The girl with specs (Risa? or Lisa?) speaks very good English. And I am very impressed with the JR guy at the ticket gate. His English is basic yet he had a good command of the whole dialogue and gave precise instructions. Well done.
とても良い。道を聞かれても答えられないからこれは役に立つ。ほんとにありがとう。This video is so good,because I dont know how to answer a question when asked about route. I really apreciate it.
Even though I have asked japanese people before, a couple of them might have been to shy to talk to me, and even though I have sked in japanese (with accent lol) some of them just told me "oh, no speak english, sorry !" and left XD and I was like.... I didn't speak english ! But most people even if they don't speak english at all really did their best to help me and i always appreciate that.
it's look for the 〇〇 circle when you get to 〇〇 or you can ask a JR preson. この伝え方がわかりやすくてとても参考になります。初めての場所だと、「駅名や地名」だと伝えてもわかりずらいので、「駅、サークルの色」「渋谷から遠いのか近いのか、乗換はあるのか?」をストレートに伝える事ができたら、相手の不安も和らぐのかな。って思いました。とても勉強になります♪
@Blooomsaaaki8 жыл бұрын
I can guide youって言えばいいのか!!! 今日外国の方に聞かれたけどうまく説明できなくて諦められちゃって悔しくて見てます.....😭😭
英語下手なフリ役の人演技上手い(笑) It goes straight there そのままそこにいく 乗換無し You have to transfer to.... It's one stop you have to go out of the gate I have to go do something You should ask the station stuff.