have abandoned karate along with Okinawa. Though events started underlining the fact that he didn't leave because he was afraid of Sato. If you watch the movie again, pay attention to the moments he has around Miyagi. You can see his confidence begin to break down, but he holds strong to his code. When Sato sees Miyagi break that huge wooden beam on top of him, not only did he realize he saved his life, it confirmed to him, straight up, that Miyagi was on a whole other level. Also... on a side note, I don't think Sato was trying to break that driftwood, it was set up for conditioning his hand. I mean, It was encased in cement legs. Too much trouble to go through for something you're going to break. Despite the above, I do think Sato had enough in his bag to take Terry Silver. Even though Kreese was a champion and had a head start on training over Silver. It seems clear that Silver surpassed him. Part of it could be due to Silver's superior athleticism, but I think his money may have given him more time to train and better quality to train with. I kind of wish they would have stayed with the direction I thought they went with in Karate Kid 3 regarding their history. I was under the impression that Kreese was an older captain who saved Silver under his command a number of times. I think it would have been easier to restore Silver in Cobra Kai if they'd played it like this. I think its going to be hard to buy that they are or are close the same age. The actors obviously have more years between them. Keeping Silver a bit younger would have made him seem more dangerous as Kreese is well past his prime in Cobra Kai. I actually think you could make an argument that Mike Barnes could have taken Kreese in part 3. As far as Daniel's opponents were concerned, he had national recognition and dominated Daniel like no other character. I would expect his fighting level to be closer to Kreese and Silver's than Daniel's -and again, I think you could argue that he could beat Kreese in a fight... at least during the timeframe of Karate Kid 3. If Barnes shows up in Cobra Kai, with the head start in ability he had in part 3 and the fact he is younger than the old senseis, I'd expect him to be the most dangerous fighter. I'd still put Kreese above the Colonel due to the fact that his background seemed more impressive and the Cobra Kai students seemed like they were better fighters than Dugan's alphas. I will add that I think Julie would have won the all valley tournament against Daniel and Johnny, though I'd be iffy about her being able to take Barnes.
@KenCole 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment!
@Zurround 3 жыл бұрын
1. No to Julie being able to beat the TOP TIER male characters. The guy she beat up at the end of her movie was totally inferior to Johnny, Chozen, Barnes, and any version of Daniel by the end of KK1 on. However, Julie could beat MOST of the male teen characters just not the "top tier" ones (like Robbie and Miguel). And she was absolutely the best FEMALE fighter in the franchise. Tory and Samantha and Aisha would stand no good chance against a 17 year old version of her. 2. 17 year old Mike Barnes could not have won a fight against Kreese due to the extreme difference in age and experience and Kreese's greater size and strength BUT he might have been able to do a little damage maybe bruise Kreese before getting the crap beaten out of him BUT he had way more POTENTIAL AND NATURAL ABILITY, HE WAS A PRODIGY so with just a few more years of training he would totally evolve past Kreese and Silver. I could see him beating up Kreese or Silver with just 4 more years of training after KK3 (he would be 21) but putting up a damned good fight against them but probably still lose with 2 or 3 more years of training. 3. Being by far the most inferior of the adult senseis I could see either Mike Barnes or Daniel beating Colonel Dugan if its 18 year old versions of them, one year beyond KK3. 4. On the topic of Kreese being "past his prime" he was actually past his prime in the KK movies. The actor (and I think the character too) was in his mid 40s then (late 70s now). Not OLD like now but the character's "prime" is early 1970s but KK takes place in mid 1980s. 5. Silver being so much inferior to Kreese in size and strength could be chalked up to his youth. He looked like some barely over 18 kid and men need to be in their mid 20s between 23 and 25 to achieve maximum physical strength. I think Kreese was a few years older. By KK3 Kreese lost that advantage.
@rickscott8756 3 жыл бұрын
@@Zurround Regarding Julie's opponent: It is true that he was far inferior to Johnny, Chosen and Barnes, but she had already received what I perceived as years of training prior to meeting Miyagi. She also had natural instincts and athleticism that impressed Miyagi. So I'd say she at least had quite a head start over Daniel from when he met Miyagi. Now we could argue about how these things might play out in real life... with size/strength (look at Miyagi's success as a little old man in the franchise). In the Karate Kid universe, I think it is implied that she was of greater talent, experience and agility than Daniel was. I think Johnny was a talent as well and may have gotten caught off guard by Daniel -losing the early points, but Daniel of course may have been the smarter fighter at the time as well. I'm open to either interpretation. Regarding Mike Barnes vs Kreese: Seeing the way he fought in those movies brings the argument that Mike Barnes might be able to take Kreese. Though I'd agree with you in the sense that it would probably not be written that way. Probably more of a fighting choreography issue than a script issue. I will add that Barnes did last longer against Miyagi in one of the two fights he had against him. More of a discussion point than a point I really believe. I'm sure the writers probably would have put Kreese over Barnes. Kreese seemed like at least a decade older than Silver in Karate Kid 3. This still makes sense with Kreese being his captain. It will be interesting to see what's up with Silver in Cobra Kai. Lots of crazy canvas to work with there.
@Zurround 3 жыл бұрын
@@rickscott8756 Silver was 40 years old in KK3 based on the OFFICIAL MOVIE NOVELIZATION. The novel said "about 40 so it could be 39 or 41 I guess. The complaints I read about a 28 year old actor portraying a 40 year old character are ANNOYING. Of course someone doing A LOT of martial arts training and due to being very rich getting the absolute best nutrition, exercise help and medical care and NOT having a lot of the stresses that wear poor people out is going to AGE BETTER so its not that much of a stretch. Its like they a 23 year old actor is portraying someone who is 106. its not a HUGE stretch. For all we knew the character had no gray hear only because he DYED IT and at 40 grey first appears in the beard then the head later and he had a shaved face. Not unrealistic at all. I saw Next Karate kid and read the novel in 1994 and my memory is sketchy so I don't know what her training history was. It bothered me that her opponent never got any hits in on her just a SHOVE. The writers obviously were not comfortable with a man (or boy) hitting a WOMAN (or girl) but I never find it interesting if the hero in a martial arts movie wins TOO EASILY. He should have at least given her a bloody nose, a black eye and maybe some bruises before losing to her. Do you agree that she should return as a FEMALE SENSEI? Call me sexist all you want but it bothers me that the number of FEMALE SENSEIS in this franchise is still ZERO going all the way back to 1984.
@Zurround 3 жыл бұрын
@@rickscott8756 I admit the ACTOR was a wimp but story continuity gives Daniel the win over Julie. He beat Johnny, Chozen AND Mike Barnes and that is one hell of a "resume" for lack of a better term. Julie is not beating them. Beating those 3 teen "powerhouses" gives Daniel fighting superiority over her plot wise. Granted he had 3 movies to develop and show his accomplishments and Julie only got ONE movie so its kind of an unfair comparison. I would love it if the KK universe expanded with BOOKS NOVELS like Star Wars and Star Trek because then she could get a sequel in BOOK FORM.
