D&D 6th Edition Has Already Been Made (And Not By WotC)

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DnD Shorts

DnD Shorts

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@DnDShorts 3 ай бұрын
🔥🔥DC20 is now in BETA, you can grab the it here!! thedungeoncoach.com/products/dc20-core-rules?sca_ref=4557376.kWJhsf8CSX
@serpentarus 3 ай бұрын
With all the things happening at Hasbro/WotC lately, I'm planning to move systems for my campaign. I like that there will be a conversion guide included in DC20 and will probably move to DC20. The system also just looks great. I've also been at the point of pulling the trigger on a Ryoko's preorder for a bit now (missed the kickstarter). I guess my question is, are you planning a DC20 rework of Ryoko's? I'd much rather buy a version that is made for the system I'm using than trying to convert everything.
@TheDungeonCoach 3 ай бұрын
Will was a PRO at DC20... it was honestly crazy to see him MASTERFULLY play a brand new game, it was truly impressive! Great work and great video, I have been blown away by how much you have swept in and loved up DC20, so thank you for that bro!
@crystallxix1493 3 ай бұрын
Congrats on such a grounded system! Very underrated
@simontemplar3359 3 ай бұрын
All I can say is that you made a game and that is so freakin' cool I can't even find the words.
@Teraclon 3 ай бұрын
Read some of the alpha release and I am so damn ready for this. Was one of the earliest backers and I have such high hopes for this. You've got this, mate!
@TheDungeonCoach 3 ай бұрын
Thanks everyone! Wow I can feel the love even from other creators videos
@djago9415 3 ай бұрын
I didn't know his know was Will
@SayotheMood 3 ай бұрын
"He just flexed his muscles and people's brains exploded" is not a sentence I thought I'd add to my collection but it's too funny not to like
@BrunoFernandes-ty7mf 3 ай бұрын
Look for Flex Mentallo. There really is a whole hero comic whose concept is this hahaha
@TheZoenGaming 3 ай бұрын
GymTok in a nutshell.
@GooeyChewie 3 ай бұрын
@@BrunoFernandes-ty7mfThat’s exactly what I thought!
@garytucker3563 3 ай бұрын
IMO! my version who simply add an "S" to "SHE".................yyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeessssss.......
@dariomeneses5756 3 ай бұрын
Came here looking for this comment
@Ramschat 3 ай бұрын
Well, when a designer makes a game that is this heavily based on/inspired by D&D, I think it's more than fair to compare the two.
@GlenFinney 3 ай бұрын
Agree! I’d say it stacks up well but that’s just one player/GM opinion!
@rynowatcher 3 ай бұрын
I mean, this is just another "Shadow Dark" where a youtuber friend made a game and they say it is the best thing since sliced bread till their own comes out. It has less options than pathfinder 2e or advanced 5e and is still asking you to fix their system after you pay for it... at least 5e paid for their own development and did not ask you to buy it till they worked out the problems.
@Rainoryo 3 ай бұрын
​@@rynowatcher 4 questions 1) How do you expect a freshly released game to have more options than any of the two long standing titans of the industry? 2) How do you read "I want your Feedback" and understand "Fix my game"? 3) Do you know that the Preview Rules in the Kickstarter page are literally the Alpha Rules? Everything that has been already designed (except for one class) is free to play right now. You can give feedback without paying a dime if you want. 4) You "sound" (I read it like this) angry at the proposition of a new game system bringing some new things (and combining old things) to the table, is that a fair assessment? If it is, why?
@rynowatcher 3 ай бұрын
@@Rainoryo A) that is 5 questions, not four, and most of your questions are just a pretense to state your opinion. I am fine with hearing you out, but be honest here. B) time out does not nessicarily mean there are less or more choices. Shadow of the Demon Lord has more character options in the core book than all 5e splat books combined because of how they design the system, for instance. Has to do with system design more so than time it has been out. What is more relevant to a discussion of the system than how it works and comparing it to others in the same field? C) I know the rules are out and the dungeon coach had version out before the kick starter. I read it, hence my opinions on it. D) It keeps changing because they keep tinkering with the system. Lack of vision of what they want; "too many good ideas." The revision history makes me beleive they do not know what they want, so the playtest comes off as "fix my game." E) Again, other games have done public playtests; no problem with that.... but Shadow Dark, Dolmenwood, and Scwalb entertainment did not put out a kickstarter till they were done with the playtest and design if you want to compare this to non-"titans of industry." F) I am cynical because the video promised "the next evolution of d&d" and a "true 6th edition" when I do not feel it has lived up to this. I do not care if this game takes off or not; it lacks anything to set it appart in the bones of it and as you pointed out, does not have the support other games do. Not for me. G) do not let me yuck your yum. If it does it for you, more power to you. Again, just not for me. Enjoy it while you can.
@obiwankenobi9439 3 ай бұрын
Tbf the alpha rules DO cost. (1euro only) but they do cost. If you follow the waves that is 7 bucks (0.7 alfa now) So def not free
@Texmexium2099 3 ай бұрын
Completely agreed. Back when Dungeon Coach originally posted about his action points system it blew my mind. It was similar to Pathfinder's 3 action point system, but by turning the 'once per turn' reaction from Pathfinder into a fourth action point and letting any action point be used as a reaction, it makes every player's turn something where any player can be involved in the action and drama instead of having the players mentally wander off while they wait until they get to do something again. Frigging brilliant.
@GlenFinney 3 ай бұрын
Completely agree!
