Great program! Thanks for this detailed interview, and thank the brave idealistic young Taiwanese men who chose to fight on behalf of democracy and justice.
49象☯️坤=群雄無首=“一個或人口內啼,分南分北分東西;六爻占盡文明見,棋布星羅日月齊。”👈據第三句=A.D.2104~2163正卦鼎之大有運之初爻鼎世🤗2104起中華民國改制聯邦政府🔀因此48頌“五十年中一將臣,青青草自田間出”也就揭曉=2044起前三任全中國內政總理還是由總統提名&國會議員表決同意🔜第四屆起改由人民直選*後12屆總理ㄨ4=48不滿五十年契原文🔜2104改聯邦政府😉各區內政自治,聯邦中央政府無內政總理,僅有國務卿secretary of the United States .
I bet those two brave freedom fighters have set good examples...let more taiwan soldiers volunteer in rotation to help out the ukraine army and learn from real life battlefield experiences and bring back new concepts and real life (& death ) battlefield experiences, physical and mental toughness, to elevate the taiwan army way above the ccp pla army who are trained by watching their war wolf movies