@AZ-su2vc 3 жыл бұрын
Sato all the way. Miyagi's skill combined with "no mercy".
@itsanightmaresobeware7777 3 жыл бұрын
But he ain’t as good as miyagi
@craigsealy4294 3 жыл бұрын
@@itsanightmaresobeware7777 we don't know that, as we never him fight. Then again he never cut the wood in half.
@lizzkaayako2270 3 жыл бұрын
@@craigsealy4294 Terry Silver had no problems chopping wood in half with his Quick-Silver Method!
@robertrodriguez787 3 жыл бұрын
Don't know that seeing as mr. Miyagi Father was Sato Teacher .
@saileshnaidu8102 3 жыл бұрын
Except that Miyagi would destroy him. And its not no mercy, as proven by Chozen in season 3
@terrierislander1 3 жыл бұрын
One thing in favor of Sato is he trained his nephew. His nephew taught Daniel some new key move in cobra kai we can't forget Daniel used it against Kreis and yea Sato by far better than other 3.
@castortroy7704 2 жыл бұрын
@robertrodriguez787 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder why Mr. Miyagi never taught Daniel those Moves . Or were those Moves Something Sato learned on his owned and passed on to his Nephew Chozen
@TheRealSephiroth 2 жыл бұрын
@@robertrodriguez787 well i believe mr miyagi ran out of time to teach daniel absolutly everything of course one could argue that miyagi says in 3 *Only good karate come from miyagi but one day you chose to do own way.* So theres 3 scenarios A. Miyagi ran out of time. (This would be my reason if i were in his shoes) B. He wanted daniel to find his own way. But wouldnt withold a new move if daniel needed him. C. He was protecting him from the dirty side of miyagi-do karate so its open to interpretation
@TitoBoy805 2 жыл бұрын
Sato trained his nephew, who was the only person in the Miyagiverse to ever land a hit on Mr. Miyagi. That has to be worth something too lol.
@castortroy7704 2 жыл бұрын
@@TitoBoy805 Granted, Chozen's free shot on Miyagi was a sneak attack/cheapshot from behind with the spear. Head on with or without a spear or any weapon Chozen couldn't hit Mr. Miyagi though. I do agree he was the most formidable/skilled, strongest, experienced martial arts fighter Daniel faced. People don't get Mike Barnes, a top national karate champion at best but a skilled, resilient, aggressive tank regardless, fought/beat down a chubby, out of practice, untrained, afraid Daniel in 3. Though Daniel wasn't scared before Silver's mind games but not fighting for his life as he did against Chozen plus still borderline overweight and out of shape and practice except practicing kata. Mike's one weakness ironically. Chozen vs Mike Barnes would be a very close fight and a brutal, two sided fight to the finish but Chozen would've won. And would definitely destroy Barnes now. Chozen was Sato's number one student, a trained killer born and raised in the ancient okinawan style of karate of Mr. Miyagi's family by his uncle Sato, and a combat instructor for American soldiers. Terry Silver used psychological warfare on Daniel sending his and Mike's two cronies alongside Mike to harass/intimidate Daniel to sign up for the tournament, trained Daniel in the ways of the Cobra Kai briefly, teaching Daniel aggression, brute strength and anger while making Daniel forget everything Miyagi taught Daniel and everything karate was about, making Daniel believe he's invincible, injure himself and once Silver revealed his true nature alongside Kreese and Barnes Daniel was totally broken mentally and emotionally and paralyzed by fear of Barnes. That was the theme of karate kid part three. In the end after Mr. Miyagi's speech about not losing to fear, Daniel overcame his fear of Mike and won using Miyagi's kata counter/defense attack. Which was the only Karate counter technique Mike couldn't defend himself against or counter from Daniel. Daniel in Karate Kid 2 minus Terry Silver's psychological warfare and mind games to instill fear would've beaten Mike street fight or tournament wise but it still would've been a very close, competitive, tough match up.
@godfather4377 3 жыл бұрын
Look how easily Miyagi dodges that spinning kick, after having to move to his left to block Silver's incoming kick - suddenly in a very vulnerable position to Silver's spinning kick. Silver has a very quick spin kick, and Miyagi is still able to out maneuver it. That's just not fair, if his defense is that good. That counter spin kick by Silver was devastating, and hits every other fighter on the show. Kreese, Daniel, and Johnny. The answer it has to be Sato if he's at least 75% the fighter Miyagi is; otherwise Miyagi just wasn't from this planet.
@Mark-px8jt 2 жыл бұрын
I think one guy dodges that spinning kick at the beginning when we first see Terry, however miyagi's dodge was better, like u said he was in a vulnerable position
@deant3980 2 жыл бұрын
He got johnny with it.
@godfather4377 2 жыл бұрын
@@deant3980 he just toyed with Johnny. Johnny never had a chance.
@kodesh1674 Жыл бұрын
@@Mark-px8jt 6:54 terry knows kata?😮
@mikemelina7395 4 ай бұрын
The joke's on the world, because Noriuki "Pat" Morita never studied karate a day in his life.
@adamlone5548 3 жыл бұрын
It's preposterous that this question is even being asked. Sato would absolutely rag-doll all 3 of the others AT THE SAME TIME. Dugan was just a wannabe, and would easily be the first to go down with minimal effort from Sato. Silver and Kreese basically have identical skill sets, but Silver is slightly more dangerous because he has a longer reach, tries to utilize his range, and has somewhat better control of his emotions during a fight (unlike Kreese, he doesn't just charge straight ahead like an angry bull EVERY time). But let's not forget that Miyagi easily took each of them down individually, and didn't seem overly concerned about them double-teaming him before Kreese's ego got in the way. But Miyagi DID, however, write his last will once he agreed to fight Sato. AND Sato trained Chozen in the offensive techniques that he would later pass on to Daniel...which Daniel would then use to defeat Kreese himself. Unless a building collapses on him, there's no possible way Sato doesn't win this easily.
@itsanightmaresobeware7777 3 жыл бұрын
@castortroy7704 3 жыл бұрын
Dugan was a wannabe compared to Kreese, Silver or Miyagi but would probably take your average joe. He was only an ex-army colonel with army combatitive training. Kreese and Silver were ex special forces and far more highly trained and skilled in Karate. Either one would destroy Dugan easily. Sato, Chozen, Johnny and Mike would mop the floor with Dugan easily too .
@Zurround 2 жыл бұрын
@@castortroy7704 Daniel beats Dugan too if its after beating Mike Barnes. As wimpy as the ACTOR his his accomplishments by the end of the first trilogy are enough to beat Dugan as far as story continuity is concerned.
@castortroy7704 2 жыл бұрын
@@Zurround who would've won 1 on 1 between Eric and Ned?
