Dr Chong, your documentary on the KZbin in CXCY is the best ones that I have encountered /watched so far. It includes the precise and exact contents and meticulous research that you have done to tell the world about our faith in Christ and the bible. Your sharings are very useful for both HK and China believers !!
景教,即東方亞述教會(Assyrian Church of the East)存於兩河流域上游與海外亞述社群以及南印度喀拉拉邦的局部聖多馬基督徒當中。涅斯多留雖然提出二位二性,但此理論從未被其追隨者接受,所以景教僅主張二性連結,亦僅稱呼馬利亞為「基督之母」,而非大公教會所稱的「上主之母/聖母」或「(無玷)誕神女」。