Absol and slowbro really had it out for you in the first game, wasting all their unite moves 😂
@hurmmmmphhhammСағат бұрын
the way people throw games like the first one just to kill a specific person is insanely funny to me cause that was VERY winnable for them
@gauravkashyap840850 минут бұрын
Hi Sir, Can u pls tell me why don't you use 6 white and blue emblems, are they bad for lapras??
@ALiHaMzA_orgСағат бұрын
I'm currently playing curse/shell bell/resonant guard on lapras (water pulse/bubble beam) and it's super tanky really fun to play and you can even knock their ranged attacker with the unite move
@purrsivСағат бұрын
so i’ve been playing the correct build this entire time.
@IthquaisChibiСағат бұрын
Lapras and umbreon are my favorite defenders
@u.us.2406Сағат бұрын
I just fought next to you and hope you won't start a hate rage since my Zoroark was f bad , please don't kill my fun for Pokemon
@karnetik2 сағат бұрын
arent lapras like Ults OP in other mobas for their mobility and gank potential?
@thedarkc7Сағат бұрын
Ults have real low cooldown in other MOBAs so you can spam them, not in Unite tho. Also, Unite is a time limit bound game.
@IthquaisChibiСағат бұрын
Sun ce
@JTtheOctoling55 минут бұрын
@@IthquaisChibihis boat breaks when you touch a wall so it’s more difficult to use than lapras
@karan9927Сағат бұрын
What is it with matchmaking now is it fixed or even more fukced up more!?