@GokuInfintysaiyan 2 жыл бұрын
@@Zurround Why are you calling Ralph Macchio wimpy? lol
@evanscott9473 3 жыл бұрын
Sato isn't trying to break the beam if wood. He set it up as a training tool, much like a makiwara to condition his body. In this case, his shuto.
@bilders6701 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent analysis
@YouthFreedomFighters 2 жыл бұрын
When you do set up a training tool for conditioning your body the way Sato did, you always use something that you can't break.
@olivercastillo5883 2 жыл бұрын
well silver is the bets villain in terms of figting he is not even seruous when he figts johnny and miyagi or robby
@error_5658 2 жыл бұрын
@ziweiyuan 2 жыл бұрын
Nice theory, but you train to eventually strike the makiwara with full power. The idea is to reach the point where you are striking the makiwara as if to break it. If your makiwara actually breaks, though, you need a better one. Sato's choice of that beam for shutō training means he picked a chunk of wood he felt he could not break. By the time of KK2 Sato has almost certainly struck that chunk of wood at full power thousands of times, and in all that time he never so much as cracked it. Thus, the video's use of that scene against Miyagi breaking the beam is still a valid comparison of their relative striking power. Also, what is the narrative point of showing Sato not breaking a beam, just to show Miyagi breaking one later in the film, if not for contrast? From a screenwriting perspective it's a classic plant and payoff.
@Zurround 3 жыл бұрын
None of them are beating Sato. Sato was Miyagi's Rival (Miyagi was superior and Sato would have lost but they were in the same "league"). When you consider how almost effortlessly Miyagi beat those other men no way would Sato lose to them, maybe he would beat them not quite as easily as Miyagi. I think Silver has evolved beyond Kreese and would beat Kreese. ANY of them would beat Colonel Dougan, he was a wannabe Kreese.
@GokuInfintysaiyan 2 жыл бұрын
Plus Sato likely would have the same knowledge Chosen does in Cobra Kai season 3, making him fairly unbeatable and possibly superhuman
@Zurround 2 жыл бұрын
@@GokuInfintysaiyan Imagine Season 3 Chozen fighting a same aged version of Sato. I wonder who would win that?
@nickcaggia3152 2 жыл бұрын
Col Dugan number 4 sato number 3 John kreese number 2 terry silver number 1
@Motoko1134 2 жыл бұрын
@@Zurround Sato, kids today are pussies! - Johnny Lawrence
@stevep1685 2 жыл бұрын
No way was sato and miyagi the same league, miyagi strikes a piece of timber that's trapping sato with one blow to free him. Karate kid 2. Sato had been striking a piece of timber every day for all the year's that miyagi had left, and you can see how worn the wood is that sato has repeatedly hit. Sato had vowed to kill miyagi if he ever returned and miyagi would never fight him. Not because he couldn't beat him,it was because he was his friend and in respect of his fellow father's student.
@steves_garage 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that Miyagi was prepared to die going into the fight with Sato that never happened should be enough to convince you he posed the most threat.
@aaronlean1350 3 жыл бұрын
Terry Silver is on another level to those guys.
@Greggorious123 2 жыл бұрын
What guys? Including Myiagi who easily defeated him?
@hectorbarbossa4403 2 жыл бұрын
Lol no Silver is overrated
@robanah 3 жыл бұрын
Definitely Sato, I assume Chozen was taught the same style, and you can see how strong he is when fighting. I’d love to see a Chozen vs Silver battle 😂 but I guess a Larusso vs Silver one will work too(which hopefully we will see in the upcoming season)
@KenCole 3 жыл бұрын
Both those fights would be amazing.
@fallguye6011 3 жыл бұрын
Chozen would demolish Silver. Be like fighting Miyagi or Sato and you saw how half of those turned out. Chozen would have little problem with anyone the CK universe has. He's a bad dude.
@Midnightwolfman6969 2 жыл бұрын
Chozen would have down in seconds hes one of the few in my opinion that's overcome his emotions most positively throughout the years as seen in cobra kai not holding on to the past and giving larusso the classic miyagi honk on the nose lol as for fighting if someone wants war you take away their ability to wage it
@H.K.5 2 жыл бұрын
Chozen is overrated, he struggled against teenage Daniel.
@fallguye6011 2 жыл бұрын
@@H.K.5 That was then. Sato forgave him and taught him what he didn't know in 2 after. Chozen picked up where Sato and Miyagi left off, and is the closest to the two the series has.
@falco.19 3 жыл бұрын
I think that Terry is likely the best because his manipulation is so big that he will give you PTSD against him. Kreese is not the best anymore because he already had his karate days. Sato would be almost as strong but Sato has no concentration because of his anger. Col. Dugan is trash.
@KenCole 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting points!
@falco.19 3 жыл бұрын
@@KenCole Can you bring this comment on your Video, I grately appreciate it ;) You're one of the best CK and KK KZbinrs!
@thullraven1 2 жыл бұрын
Sato had rage, but it was controlled rage. His concentration would have been fine. His skill level is comparable to Miyagi. He would have destroyed Silver almost as easily. Maybe even easier, because Sato wouldn't have gone easy on him like Miyagi did.
@aridavis-chambers5226 2 жыл бұрын
Kreese is the most vicious sensei and fighter in cobra kai and he would beat silver any day
@thullraven1 2 жыл бұрын
@@aridavis-chambers5226 Have you been watching Cobra Kai? It's not even close. Johnny beat Kreese. Daniel beet Kreese. Silver beat Johnny pretty easily. Just on these events alone, it should be obvious to anyone that Silver would be able to beat Kreese.
@zacheiriksson 3 жыл бұрын
Miyagi would beat sato. Yes sato has size but miyagi has a better understanding of karate and can control his emotions which means he controls the situation
@pauljohnson6019 3 жыл бұрын
He would? You're making it sound certain, but we actually don't know, as both were on the same skill level, but never fought, so you never know! Don't assume Miaygi would have won for sure! Sato was a 10th Dan Grandmaster, who could have found that one vital strike, that put Miaygi in a coma, or dead.
@castortroy7704 3 жыл бұрын
It would've been an extremely tough, narrowly close, two sided fight. I personally believe Mr. Miyagi vs Sato would be a tie.
@handzofstone1152 3 жыл бұрын
@@pauljohnson6019 Well for starters, their teacher was Miyagi's father, whom undoubtedly spent more time with Miyagi than Sato and most likely would've taught Miyagi more than he taught anyone else including Sato. Also Miyagi would've had the advantage of being in control of his emotions. Sato was blinded by rage and wanting revenge, which even he acknowledged himself later.
@JohnnyLREACTS 2 жыл бұрын
@@castortroy7704 I agree this is the correct answer. They would come to a moment where they would realize they could not overpower one another
@kennethspaulding1853 3 жыл бұрын
The participants in the Army Karate Championships from '70-72 must have been incredibly susceptible to the Kreese front punch. Guess they weren't looking for the obvious. Great video, as always, Ken!
