Cultivation of wise desires and intentions with B. Alan Wallace at Mind & Its Potential 2014

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Happiness & Its Causes

Happiness & Its Causes

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@champ10ns08 3 жыл бұрын
Mr Wallace arrived at the perfect moment 🙏 ❤️ 🙏
@Jk-ko6tc 3 жыл бұрын
The very teaching we need in today's 21 century.
@realskepticalstoic9704 Жыл бұрын
Wisdom at its best❤❤❤
@huguettegilbert5045 2 жыл бұрын
Love your teaching and your personality. Why dont you come in Canada and I organise a groupe of people including Tulku and Bodhisava. We are french but understand english.
@summondadrummin2868 8 жыл бұрын
This is fabulously insightful annnnd it's artfully presented
@ezeeproproperties8352 Жыл бұрын
👌👌👌Steady solid gold from this incomparably kind being 💎💎💎🌈🌈🌈🙏🙏🙏🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️💐💐💐
@indreamswake 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@felipeblin8616 6 жыл бұрын
Pure wisdom
@uiradaljovemBJJ 4 жыл бұрын
It makes my cry thinking about the world's future!!
@squamish4244 9 жыл бұрын
I am in agreement with Alan Wallace that our mental well-being has not grown remotely in concert with our material well-being, and that this has had many negative consequences for society and the environment. But he is incorrect that the 20th Century was the "most catastrophic" in history. It wasn't even close. Even factoring in all the deaths in every war and genocide, many earlier centuries were far more proportionally violent. Genghis Khan, the Crusades, Tamerlane, the Roman conquests, Qin Shi Huang, Aurangzeb... Setting aside outright violence, inequality and want of many kinds saw a huge decline over the last 100 years. Prior to that, they were immense and caused enormous suffering for all of history. The last century did not invent environmental exploitation either - humans have been doing that for millennia - but it did invent environmentalism.
@garypuckettmuse 2 жыл бұрын
But look at what you are using to evaluate best and worst. I think you are overlooking the way the human being as a human being developed over the last millenia. People have no respect for themselves as human beings, there is no sense of community about people, selfishness exploded, you never even hear words like "ethics" or 'decency" anymore. Anything goes and we call it progress when a lot of it is sloth, exhibitionism, self destruction, self-coddling and we call it progress. I could go on about how sad I feel for the loss of value of "being human" generally but the real central incontrovertible catastrophe is technology.It's ruined human beings forever. There is no recovering from it. In fact people crave the melding of AI and human minds, they prefer looking at the world through an Iphone camera lens, younger generations literally do not know how to interact spontaneously they are so used to "controlling" everything in their environments starting with no spontaneous interactions with other humans. The video games are causing these school shooters and no one will say it out loud because we would all have to take responsibility instead of blaming the other political party. It goes on and on. The twentieth century was a catastrophe in every way and humans experienced a de-evolution in every facet of their humanity. You sound just like Steven Pinker and just the fact that a shallow nothing like him is considered our modern day version of a "public intellectual" with al his cheerful, easy to read best sellers should give one pause right there about how well we are doing as human beings. He's just plain stupid but easy and bite sized so swipe left and all that. PS men will always be as violent as they ever were. Where do you look at the world -- Paris, Tokyo, Los Angeles? Yeah, look around all the continents --the whole world is overtaken with gangs of incredibly violent, sadistic men. The whole world. Shall I start naming continents like South America, Africa, the whole middle east,, Eastern Europe . . .gangs gangs gangs of wild, violent men everywhere. Look at our supposedly civilized well heeled frat boys and what they do for fun. The newer technologies like the internet have made it impossible to even fake being real humans anymore. Ever watch tv? It's all fake-reality or more repulsive "real-reality" serial killers going on tv like stars, police departments taking camera crews with them on their calls. Everyone making as "performance" out of every thing they do -- taking pictures of their hamburger -- why? Because it's MY hamburger and the whole world is about me. Sorry, no reason for you to listen to this but that whole "bette than ever" trope is, IMV, a very dangerous fantasy based upon a few select "statistics" proving once again that throw a little easy to digest faux science around and everyone will believe they are an expert. Nothing lies like statistics and science is only as good as what it is looking at and what questions it is asking about what it's looking at. Humanity is beyond saving. The good news is that Mother Earth will have this glorious, heavenly planet back soon and it will heal once the people are gone and all their detritus finally disintegrates. I hear birds singing just thinking of it.
@saulgoodman6722 2 жыл бұрын
Since 1970, we've wiped out 60% of all the species. We've never seen such a ravishing of life on the planet since 65 million years ago when 75% of life was eliminated.