@pjenner79 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely!! And not only that sometimes people just don’t have enough to get this done and you not on your turn can potential change another plays fail into a a success and that feels so good when it happens!!
@caurd 3 ай бұрын
An absolutely horrible system for DMs. If you have several enemies in play, say, 10-15 goblins, following the 4 actions of each of them is absolute hell.
@pjenner79 3 ай бұрын
@@caurd completely disagree because as it is now you have 2 actions, a bonus action you have to fit in, and reactions of the trigger and trying to set up for triggers.. no this is much more straight forward and quicker.. while also giving you much more variety
@caurd 3 ай бұрын
@@pjenner79 Pay attention to what I'm saying. In DC20 You have 4 actions, which are both actions and reactions, which you regenerate AT THE END of the turn, which means that when your turn comes you have to remember how many reactions you have done. Okay, easy for the PCs (although I've seen PCs in D&D forget about their reactions). But if you're a DM with a lot of monsters, that's hell. In D&D, most monsters only have one action (especially monsters designed to move in groups, such as goblins or kobolds) + the attack of opportunity. Easy to remember, easy to execute. But if when the monsters' turn comes you have to remember: which one specifically did 1 reaction, which one did 2, which did 3 or which didn't do any, if you have 12 enemies or something like that you'll go crazy.
@EssBJay 3 ай бұрын
The Ancestry system is pretty much "An Elf and an Orc Had a Little Baby" codified directly into a game system, and I love that. (HIGHLY recommend that book, btw. Along with "Ancestral Weapons".)
@PMandrekar 3 ай бұрын
Agreed. I give a talk at Gary and GameHole Con about genetics in gaming, and have pointed at this booklet as a reference. I am a geneticist IRL.
@deljayy 3 ай бұрын
Mentioning AW does remind me of another major flaw of 5e. The standard weapon table is really boring. And monster resistances usually coming down to a gear check of being magical vs not.
@matthewliyunghing8931 3 ай бұрын
Man he sure finessed that plug for his guide real nice
@thelorewright 3 ай бұрын
The combo attack thing is something I've played around with as a DM in 5e for some time, but it's mostly like this (using an actual example from combat): 1. Player asks if he can be used as a thrown weapon on their pet manticore's turn. 2. I question my sanity and say "Explain it to me" 3. Player explains that he wants to use a manticore's tail spike attack but instead of three spike launches, we'd have 1 Mike the Bard launch. 4. I love this idea so I say yes, provided the manticore hits and the player is ok with taking bludgeoning damage. 5. Player is really excited. 6. Attack hits and everyone around the table was whooping in happiness. 7. 5e RAW is off crying in a corner somewhere
@jf649 3 ай бұрын
Point 7 …😂 so true
@samuelbroad11 3 ай бұрын
good DMing, and great player playing as well, that's thinking and imagining in the situation, love it
@thelorewright 3 ай бұрын
@@samuelbroad11 Thank you.
@njfernandes87 3 ай бұрын
No system is perfect, would be nice to also hear about the possible shortcomings of the system. looks great though
@GlenFinney 3 ай бұрын
I think condition stacking can get cumbersome if there’s a lot of them in play. I still find the help dice a bit clunky and often overpowered (but that’s intentional design choice Coach wants for big teamwork moments). I want the psion in the core book and am reserving judgment on the spell blade allowing my paladin builds to feel epic. They do need to work on formatting but that will come. Still want to see the way subclasses work though cautiously optimistic. I also need to see more use of talents than just attribute increases and multiclassing. I want to see how it does at high level play both the class level of 10 and the prestige level of 20. The armor system is okay but I still worry it makes some agility a must have. Need more spells (coming) and I think shield is overpowered. However, so far in actual play it’s all worked surprisingly well!
@q267scott 3 ай бұрын
​@@GlenFinneyif everything is op... Is anything op? Just joking, not everything is op XD
@commonviewer2488 3 ай бұрын
Bob World Builder has the fairest takes
@Notsogoodguitarguy 3 ай бұрын
DC20 is fun, but it's honestly more of a computer-supported system than 5e. You got a lot of conditions, a lot of sources of damage, a lot of things to roll, etc. Usually, if you've done your party right, you'll have a single hit on a round, but you'll be adding 5-6-7 sources of +1 damage, and you gotta memorize them and know when they do and don't apply, etc. It kind of goes into the same pitfalls that PF2e does, just with a different coat of paint.
@tanyabowers-dean2345 3 ай бұрын
Many of us are hyping now, particularly with the Kickstarter in progress, because it's a good system, but we'll also be able to explore areas for improvement and give feedback in the beta testing.
@BrunoFernandes-ty7mf 3 ай бұрын
Dude really played Flex Mentallo in a TTRPG. Nice!
@GlenFinney 3 ай бұрын
@jonathanmichel2635 3 ай бұрын
From a DM standpoint the four action and no initiative makes running multiple monsters much easier. Monsters can react based on what the players do, and dragon breath and other cool features can take up multiple action slots. You can also just give extra actions to your bosses, instead of legendary and Lair actions
@caurd 3 ай бұрын
No, at contrary. The 4 action system is hell when you have a lot of monsters on the board. Because actions are recovered at the end of the turn, not the beginning, which means you have to remember all the reactions each and every monster has made to subtract actions from them on their turn. That's easy when it's one monster, or two, but if it's, say, 12 goblins, it's 48 actions to keep track of. Ah, there are no systems without initiative. This system also works with initiative.
