D&D Players, What legendary move in a campaign will live on forever in infamy? Part 5

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D&D Players, What legendary move in a campaign will live on forever in infamy? #5
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@robertheinrich2994 10 ай бұрын
question about intimidating a mountain: is everything in D&D sentient? a regular mountain would not be intimidated, but I think about atlas, the titan who carried the heaven. he was tired of it, but had to fulfill his duty, so he asked to see medusas head, so he can turn to stone.
@thatsmuggamer 10 ай бұрын
Not everything, but there's a fair amount.
@DBArtsCreators 10 ай бұрын
If your intimidation is strong enough, your sheer will animates the inanimate so that it can be intimidated by you!.
@immortalmonk2891 10 ай бұрын
It all depends on the DM and what type of fantasy campaign they are running.
@robertheinrich2994 10 ай бұрын
my main problem so far is: I've never played. but I would like to. it would have to happen online, because I can't assume that others are close to me (okay, the city I'm in is 2 million strong, so there is a chance). so I would like to...
@immortalmonk2891 10 ай бұрын
@@robertheinrich2994 it's a fun hobby with the right group for you, and the right style of game/system. I've run games set in Star wars, low magic medieval fantasy, grim dark alternate history, high fantasy, and more. All using the 5e system, I plug and play different rule settings to make the system work for me. I'd encourage you if you're able, see what local game shop or games groups you have in your area. Perhaps you have to play online, in that case, roll20 and start playing can help you find a game that's right for you.
@karrot871 10 ай бұрын
I will never forget: my group reached a locked door. Before we could do anything, my friend (a massive tentacle monster with an extremely low IQ) said “can I flirt with the door to open it?” My other friend (DM) gave a big sigh, as he was known throughout the campaign to suggest the dumbest ideas. The DM said “Sure, but you’ll have to roll pretty high.” He rolled a NAT FUCKING 20, literally knocking the door off its hinges and making it blush. We cried for 30 minutes non-stop
@commissarkordoshky219 10 ай бұрын
cried laughing?
@sniclops15 10 ай бұрын
​@commissarkordoshky219 no, at the beautiful demonstration of love they just witnessed. I'm bawling my eyes out just reading it. So inspirational
@MrStrikecentral 9 ай бұрын
Still a better love story than Twilight.
@cristuates9194 8 ай бұрын
Guess we can say, he "knocked" it up hahahaha
@goji3755 7 ай бұрын
Lock-charming IRL: using lockpicks or bobby pins to pick open the lock on a door. Lock-charming in D&D: Flirting with the doorknob with the intent of flattering it into opening the door for you.
@hawarths294 10 ай бұрын
we were surrounded by 20 werewolves and had to flee. I made one slip off of a roof and was quoted in the servers hall of fame as following: "as an action, i shit on the roof"
@lucarudloff687 8 ай бұрын
@gengarzilla1685 6 ай бұрын
Shit on the roof to assert dominance.
@cetadel6597 10 ай бұрын
One of my players got a Teleportation spell, and a custom spell called "The Yeet" that rolls 20 D20 and either knocks things 200MPS or blows all your clothes off. He also got infinite dogs. So he proceeded to turn the dogs into a tactical airstrike, calling them down from the stratosphere to rocket directly into his opponents.
@joshwilson7614 10 ай бұрын
The Terminal Velocity Elephant. Which I personally like to call the Tactical Elephant Nuke. This came about during a fight with a god of lightning who was currently in the form of a giant dragon. Our group was fighting on the ground and a bit in the air since some of us can fly, our bard has the idea to fly up into the stratosphere touch the totem of an elephant that he has to the bottom of his boot and drop it. This is an ivory totem that turns into an actual elephant when it touches ground. So we stalled this lightning god for 5 in game minutes well he flew as high as he could, and for another 5 in game minutes for the thing to drop. This led to about a full day's worth of working out the mass in real life and the math of how much damage that would translate into in D&D. I don't remember the exact number of d6s this thing did but I do remember it came to something stupid high like, 3,000 damage and probably higher. This elephant one shot a lightning dragon god just by falling out of the sky, and created a crater about the size of a small town. Luckily, when it dies, it reverts back into a totem to use again after a week. Meaning We always have the option of an elephant nuke if things ever get too dire. And this is just ONE of the stupidly over-powered things we've used in the almost 4 years that this game has run. I've been playing for 3 of those years, and it's even a sequel to the game I started about 5 years ago. Still going strong.
@gabrielhoy6790 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for a good laugh!
@L3X1899 6 ай бұрын
you missed an opportunity there, I'd have called Operation Dumbo Drop
@necro926 10 ай бұрын
We once for a ring of water elemental command at level 4.(random loot table roll) and we were being chased by the Leviathan. I used the ring on it, and in a fantastic set of public rolls failing repeatedly, made it use its tail attack on itself over and over. We sent it back to the Plane of Water by making it play stop hitting yourself.
@respectfulevil9022 9 ай бұрын
One time in another game a pc survived the crush depth of the mariana trench because one of his traits allowed him to ignore one instance of damage. The guy would then go on to be consistently badass throughout the rest of the game
@ThisGuyArmor 9 ай бұрын
One of my more recent campaigns I was playing a Goliath warlock who had 2 levels in barbarian. Our group got captured by a bunch of slavers and had us all in cells. They took the party’s wizard and were torturing her to reveal where our camp was. My character is very very protective of the wizard as she was teaching him basic things and treated him good. My character heard her cry out in pain so I asked if I could breakdown the door keeping me in the cell. Nat20. Hearing his beloved wizard friend in pain he bent the bars on his cell walked out to where they were and got shot in the face by a blunderbuss. What process could only be described as a massacre with their leader being banished to the lowest level of the nine hells. Afterwards it was spread by the survivors and other prisoners what Keegg had done and every town he went to after he said his name gave him free food and board for his stay. He still can’t count higher than 9.
