New Cydra Arise-Heart Combo: You need two level 5’s on field, three if you want Arise-Heart and Infinity. Use two level 5’s to summon Infinitrack River Stormer. Infinitrack River Stormer adds Infinitrack Crabcrane to your hand. Tribute Infinitrack River Stormer to special summon Infinitrack Crabcrane, then banish one machine from your GY to add Outrigger Extension to hand. Link summon Infinitrack Goliath off Crabcrane, then use River Stormer’s effect to tribute Goliath and special summon River Stormer. When Goliath gets tributed, attach it to River Stormer. Use Outrigger Extension to summon Arise-Heart with River Stormer. Can’t be targeted or destroyed by card effects since you have Outrigger Extension on field and Goliath attached. Infinity is also non-targetable since Outrigger Extension is on field. I have found that Gizmek Yata can help get the third level 5’s out. If you can also throw S:P little knight on field, when you banish with it, attach your opponent’s banished monster to Arise-Heart. Even if Arise-Heart detaches it, your opponent does not get it back at the end of the turn. Barricade BorgBlocker can also be decent if you’re machine-locked since it’ll protect Outrigger Extension. Great video, and I look forward to Branded Cydras if you’re planning on playing that. I could learn a lot from it. Peace!
@scoped-5 ай бұрын
Is there a youtube video out there on the combo?? It sounds good ass hell
@llamaso165 ай бұрын
Nice didn't know about that combo, I will def have to mess around with that thank you
@llamaso164 ай бұрын
I am going to be releasing a video with the combo, I was messing around with it and its a really good combo and I made a deck around it, Chris got those fire combo's
@Chris-xl3jx4 ай бұрын
@@llamaso16 Hell yeah spread the Cydra love. On a further note, there are a couple things I’ve been testing that make the deck a bit more recovery-focused. The first thing is if you draw into Infinitrack Crabcrane. Use River Stormer to dump Gizmek Taniguku to grave since you already have Crabcrane. If Arise-Heart gets Kaijued, just banish Gizmek Taniguku to bring Arise-Heart back. Taniguku also works on Nachster, Herz, Gizmek Yata, and Gizmek Naganaki for follow-up plays outside of bringing back Arise-Heart. If you draw it, Platinum Gadget is always an option to get it out of your hand and into the GY with a link summon, possibly Auroradon for another extension I haven’t looked into yet. The other one is Cyberload Fusion. If you can already get the three level 5’s for Arise-Heart and Infinity, search Cyberload Fusion with Core. Do the combo normally, but make sure you banish a Cydra monster with Crabcrane. When Infinity detaches Nova or any other Cydra monster, Arise-Heart will banish it and allow you to grab your opponent’s card that you just destroyed with Infinity’s effect, giving you the third material for Arise-Heart’s quick effect banish and the second face up banished Cydra monster for Cyberload Fusion to activate and pop your opponent’s back row with Chimeratech Rampage Dragon. If you can get another lvl five out next turn, use it and the Rampage you summoned to go into your recovered or other Nova to make a second Infinity.
@llamaso164 ай бұрын
Ya I had cyberload fusion in my mind when messing around with this combo. I have used it in previous decks and something I def gotta mess around with to see how it will work in the deck and also gotta check out taniguku havn't used that card before!
@nextv79765 ай бұрын
You can also contact fuse with a cyber dragon equipped by Regulus for example
@llamaso165 ай бұрын
Really? So I could use it as a extra material for like chimeratech fortress for example?
@nextv79765 ай бұрын
@@llamaso16 exactly, but it has to be a vanilla cydra because the baby ones don’t count in the spell trap zone
@llamaso164 ай бұрын
interesting, I will have to test around with that. thanks for the info appreciate it
@dennischeng67555 ай бұрын
Keep it uuup! Bring it to masters 1 ! Do the impossibleee
@DecentAtThis5 ай бұрын
I got to platinum 3 playing cyber dragon with a small kuriboh package, being 5 star twighlight 1 kuriboh, 1 kuribee, 1 kuriboo, 1 kuribah and 1 kuribeh removing the fusion engine, focusing more on a link xyz engine using galaxy soldier and cyber repair plant you can also dabble trying flute of summoning kuriboh and winged kuriboh for a bit of extra extension generic links I use are Appollousa, scare claw Tri-heart, accescode talker, linkuriboh, S:P little knight, knightmare phoenix, cyber dragon seiger, underworld goddess Generic xyz I use are: Lyrilusc assembled knightingale, divine arsenal AA zeus, 2 Nova, 2 infinity Fusion - Chimeratech megafleet the engine works as you tribute a level five for five star twighlight and summon the 5 kuribohs from hand deck or GY, which you can use for links or XYZ depending on opponents boards Good things to note about this board Zeus Tri heart- With only five star twighlight, you can go lyrilusc attack directly for 800 damage, MP2 then go zeus, then use 3 remaining kuribohs and make TRI-Heart and due to his effect he is immune to the zeus board wipe, and its hard for opponents to get over him and a board wipe also You can also do TRi heart into accesscode talker to make him a monster with 5300 Attack and a onfield pop effect, which depending on hand like if you can also get into Infinity you can end the duel with it in one turn and I have done this route a few times Appolousa can be an option as a 4 monster effect negate due to how easily kuribohs flood the field and with the cyber dragon engine you can easily end on 4 negate appollousa, sieger and infinity with a good hand You can also go linkuriboh one of the kuribohs, then go into S:P with link and another kuriboh to get the banish effect Also remember galaxy soldier and herz is an instant cyber dragon infinity Also cyber revsystem is good at one copy in this deck as can be searched by core and can really help to extend combos as your often one monster short in situauions from doing a generally more massive play
@llamaso165 ай бұрын
I have never really played with Kuriboh's to much but def interesting and something I need to check out! And I could see that being more towards xyz then fusion. I want to explore that route with cyber dragons as well because this deck is solely fusion focused. And ya tri-heart and zeus are both really good/goated cards for sure
@DecentAtThis5 ай бұрын
@@llamaso16 it’s definitely a fun build, it’s main flaw is it can brick with all the kuribohs, like you never really want to draw into them just the five star twilight, but it pops off very good, at some point in the future I’ll probably upload gameplay of the deck
@llamaso164 ай бұрын
Ya true lol drawing all the kuribohs could def be a brick of a hand. Awesome I will def keep an eye out for the video
@kingforall----4 ай бұрын
Bro”, you need to have 2 or 3 overload future fusion, it dumps out a cyber dragon and allows you to fusion summon at the same time( only what’s in the graveyard). I also think you don’t need ash blossom, since your deck is a otk/ board breaker. Which means you need to get the cards you want and you can free up space to add like triple tactics or machine duplication. But I don’t see this deck hitting masters without cards to get through Omni negates like forbidden droplet
@llamaso164 ай бұрын
True, overload future fusion is a pretty good card
@smithsfan425Ай бұрын
The best I do with cyber dragon is plat 3 and then I fall