@WastelandChef 3 ай бұрын
I want a Halfling with like some Orc ancestry mixed in. He’s gonna be a Barbarian called Chihuahua 🤌
@GlenFinney 3 ай бұрын
That’s soooo DC20!
@robertomacetti7069 3 ай бұрын
creating an aberration of 50 different races spawned by god knows that happened to the mother sounds dope
@jonbly 3 ай бұрын
I'm going to call this new race "Munchkin".
@carthienesdevilsadvocatenr2806 3 ай бұрын
Yes please, more on various TTRPG systems and how they stack up against each other would be nice!
@MikkosFree 3 ай бұрын
I'm scrtching my head while smiling. A lot of these rules are things I already do at my table on my custom game rules. I'm so glad someone had the same thought processes and actually managed to organize and create the system. I want to back it, but right now the hard cover is about 2 weeks salary for me (3rd world). But I will definitely support this system when it comes out.
@GlenFinney 3 ай бұрын
Get the free playtest rules and use it with your custom game!
@celsoaz2 3 ай бұрын
the ancestry part kinda feels a modded GURPS lite system... you can use the "stock" version, or you can use "points" to make it custom... I personally dont care about the "6th edition" feeling, I never played D&D 5e, but I care about a system that gives you the liberty and tools to make your game be grounded and be your own...
@GlenFinney 3 ай бұрын
And GURPS lite for that is great!😎
@celsoaz2 3 ай бұрын
@@GlenFinney the problem is that even for GURPs lite, you still need high level math degree to do certain things... I think this new system may be easier
@marcosdheleno 3 ай бұрын
@@celsoaz2 many years ago, a friend of mine got into gurps, but no matter how many times we tried, we could never get the hang of it, it always felt too complex. of course, that was literaly more than a decade ago. so rules probably changed since. but i still have that image of it being overly complex.
@celsoaz2 3 ай бұрын
@marcosdheleno it is still a very complex game. They even did a GURPS lite, and it is not that lite... my friends used to say that our reality was created using GURPs as reference... you kind need a math degree to play it, but you can always use some homebrewing to make it easy to play
@marcosdheleno 3 ай бұрын
@@celsoaz2 yeahm that's kinda how i felt all those years ago. kinda sad they never managed to streamline it. sure a ttrpg is going to be complex and all. but i feel like they started wrong. gurps feels like the system for people who want more depth, not something for begginers to play around.
@dragonova279 3 ай бұрын
So just a tiny idea but would you ever try say a video of your favorite premade campaign books. Btw thank you for all the amazing content you put out and the love and call out to what Jocat had to suffer through. Thank you.
@LastFootnote 3 ай бұрын
I’m just gonna say: the longer these D&D KZbinrs continue to have a seemingly intentional blind spot for Pathfinder, the weirder it gets.
@Cybermaul 3 ай бұрын
Pathfinder, Fabula Ultima, SWADE, Burning Wheel, Ryuutama, DCC, the entire OSR...
@realmborne3647 3 ай бұрын
Pathfinder is a nightmare to get into/learn. I don’t blame them for ignoring it
@LastFootnote 3 ай бұрын
@@realmborne3647 Pathfinder 1E maybe. Pathfinder 2E is just not much more complex than D&D 5E, if any.
@hunterkarr5618 3 ай бұрын
@@LastFootnotethe core rulebook is 642 pages 🤨 Imho it’s just too much
@LastFootnote 3 ай бұрын
@@hunterkarr5618 That’s because Paizo made the poor decision of combining their Player’s Handbook and Dungeon Master Guide equivalents into one huge book. Thankfully they broke them out into two books for the remaster. No more enormous rulebook to scare people. Also it’s not like you need to read the entire book, for either D&D or Pathfinder. The actual “Playing the Game” chapter in the Pathfinder Player Core is less than 50 pages.
@shogunbirds6589 3 ай бұрын
I screamed when you showed Legends of Avantris, I love those guys so much. They're hilarious and all of their campaigns are fucking awesome
@josh--el 3 ай бұрын
Any plans to release Ryokos tuned to other systems (DC20, ToV, Pathfinder, Daggerheart, MCDM, etc)?
@GlenFinney 3 ай бұрын
I hope so!
@mr.mephitis2492 3 ай бұрын
Now there's a thought.
@galaxyfoxnightsky2042 3 ай бұрын
I love dc20 charactars feel soo much fun too play and so powerful right at lvl 1 i hope evryone got a Chance too play
@Kira-osity 3 ай бұрын
It is fun watching a channel based on D&D avoiding mentioning pathfinder has an action point system
@LastFootnote 3 ай бұрын
I honestly don’t know if DnD Shorts is even aware that’s the case. A lot (not all) D&D KZbinrs seem to intentionally avoid Pathfinder.
@MauricioLuigui 3 ай бұрын
Well I think that we need to wait the actual release of the new rules, only then we can start to compare
@ChandlerBaze 3 ай бұрын
I find it kind of funny that I joined Dungeon Coaches patreon a week before he announced DC20 to the patreon. Little did I know that it would grow as much as it did.
@commonviewer2488 3 ай бұрын
The idea of flexing so hard things explode is amazing
@poseyyddon 3 ай бұрын
Everyone: "I just made my turn and now I have to wait forever for it again" Warlock: "Eldritch Blast, I end my turn"
@Wild_Dice 3 ай бұрын
@azazelashbight9849 3 ай бұрын
I know it's not nearly as big but the game system RPEX is neat to look at and is designed for a weird dual purpose Table top play as normal and a full scale dungeon with actors as NPCs and foam walls and where your the characters the company that made it runs at gaming conventions
@ryudragon7 3 ай бұрын
I started with 5e. I spent six years learning the game, played a few with friends and finished 1 to completion... But damn if this new D&D6e-type game doesn't sound fucking awesome.