@CzarBomba827 10 ай бұрын
Dm here. Was running the first chapter of LMoP and the party was exploring the cave. They came across the section where sildar was being held. The party Druid snuck up and studied the layout of the room. She returned and the party made a plan. I swear when I say they busted in, rescued the hostage sildar and killed every single goblin in about two rounds of combat like seal team 6, I am speaking the truth. I was so absolutely dumbfounded I just gave the party a level-up because I thought they deserved it after that.
@tokamara8795 10 ай бұрын
For the first time ever, I played the horndog in the party. But no, it wasn't a bard like the usual party gremlin played to get his way, this was a ranger. The campaign was pretty free build in 3.5e, and we were allowed to play whatever we wanted to build within a +5 level adjustment. I played a serpentine half-fey tiefling with a yuan-ti bloodline, basically creating a flying snake that would perch at a high point and rain arrows down while the party of an angel fighter, giant monk, wizard slime, and shadow gnome assassin pulled the aggro. The campaign was a silly mess, but it gave us the moment we still laugh about today. See, this flying lamia was just a horndog for fun. No using it for diplomacy, no plot. We agreed early on in our games (thanks to the horny bard, of course) that we would make a performance check for the deed, and the winged lamia made sure to have ranks in it. Now, things were going fine. She wasn't much of a flirt, but being exotic certainly caught the eye of several locals. And over the course of the next in game week, she proved to be something beyond what even the normal horndog could pull off. The barkeep was cute and bored tonight? Nat 20, she had to call in late for work the next day because she couldn't stand. A traveling dancer took a liking? Nat 20, she had to take vacation days to recover. The local duke's son heard about the escapades of the snake that couldn't disappoint? Nat 20, the duke almost called a hunt on the lamia until the son finally admitted why he had been comatose for three days. She couldn't roll a crit UNLESS it was for this specific perform skill. She had racked up an intimidating reputation, and probably broke a home or two (or in one case, saved a marriage) with her antics... but then, she caught the attention of someone else. Someone divine: the local goddess of love and fertility. Visiting her room at night, the goddess made it clear she had been watching this snake with all the rumors around her, and demanded a personal demonstration. Obviously nervous to say no, the lamia agrees, and the gm says that for this event, he'd allow exploding dice. The goddess rolls an 18 on her performance, leaving the lamia needing to defeat a whopping 63 on her own roll. I figured this would be the point my character dies because she disappointed a goddess... until the rolls started. The table watched as she rolled a 20, followed by another 20, a third 20, and finally a 19 for a total of 89 on her performance roll. It was decided she flubbed that last 20 because she didn't want to make a goddess comatose and claim her divine spark, due to the responsibilities she'd be stuck with. It took the goddess a week to wake up, and the boon was that the lamia never had to roll performance ever again, and makes cameos to this day as an immortal fey spirit in several campaigns.
@thaen9346 9 ай бұрын
Well played
@LugiatheOceanGuardian 9 ай бұрын
I want in on your campaigns lol. Semi-joking, that is amazing! I want more details!
@BenjaminIzquierdo-nb6tq Ай бұрын
@BlueSkyBirdies Ай бұрын
@gabrote42 Ай бұрын
@shaynewalker3248 10 ай бұрын
Not to toot my own horn, but here goes. Quite a few sessions into Witchlight, and I'm playing a Harengon Artificer. After some serious convincing, I got the DM to let me make a hat that was a bag of holding, purely so I could do a gag where I pulled myself out of a hat. This resulted in 2 events but I'll only tell the best one unless there's interest otherwise. So, we're cruising along, and we end up in a random encounter with some sort of doppelganger kind of thing. It basically takes turns turning into each of us in turn and fighting us. Eventually, it gets to turning into my character. At this point we're hurting pretty bad and knowing what all his inventory is going to be (since it matches mine), I know this may go pretty bad. So we're fighting and it gets to my turn. I get an idea and ask the DM "so to confirm, he has "EVERYTHING" I have, right?" The dm's eyes get wide and says "....yes". So I pull my hat off my head and shove it over the doppelganger's hat of holding. The rest of the party isn't sure what happens next but I see the dm sigh and look at me. The dm then describes how a tear in the very fabric of reality itself opens up and we are transported into the astral plane. After that we put the game on a pause because of outside of game stuff but unfortunately we never picked up where we left off. So, my head canon is our party has been floating in the astral plane all this time and probably will until the end of time.
@tsdey6512 10 ай бұрын
What is the other story?
@shaynewalker3248 10 ай бұрын
​@@tsdey6512towards the beginning of the campaign, you end up in the fae wild and can end up fighting a group of harengon bandits. Can't remember the leader's name, but they are absolutely beating our asses. apparently you're basically supposed to get knocked out and then wake up in their tree base. Anyways, me, my robot crow homunculus (named Lucy), and the dwarven cleric decide we're going to go after the leader who definitely outclasses both of us. We proceed to get our asses beat for a couple rounds until I get an idea. After quickly consulting the rules, I tell the cleric to use Hold Person on him. We get lucky and the bandit leader fails the save. At this point I ask the DM "so if I put the hat of holding over his head, would I need to roll since I'm not trying to shove him fully into it?" The dm thinks for a second and decides no since I'm basically just placing it. So I do and the dm tells me I can't interact with the bag anymore on that turn. I say: "Fair enough. Would you agree that (the bandit leader's) head is in the bag" The dm agrees so I say "For Lucy's turn I order her to make a small tear in the bag." The dm takes a second and grabs his DM Guide and reads aloud. Essentially, if a bag of holding bursts or is torn, the bag loses all magical properties, but not before spilling it's contents into the Astral Plane. The dm, after taking a minute to "wtf dude" describes how the other bandits hear a sudden woosh and crunching sound followed by seeing their badass leader's now headless body drop to the ground. They take off running but our formerly cute and bubbly Wild Magic sorceress has suddenly gone warlord and summons some sort of mud demons to chase them down. It's a complete massacre and we got to loot their lair. Which was great because I lost all my stuff that I kept in my bag when Lucy tore it The best part is, technically time doesn't pass in the Astral Plane and one doesn't need to eat or drink. Which means, somewhere in the Astral Plane there is a head frozen in time, screaming and floating for all eternity. I kind of feel bad about it sometimes
@ParagonTheBear 9 ай бұрын
One moment I'll never forget is my goliath paladin hail-marying a tankard (from the handle) over 300 feet to catch an innkeeper that was planning on ratting the group out to the BBEG's guards outside of town and it hit him so hard in the head (nat 20 + 10 in strength twice, one for the throw and the second for damage), it knocked him out cold and long enough for us to get him and hold him hostage as a ransom to the BBEG. My Goliath Paladin ended up getting the improvised weapon feat for free after that encounter and he has a tankard that magically reappears in his inventory for him to either throw or drink in moderation. Let's say at one point a few session later, he managed to break open a door like that one big bird meme to intimidate the BBEG after getting taunted by him. It did not end well for the BBEG.