@katienewbury5206 2 жыл бұрын
I am curious what you mean by "proportionally violent." There definitely has not been a century that has lost anywhere close to the number of lives lost in the 20th century due to war/genocide. On the lowest end the death toll in the 20th century is 130 million human beings... on the higher end of the ranges,190 million human beings. That is FAR more than any previous century. Additionally, while we have been exploiting the environment for "millennia" it has not been anywhere near the scale of exploitation created since the industrial revolution and the wholehearted orientation towards consumerism as a means to experience happiness. As for inequality- again, seeing the mental wellbeing of some of the people living on the streets in developed countries, like the USA, is heart-wrenching. Sitting on the side of the road with a bag over their head. Then we can look at suicide rates in many of the richest countries...Looking at "the 99%," I am not convinced that inequality has seen a huge decline over the last one hundred years, not when we factor in mental health alongside of material goods. Factoring in human lives lost in war/genocide, the scale and pace of the devastation of the environment and the increasing mental health crisis lead me to believe that the 20th century was indeed the most catastrophic. It is important not to minimize the last 150+ years. If we turn a blind eye or minimize, we lose perspective on the urgency of our situation.
@ezeeproproperties8352 Жыл бұрын
He's referring to the fact that we've wiped out like 50% of the species in a mere 70 years. The last time there was such a decimation of life on the planet was 65 million years ago when about 70% of the species were wiped out.
@squamish4244 Жыл бұрын
​@@garypuckettmuse So if humanity is beyond saving, why are you even on this video, which is about changing who we are at the most fundamental level? Buddhism literally contradicts everything you think is fixed about "boys will be boys". Pinker's book was 800 pages long because he knew he would get a lot of pushback. But he also got a lot of support, too, from others who know their shit. And are you disputing Pinker's actual numbers? As in, are you challenging the facts? They are not his facts, they are estimates from historians who spend as much of their lives studying this stuff as Alan Wallace has Buddhism. And is there any other time in history when you'd rather be alive? I'm curious to know. When were things better? Specific dates, please.
@yogijanakinath2302 2 жыл бұрын
Science of the Mind 101...Om and Thank you for the relief of demoralizing lectures...I am in Nepal and Adam and Eve did not meet here...I do not drink or eat meat but was born in such environment like you...The Himalayan tribal roots are not our roots as well...our roots are in the American rangers. As a Nath Siddha Yogi I was born here...I am Shiva/Shakti. I also enjoyed the idea of taming the monkey mind but your video sound is not so good on that. How is it that your Dharma calls Introspection? I call it Dyan...My sunnya mind... I also call it Childs mind...pure mind. Have been a witness of evil from childhood being a child of a violent woman reasoned by indigenous roots controlled by Catholic Church...I am not a Christian. Psychologists call it something else. What is seeing as ADD ...I call fast thinking and too much energy (usually from fast food) undercontrol...What I teach is keep going cultivating the way out of mind by entering symbology sacred space but carefully not to burn the bridges...This is RAM Mandir in this sense...Most need to learn how to manage their own body mind language body language and survival by staying in the middle practicing food quimestry and right medicine...The superficial mental states not spirit, by learning and practicing ...Pranayam under a tree like Buddha did... is a good idea. ADD label...childhood diseases... psycho dealers saling their man made medication for...I recomend Canabis and local flora psychotropic specially for the victims, product of white man environment...Cut the sugars start green tea and brown rice at least...then one must go under detox and reconditioning like any machine...We are all aging together...swaha'
@saulgoodman6722 2 жыл бұрын
S his workshops/seminars/retreats on the meridian trust. Begin with The Meaning of the Path of Dharma so that you don't go in circles.
@huqanyutup9855 Жыл бұрын
He is cute and all but what did he even say exactly? I've waited him to get to the point for the whole video but he just said average people can think? Did he even give any advice? He seperated Hedonistic pleasures and genuine happiness and he didn't even explain how to cultivate genuine happiness. What he say is basically use your intelligence. WoW! Thank you Mr. Wallace 😂
@ezeeproproperties8352 Жыл бұрын
Do you wish to be spoon-fed? If you spend a single day researching, you'll know.
@ezeeproproperties8352 Жыл бұрын
Did you even get to the 28th minute? And if you did, did you pay attention? And if you did, did you retain that which you were attending to?
@garypuckettmuse Жыл бұрын
This is a pitch for a non-profit organization. It's a sales pitch with a specific invited list of potential donors. At least you understood he wasn't saying anything. Most of these commenters didn't even understand this was an advert. Wallace is very careful about giving anything away, you know in the great Buddhist tradition of selling enlightenment (I'm being sarcastic but he's very careful when it comes to making sure he gets paid to perform). He's railed *against* science in a faux "science vs Buddhism" way which I actually used to enjoy but now, in his sunset years he seems to want a legacy -- a permanent resort for scientists and buddhists to gather at to politely chit chat. The whole "science v Religion" thing is media hype to begin with. I don't know how anyone can tolerate that baby talk whisper to begin with. Nisargadatta might be your next stop. Guaranteed not to disappoint. May all beings be free.