@Hungry_Raccoon_ 3 ай бұрын
As I have read many times in these comments, the damage rolls are what is fun in dnd, trying to get big number and watching something utterly stupid somehow do the most damage you have seen. Just having a flat damage number to your damage does indeed speed things up but that just doesn’t play the narrative in my mind. Damage rolls depict the effectiveness of the attack, you could roll a nat 20 and roll 6d6, but end up doing 6 damage, that sucks but also plays the narrative of you attacking very poorly but fate shines upon you to let you make that crappy hit as effective as can be or you were about to hit the best and most effective hit in you characters life but then Tymora or Beshaba changed your trajectory to make it the least effective it could be. Damage rolls are fun because you can hit a super ultra mega 20d20 attack that averages 200 damage, but end up doing 40. Such rolls in the moment suck but they still are important and you will later look back on them with fondness. Also the time turns take IMO is strictly based on the player and what they are playing, my friend group has gotten things down to a T and hardly ever take more than 30 seconds, the most being like 2 minutes because of a simple mistake like “oh shoot, scratch that I don’t have the resources to do that move… that changes my turn a lot, give me a second” All in all this seems far more role play focused than it is combat focused, simply opting to dumb down combat instead of trying to make it feel like you are doing a lot. Which is perfectly fine but not my cup of tea or a lot of people’s cup of tea, and I think that should be portrayed properly which wasn’t in this video.
@GlenFinney 3 ай бұрын
Combat is actually more engaging in DC20 than 5e and was the key thing they wanted to get right from the beginning. So many maneuvers, techniques, class features, Cantrips, spells, spell duels with wildmagic on ties, spells, and you’re engaged the whole round not just on your turn. I do think DC20 is good for roleplay as well but combat is definitely a blast! Many opportunities to not just hit with an attack but also to make your opponent save or have a condition added!
@GlenFinney 3 ай бұрын
PS I’d recommend checking out some of the live play videos if you want to see DC20 combat in action!
@caurd 3 ай бұрын
@@GlenFinney no it's not. At all, and is the hell for the DM with many monsters
@commonviewer2488 3 ай бұрын
We skip damage rolls by saying if your roll to hit was way higher than the AC (intervals of 5), then it deals more damage
@caurd 3 ай бұрын
@@commonviewer2488 That's just boring
@therealshadow99 3 ай бұрын
Ironically several aspects of DC20 are shared by my Celestia system... Mainly the action system and the way your not just unable to do anything when you hit 0 HP. Though we also went in different somewhat similar takes on Ancestry... I decided not to retool primary stats (so I can use a D&D or even Pathfinder sheet) or to totally redo quite how classes work like DC20 did. Though I don't have thousands of people playtesting it either. xD
@cableman 3 ай бұрын
I first heard about DC20 from you and can't thank you enough. It's definitely my favorite TTRPG now and I hope more people see this video and get hyped enough to learn more.
@caurd 3 ай бұрын
Well, the first time I heard about him I also found it interesting. But as the dungeon couch explained the system in his videos, I became more and more disillusioned. It is a system poorly built from the ground up, with too many errors and that promises to have "invented" things that have existed in role-playing games since their origins.
@GlenFinney 3 ай бұрын
@@caurd having actually played the system (and I’ve played a lot of others as well since my first D&D basic set around 1980) I find it playable, easy to understand, and enjoyable. Not sure what else you’re looking for. PS there’s a lot of similarities in a lot of TTRPG systems, so I don’t knock that. However I’ve seen a few things that really distinguish DC20, with the best being his 4AP refresh end of turn can use on multiple triggered reactions economy. The way that works compared to other AP using systems is just awesome and I recommend porting to other systems where able!
@galaxyfoxnightsky2042 3 ай бұрын
Love too see a even deeper dive into DC20 from you
@marcosdheleno 3 ай бұрын
one thing i would change in the rules is make both sides, martial and casters, have both stamina and mana. for spellcasters, stamina could be used for physical actions, like running or trying to block an attack with their staff. meanwhile for melee characters, mana could be used as a resource, either to make use of magical artifacts special abilities, or simply in their own class specific way. for example, a barbarian entering rage could spend mana to stay enraged. and after their mana has burned, they start to pay the cost with their health. which would be a mechanical way of adding the whole self damaging from raging too much that we always imagine berserker characters going through.
@isapo6694 3 ай бұрын
Great video! I've already backed DC20 on KS and I can't wait to see what this system can do. Can you have a look at Tales of the Valiant next?
@nathanschmaltz672 3 ай бұрын
I definitely want more deep dives into the newer systems and other alternatives to dnd. Always appreciate your pov.
@brimstone9060 3 ай бұрын
So the main issues i had with 5e where small, while it wasn't perfects, it was still good and smooth. They needed more definition on things like Magical items, cause the power balance once you have one is off the charts. Also as a DM the CR System was a freaking nightmare's. The CR being 9, can either be an Easy CR or Deadly CR. They also needed to work out end game stuff past level 14 when the power balance goes out the window and most games end cause of it.