@draconmulvey1715 10 ай бұрын
I have a juicy one. So in one of my many discontinued for the moment campaigns im playing what is basically the fate series version of leonidas. Basically my dm gave me a magic trident that lights up with lightning when I rage. Im an ancestral guardian barbarian with the souls of the rest of the 300 appearing when I rage. We are taking on a bandit camp. Leonidas manages to get a high stealth roll, sneaks up behind the leader, rages, and summons the 300 in a phalanx formation. He then pierces the leader with his trident, crits then sparta kicks him off with extra attack getting minimal trident exit damage, but max lightning damage, basically blasting the captain into the air and frying him. Our cleric, playing nightingale from fate, then blows another bandit's head off with her pistol. I can only immagine that those poor bandits were legit peeing their pants with fear
@drakehatch9171 9 ай бұрын
My friend follows a Nat 20, maximum damage on a level one goblin. It was literally session one. It all devolved into hysteria after that.
@cheshirecat3504 9 ай бұрын
So this happened in a recent game of pathfinder. Our party consisted of like 3 sorcerers, a ranger and myself as a human fighter named Di'ga (die-gah), all of us lvl 2. We had uncovered a plot by former knights of a group my character was previously apart of to make a flower that grants immortality at the expense of many lives, going through my character arc and ahowing off my main villian, Gallahad. This enemy was pretty much a lvl 20 and nothing we could do would hit him, it was supposed to be a scripted loss boss fight pretty much and we had a few higher lvled npcs to make sure we dont die outright. It started with magic missile from one of our sorcerers, an auto hit move that never misses, he said he aimed for his crotch, and of ourse its the first hit against this impossing character that meets. He yells to the group "aim for his nuts, its his weak point." So di'ga, not having magic missile, does have a few feather tokens he bought to make ladders. He throws one under the boss and activates it. Vaulting him 20 ft in the air as his acrobatics skill was one of the few things he was low on. And falling about 20 ft away. 300 damage in nut shots from magic missile and ladders later the dm is getting ready to just absolutly murder us with this character who up until 2 rounds prior had been holding out on using his real power against us. 7 hp points left and we were out of magic missiles and ladders. He makes an action to heal himself and two of our party members interupt attacking abilities go off, the one sorcerer going fo an attack but misses. I go and roll that nat 20 and deal 17 damage before he gets that heal in. We finish off this boss character meant for way later and the dm just walks off as i hit that nate 20 to the bathroom in the dark to think what to do next as we have killed a boss dealing with 2 characters arks waaaay before we were ever supposed to.
@MrStrikecentral 9 ай бұрын
There was a game my friends and I played YEARS ago and our group was on a spaceship trying to escape, we managed to get to a room with escape pods and sealed the door. While we were trying to figure out how to get the pods to work, we heard some of the crew on the ship banging on the door trying to get in. My character could make himself go incorporeal, meaning he could phase through matter (walls, floors, ceilings, other characters, etc.). So I stuck my head through the door and yelled at the people trying to break the door down, "Do you mind? We're trying to escape here!" which scared the shit out of them. We couldn't stop laughing for at least 10 minutes. I've got another one that didn't happen in game, but after the session was done and we were wrapping up: In an old D&D 3.5 campaign, our party was a small company of soldiers with our DM running a character as our field commander (think Ogre Battle). The commander had gone away from the party for a short time while we dealt with some local trouble, I don't remember what exactly it was at the time. Anyway, when he came back, he brought with him a group of large dragons, one for each character, that all were to become our mounts. Then the session ended. While we were packing up, my best friend Greg was practically drooling just thinking what he was going to be able to do having these dragons in the party. Stars in his eyes, so to speak. I just looked at him and asked, "Greg, what do we need these dragons for?" He just stares at me and yells, "FUCK!" You could literally hear his excitement escape him as if a balloon was leaking air.
@BlueSkyBirdies Ай бұрын
I misread the ending as your friend saying he was going to fuck the dragons
@fluidize8532 10 ай бұрын
I was playing my first ever game of D&D in an Undying Sands setting. After traveling through the desert and finding an arcane library, the party's Plasmoid Sorcerer (Named Jeff) found an alive mummy named Jeeve Saabs who was an ancient inventor. The party was on the brink of tension so Jeff decided to use an arcane computer and accidentally set time forwards 100 years. As Jeeve Saabs was about to decompose into fine ash, Jeff talked to him to gain some lore. After I unsuccessfully created an explosive potato and the party bard tried to teach the party NPC the guitar, Jeff decided to use a hypercube he found earlier and shoved it inside Jeeve Saabs to make him immortal. He rolled a NAT 20 and through the power of an ancient artifact, he ascended Jeeve Saabs to the 8th plane of existence, a moment which was immortalized as a legendary moment in our campaign.
