1. Silver boosted fp start and hope you get the strike with silver’s new skill. 2. Leo rotation and should strike. For some reason, that far rocket will leave a pesky (two runs same). 3. Silver again and not sure how that pesky stayed. Good chance for strike. 4. Melody for scattered room. No roll with far pig though. 5. Adjusted and Bubbles for strike. 6. Leo rotation and should strike with better roll (got strike in other run). Peskys here. 7. Knew there will be an extra bird (from power bar) after fling. So dissected room into two. Terence for top block and bombz clean up. 8. Room peek. Auto fall block. Rooms cleared will be lesser than usual for this one with only 8 default birds and with silver as its star 😂. All the best ❤🎉
@Swiftab26 ай бұрын
All about silver for this one 😂. Tested its new ‘ground shattering’ skill, not too shabby. Could have been better if it had cleared the room. Some peskys hiding and waiting (case in point, room 2 far block, two runs both have peskys there) as usual for this one. Video is released at start of ab2 day. All the best ❤🎉
@RS-ch6rn6 ай бұрын
Hi Mr Swift! Your gameplay is really awesome! You did brilliant score! Our clan "Golden Birds" (clan id is 585432) has a win streak record of 79! It is a very strong clan and has some youtubers including ab2 champion yt, Reach BV, ab2 legend yt... and many more. We would love to have you there! If you are interested in joining then please let us know!