@Deziar28 3 ай бұрын
This is what happens when you have nearly exponential stat progression. No need to check at level 14. Just take a 4th level wizard: they can cast scorching ray doing 3 times 2d6 on a hit (no guaranteed hit) and shatter doing 3d8 on a 10 feet radius (half damage if saved) (there is other damaging spells, but those are good and compare well with what's next). But at level 5, they can cast fireball, which is 8d6 (twice the damage of shatter, 33% more than scorching ray if targeting just one creature) with at least half damage guaranteed and twice the radius of shatter (aka up to 4 times more enemies if grouped together). So on a single level, their damage output has more than doubled (martial classes also get a second attack, possibly doubling their own damage output). At the same time, proficiency bonus increase by one and all their hp by ~20%. Now try to balance a challenge rating making sense while taking into account the strength of a party of level 4 vs a party of level 5! DC20 will be much easier to balance because every classes start really stronger (nobody dies from a giant rat criting or a wolf rolling average damage anymore; looking at you, wizard!) with much more options even at level 1 (you already are an adventurer/potential hero), and then the progression comes at a much more linear pace (ex: most characters will probably have around 2 to 3 times the number of hp at level 10 instead of around 7 times more!)
@brimstone9060 3 ай бұрын
@@Deziar28 I have been working on a fighter rework for 5e. Trying to capture that awesome Sword wielder.
@fanboykc9140 3 ай бұрын
DC20 HYPE TRAIN ROLLING IN!!! Will! Thank you for your genuine love and support for DC20! Love your channel, brother! Keep being awesome!!!
@caurd 3 ай бұрын
Relaxing, DC20 is a smoke bomb. It has too many flaws.
@Dsisiv 3 ай бұрын
@@caurd Isn't that what a Alpha/Beta is supposed to work through? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@caurd 3 ай бұрын
@@Dsisiv I'm not talking about flaws in a specific skill, but rather design flaws at its core. The 4 action system is a terrible idea when you're managing multiple monsters as a DM, the highest stat out of 4 system makes the stats irrelevant and then there's the problem of the dungeon couch appropriating ideas, passing them off as "theirs", when they are not. Please spare me the "everyone takes inspiration from and borrows from previous systems" speech. Yes, I know and that's not what I said. I'm talking about this guy in his videos saying I INVENTED this, and "this" is something straight out of previous editions of DnD.
@Dsisiv 3 ай бұрын
@@caurd Thanks for your opinion! I hope you find a game or currently play in a game that brings you joy.
@radarspotter4032 3 ай бұрын
Yet another set of rules to learn 😳. I’ve been playing on and off since before it became AD&D. Got back into 5e with family due to Covid lockdowns and I’m wading my way slowly through Balder’s Gate 3. What we really need is some “meta-rules” so that when someone comes up with some new smart idea to add to any game, it is not overpowered and unbalanced. E.g if you decide to add laser rifles and light sabres to medieval fantasy, make sure the characters have to spend their time searching for batteries or electrical hook up points and risk going pop if hit - or something similar
@ShinGallon 3 ай бұрын
I wasn't feeling Daggerheart but the more I hear about DC20 the more interested I am. I need to know if there will be more available Ancestories and what the lore is. I should be able to drop this right into Faerun and go, but what about playing a Kobold or other off-the-wall race? I'm assuming that'll all get ironed out later. I'll definitely keep an eye on it though!
@GlenFinney 3 ай бұрын
Ohhh there will definitely be kobolds…they’re popular with the player base!
@Swiftstar88 3 ай бұрын
The DC20 system sounds like a lot of fun, I'll definitely check it out!!
@TabletopWorms 3 ай бұрын
I really like the way that prime stats work. Allowing someone to be a smart barbarian or a strong wizard allows for so much creativity when creating a character.
@Mrryn 3 ай бұрын
And something that wasn't mentioned, the other ability scores still very much matter. The Prime modifier is just for attack rolls and spellcasting; each ability still has its base function. Might influences your HP, Agility your jumping/leaping ability, Intelligence your skill proficiencies (a la previous D&D editions), and Charisma your "grit" which can help with last chance style saving throws. And semi-related, Perception is no longer really a thing, replaced by Awareness which is the other thing determined by your Prime modifier. So you could have initiative determined by Agility and being quicker like in 5e and previous editions or by Intelligence and ability to perceive and respond to the threat as/before it happens like you can in Pathfinder 2e, but also now your muscles or force of will can sense threat just as well. Which is awesome.
@VoltieBird 3 ай бұрын
Int based barbarian makes me think of Pillars of Eternity. In PoE, Int increased the area of your AoEs, and Barbarian's built in cleave ability was functionally an AoE skill that triggered on melee attacks. So it was in your best interest to boost Int as much as possible so you would be better at cleaving whole swathes of enemies.
@Doople 3 ай бұрын
Had no clue that work that way wtf
@chadculotta8278 3 ай бұрын
I purchased this Kickstarter the other day purely on the basis of some many positive reviews released on the same day by so many KZbinrs I respect (Treatmonk, Professor DM, Bob the WB, et al).
@GlenFinney 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely! And they’ve actually played it not just reviewed the alpha, which is really value added I feel in weighing their take!
@robinblaine5385 3 ай бұрын
Great video! Looking forward to DC20 and have backed it. I would really like to see more reviews/previews of ttrpgs from you.
@MuffinsHivemind 2 ай бұрын
Keep making these videos on other systems please! They are great. I really want to try DC20.