@visig0th152 6 ай бұрын
Throwback to my first ever campaign, I was playing a Tiefling gunslinger fighter with a folk hero background. It was early in the campaign and the party ran into a giant slime in a dungeon. Through a variety of random twists and turns half the party was either knocked out or on the verge of death with the exception of myself. Our warlock, a raven-looking Aarakocra, had been swallowed by the slime and was being dissolved to death within the slime's body. It circles back to my turn and I tell the DM, "I charge the slime and jump into it". Now all of my party thought I was being dumb. I was the damage-dealer of the party and my build specialized in rain, so the other party members assumed my Tiefling was just overcome with a desperate need to save my bird-friend from being slowly digested like the action hero I was and that my role-playing was going to cost us the encounter. But the DM must have seen the glint in my eye because he accepts it, I charge and launch myself deep into the slime body. While my friends at the table are lamenting the dumb move I've just made, I look the DM square in the eye and completely dead-pan say, "I cast hellish rebuke". My DM gets this shit-eating grin on his face and makes a dex save roll for the slime. It fails. I roll 2d10 for damage. Full 20 fucking damage. DM tells us that as the acidic juices of the slime begin to burn and eat at my flesh, my body is cloaked in searing hellfire and a sudden inferno of searing vengeance bursts forth from the gelatinous beast. The chamber is shaken with a thunderous boom and vengeful light as the slime explodes and is vaporized from the overwhelming heat. Warlock makes a save roll and survives with a few minor burns. And that's how I successfully saved my party from an early boss fight by turning my character into a reusable suicide bomber.
@Pkhemi 10 ай бұрын
As a DM I was playing with a particularly creative hexblade echo knight. I threw a few swarms of cranium rats and a deep scion at the party of 3 level 9s. The rats were doing good work but I felt that the scion was a bit useless. Then I saw that it had an axe and was like "fuck it, why can't it throw the axe" and then my inner crackhead kicked in and I was like "fuck it this thing is psychic right? Why can't it recall it's axe?" And I rinsed and repeated the cycle for a few rounds until the warlock who is arguably the only person on more lethal drugs than I am exclaimed "OH!" In the middle of the druid's turn. I got curious to what he was thinking so on the enemy turn I had the scion throw the axe at the warlock. And then it happened. As the scion called the axe back the crazy bastard said "can I grab the axe". Absolutely fucking flabbergasted I said roll for it. He rolled just well enough to catch the axe by the blade but damn if he didn't hold onto that axe. Then he free action dismissed his echo and bonus action called it right behind the fucking scion. He and his echo proceeded to *BEAT THE BRAKES* off of the scion one rounding it and that's how I gave my party the leviathan axe.
@joesgotmore 9 ай бұрын
I recently ran a campaign where the party planed to double cross an adult red dragon who wanted the party to get rid of a Red Worm (a homebrew variation of the Purple Worm that lives in lava). They managed to drive it to the red dragon prompting a Kaiju like fight between them. However, during the battle one of the players attacked the Red Worm who was in a frenzy attacking the last thing that attacked it. The foolish hero was about to be swallowed whole was hit with a crit and was about to take enough damage to kill him then take fire damage auto failing death saves if they didn't get him out before the Red Worms next turn. One of the other players, a fire genasi Rune Knight used a cloud rune to change the damage to one of the other smaller creatures that was part of the fight. I described the red worm snagging his arm and flinging him into the air, jaw open wide as the furnace like gullet lined with red hot poker teeth waited for him to fall in. Just as portal opened switching him with a very unfortunate kobold. Saving him from certain death.
@castiel136loxx 5 ай бұрын
I started playing DnD a year ago, and I will never forget my most glorious kill as a bard: We were ambushed on top of a clock tower by a bunch of gargoyles, one of which was a freaking menacing big gargoyle, and two chimeras. The Chimeras were hovering outside, trying to smash through the walls and attack us. My friend the cleric casted Banishment on the boss. Success! Then I casted Tasha's Hideous Laughter on the chimera outside. The DM ruled that if it failed, it'd take 2 turns for it to fall to its death, if it fails the 2nd save at the end of it 2nd turn. Well it did. The chimera laughed so hard it fell 1000ft to its death. I then dealt the finishing blow to the 2nd chimera after my friends got it to 1x hp. It still is my best kill so far.
@GlidyBun 10 ай бұрын
Oh, I have a great one. In a climactic confrontation above the city skies, as our enemies poured over the city gates we were fighting off their greatest weapon: an adult red dragon. The fight was GRUELING, as none of us could fly so we just held on to the dragon like Kratos while it was busy trying to claw us off of it's back. The fight isn't going great, this thing does massive damage and has the HP to boot. Then, our heroic barbarian Fabiano Snapdragon pulls the most insane stunt I have ever seen anyone commit in a dnd campaign. They climb the dragon's head, stare it eye to eye and *click*. Fabiano activated his immovable rod right in front of the dragon's eye, clinging to it for dear life. He shot through the dragon like a bullet, killing it in the process. The DM had him roll athletics to see if he could hold on to the rod, and of course he gets a god damn nat 20, combined with his insane modifier he must've reached 30. Later on the DM told us that had he rolled a nat1 his arm would've been ripped clean off. Glad he didn't!