@seannevin5086 3 жыл бұрын
@KenCole 3 жыл бұрын
@Zurround 3 жыл бұрын
Have you considered that he was well past his prime in the mid 1980s and maybe he fought better back then? You do not know for sure that he ALWAYS relied on that same move just because of a few fights he had much later in life?
@rickscott8756 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe he just used to be super fast at it like Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon 😂
@sukhastings4200 2 жыл бұрын
Kreese is a one trick pony. Silver is more diverse frankly, someone would have picked up on Kreese over reliance of his front punch.
@treywilliams3447 3 жыл бұрын
I think Terry the best ,AND I can't wait to see him train ROBBIE IN COBRAI KAI.
@treywilliams3447 3 жыл бұрын
@Mike H that your opinion, stop texting me
@treywilliams3447 3 жыл бұрын
@Mike H actually your the problem
@treywilliams3447 3 жыл бұрын
@Mike H pathetic
@solomon5726 3 жыл бұрын
We never saw Sato actually fight, but he might have been around the same level as Miyagi
@Pumpestok 2 жыл бұрын
Miyagi kinda told us with his actions. The only time he wrote a testament was when he was about to fight Sato. I still think Miyagi would win but he is not as confident as with the others who he ridicules.
@ericliu8720 3 жыл бұрын
I’d say Terry. He might have stole some Miyagi secrets and we see him fight a lot more than Sato
@ericliu8720 3 жыл бұрын
If you had to be beaten by one, who would you rather lose to? Terry Silver, Mike Barnes, or Mr.Miyagi?
@ericliu8720 3 жыл бұрын
@Ken Cole, what do you think?
@robanah 3 жыл бұрын
Fan theory I had(and I think someone made a video a while back about it): Terry was stationed at the Okinawa military base for a few months, where he picked up some skills from Sato... That's why he knows Kata
@stinkbug4321 3 жыл бұрын
I would say me. I know the ancient art of "Echi Tung", Which is where you hit them over the head with a blood pudding. I got that from a British comedy series. It only made about three or four episodes before it got canceled. It has been so long ago that I forget what it was even called.
@castortroy7704 3 жыл бұрын
🤣🤣🤣no. Silver and Kreese were good. No match for Miyagi and Sato, however.
@danielhaire6677 3 жыл бұрын
Sato would win. As we have seen in the recent Cobra Kai, Miyagi-Do had a whole level of lethality and dangerousness that Miyagi never showed. I think that this was because he likely abandoned those techniques due to his WWII experiences. Sato didn't abandon those techniques. Also, Sato very much had a similar attitude in a fight with Kreese and Silver. More advanced skill and a ruthless fighting attitude? A deadly combination.
@castortroy7704 3 жыл бұрын
I think Sato vs Miyagi would be even.
@jasonoverstreet9933 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent video. I've thought about the comparisons of these Senseis and I agree about Sato.
@waxonwaxoff727 Жыл бұрын
I think Ken Cole your analysis and ranking was spot on. I would have put in same order before even watching to the end of this.
@fantasybouthour6679 2 жыл бұрын
I love the sound the Soto made when he’s about to punch Miyagi.
@jablasi1 3 жыл бұрын
Here’s a question. In 3, right before Kreese stops Terry and says “we’re old friends” right before it looked like they were both going to attack Miyagi. Do you think he could have taken them both on at the same time? Love the channel!
@KenCole 3 жыл бұрын
I do think he could've taken both on at the same time, and I'm sad that we won't ever be able to see Miyagi do that. But maybe we'll get Chozen v. Kreese and Silver at once 😄
@Zurround 3 жыл бұрын
@@KenCole I am wondering if Kreese, Silver, and Barnes were to surround Miyagi and fight him together as a team AT THE SAME TIME would Miyagi still win and if so would he win but get hurt some unable to counter every attack? He was being CAREFUL when fighting Silver and Kreese not to kill or permanently maim them (he did not like them AT ALL but he was taking the moral high ground). I think if they were to attack him AT THE SAME TIME WORKING TOGETHER he would lose the "luxury" of fighting carefully to avoid hurting them too badly and would HAVE to either kill or maim them to avoid getting hurt himself.
@justthinking650 3 жыл бұрын
@@KenCole I agree. Miyagi seems to be experienced in fighting while outnumbered e.g. He was able to beat Johnny and his gang, Chozen (with weapon) and his gang, then in the next KK, he fought a group of random scumbags plus when terry and kreese was abt to team up on him he did his stance and seemed to be confident before Kreese insisted on fighting him alone
@mattholt9065 3 жыл бұрын
@@Zurround dude..Miyagi beat all of johnny and his crew in part 01...then he beat all of Chozen nd his crew.. Chozen being the only one to get a shot on miyagi by the spear...but cause he was chcking on daniel....then miyagi beat barnes and his crew...then beat barnes..kreese..and silver....miyagi beat everybody ...even in the next karate kid. yes miyagi would have beatten all 3 of them.
@Rambo20244 3 жыл бұрын
@@mattholt9065 miyagi the 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐
@Shou_Han 2 жыл бұрын
I guess I can agree with your lineup though we can all agree that Thomas Ian Griffith has some great moves for a man his age now that the new seasons are out. 60 years old and still doing CLEAN spinning wheel kicks dude is a madman
@samanthamcbride8285 3 жыл бұрын
I second everything you said in this video. That's pretty much the chronological order
@alicezamora2796 3 жыл бұрын
Loved how you ended this. Yes Terry is the best 🤣 but logically I can see your point on Sato being the best. Although Terry's #1 with me but I'm just another fangirl 🤣 Great video as always
@KenCole 3 жыл бұрын
Stay tuned, I might have to add some more info to this discussion 😉
@userjlj 2 жыл бұрын
this is a no contest for sato, when miyagi went to talk to sato.. he was training on the log.. not sure if he was trying to break it.. no question, sato is capable of taking out all three just like miyagi could.. edit: we may have not seen sato fight but I'll take miyagi's word that sato is as good, if not better than him even without seeing sato fight..
@kgarcia3625 2 жыл бұрын
This guy really puts a lot effort in his videos.
@kaumana808 2 жыл бұрын
You convinced me 100% Sato. And I'm still in the ad before the video!
@ronnoldrosenburg4646 Жыл бұрын
Something kinda stood out to me there. It was when Crease had a talk with Hawk and said the Enemy of thee Enemy is my friend. And if you look at Crease he's not a bad man just some bad experiences in life.
@KenCole Жыл бұрын
Good observation.
@The.Grateful.Norse1979 Жыл бұрын
I actually agree with his ranks for all the same reasons! (FYI, the same wall that Myagi knocked Terry Silver into the mirror smashing it, is the same wall that Daniel knocked Terry into smashing glass in Cobra Kai season 5)
@pinpoint4644 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent points! Where on the list do you think master li from the 2010 remake is? Personally I think he would be somewhere in between col. Dugan and Kreese. I would love to see your thoughts on cheng vs Johnny Lawrence (1984) as well.
