I Will Always Love You 這首歌,張惠妹在現場演唱的完整度和流暢度非常高,甚至高過於原唱的現場表現。Whitney現場唱這首歌時還原度一直都沒有很好,除了降key外還過度即興,即興到有時候像是在“念”歌。然而,Whitney在錄音室的表現真的是前無古人,後無來者。 BTW其實Whitney也不是這首歌的原唱,這首歌原唱是鄉村歌手Dolly Parton在1974年的作品。Dolly本人就曾兩度發行過這首單曲,除了她之外,西洋樂壇上有不少男女歌手都曾翻唱過〈我將永遠愛你〉,其中以1992年Whitney Houston重新詮釋的版本最廣為人知,堪稱史上最成功的翻唱歌曲之一。
当我们对一首歌是如此熟悉的情况之下,自然会特别留意歌曲的细节处理,作为一名音乐人,很能理解老师口中说的一些精准的装饰音,我唱歌时也喜欢去挑战和还原原版的处理。但在这个视频的众多翻唱中,我依然觉得阿妹的演绎水准是如此之高,如此令我惊叹。从96年第一次在收音机里听见阿妹的声音的那一刻,她就住进了我的心里。这么多年过去,她从来都是我心中最好的歌手(不单是女歌手)!对我而言,她永远都是最会唱的那个人!All the time!阿妹嗓子的先天机能是非常非常优秀的,她的音域、气息的控制、换身点的处理、声音表情的画面张力、情感的细腻度及几乎全类曲风的无死角驾驭,都是顶级的。这当然离不开她的天赋,但也和她热爱唱歌不断进步有关。如果要论声音的灵活度,阿妹是绝对不会输的。在这个不插电的弦乐版里,她选择了用最适合当时氛围的一种演绎方式去呈现,可能某些句段是简略了,但完全没有任何影响。同时,毕竟不是母语,要考虑咬字和发音,为了呈现最好的演出效果,自然不会刻意去复杂化唱段的处理了。就像下面很多朋友形容的,阿妹的版本是能循环播放也不会腻的,所以直接收录到专辑里了。
7:24Amei is basically a textbook version 👏🏻👏🏻 👏🏻 Try to keep the original singing style without adding too many dazzling skills and bells and whistles! Zhang Huimei is really the super queen of Asia🏆✨She is well-deserved, and the alpine sounds of nature are unmatched~~
@holohulolo5 ай бұрын
And the coach mentions how the changes she makes is to fit her capability. So she's not forcing it to be exactly the same as the original. I love cover like this, and people should do it more often. Because people like to go different, against like the coach said, because it's a classic song, you either sing it as well as the original or you change it that it can be compared. But personally I think you dont have to sing exactly the same as the original singer. And Amei's performance is the perfect example of what you want to hear when your favourite singer covers a song your really like. Because in your mind, you imagine her voice being in the similar arrangement to Whitney. I mean Whitney is not technically he original, but you know what I mean, the most well known version of. That was so delicate, and honestly this is the first time I heard her sing an English song I think, and I honestly have a new found respect for her singing. That was very tasteful very pleasant performance.
"Please do more Jessie J Singer reactions! Her performances were genuinely breathtaking every time and especially worth diving into technique-wise." !!