@Cassapphic 10 ай бұрын
In a oneshot I played in the DM wrote on the back of one page of all of our character sheets a secret about each person's character that we were told we could bring up whenever we saw fit, after travelling to a mountain cave and exploring through it, having fought a mimic disguised as a coat back in town and a couple normal mimics in the dungeon before reaching the end of the cave, we fight the perceived final boss, a luggage, but rather than fighting the other players tried to tame it like a dog, as we discovered that all of our secrets were synonyms for writing "you are secretly a mimic" I choose to betray my team and transform into a boulder to try to push the luggage into a pit of acid inside the cave, I fail and roll into it, causing a major derailing where the mountain was revealed to also be a gigantic mimic and everyone rushes down either with me or down the mountain path before we stood at its feet and fought a sentient mountain. (EDIT: I wouldn't normally betray my party like that, I fully udnerstand dnd is a team game, but it was a one-shot that I coudl clearly tell was near the end, which I think is the perfect time for trying things that are dramatic and cool, but problematic in a long form campaign)
@joshuapohle6909 9 ай бұрын
We were trying to investigate some kuo-toa who stopped worshipping a beholder and started worshipping a mysterious entity known as 'The Prophet' (who we were also trying to find, who was also apparently a mind flayer)(We were in the Underdark. We found the kuo-toa and some hags worshipping at some cooking pot next to a totem, and when we got too close to the totem it started doing the whole "Die foolish mortals" spiel, although the only one that understood it was my familiar so he had to translate. Suddenly all the worshippers died and a nalfeshnee demon was summoned (we were like level 6 so this was way out of our league). Now for the characters: Monk, a Way of the Shadow monk, was a tabaxi who acted cat-like and had a pet frog that was once a froghemoth (backstory stuff) and apparently ate billions of sewer that formed a singularity inside its stomach (don't ask me how or why). Cleric: A human war domain cleric, grandson of a previous character. Rogue: An assassin rogue (halfling) that like stealing stuff (we have had to stop them a few times). And me, a goblin bard that had recently switched from a really overpowered wizard subclass (from the Grim Hollow book, I switched because I knew it was too powerful and didn't want to make it hell for the DM), I had a wand of lightning bolts and a staff of swarming insects and a frost brand (everyone else had magic items too, I just forgot them). So yeah the nalfeshnee does some damage to all of us, but on Monk's second turn, they get an idea, to stun the nalfeshnee with stunning strike, trap it in their portable hole, then have me cover it with my lotion of fireball (it is exactly what it sounds like) then have Rogue yeet it into the lake. Now a nalfeshnee has a +11 to Constitution saving throws, so it would be near impossible to stun it: but we did. When it was trapped in the portable hole I covered it with the lotion, then Rogue threw it into the lake. About six seconds later there was a kaboom, a big one, a massive one, A HUMONGONORMOUS ONE!!!!! It was essentially a nuke and canonically the biggest explosion in that world, the nalfeshnee died as well as everything close to the explosion. We single handedly caused the Geneva Convention to be invented, it also caused a bad death rain (because demon blood, bad Underdark water, the explosion and the nasty lake tentacle monsters), that dealt necrotic damage. I'm gonna leave it here for now, might post an update if this comment gets any steam.
@MatthewMorris6148 10 ай бұрын
They aren’t quite as crazy as some of the stories here, but I have two about my own characters. 1. (Very slight spoilers for Curse of Strand.) We were facing off against Strahd in our final battle. My fighter was wielding the Sunsword, and when my turn came around I made an epic speech about Strahd’s biggest mistake: Not killing us when he had the chance. I then attacked. Nat 2 and Nat 3. Luckily between my ridiculously high attack modifier, plus a bardic inspiration, I got the 3 to hit. Still quite funny though. 2. (Small spoilers for Rime of the Frost Maiden.) We had found a medallion with the symbol of the frost maiden on it. My Paladin threw it into the snow, then Critically hit it with a Longsword of Sharpness, then smote it with a 1st level spell slot (level 4, so sadly I didn’t have any higher level ones.) Absolutely obliterated that thing with 62 damage. Then my Paladin took one of the ice shards the Frost Maiden had previously used to communicate, and he spoke into it “that hurt?” before throwing it into the ground and stomping onto it. That was last session. Yeah, that’s definitely not going to bite me in the butt later.
@DrBolt-hw6hy 9 ай бұрын
Okay, this may not be as legendary as anything in this video or the last 4 videos in this series but I have to share this. So for context, my Dragonborn Warlock, Bolt Stormbringer, has derailed like 3 combat encounters. The setting of this campaign is in a homebrew city near Baulder's Gate where all manner of creatures and races are all equal while a very "brilliant" inventor has brought amazing inventions that part of the Forgotten Realm. Our first encounter was against a group of terrorists called the Traditionallists as they were burning goblin owned shops with alchemist fire. Before the fight officially began, the DM (first time DM) thought it was a good idea for the party to get in a few words before we rolled initiative. Big mistake. One of the spells my warlock has is Command. Now, that wouldn't sound too crazy, but our DM had made the encounter so that if we killed the commander of this particular group of Traditionallists, the others would surrender. So, without knowing this, I cast Command and told the commander to "surrender." He rolled a 3 for a total of 6 or something. Fail! He threw down his weapon and told his underlings to surrender as well; ending the fight before it could even begin. Later on in the campaign, we found the main Traditionallist base and were going to go Zero Dark Thirty on that bitch. Or that was the plan. After the bard turned our bloodhunter into a dragon (can't remember which kind, only that it was Metallic), I was next in the initiative. Now, I would have just charged in and fought the guards normally, but they had animal companions. They weren't dogs though; they were giant spiders. Now I am an arachnophobe and decided to make Bolt an arachnophobe after the DM revealed that the tavern keeper in the City of Ozin (starting city) was half human and half spider and had a bad reaction to seeing that. So, what would an arachnophobe do if they had access to a spell like, oh I don't know, FIREBALL.? They are going to reduce those fuckers to atoms with Fireball. Once again, derailing the encounter before it got off the ground. The DM did get me back the next week with a Beholder so I wouldn't be able to do that kind of shit again. Now, after I ran my own campaign, he decided to run a sequel to both his and my campaigns (Sequel to both because of the character he played in mine), we had found our way onto a spaceship controlled by some god-like creatures from a game I don't even know about, I think Mass Effect. Anyway, we had managed to make our way to the bridge without fighting anything, thanks to the aid of a friendly xenomorph. Now, this time, the whole party was Level 20, and one of the spells I had picked up as we went was Banishment. Now, you would think that if I cast Banishment on the captain of this ship, he would disappear and reappear at the exact same spot on the ship after the minute was up. But no. Our DM decided that "since the ship is in lightspeed, the captain will reappear in the exact area of space he was in when I cast it. So essentially, I accidentally sent this thing to one of the 9 Hells (Probably Avernus since my Warlock patron is Tiamat) and then when he came back, he was in the vacuum of space. I killed a GOD to whatever this race is with a simple banish spell. Granted it was because my DM is stupid but I digress. Next time I run a game, I am going to try and pull something similar to that.
