Hey Chris, I was thinking about the logic for stopping bounce between cooling heating. Rather than measuring time between heating or cooling events how about monitoring temp at idle. Eg if you've just gone from cooling to idle and you see the temp rising at idle then suppress the heating event as you see that heat is not required at his time, the same goes for a falling temp at idle, but suppress cooling event. Great stream, looking forward to the next one 👍
@yoshimaker-iot22 күн бұрын
The challenge there is that you sometimes have thermal inertia, but sometimes shutting off the air circulation causes the temp to go the opposite direction. It's a hard problem with a single set point (which is why, in the past, I've always used a separate heating and cooling set point)
@yoshimaker-iot22 күн бұрын
You could use a "trend at idle" but you'd have to define some period over which to check and prevent any state change inside that check.
@yoshimaker-iot22 күн бұрын
Another approach is to use the "outside" temp. If it's above the space temp, you need to cool, if it's below, you need to heat
@applicitaaccount125821 күн бұрын
@@yoshimaker-iot - This sounds like what I was trying to describe - thanks Chris!
@applicitaaccount125821 күн бұрын
@@yoshimaker-iot - so in this configuration you would have two sources of temperature inside (room temp) and outside ambient temp ?