感谢楼主分享。我来自北上广,现在生活在西欧。这里平均家庭年收入为10万美金左右,但房价是美国东西海岸的一半左右;育儿费用更高些,但大部分妈妈选择part time - 节省育儿费同时提高陪伴质量;学费为零,公里和私立学校没有显著区别;车一家一辆或两辆,都是大小或者小小的组合,几乎没有人贷款买车;养老和医疗保险是必备。个人所得税奇高,如果自己开公司可以有效避税。大家不怎么攒钱,也不怎么担心(因为小孩上学免费/便宜,生病养老cover了)。和楼主分享的美国生活相比有利有弊。
The more I see budgets like this posted, the clearer it becomes that financial literacy should be taught in all schools - and not just as a one-off, but as a core of the curriculum that is consistently reinforced and built upon. He is not looking for middle class life. There is cheaper suburb he can move, but he chose not to. Vacation in mexicon cost 1k/pp and he chose not to. 1.8M house and 401k, 529 are all savings. It's hard to feel alot of empathy though bc 1) this couple will be living very well for the rest of their working lives and 2) they'll retire with alot more assets than average So why wane?
这个我之前也看过,没意义。这个文章的问题不是收入,而是他给出的这些东西根本不是中产的lifestyle. 比如,一般中产在纽约或LA这种地方根本不能考虑买房子。就像说国内的中产在北上广都会有房子(刨除啃老),这不是笑话么。本人高中就在LA读的,所以不是凭空而论。车的话,中产在纽约直接坐地铁了。还有ubmrella这类的东西一般也不是中产考虑的(虽然价格很低); vacation就更是了,3周8000美金,Costco的once in a lifetime vacation起价也就1万多,VIP服务。
醒醒吧: For example, HUD defined “Low Income Limits” in San Francisco as $82,200 for an individual and $117,400 for a family of four in 2018, based on 80% of the area's median income. However, the federal poverty guidelines in 2018 were only $12,140 for an individual and $25,100 for a family of four in the Bay area.
@nikolahuang19192 жыл бұрын
If the federal poverty guidelines were set to be $82,200, then they would have to reduce tax for mid-class people. If they cut tax for mid-class people, they wouldn't have money to buy ballots from lower-income people.
@richard28453 жыл бұрын
@yingzi50455 жыл бұрын
@Jane-rh7tc6 ай бұрын
Boston 也不便宜,听说从湾区过去的人都感叹那边很多开销和湾区差不多,但工资却明显比湾区低。不过一个地方有一个地方的活法,也没听说就饿死人了
A coworker really did complain (to me and a few other coworkers) about 350k being not enough for a family of 4 in New York a few years ago and he was serious. His wife is a lawyer to boot. US's high cost of (private) education and health care means that it cuts largely into your paycheck, not to mention being in New York.
@@ljzhang435 Old navy的衣服你一个月能买400?这个收入水平在湾区也是upper class了。 www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/09/06/are-you-in-the-american-middle-class/
@yxd001815 жыл бұрын
Wait a minute...$1.8M house..donate 3600 a year. Middle class... something doesn't add up here. Nearly $4500 a month on childcare + preschool!? They spend more on childcare than I and most other people make in a year. $400/mo on clothes?? Middle class??? Are you delusional? People in the middle class do not spend $400 a month on clothes. Get out of here with this crap