@alanm7838 3 ай бұрын
As someone who's been writing a new system with a lot of similar approaches to fixing DnD, it's really nice to see that a system has been made that addresses a lot of the issues with 5e that I personally have that motivated the creation of the system! More systems to choose from that offer more kinds of play is always great to hear.
@johnpollock6711 3 ай бұрын
A buff wizard type of character is Flex Mentallo, the Man of Muscle Memory, from Doom Patrol. He could affect and change reality by flexing his muscles in different ways. Hilarious.💪
@knicklichtjedi 3 ай бұрын
What I like the most about DC20 so far is, that it feels very inspired but not too different. I tried to get into Pathfinder back when OGL happened, but it did not really click. Everything felt very alien and like a giant task to relearn as a GM and to convince my players to try it as well. DC20 on the other hand, at least reading it, feels very similar to D&D, but more of a cooperative experience. Also, I like some of the simplifications/streamlining a lot, like Prime Modifiers to make more builds possible or damage being based on AC break.
@SPAMMAN123456789 3 ай бұрын
I can see the merits of 6e but i always wanted more depth with how characters, combat and equipment make a difference in tactics. Pf1 was a bit too dense. But pf2 i think is a nice balance between simplicity but also depth and character creation guided by feat and skill choices. And what im probably going to want to play next when the current campaign im running in 5e is done. however, it is undeniable that 5e was extremely accessible to anyone who wanted to try a ttrpg. And by the sounds of it this '6e' achieves that well, while also adressing shortcomings in 5e. So i hope it does well.
@nathanreiter6908 3 ай бұрын
Mixed feelings on having a case of a barbarian with low strength and high intelligence. I mean attacking with a great sword or axe requires physical strength one would think, although again this is fantasy gaming and does not have to be grounded in any reality (Barbarians/Vikings in the dark and medieval ages were pretty buff dudes on average). I do like the 4 action points within the turn and the ability for reactions for all character classes to take after an adversary action. I also really like the increasing damage hitting numbers over the "to hit" score. Seems like there could be a 5E extension system developed to go with some of these good combat ideas if one still had a lot of 5E money/material vested and not ready to totally jump ship off 5E yet.
@89334726 3 ай бұрын
So, let's see... We have pieces from Hero/Gurps, Rolemaster, DnD etc... I still kinda would have liked to see combat as "opposed test" with both sides getting to roll and to see who guts the other...
@reaganmonkey8 3 ай бұрын
It’s not DnD 6th edition if it isn’t made by WoTC. It is its own separate thing that is based on DnD.
@JeremyMarcum1 3 ай бұрын
And what WotC is currently making really feels like dnd?
@steveoconnivo9666 3 ай бұрын
Genuinely sounds like a really really good system. I love the idea of just having action points you can spend whenever. Sounds cool, im in.
@chrisbolducrowan5110 3 ай бұрын
I fell in love with this when Dungeon Coach first introduced it. I was looking for the evolution of D&D that I was hoping was coming. When I realized D&D wasn’t going there, I was gutted. I’m a system snob. It’s all D&D for me for almost 50 years. This is the only system I can say I could leave D&D for. It’s everything I was looking for. I can’t wait to see how things progress.
@zeevorourke6876 3 ай бұрын
I love seeing all my favorite channels jumping on with DC20 - we just need Ginni D and MrRhaexx to promote it and I get to complete the set!
@gnumel 3 ай бұрын
Honestly, what I look in the next game is a return to the collaborative nature of 3.5: having many characters that do equivalent stuff sucks the fun out of it for me. I want a fighter that fights with cool options but cannot recover health. I want a wizard that is a glass cannon, but like, thin thin glass. I want a party that really need a collaboration of different classes. I don't want balance..
@dolphinsniper 3 ай бұрын
Sounds like you should try 4E then. With the roles system, teamwork is essential. Perhaps not as restricted as you wish, but it is still strict. LEaders heal, defenders mark enemies to disaude them from attacking allies, Controllers have the best AoE lockdown, and while everyone can deal damage, Strikers deal the best single-target damage by far.
@joshuacapps7888 3 ай бұрын
One of the reasons I've never got the comparison between martial and caster characters. Though, I still maintain that pretty much since Advanced Cleric has been too powerful.
@ReformedGnoll 3 ай бұрын
You might want to check out the MCDM RPG. They have a pretty good focus on niche protection and differentiated classes that team up well together.
@JacopoSkydweller 3 ай бұрын
@@joshuacapps7888 I think it's just the insane utility of any of the casters compared to the martials, then as time goes on the great abilities to do damage and what not that martials have are eventually nullified or completely outdown by casters. The ONLY thing holding casters back is spell slots, which depends on how often their DM lets a group rest.
@joshuacapps7888 3 ай бұрын
@@JacopoSkydweller you're completely right. One of the many reasons I don't allow rests in a dungeon. Honestly, I wasn't a fan of True D20, while some of the ideas were good. The characters were over simplified and yet it was just minmaxing over and over again.
@TheManFromNan 3 ай бұрын
Back it quick. If you back in the first 72 hours you get a bunch of bonus content for free
@erberlon 3 ай бұрын
It’s unclear, do you need to get the 95$ one during the 72 hours? The advantages listed for the 72 hours are in the 95$ and up bundles.