@TFTCarnage 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with your rankings 100% although Terry's obvious fear and respect for Kreese in Cobra Kai does lead me to believe we haven't seen everything Kreese has to offer
@hectorbarbossa4403 2 жыл бұрын
Kreese > Terry Terry is still very good
@jamainegardner4193 2 жыл бұрын
Martial skill: Sato > Kreese >> Silver > Sato >>> Dugan > Kreese Overall: Sato >Silver >Kreese > Dugan
@timotaio69 2 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with your assessment. However 10 to 11 months later, it appears that Kreese is showing improved skill in the series. So who knows what Cobra Kai has in store for the Sensei's.
@mansourabunayyan4398 3 жыл бұрын
Terry I didn’t like cobra Kai but when I know Terry’s coming back I like Legit was excited I was jumping breaking things
@thejay3804 3 жыл бұрын
Quicksilver > Cobra Kai
@KenCole 3 жыл бұрын
Terry holds the truest form of Cobra Kai.
@benvoiceactor 2 жыл бұрын
I know it would be too obvious, BUT I think it would be pretty cool if it was Sato that further trained Kreese and Silver during the war in a more “aggressive” version of Miyagi Do and K+S would turn this into Cobra Kai, connecting both styles.
@weaponleonX 2 жыл бұрын
Great list.
@NorthHallDawg 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with the assessment that Sato would be the superior fighter of the four; however, Terry Silver should not be discounted; his form seems more dynamic than Kreese's. One thing I hope Cobra Kai does is delve into is Miyagi's background. It's known that Miyagi did teach his commanding officer Miyagi-Do during his service in WW II. One wonders if Miyagi had to use his skills hand-to-hand against a German or Italian soldier during the war. Did Miyagi kill an enemy soldier in hand-to-hand combat? Is that why he was reluctant to teach Daniel these "forbidden" techniques? I would suspect Miyagi did use the "pressure point" techniques at some point during his service during WW II, but why was he reluctant to teach them to Daniel? Why did he never use them against Kreese? Silver or Dugan? What else did Miyagi know that was never taught to Daniel? It's obvious Sato did teach Chozen some of the "forbidden" techniques... One wonders what knowledge Miyagi took to his grave... Yes, Cobra Kai needs to give us a glimpse of Miyagi's background like they did Kreese's...
@RiaIsRatedR Жыл бұрын
I agree with this ranking and the pinned comment regarding Mike. Sato could take all of them pretty easily, including Silver. Unfortunately, Mike gave up karate when he was banned, but considering how, despite this, he was evenly matched with Chozen, it shows he still has the most natural skill and potential of all of them. If he takes up karate again in CK, I could see him surpassing them all even now, despite being past his prime. If he hadn't been banned in 85 and never stopped, he'd probably be nigh unstoppable. Maybe only inferior to Miyagi, but only because no one is allowed to surpass Miyagi anyway.
@aarongriswold8494 Жыл бұрын
" Telegraphing with a, YEASDH"
@js3599 3 жыл бұрын
I have mentioned several times, I would still like to see a recreation of the KK3 dojo scene with Chozen in the Miyagi Role against Kreese and Silver... of course, I can mention it all I want, doesn't mean it will happen...
@KenCole 3 жыл бұрын
I fully support this idea happening.
@gilbertlopez183 2 жыл бұрын
I'll go with chozen only because he was taught miyagi do karate by Sato, and he knows that pressure point techniques
@spacepuppy720 3 жыл бұрын
My opinion silver was the best. And I believe Kreese could've given any other opponent a serious beating. Look what he did to the landlords nephews in S3.
@castortroy7704 2 жыл бұрын
Here's my ranking of the sensei villains from most skilled to least: 1. Sato. Mr. Miyagi's near equal. Trained in martial arts by Miyagi's father since childhood alongside Mr. Miyagi, the combat general of the U.S. armed forces and willing to kill for honor. Bigger and stronger than Miyagi with Mr. Miyagi being narrowly more skilled as proven via log break to save Sato. John Kreese: Ex-special forces army captain and former karate champion. Killed his own former commanding officer in close combat and founded Cobra Kai. 3. Terry Silver: Miyagi's best friend and war buddy he saved and protege. Kreese vs Silver would be a close fight but Kreese is stronger and more experienced and taught Silver karate in Vietnam. Silver merely lasted longer against Miyagi than Kreese because Miyagi was toying with Silver to humiliate him more and show his attacks useless against a true karate master. Or a born and bred master like Miyagi. 4. Colonel Dugan: only a colonel in the army with army combatitive training consisting of boxing, grappling, wrestling and kickboxing styles. But far less skilled and weaker off the charts by comparison to Silver, Kreese or Sato. Whereas Kreese's Cobra Kai students were highly trained and skilled karate fighters and top student being Johnny with the most skilled blackbelt students under Johnny being Bobby, Dutch, Tommy and Jimmy at the bottom, Dugan's Alpha Elite wannabe Cobra Kais were just typical bullies and cowardly punks. Ned needed three of his friends to help him jump Eric McGowen at the docks then fought a skinny girl half his size one on one and julie beat Ned down easily without Ned landing one hit. Even after blinding her with sand. Only two Alpha Elite group members who could fight were Eric and Colonel Dugan. Lol no comparison to Cobra Kai.
@KenCole 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting!
@castortroy7704 2 жыл бұрын
@@KenCole In terms of the student villains I always will rank Chozen number one as the most well trained, fierce, experienced and deadly opponent of Daniel. Mike Barnes was a national karate tournament champion and ranked number one tournament champion in America. And he'd give Chozen a run for his money but Chozen would win and destroy Barnes in a real legit bare handed street fight with no rules. It'd be close. Barnes battered Daniel effortlessly and flawlessly the whole 3rd movie and in the tournament till Daniel flipped him at the end but fought a physically, emotionally and mentally weaker Daniel Laurusso. Daniel in KK3 was borderline overweight, out of shape, not training nearly as hard in karate as he was in part 2 plus against Chozen Daniel fought for his life for Kumiko, using everything he had in himself to survive with the support of Mr. Miyagi, Sato, Kumiko, Yoshi and the entire okinawan village. In 3 in addition to Daniel being out of shape plus not training as hard, Daniel was broken down completely psychologically by Terry silver, not fearing Barnes initially despite being outmatched in hand to hand combat effortlessly beforehand, but also chubby, lazy, untrained aside from the kata exercise and not fighting for his life. So not as determined or pressed. Once silver broke Daniel psychologically sending Barnes and his friends to harass and intimidate Daniel, befriending Daniel faking being Daniel's friend and trainer, making Daniel forget everything Miyagi taught him about true karate and believe he was invincible, forcing Daniel to injure his hands and legs as sadism and once Silver revealed his true self and intentions to Daniel alongside Kreese and Barnes Daniel was completely broken down mentally and emotionally. Even after Miyagi trains him last minute. In the end Daniel overcame his fear of Barnes with Mr. Miyagi's help and won using the kata to counter and flip Barnes before a palm strike to the body. Barnes was tough but against a prime Daniel in kk2 training hard everyday and fully trying with all the karate he knew, in shape and skinny and minus Silver's psychological warfare Daniel could've beaten Mike all along, tournament wise or any other scenario (street fight wise) but it still would've been a very tough, difficult, close fight.