@ezeeproproperties8352 Жыл бұрын
​​@@garypuckettmuseyou haven't heard a word he's said. "politely chit-chat"? That's what you took home? They're going to be examining the mind in a rigorous, scientific manner in order to arrive at the deepest truths pertaining to the nature of self and all things, in order to end suffering completely and forever. May you not suffer the consequences of speaking ill against one who lives for your benefit 🙏 And what do you mean "ensures he gets paid"? Have you even looked? I have over 3000 (yes, three thousand) videos and audios of this incomparably kind being, all for free. About 400 gigs worth. All the way from sila, samadhi, and prajna, to the four immeasurables, the four greats, vipassana from both theravada and Mahayana viewpoints, dream yoga and lucid dreaming, and all the way to the pinnacle - dzogchen. Not to mention that about 35 of the 50 books he's worked on (authored, compiled, translated and so on) are all also all available for free for those who care to seek. You may want to begin with the treasure trove of utterly precious and PRICELESS teachings available on the meridian trust website. May they be of benefit🙏 And begin with "the meaning of the Path of Dharma" And the only virtuous thing about your comment is that is can be purified 💎🙏
@robertfranken7543 3 жыл бұрын
He's wonderful but the anti-science stuff grates
@rohlay00 2 жыл бұрын
He just points out this materialist dogmatism that's widely been accepted as de facto in science. This is an assumption, and many scientists don't examine this. I appreciate his harsh criticism because before I followed the buddhist past, I was a cold-hearted atheist nihilist, and this emerged from the third-person worldview imposed by science. You can be in awe that you are made of cells, that are made of atoms that are made of quarks. You can be amazed at evolution and how the universe came to be. But this materialist view leaves the world void of meaning. This is because science outright rejects the first person view and doesn't regard any "truth" into it. We emerged as an accidental conglomeration of particles and from a scientific standpoint the meaning of life is to procreate and pass our genes. Love is reduced to neurochemicals of oxytocin that improve the rate of survival in mammals, and so on. Duality by definition brings suffering. The separation of you as some independent entity that suffers or gains. Non-duality, or the wisdom that realizes emptiness, is be view that we don't exist as separate entities but rather, exist interdependently. This implies every thought, action has consequences on the universe. By regarding the first-person view that is fundamental to experience, and creates reality itself. Realising that reality and mind are not separate, but one. This endows every moment full of meaning, and it isn't something put into words. The question itself is meaningless, but it is the consequence of all this thinking we humans do, and less being. For this reason, I appreciate the criticism of science, because it has become dogmatic. I read a lot of science and regard is as the truth, but it isn't the ultimate truth, only a slice of reality expressed in that language. Its hard to argue with science with an alternative because its skeptical method has proved irrefutable truths (evolution, relativity, quantum mechanics) and these of course should be accepted. But science should not become the new-age religion, it will reduce us to biological machines alienated from reality.
@saulgoodman6722 2 жыл бұрын
The most persistent of all the delusions is the conviction that the source of our satisfaction lies outside ourselves.
@ezeeproproperties8352 Жыл бұрын
He's not anti science, he's simply letting you know that it's limited. It cannot tell you what is meaningful and what is meaningless. The word meaning has no meaning in science.
@squamish4244 Жыл бұрын
Yes it does. It's a really annoying habit of his. He bashes science in so many videos. He's criticizing the materialist paradigm, I get it, but he goes too far. He attacks neuroscience too, and I think there's more than just a critique of materialism going on there. He knows deep down that neuroscience and the technologies of the brain are advancing so fast that they are going to blow past Buddhism in general knowledge of most aspects of the mind and in skillful means very soon. The second part of this statement must especially get to him. It is very obvious to those of us who pay attention to developments in neuroscience that in a matter of years (literally, years now), they will have developed sophisticated methods of brain stimulation that will be vastly more efficient than meditation. Neurofeedback is already like 100x more efficient than meditation, as I've done a lot of both, and requires no effort on your part. Then there's focused ultrasound, photobiomodulation etc. And the psychedelic resurgence. Methods that, well within our lifetimes judging by your picture, will mean that we will be able to get the same results as 100,000 hours of meditation in a much, much shorter span of time. For someone who has devoted the last 50 years to meditation and teaching, this has got to be hard on Alan Wallace's ego. He's done all this work, built quite the worldview for himself, and now if he lives, say, 20 more years, he will see it all rendered meaningless. Ooff. I also think it's very irresponsible of him to attack neuroscience and its associated methods of treatment. He's not a doctor, that's not his place, and he could be driving away people who really need this sort of help. I wasted far too long thinking I was making progress on the spiritual path through 'suffering' when really what I needed was good medical treatment, and videos like this, with teachers who did not have clinical experience, did not make the distinction between progressing spiritually and genuine pathologies clear enough. Once I found the right medical care for my mental health struggles, I was able to make way more progress in a much shorter span of time than I had done before that. It was my big "A-ha" moment when it came to me realizing where neuroscience was going to take us in this century.
@cindyhuynh1282 Жыл бұрын
Thanks. i really seriouly listen word by ur word. NAM MO BON SU THICH CA-amen ❤👍👍👍💛🤍🖤
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