@JayeDidAThing 10 ай бұрын
I have a story: The party was a bunch of exiled dwarves escaping to an abandoned dwarven city, it had been abandoned for well over a thousand years and was in utter disrepair. A horde of goblins had taken over the great hall, where we had teleported to. The portal had to be kept open for long enough for the whole family of exiled dwarves (~1000 dwarves) to go through, so "negotiations" with the goblins had already began, there was no combat yet but it was seemingly rapidly headed that way. When the portal could finally close it closed with a lot more force than expected, knocking out everyone but the goblin leader and our fighter. The fighter knew he wasnt strong enough to beat the goblin leader solo so his first priority was to try and wake everyone up. He ran to one of the dwarven carts with kitchen stuff in it, grabbed his mace, and swung as hard as he could at the largest pot available, in the hopes of generating a noise loud enough to wake everyone up. He rolled a nat 20 and shattered the pan in one strike. Nobody was woken up and the goblin leader was suddenly right behind him. The goblin leader spoke a little common and dubbed our fighter "bad cook". This started their conversation on a good note, and our fighter managed to secure our exit from the grand hall. The nickname "bad cook" stuck for the remainder of the campaign.
@Thekoodie 9 ай бұрын
We were fighting an Ice sorcerer dude who froze over an entire city, and we were pretty beat up when our paladin delivered the "finishing blow"... Only for the sorcerer to laugh and reveal he was a young ice dragon the entire time. As he let out an ice breath, he downed half of our party and straight out killed my level 5 wild magic sorcerer ... Now, for context, we were playing with homebrewed rules and table for wild magic. As I fell, my DM had me roll 4 times: 1 for each downed party member and one for my own death. My rolls were the following: -Lightning strikes, dealing 4d10 lightning damage to one target of your choosing -You cast Magic Missile at 5th level -You summon a Gem Dragon -If you die in the next week, you revive with all your hit points as if you had the "resurrection" spell cast on you, but you gain 9 exhaustion points (also playing with OneD&D exhaustion rules). For this set of crazy rolls, my DM took it one step further: "As you are frozen in ice by the dragon's breath, seeing your friends fall around you, in one final burst of magic, lightning strikes the dragon and you, shattering the ice you were encased in and striking the dragon. Where you were is a Young Obsidian Dragon." Essentially I revived myself AND turned myself into a DRAGON to fight the other dragon threatening to kill my party. Most badass thing ever. Now technically our Ranger struck the finishing blow on the dragon in the end, BUT it was still insanely cool.
@mj101inf9 10 ай бұрын
Played Curse of Strahd as a gloomstalker ranger. The party was in a tavern/brothel when we discovered the owner also ran the orphanage. There was a misunderstanding over where her “working girls” came from and our Paladin killed the old lady. Sound the alarm and the entire tow guard was marching out to arrest us all. Didn’t want to kill the good guys and then an idea popped into my head. My dwarf climbs up onto a roof, casts Disguise Self, and the approaching soldiers see Strahd himself, yelling that the infidels (us) are his, and only his, to kill and if anybody else touches them he will turn the whole town into a lake of blood. Rolled high enough on a persuasion check to fool them all, the whole unit drop their swords and run for the hills. I was a new player in my first campaign, and two years later our group still talk about it.
@brodyestes2376 9 ай бұрын
Played a PC who was a homebrewed human variant that is essentially a Breton, so he had the benefit of being long lived (similar to aragorn). But he grew up in a martal clan learning how to fight but was looked down on because he lost his dominant side to an axe. I willingly took on certain disadvantages in combat because of this but slowly went away as he trained his left side to use a blade again. However during one dungeon our druid happened upon a pool of moltent mithril. My PC had our artificer magically bond and shape the mithril into a new arm for my PC and the DM gave me the ability to touch and interact with magical substances safely when otherwise I would lose or damage the extremity, I also got bonuses to strength with it. He also found a fey mimic which could hold items its swallowed in a pocket dimension like a bag of holding disguised as a scabbard and enslaved it into becoming a carrier for all his weapons. Such a badass charecter, ended up surviving the campaign and was given lordship by the king and founded his own house. Our new campaign PC's got to visit the castle where my PC settled down and look at the relics he left behind. He had left the Mithril arm and mimic scabbard mounted on the wall above the Hearth and supposedly the Mimic had refused to open for anyone else after my PC's death. So essnetially my PC's descendants had frustratedly been trying to open the scabbard for generations and had failed.
@cetadel6597 10 ай бұрын
I gave this one player Shaped Glass (Risk of Rain style) and he got to a point where with his self-cast buffs he had a minumum roll of 62 for strength. He then got a nat 20, an 18, and a 19- all in a row- and dealt a little over 2.7 quadrillion damage to the climactic immortal final boss, somehow killing it instantly.
@pustota7254 Ай бұрын
Loader Risk of Rain
@JLynne36 10 ай бұрын
Potential CoS spoilers... My DM had been running 2 separate groups in Barovia, but decided to bring us all together at a dinner party hosted by none other than Lord Strahd von Zarovitch. Anyway, shenanigans happened and we had to split again - but with the groups mixed up. Our party compositions turned into the physical group and the magical group. I, playing cleric, was with the magical group. We completed our quest to investigate the altar of one of the Fanes and were heading back to meet up with the others when we ran into Strahd's right-hand man, Rahadin. Now, we had killed him once before, and half of us were still pissed at him, so a fight was inevitable. What's interesting, is that Rahadin came in riding on Strahd's Nightmare. If you're not familiar with Nightmares, one of their main powers is the ability to travel between planes. Well, we had already met van Richten, and he gave one of the warlocks an Oil of Etherealness so he'd be able to follow the Nightmare. It is important to note that the oil is supposed to be applied externally, but that takes time. We were in the middle of a fight, so said warlock chose... to drink it. He made the con save to keep it down and ended up in the ethereal plane. He managed (barely) to survive Rahadin's OP attacks, but wasn't able to land any good hits himself. On advice from the rest of us, he attacked the Nightmare instead. The Nightmare was a lot squishier than Rahadin. Funny thing about the Nightmare's ability: you need the Nightmare in order to travel between planes. Without it, you're stuck. Well, once he was on the "ground" the warlock was able to pin Rahadin... and promptly threw up on him. No longer under the influence of the Oil of Etherealness, the warlock returned to the Material Plane. And Rahadin was left behind, alone and covered in ick, with no way to even contact his master. And honestly? It was the best possible outcome.