@ryanmurray4899 11 ай бұрын
I was curious, and looked up if Sato aka Danny Kamekona was still alive as I was genuinely unsure. It’s extremely saddening to hear he had been deceased for days in his bathroom before anyone found him. I wish we got more Sato, and I truly wish that Danny Kamekona went out on a more comforting note. Great actor and if I had to guess, a great man as well.
@KenCole 11 ай бұрын
Very sad, he did a fantastic job as Sato. I agree I wish we could see more Sato.
@nealsmall9316 11 ай бұрын
​@@KenColeThat sounds kinda fishy how he died
@chojinkid 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree with your ranking, Sato is supposed to have at least the same skills as Miyagi so first place goes to him, second place goes to Terry, in Cobra Kai he beat Johnny with little effort, while Kreese struggled a lot for a draw.
@Boygonebad 2 жыл бұрын
Silver wrecks them all except Sato. Even Miyagi acknowledges that he could lose to Sato. Silva is the best villain in KK history though.
@leoarevalo6786 2 жыл бұрын
This is basically dungan, kreese and silver vs Sato
@jorge2722 Жыл бұрын
I love these analyses. I would like Terry Silver to be my sensei.
@Radog99 2 жыл бұрын
Miyagi toyed with Kreese, Silver, and Dugan in their respective fights, barely breaking a sweat. But Miyagi created a last will and testament going into a potential fight with Sato. Tells you all you need to know.
@jaj1738 2 жыл бұрын
Sato, Silver, Kreese, Dugan, in that order
@MJ-pk4gh 2 жыл бұрын
Terry Silver was the most skilled fighter in the entire franchise
@KenCole 2 жыл бұрын
I can't argue and I might be working on a new video 😉
@MadCub1000 3 жыл бұрын
Sato wasnt trying to break the piece of wood, using it to condition his hand
@Eddieblueeyes14 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Miyagi wrote his last will and Testament before their non-existent fight with Sato. Miyagi just slapped, honked, and bitch slapped the remaining roster.
@80s_Boombox_Collector Жыл бұрын
Col Dugan was the worst of them. Miyagi was the second-worst...his opponents merely used slow katas (forms) to attack him. That is the only reason he was able to defend himself and "win".
@paulradford4100 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with your ranking, however.. Miyagi and sato.. it's unknown if they would be joint 1st as they both have exact same training from the exact same teacher.. ideally they should have the same skills and be evenly matched..
@charmainehanslit 2 жыл бұрын
Terry Silver (Thomas Ian Griffth) is the sexiest by far. I remember when he played Catlin Ewing on the soap, Another World in the early `80s. I was smitten. I`m happy to see him still acting.
@KenCole 2 жыл бұрын
He's a great actor for sure.
@russellscott1064 2 жыл бұрын
He wasn't trying to break a beam of wood lol.. he was using it to strengthen his hands. There's a clear indent from him hitting it a zillion times.
@MarioUcomics 3 жыл бұрын
Sato is the only one who really know karate from Okinawa. Cobra kai used an americanized Korean Tang Too Do. Sure the Cobra kai senseis and Col Dugan had some military background, but Sato was the hand to hand combat teacher for the US military. Based on season 3 of Cobra kai, you can assume he know all the most violent aspects of Miyagi do karate such as the pressure points Chozen showed Daniel
@dovahofthenorth653 2 жыл бұрын
That beam of wood was made to strengthen fists, not to be broken
@jasonweeks6318 3 жыл бұрын
Sato would not only eat their lunch, but give them a swirlie in the porcelin jaccuzi.
@Wright805 2 жыл бұрын
I know every character is somebody's favourite but I doubt many people are hoping to see Dumb-Dumb Dugan again on Cobra Kai.
@nilehoruseus 2 жыл бұрын
Sadly Sato won’t appear in Cobra Kai because the actor Danny Kamekona along time ago RIP Danny Kamekona November 15 1935- May 2 1996
@KenCole 2 жыл бұрын
RIP Danny Kamekona
@kobrakitsch877 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I find myself wondering how Terry Silver would fare in a karate battle with Rocky, Colt and TumTum the young judo heroes of The 3 Ninjas movie franchise which also ought to be rebooted as a TV series like Cobra Kai.
@kobrakitsch877 3 жыл бұрын
I can definitely see their evil arch villainess Medusa being played by the still gorgeous Pamela Anderson.
@KenCole 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, this is something I'd love to see.
@kobrakitsch877 3 жыл бұрын
@@KenCole I was partly joking but yes I would love to see a 3 Ninjas TV series reboot of the popular movie franchise. Cobra Kai has shown us the way.
@graylad 2 жыл бұрын
"Victor Isbecki" ...... now there's a loose cannon
@SergioCristancho 2 жыл бұрын
Something Cobra Kai and karate kid movies don't have made is go to the origins of the style of the Cobra Kai dojo... A chance to be a military training peaks my top educated guest ... But there's the question who is the master inside the army, and then is the same style that has go with Col. Dugan as for Silver and Krease? I don't see Silver style as the same of Krease similar but there's something else. And Dugan's is very much different. Where does Cobra Kai dojo style came from?
@Zurround 3 жыл бұрын
I guess he was left out because it was a REMAKE so did not take place in the same fictional universe (and I am offended that it was not called THE KUNG FU KID) but I would be interested to see how "Mr. Lee" the Kreese like villain from that movie would rank. Personally I think he beats Kreese and Silver and of course Dugan but loses to Sato and Miyagi.
@johnryan118 2 жыл бұрын
I have to agree on Sato, since he reconciled with Mr.Miyagi he is a calmer more disciplined Sensei, Chozen has shown us in Cobra Kai Season 3 that there is an actual pressure point offensive fighting style that was never taught to Daniel by Mr.Miyagi in his karate teachings, so with this new knowledge, Sato could easily beat Terry Silver and Mike Barnes due to their over confidence
@vaddix9980 2 жыл бұрын
Sato would win. No contest. The guy was trained by Miyagi's father, same person where Miyagi studied. Guy equally skilled as Miyagi would not lose to the other three even in a handicap.
@colossus808e 2 жыл бұрын
Remember you showed Sato not being able to break the 4”x4”, then showed Miyagi saving Sato’s life by breaking a similar 4”x4” holding Sato down? Hmmmmm…..
@KenCole 2 жыл бұрын
Haha, I’ll be returning to that in a future video 😄
@carlos881104 2 жыл бұрын
I think Sato is even better that Miyagi, this is because Sato trained a lot of people and kept practicing during his life, and Miyagi only trained Dany at that point and we can assume that he didn't practice much during his days in The U.S.
