I really hope they will revoke the matchmaking changes. It went from pretty bad to unplayable for SoloQ players with high MMR/WR
@ayakohi0Күн бұрын
Ah yes the classic 50-55 WR 1k matches get paired up with trios with 65-70 WR and 10k matches lol
@new4342Күн бұрын
Yes because it's totally fair to pair a 60% WR player with over a thousand matches with a 50% wt player with a 50% WR but only 400 matches
@world.princeКүн бұрын
@@ayakohi0that is still happening regardless 🤡
@Ninjazz83-nКүн бұрын
In this match mimikyu didn't even choose play rough 😅
@paulcharles2532Күн бұрын
shadow claw was better for this matchup wdym
@tinyt.w.i.m7291Күн бұрын
Imma need those Ttar buffs again. The slow effect on sand tomb was perfect.
@jicsboli06Күн бұрын
Just had a teammate play Gengar with Hex. Sadly, it was Shadow Ball/Hex. 😅😅😅
@llthgig20 сағат бұрын
The Snorlax teammate thinks she’s the main character.
@ozzy97027 сағат бұрын
Tbf the Snorlax player did their bit and even trolled them by getting the regieleki when they were fighting by themselves 🤣
@YosefRabunКүн бұрын
also hex can be slightly be playable in lane because it combos with will o wisps well unlike dream eater that lacks that extra damage Burst from shadow ball
@jacobruby2237Күн бұрын
Played Dream Eater/Shadow Ball yesterday on a whim, was dominating the match pretty well even though my team let them gave several free scores.
@chito6724Күн бұрын
Since the time between hexes was buffed a little while ago, do you recommend using boosted basics between Hexes or just spam hex as much as possible?
@rasyawahyu4283Күн бұрын
Just Hex Spamm
@HenryDang-z6o11 сағат бұрын
in the video it seems like hes using boosted then hex
@HaPika-i8dКүн бұрын
2:10 mimikyu good
@_mauro_943013 сағат бұрын
How should you configure so that the hex does not go to an altaria? It always happens to me that I'm focusing on a rival ponemon and suddenly he goes to an altaria
@HaPika-i8dКүн бұрын
Snolax vs chensay
@sunnylam9902Күн бұрын
Having that many kills and not being 15 at ray spawn is so stupid, whats point of getting all those kills then, he should have a more overwhelming advantage
@justamon2281Күн бұрын
The irony is you can have all those kills and then die one time and the entire enemy team will get boosted to 15 (I’m exaggerating but barely lol)
@Ryan-cn4emКүн бұрын
I actually hate ray. I was dominating a game as mamoswine, we don’t get final hit on ray and we lose all 4 goal zones and the game (I had more kills alone then their entire team)
@eds7343Күн бұрын
Only getting Ray kill matters
@posobio23 сағат бұрын
because it's a team game, you're not special.
@kelvingonzalez920714 сағат бұрын
Hex Gengar is back?
@dragonlord8525Күн бұрын
I just uploaded a video saying dream eater is better than ever I should change the title maybe
@suavazquezКүн бұрын
Hi Cris i love You ❤️
@KTYX-df4ryКүн бұрын
nice game
@eds7343Күн бұрын
Matchmaking is worse.
@paulcharles2532Күн бұрын
Only for bad players
@mookmeek16 сағат бұрын
@@paulcharles2532is 55% wr bad? Bc that's what I have and matchmaking has gotten pretty bad