@TheManFromNan 3 ай бұрын
@@erberlon some of them are listed in the digital only tier but that’s probably mostly for people who back it after the 72 hours. Don’t take my word for gospel though. You can probably ask the creator since he seems pretty responsive
@darcraven01 3 ай бұрын
that thing with ancestries being able to swap out rscials with other racials via a point value system is how i was writting my homebrew system... but like, not just races. monsters would also have this point value system (which would allow you to have a character with monsterous features or a monster thats a bit more human than the norm.. etc). but also classes would have a point system to build with. while the race and monster points would be the same and interchangable, classes would have their own points. but this means instead of straight multiclassing you would just pick up a feature or two from whatever class/subclass you want as long as you have enough points. (there may be some further restrictions based off lore/theme but im not sure yet).
@commonviewer2488 3 ай бұрын
DC20 lets you take levels from other classes, but you only get half of the features if you do this
@darcraven01 3 ай бұрын
@@commonviewer2488 yeah... my system is just going to assign points to all class features and let you change them out when you reach the correct level assuming you have any pre-reqs they may have (like, spellcasting you'd need lower lvl slots before getting higher ones if i decide to go the slot route and dont make a mana cost system.. still wip on that). the thing i'd say is you cant swap anything out on lvl 1.. if you're starting fighter you're not picking up spells right away.. but i plan to work some of the dnd feats into this feature point system too and whenever you'd get feats in dnd you'd just get points to spend. (though since lvl progression would be different its not exactly gonna be lvl 4,8, and so on.. again, wip) oh and i forgot to mention with races.. its going to be slightly restricted. like, i'm not going to let you swap any ability out for any other as long as you have the points.. i'm going to have a few categories that you can only have 1 or 2 abilities in each category. like movement (swimming, flying, climbing, digging, etc), perception based (dark vision, tremor sense, enhanced smell, etc), offensive (dragons breath, bite, claw attacks, innate spellcasting, etc) and defensive (tough skin, scaled hide, elemental resistances, etc).. maybe a few more if i think of any abilities that dont fit into those categories. should keep things a bit more balanced between players and monsters
@MegaLalapala 3 ай бұрын
DC20 sounds cool, but I can't imagine my playgroup being able to function without a definitive turn. It would just be to chaotic because no one in my group would wait--they would just all go. As a more introverted player I feel that I just wouldn't do anything. D&D turns can be long, but they DO force me to do stuff lol.
@biffkoos 3 ай бұрын
Good video about DC20 and I want to check it out, but I feel it's little dishonest to critictize OneDnd saying "OneDnd doesn't do that and it's bad because it does this...". It's a fairly definitive statement about something that hasn't even been released yet to the public and we've literally only seen playtest that's designed to get player feedback and likely to change. I understand some things like +2 above 10 equals +1 in a stat are core to the game and unlikely to change and fairplay to argue about, but I lose a lot of faith in a critic who's critiquing something they haven't seen or played beyond the test footage that won't even make up a quarter of the final content.
@AdmiralStoicRum 3 ай бұрын
Just so everyone knows, when I played I built a spider ancestry type creature. It worked really well. Did everything I wanted to have spider It worked really well. Did everything I wanted to have an anthropomorphic spider do.
@scarredFalconer 3 ай бұрын
I'm intrigued...Also worth looking into is Advanced 5th Edition (A5E). It has a similar design philosophy of "fix 5e's problems while still keeping the spirit there"
@dario5178 3 ай бұрын
When the game fully releases I would love to try it
@thebeast1793 3 ай бұрын
The ancestry reminds me of something I saw on the dms guild called an elf and an orc had a baby
@chadstinson9886 3 ай бұрын
Needs a ton of lore writers. Lore and world building is what keeps d&dragons so popular.
@thegamesninja3119 3 ай бұрын
I like to view DC20 through the lens of a James Gunn reboot of the DC cinematic universe because, despite my not doing TTRPG but solo tabletop gaming, KZbin suggested this video to me.
@connerchadwick823 3 ай бұрын
Dude I know it’s in beta play test and on kickstarter but do you think you could deep dive a couple classes and breakdown how they work? I’d love to hear more about this before I try and convince my buds to switch to this system. It looks amazing so far.
@imherkhan 3 ай бұрын
D20 sounds like Gurps-Lite with d20s
@AnyMEmdq 3 ай бұрын
7:30 Yes, you can use it in 5e, and in 3.5 and if I'm not mistaken, even in AD&D: You just need to prepare/delay your action to sync it with the other character. Even if there was not a mechanical rule for it, there's the rule that states that all rules are optional and subject to the DM, so at DM's discretion, one of you can even fully forgo their initiative to act in sync for the whole encounter. And there's also the rule of cool. So yes, you can very much use your telekinesis to launch a friend through the air so they can attack another character. And no, nobody wanted One to be 6e. Most people didn't want either 6e, nor One.
@robertmarklein8003 3 ай бұрын
Watching yours and Bob World Builders reviews on this really make me sad that it didn't fit into my schedule at Garycon.
@ninjadman805 3 ай бұрын
I would be interested in DnD Shorts looking at Savage Worlds
@dreemweaver6664 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for the entertaining and informational videos you produce. You are a true gem for the ttrpg community. You are so heartfelt and authentic. I have come away with many of the same thoughts and feelings from my experiences with DC20. Thanks again for all you do, keep on rockin!
@DrMaiXiang 3 ай бұрын
Seems HEAVILY weighed in the players favor, like the DM's could get overworked really quickly
@GlenFinney 3 ай бұрын
Not too bad actually except tracking conditions that sometimes gets a bit much!
@kazindrake7958 3 ай бұрын
Was on the fence about trying this one, but after this glowing recommendation, I gotta say, it sounds awesome.