@رستمالعرب 2 жыл бұрын
اريد الجزء الثاني كامل مترجم عربي كيف اجده
@adamrobinette6832 3 жыл бұрын
Sato and Miyagi were supposed to be equals. And Miyagi handled Silver like he was nothing. So Silver beats the others but loses to Sato.
@Eagle971 3 жыл бұрын
Terry circa KK3 would mop the floor with everyone.
@Frost_pl. 2 жыл бұрын
I will make a list: 4. Colonel Dugan 3. John Kreese 2. Terry Silver 1. Sato Toguchi
@Josh-ky8ei 2 жыл бұрын
Yo comment section how bout Kreese vs Dugan? Both have that military mentality and are more hands on in terms of turning their karate almost into a street fight which I think makes a great matchup for them 👍👋
@installer1571 2 жыл бұрын
Mr Miyagi must have believed sato was a very good fighter because he wrote a will and gave it to Daniel so Mr Miyagi would not underestimate him
@NBD671. 2 жыл бұрын
Kreese should be 1 place kreese does act like he's bad at fight with johnny because johnny does remember alot the kreese tricks them
@KENSHINSHOCK 2 жыл бұрын
In this case agreed 100%. Sato just for being a former Miyagi-do karate master would be able to swep the floor with Silver, Kreese and Dugan as well justo behind Mr. Miyagi. who si clearly superior an the strongest one.
@JohnnyLREACTS 2 жыл бұрын
Sato in his prime might have beaten Miyagi we don't know. Would be an amazing backstory!
@ElNintendoReviewer 2 жыл бұрын
As good as Terry is, Sato takes this one. Terry lost to Miyagi and Sato is portrayed to be just as skilled as Miyagi
@backyardbirbsma2981 2 жыл бұрын
Sato EASILY dominates everyone except Miyagi. Sato is at LEAST as strong as Miyagi. Same teacher, and has been practicing/teaching his entire life, while Miyagi hasn't.
@alexis5878 2 жыл бұрын
In normal ways, even without seeing him fight, Sato would certainly be the best. He learned the same fundamentals as Myiagi and continued practically (and master) until an older age than the other senseis. I have no doubt that in a dispute between him and Terry, Sato would win, just as Myiagi did.
@pilkers2 2 жыл бұрын
Kreese was able to dodge an attack from Mr Miyagi which is better than Terry silver did in his prime
@YodaMiyagi Жыл бұрын
Miyagi beat Kreese , Silver , and Dugan with ease Sato the only one that may have had a chance
@lect0n7 3 жыл бұрын
I think you aren’t considering enough about Terry Silver; you really need to consider the fact that John Kreese approached Terry Silver with the keys to the Cobta Kai dojo at which time it’s revealed that Terry owns the land or building the Cobra Kai dojo it inhabits… he attempts to give the keys to Terry (who refused to accept the keys), he gets the story from Kreese, then engrossed himself in a revenge plot against Daniel & Miyagi…he arrives in the _the Valley,_ hires a karate tournament ringer, to win back the title for _Cobra Kai,_ successfully befriends Daniel, has a crew of goons (including his ringer) terrorize Daniel throughout the film, successfully *DERAILS* a large portion of the work Miyagi has done grooming Daniel to use Karate *exclusively* for _Self Defense_ (when he half pays off a guy to confront Daniel in the dance club, and Daniel without much prompting *LAYS HIM THE FUCK OUT…* Terry Silver’s psychological game far surpasses anything Sato does (which includes anything his nephew & number one student Chozen does because Chozen has been raised to believe anything he does to Daniel, he’s doing remotely on Sato’s behalf…)
@Alexei2539 2 жыл бұрын
That was a really fun video! Waah! Waah!!
@chirho100 2 жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t under estimate the power of mind games, why I like Terry.
@mikedinno8413 2 жыл бұрын
Terrry Silver couldn't beat an old pint size Miyagi with his two thugs backing him up.
@hellsbollocks8833 2 жыл бұрын
What's the chances kreeses captain has a son that shows up in Cobra Kai looking for revenge? Could be another one to team up with Johnny and Daniel
@U2FanSanFran 2 жыл бұрын
I wanted to see Silver get his ass kicked in Season 4. Too bad it didn’t happen. I won’t say anything beyond that in case whoever reads this didn’t see season 4 yet. I binged on it NYE in one sitting! Let’s go for season 5!
@DamonNomad82 2 жыл бұрын
Before watching this video, I would say that Sato would likely defeat Kreese, Silver or Dugan one-on-one. If they tag-teamed him, they'd probably be able to defeat him, but they seem to have become martial artists in young adulthood while serving in the military, while Sato was a lifelong student of the Miyagi-do style. Then again, there are other factors that could tip the balance. Silver is a master of psychological warfare, so if he had time to study Sato and learn his strengths and weaknesses, both as a martial artist and in general, he could likely devise a trap to gain an advantage and win. I do think Dugan would lose to any of the others, but it would be hard to pick a winner between Kreese and Silver.
@DamonNomad82 2 жыл бұрын
After watching: Wow, I was expecting Ken to pick Silver! I guess great minds think alike...
@KenCole 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed 😄
@sanktumtomb5659 2 жыл бұрын
This is just me going off on a whim but I feel like Kreese and Silver both no Dogun because they all served in Vietnam so they could potentially be a story there
@Aaron-zt5ee 2 жыл бұрын
One thing is for certain: Sato is the smartest evil sensei. He was the one who backed down from fighting Miyagi.
@WrestlingsFinest1 2 жыл бұрын
Nah because he was the only sensai who knew what miyagi would do to him
@Respect12948 2 жыл бұрын
@Every Little Thing sato brutally trained his nephew for years and years Miyagi casually trained Daniel for less than a year and he still managed to produce the winner of their eventual fight
@johndearstyne1845 2 жыл бұрын
@Every Little Thing Just because they were trained by the same person doesn't mean the same skill level. Look at Terry Silver and John Kreese. Trained by the same person yet Terry is ahead by a lot.
@mizmera 2 жыл бұрын
I think Miyagi knew he would beat him, and did not want to let him lose face. Due to him still feeling he was his friend. Remember in matric, tripped my friend like he did me 5 minutes ago and he then went into full attack mode. I just easily blocked everything he had, and then grabbed his hands and told him I am his friend. I do not want to fight him. It was just playing. He bent my thumb which at that moment felt like nothing. Had the doctor check it... hairline fracture. The next day he bragged when he saw my thumb to the other people, which I replied in front of everybody, it was because he was my friend and I tried to stop him fighting. He went all red in the face and never brought it up again.
