Like Bill said towards the end… that’s a dream trip! Congrats to the both of you for getting the time away to get it in. I’ve been thru most of that… still gotta get out to the far west (past Colorado) and have a lot of the places you went on my list. I run 16’s on my 2007 Road King Custom and no shield and a full face ( concession to my family after my BIL went down and had brain surgery with a skid lid in 2021). But… I did buy a Mexican blanket and straps for my bars on the next big trip… it will add a little to my tarp and my old GI woobie sleep system. I assume you liked it since it stayed on the entire trip? Thinking you will cherish these memories - my big bike trips are my high points of all my riding and most of the rest of my life, wife and kids excluded. Enjoyed it! 🤙