@grimgaming4672 3 ай бұрын
DC 20 reminds me greatly of the AD&D 2E: Skills & Powers book with how the character customization is set up which I like a lot.
@WolfHreda 3 ай бұрын
Every time I get a notification that DC20 has been updated, I immediately go and download the updated PDF.
@scaife 3 ай бұрын
I lost it at "If you think that's cool, shut up. Because I haven't explained why it's cool yet."
@declanmorden 3 ай бұрын
Honestly learning more about DC20 and all of the mechanics that I am very fond of such as Mana Points and Stamina Points, it has made me realize that the main reason I haven’t made the switch away from D&D 5e honestly might just be its name (“Dungeons & Dragons” will never not be synonymous with fantasy ttrpgs in my mind) as well as D&D’s iconography.
@victorlopezjr3590 3 ай бұрын
Videos on other ttrpg would be fantastic.great video thanks
@Batterydennis 3 ай бұрын
The marketing push for DC20 has been impressive. We will see if it actually has legs to go the distance or if it just another flash in the kickstarter pan.
@johncasebeer179 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the review. I backed the kickstarter, and every review I have read or heard has made me feel better about doing so.
@diesellegion8709 3 ай бұрын
I hope you see this message Will, but I was curious if you will be making DC20 content for your Patreon members?
@Azazel226 3 ай бұрын
4:08 Is my bloodlust so transparent Will?
@DivineBeast-mj7uy 3 ай бұрын
Also people should check out the Arcanum Infinitum, a kickstarter about new magic items, 8 subclasses, and more to expand your game with. Also Erevans guide to death and beyond
@techadeptcrafts 3 ай бұрын
Filming yourself from the fridge was cold, dude.... So cool.
@parkerlarson6692 3 ай бұрын
MOST RELAXED TRAVEL POSSIBLE Level 1: Take Lorehold Student Feat and be a Genie Warlock Level 3: Take Pact of the Tomb and the Book of Ancient Secrets Invocation and pick Find Familiar Level 4: Take the Strixhaven Mascot Feat for the Spirit Statue Familiar from Lorehold Level 5: Take the Far Scribe Invocation Now you can sit in your Genie vessel, be carried by your Statue, and communicate with your team by Sending for free to your statue who can talk to your team (only familiar stated to be able to speak) Lazy travel and communication in the luxury of your genie vessel
@adambielen8996 3 ай бұрын
Imps, Quasits, and Sprites can talk and Pseudodragons have limited telepathy. Not that you can take any of those and still work with your idea.
@parkerlarson6692 3 ай бұрын
@@adambielen8996 limited thought, the lord hold mascot is lord wise “am ancient scholar” or something like that that assists students with knowledge
@LunarFoxfyre 3 ай бұрын
I mean I am developing a TTRPG with my dev team and hope to get an open beta started this year sometime, its a little different so I hope people like it
@Uhhhi-ih8bb 3 ай бұрын
I love the stats, they're similar to what I think stats should be
@justinmargerum2559 3 ай бұрын
Wait--"Fishblade?" [looks it up] Ah, okay. [resumes watching video]
@ironknuckles348 3 ай бұрын
honestly might back this come july cause it seems be super open and seeing on the kickstarter it mentions one the things getting is a guide to convert my 5e stuff to it which is huge
@GlenFinney 3 ай бұрын
Kickstarter is going on now and last day is on July 1st.
@DarkWarriorShadowClaw 3 ай бұрын
So, if you throw a pebble hard enough in DC20 you could do as much damage (or even much more with a brutal hit) as a giant maul.
@samuelbroad11 3 ай бұрын
David and Goliath?
@jeroenimus7528 3 ай бұрын
What is their answer to the "long rest glitch" The KS page states this, but honestly isn't much of an answer. And for now, unfortunately, I don't have the energy to dig through the playtest rules. Rest Systems: The 4 types of Rest in DC20 gives Players options, everything from a quick 10-minute stop to multiple days spent in town. Players can take Resting Actions to help themselves or allies recover… unless they get interrupted by enemies!
@halfdanhalfdansson8445 3 ай бұрын
But i like rolling many dice and seeing big numbers😢
@GlenFinney 3 ай бұрын
There can be a lot of dice in DC20!
@caurd 3 ай бұрын
Ye, the damage sucks
@Tamaranth404 3 ай бұрын
"Fair" or not, the comparison to 5e is exactly what I was looking for! My group is trying out a DC20 one-shot this week, and I was really hoping to find a video that could run me through how it works using the system I already know as context. So thank you for this! 🙂
@mikecarson7769 3 ай бұрын
""Fishblade" ... awesome system, criminally under-appreciated
@SittingDucklord 3 ай бұрын
Wow 6e already?, what about 5f-6d?
@ewout.denheijer 3 ай бұрын
Casting Hex huh?
@evinfuilt 3 ай бұрын
I just want to see an addendum to Ryoko's Guide for DC20. I've kickstarted both, and can't wait to have fun playing both with a bunch of friends.
@lordchaz2k 3 ай бұрын
Palladium Fantasy RPG has been doing this type of combat since 1983.
@p-thor 3 ай бұрын
The lineage point cost feels a bit like GURPS light. I really like it.
@shadesofgray9 3 ай бұрын
I like TotV lineage/heritage system. Hoping you will look into that system for comparison too.oh and a5e. Be interesting to plot out the different systems in development on a dnd gradient rules lite to heavy, or evolution as we are calling it here.
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