@poutsamouni5483 Жыл бұрын
@Every Little Thing i think miyiagi is still a bit above him But if they were to fight it would definitely be close unlike with the other fighters who couldnt land a hit on him sato would hurt miyiagi a lot even if he lost by the end
@kagemaru259 2 жыл бұрын
At the time Sato would've had almost 50 years of experience, personally taught U.S. Marines, trained more intensive and regularly than Miyagi did, still practices the traditional Okinawan way and is not afraid to fight to the death. If Miyagi was able to beat them so easily, Sato would've straight up murdered them.
@Mark-px8jt 2 жыл бұрын
Mayagi trained all the time. Kata, meditation, he turned maintenance like paint the fence into karate practice
@sonyx4500 Жыл бұрын
But Miyagi was way wiser. More calm and focused.
@katemaloney4296 3 жыл бұрын
Miyagi whooped Kreese (twice!) and Silver--in their dojo! I have no doubt Sato could beat the stuffing out of Silver in a NY minute.
@itsanightmaresobeware7777 3 жыл бұрын
@saileshnaidu8102 3 жыл бұрын
Plot armor played a major role there
@SkylerDouglas 3 жыл бұрын
@Zurround 3 жыл бұрын
@Mike H Part of why Miyagi took as long as he did was because he was taking the moral high ground and making sure NOT to kill or permanently maim them (though I am sure they were sore the next day). Not the case with Sato.
@saileshnaidu8102 3 жыл бұрын
@@Zurround not really. Miyagi went slow cause he was rather old and slow and Silver was a VERY fast fighter. If Sato simply goes in there, he'd he ham before he can land effective strikes, seeing as Silver's long range kicks will hit him first
@purevessel4506 3 жыл бұрын
Sato was heavily implied to be on Miyagi's level who wrecked Kreese and Silver and he taught Chozen who was way stronger than any Cobra Kai student. Sato is probably also the one who taught Chozen the pressure point technique which allowed him to easily wreck Daniel who is somewhat equal to Johnny and Kreese. It's also the same technique that allowed Daniel to almost kill Kreese so yeah Sato is the best fighter out of the 4
@saileshnaidu8102 3 жыл бұрын
Pretty sure Miyagi is FAR stronger. He was able to break a log Sato couldnt for decades with one strike
@justthinking650 3 жыл бұрын
@@saileshnaidu8102 though I agree miyagi is stronger (probably not too far) I don't think Sato was trying to break that log, he was just conditioning his hands which is a method common in okinawan karate
@pauljohnson6019 3 жыл бұрын
@@saileshnaidu8102 I don't think he was trying- just conditioning, like poster above said! A 10th Dan, if he puts all his strength into the strike, should be able to break a piece of wood that thick!
@castortroy7704 3 жыл бұрын
That's what I say. And all of the other characters shown in the video thumbnail would've fucked Dugan up like nothing. Lmao. Can Sato or Terry Silver beat Dugan?? That's so laughable I wouldn't entertain it. 🤣🤣🤣
@pauljohnson6019 3 жыл бұрын
@@castortroy7704 Even using 10% power, Sato would beat Terry, just like Miaygi. Same with Dugan.
@reyngel 2 жыл бұрын
A 6 year old could beat Col Dugan
@danielcreasy5 2 ай бұрын
That's Lieutenant Jean Rasczak from Starship troopers pal
@GamingForEver917 Ай бұрын
Bro your saying a baby couldn’t beat him up bro is so weak and slow he can’t fight
@ildrago-i6e Ай бұрын
He only seemed weak because he only faced Miyagi
@dakentaijutsu2010 Ай бұрын
​@@ildrago-i6eand the fact that he "beat up his students" face it, the guy is way less skilled in fighting than Kreese and silver
@joespalace9076 Ай бұрын
Put some respect on Colonel Paul Dugan’s name
@heatfan4life559 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with your list. Out of all the villains (shown fighting), Silver is easily the most well rounded fighter, but Sato is a master of Miyagi Do, so he wins easily. I'm interested to see how Silver's skills age in Cobra Kai.
@eranshachar9954 3 жыл бұрын
@Mike H Had Mike friend, had. Both the character and the actor are dead. Modern day Chozen, I believe is better than Terry, and I hope we get to see that in season 4.
@heatfan4life559 3 жыл бұрын
@Mike H I made that pretty clear in my post
@eranshachar9954 3 жыл бұрын
I apologize, a miss understanding. So Ken's list is defiantly correct. I still hope Chozen will show up, to beat Silver.
@dynastywarriorlord07 2 жыл бұрын
John Kreese was probably better than Silver when they were both in the army. But clearly Silver has surpassed Kreese
@sukhastings4200 2 жыл бұрын
Sato. There guy learned from Miyahis father and taught the US army
@MrTim-sh6ru 3 жыл бұрын
I think Silver would win in honesty, Kreese was easily taken down twice, by Miyagi, if you look very close, Miyagi was barley dodging Silver’s high kicks, it was a very close hit, (that may be because Thomas Ian Griffith is actually experienced in real life, & at that time they weren’t expecting him to move like that) Dugan was easily taken down by Miyagi, more so then Kreese, in Saito’s case….Miyagi most likely didn’t want to fight his friend, someone he truly loved. So Silver wins
@KenCole 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, very fascinating explanation!
@MrTim-sh6ru 3 жыл бұрын
@@KenCole well I watch fights very closely, Silver may be cocky, but if Miyagi hadn’t of dodged (with massive plot armor) Miyagi would’ve been finished
@treywilliams3447 3 жыл бұрын
Terry has many Skills and combination of martial arts.
@justthinking650 3 жыл бұрын
Sato would demolish him with ease
@pauljohnson6019 3 жыл бұрын
@@justthinking650 Sato was a 10th Dan, Silver was probably 6th or 7th Dan, Sato has huge advantage, honestly, I think Sato would win just as easily as Miaygi.
Could Mike Barnes Beat Johnny, Chozen, Bobby, and Dutch?
Ken Cole
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Why Terry Silver Rocks
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Пришёл к другу на ночёвку 😂
Рет қаралды 11 МЛН
Melih Taşçı
Рет қаралды 12 МЛН
Does Col. Dugan Know Kreese and Terry Silver?
Ken Cole
Рет қаралды 66 М.
Terry Silver is NOT Dying!
Ken Cole
Рет қаралды 30 М.
Was Sato Bad at Karate?
Ken Cole
Рет қаралды 37 М.
Is Terry Silver a Psychopath?
Ken Cole
Рет қаралды 68 М.
Terry Silver scene pack (good quality)
Рет қаралды 535 М.
Why Kreese Was Misguided - Character Analysis/Theory
Stryfe the Warrior
Рет қаралды 191 М.
Mike Barnes, Master Bully
Ken Cole
Рет қаралды 481 М.
Mike Barnes vs Chozen vs Johnny - Your Comments!
Ken Cole
Рет қаралды 81 М.
Martin Kove Tells a Story About Pat Morita
Collider Podcasts
Рет қаралды 2,9 МЛН
Новый уровень твоей сосиски
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Рет қаралды 4,9 МЛН