@DominickRoselli 9 ай бұрын
I will never forget this: I was playing a Tabaxi monk in a Level 2 one shot where a town was under siege from an army of Goblin Artificers. We had just taken out a Goblin scouting party when, over the horizon, a BLIMP appears, armed with three cannons and a full contingent of Hobgiblins. Needless to say, we ran- but unlucky me rolled a 1 on initiative, and had to go last. By the time my turn rolls around, Im within range of the cannon, do the Dm fires a shot at me... BUT. I hadnt used any Ki points, so I used my Deflect Missle option to reduce the damage and, hopefully, survive. The cannon shot rolled low, only 15 damage, which wouldve put me out... but I rolled the MAX reduction on my Deflect Missle, matching the damage! I chise to spend a Ki point to send the cannball back (at disadvantage because it was WAY outta range) and the DM allowed it... but it didnt matter, because i rolled two bloody 20s in a rowand Kung Fu Panda 2'd that cannonball right into the powder storage of the ship, blowing it and every enemy on it to pieces.
@Moshichifu 9 ай бұрын
A player cast the circle version of prismatic wall. A couple turns later a player that was true polymorphed into a ancient dragon use all of its multi-attacks to grapple creatures into all of its available legs then fly into prismatic wall forcing them to take the saves and dmg of all the colors... and if flying them into it did not kill them he would fly them back out, repeating all the colors over again.
@josephcrocker1189 10 ай бұрын
The setting: a cave with a forest surrounding it, we were tasked with defeating a massive boar with incredible size and strength. Only me and one other party member was here for the session How it went: we were getting okay combos off, until it all went to crap. I got impaled through the chest, and stuck on this boar. My friend uses his action to pull me off and throw me aside, i only have a few hp and the boar rams him, I quickly hop onto my mount, a massive bird that can fly 60 feet a turn. I go up, only for the boar to run up a slanting tree and knock me out of the sky, one dex save later leads me to soften my fall on a branch. In which i still take major fall damage, so i drop to the ground almost dead as the boar discards my friends dead body. Guilt, grief, and rage filled me as i drew back my bow, releasing a single arrow. I rolled a nat twenty, then we have a thing were we can double the crit if we roll another. I succeeded, then again, then again.... as i released the arrow two words escaped my mouth. "For Adronach!" (My friend) as the spirit of him was embodied into the shot a glowing pale green light atreaked in a spiral around the arrow, knocking up leaes and small sticks as the arrow soars towards the boar, i hit (obviously) and deal more damage than it had health two times over. The boar drops dead in an explosion of ghostly green light, as I hear the words "have peace, you have avenged me" while the green glow slowly fades.
@DoctorSpacebar 10 ай бұрын
So that's what Alucard's been doing since the pachinko machines. Damn, he didn't take it well.
@sophiescott143 10 ай бұрын
Back when I first started GMing back in the 3.5 days (I play pathfinder now), nobody in the group including myself had a super strong grasp of the rules. If we did this never would have happened. There was a horde of giant spiders coming down a hall, and the dual-wielding ranger took position to hold them off. He kept one-shotting the spiders with attacks of opportunity, killing over a dozen in one turn. This was invoked with "will it blend?" in most combats the whole time that group played together. Anybody who knows how the rules of 3.5 work will understand the stupid, but it was certainly memorable.
@alannas1836 8 ай бұрын
Our lead fighter sucked a golem into a mini blackhole. I'm not even going to explain this.
@42meep13 9 ай бұрын
I had a party member who was a fighter, who was blind. We called him the blind man. Man was one of the (but not THE) most chaotic party members I've ever had. In the 2nd to final battle, we were fighting an adult red dragon atop a giant pagoda tower. He leaped on top of the dragon, and grappled its wings, causing it to lose its flying speed, and fall to its death. The blind man then use his magical windy sword to break his own fall just before the dragon hit the ground, and takes no fall damage in the process. Reminder, he is BLIND, so he was doing the timing on guesswork (I should add that the blind man had the best luck of any party member I've ever played with.)
@funnyblog100 9 ай бұрын
We had a boss fight take place inside a theatre with a necromancer and some dark fey. They also had an artifact that was draining our man’s aka our spell slots if we used our higher level spells. I had a plan that involved setting the theatre ablaze. This would result in innocent deaths but would save the city. It was not looking good for us and in a desperate move rather than risk the undead escaping into the city I told our wizard to cast fire bolt. Fire quickly began to spread and engulf the theatre. Several of us nearly died but one of us managed to flee to get the Royal guard if the smoke didn’t alert them already. Shot with several arrows barely avoiding the flames my bard climbed onto the stage after using the smoke from the flames as cover as well as an ever smoking bottle he had to pull off a disappearing act. He then spoke looking his foe dead in the face and said. “SHOWS NOT OVER YET. NOT UNTIL THE BARD SINGS!” He then impaled the boss and dealt the finishing blow kicking him into the flames and used his bonus action to shoot the necromancer nat 20 pierced her spine right as the guard killed the last of the undead.(he had the crossbow expert and sharpshooter feats and was from the college of whispers)
@matsvee6746 9 ай бұрын
My level 5 party were fighting a wyvern. The hexblade had dealt a lot of damage with his Eldritch Blast Devil Sight Darkness Elven Accuracy combo. Meanwhile, the wizard and bard had put some glyphs of warding on the paladin's longsword (rule of cool). This motherfucking paladin ran forward with shatter, inflict wounds, fire bolt, divine smite and divine favour on his weapon and attacked the wyvern, who had 29 hp left. He dealt 55 FUCKING DAMAGE TO IT!! I narrated the sword growing to 50ft long with light and magic as he one-handedly cleaved the wyvern in two.
