This is incredible. Something about magick always rubbed me the wrong way this feminist deconstruction was killer. Helps me understand alot of sadie plant in hindsight. Thanks again this was lovely!
@alicequintanilla3718 Жыл бұрын
wow fantastic! wow wow!
@malice4444 Жыл бұрын
Appreciate your work! Purchased 'Revolutionary Demonology' in Minneapolis. 😎😎😁😁
@OtherSideOfTheVoid Жыл бұрын
as a great philosopher once said - SPLENDID GIBBERISH!
@rickwrites2612 Жыл бұрын
Sigh. I really thought this was going to be about anarchist demonological or magical practices. Imagine my disappointment that it's just continental philosophy. The western duality code of correspindences (male/female, active/passive, Occident/orient, etc) came from Virgil's Aeniad. Having been into occult esotericism since about age 14 (i didnt have problems with equilibrium duality per se, only with coding gender and geography onto it) when I read Virgil in college I was like, Oh so that's where it started. I don't think there is a source that has been proven to be previous. I guess my question is, why agree with their genderizing it at all? Why cant we simply remove gender from the duality model. Its not like its based on reality. I worry that this is too accepting of gender as integral to equalibrium/duality. Like that one treatise that criticized that fluid mechanics get less attention because fluid is seen as female....but then went on to champion fluid mechanics *as if it really was female* when obviously it is not gendered at all. Why cant we just have solar/lunar, fire/water, etc without attributing any gender to either? You can find these codes flipped in terms of gender in several western eras or cultural periods. Victorian femininity for instance represents solar codes like civilized/moral/virtuous. At turn of 21st century, young men saw masculinity as the wild, violent, free and cthonic. If the critique is primarily feminist, why not just not say that gender and geography were superficially overlaid by biased men from history and remove them? At the very least, plenty of modern magicial systems have at least stopped basing it on biological gender (including Thelema and most Queer witches). There are already Queer magicians changing the relationship of gender to occult duality. I cant tell you how many times Ive been the represenrative of one side or the other in a ritual. Reform of cosmological sexism is happening everywhere because Queer occultusts are everywhere. Its not that Will is bad. Its that making it about gender was bad. Unless these ppl really dont want/believe in any kind of magick? It seems like you are just reproducing these gender associations instead of challenging them.