@fancycavegaming620 9 ай бұрын
We had a campaign with about 5 people, one of the other players was a this campaign is all about me and the stupid decision I decide to make next that endangers the whole group type of player. 2nd campaign where he played the same way with a new character. We were solving a chess board puzzle where occasionally a square would turn out to be a disintegrator. We had one of those right next to us, and I pushed him into it. I was a hero for the rest of the meetings.
@jordieevaans9614 10 ай бұрын
I made a spy variant who began the campaign using his criminal connections to link with a smuggler who, after rolling for it, gave me a legendary dagger at level one. I then rolled and went on a mini quest to find the cloak of displacement. My DM didn’t like my luck or use of my criminal feature and decided to punish me with a Challenge 8 Assassin at… LEVEL ONE! They gave up after I beat it 😭
@ChazTheYouthful 9 ай бұрын
The fake of a BBEG blew up the magic thing holding up magic sky city. The entire party fled, except for me who put a water shield around the entire city at the cost of my life.
@rebecca120401 9 ай бұрын
TL;DR: Teenagers managed to bully a goddes almost out of existence In the past, I used to play RPG on message app. The RPG was roughly based in Percy Jackson and the Olympians. This sort of RPG allows us to have many players and characters per player, as well as many DMs. This is a story of one of my characters, son of Hades. That part of the campaing had Ate, which was basically the goddess of blind insanity, ruin and imprudence, as the BBEG. There were a lot of time traveling involved, but basically, what was happening was that she wanted to destroy the half blood camp because the demigods always got in her way and take over Olympus. She managed it by killing some of the strongest characters the day they were born, so we had to go back to past to prevent those killings. We did it, but she got pissed with us, and she attacked the camp while my group was out int he past. They managed to hold back her invasion, and badly damage her. So, she went to the past to kill both us and our baby selves, so fighting insued. We were all desperate to survive, since gods can't die in greek mythology. We even had the daughter of the goddess of magic to nuke her and almost kill herself to push her away, but it failed. She survived and said that because it was an imprudent move, it barely had an effect on her. So, the taunting part comes now. I had a skill that allowed me to see weak points of my enemies, and hers was on the head. This had to do with her domains. If her enemies were in a blind rage or insanity or acted imprudently, she would get stronger and barely be affected. However, if she acted the same way, she would become weaker. So, I stepped foward, and began taunting her. It went something like this: *(Laughter)* "Ah, Ate. I really don't understand you. Honestly, I pity you. All this trouble, all this planning, all these invasions, fights and time traveling for what? To kill a bunch of lowly Demigods? For fuck's sake! You're a goddess! Why is it so hard for you to kill a group of teenage mortals? We aren't even that strong! You're far more powerful than us! And yet you fail time and time again! Is it too hard? Okay then! Come! Attack me! I'm right here! I won't defend!" Boy, did this piss her off good. She was really up to run and kill me in blind rage, but when she gave in to my provocations, she became weaker. The other demigods came to do the same as me. It was something in the vibe I wrote above. Anyway, this made her so weak that she was unable to maintain her physical form and simply vanished, vowing to return in the future, and we got to go back to the future. It's a shame that this specific group eventually ended due lack of online interactions, but it was a fun game.
@shealupkes 7 ай бұрын
"the horse casts compelled duel on the nightmare beast"
@annoyingPoe15 9 ай бұрын
Rod of wunder now the artificiaer / worlock is 2 inches tall and refuses to dispell it
@jettblade 9 ай бұрын
My quote of "My lordly dragon my name is Teleport" while casting a teleport spell is my favorite story and I will tell it as often as I can, it is one of my best stories.
@Bluez326 8 ай бұрын
The party’s caveman shot his rifle at the train we were raiding (on a commission from the kingdom), and blew it up, taking my character with it and making the first PK we have ever had.
@disableddragonborn 7 ай бұрын
I have so much respect for that Dracula DM. Vlad Tepesh was Vlad the Impaler, Bram Stoker's inspiration for Count Dracula himself. Brilliant detail. 👏🏻
@Random15738 5 ай бұрын
i was running my first campaign and one of my buddies was playing a cleric for the first time. It was his turn, and he was flipping through his book trying to figure out which spell he wanted to use. I've taken a long turn or two in my time, and so had the rest of the party, so we were all fine waiting. He continued to flip for about 10-15 minutes and still hadn't figured out how he wanted to *start* his turn. I said that he got a really bad papercut and that he had to roll 1d4 for damage. Similar things happened for every 2 or so minutes that he spent flipping. He ended up with 2 papercuts and some bird poop in his eye. The party, and admittedly me too, found it hilarious. We often bring up "papercuts" as an inside joke.
@cooldemon5545 8 ай бұрын
Probably the time my pyromaniac goblin sorcerer accidentally burned down 1/3rd of the dwarven capitol. Thousands of dwarves were killed.
@RawwkinGrimmie64 2 ай бұрын
Back in 2018, my friends and I were playing Lost Mines of Phandelver. Everyone at the table, save for Lisa's elf Bladesinger, Drastia was a complete noob to D&D, including the DM. The rest of the party consists of a tabaxi Druid, brass dragonborn Cleric, and my bronze dragonborn Fighter, Lecknov. This is a story about how Lisa, and her one decision that made the DM homebrew an opening narration before the most climactic session I could have imagined. Drastia was extremely powerful for a low-level campaign like Lost Mines. Not only was Lisa playing what is arguably the best gish subclass in 5e, but she asked our DM for magic items that would essentially allow her to gain Warlock features without multiclassing. Our DM, being completely new to the game, rolled with it for a while, but eventually came to the conclusion that Drastia had too much power, so started to look for a way to nerf the Bladesinger while not just flat out looking like an asshole. Our DM is a very creative story teller, but she needed something that would fit into the plot like a puzzle piece so nobody got suspicious. Bring in the orcs. Our party was out on a mission near some mountains when we came across a couple orcs and quickly dispatched them. We found a cave close by, and found some more orcs were resting inside. Lisa used the fact that we just killed some of their friends to intimidate the orcs, succeeds, and then persuades them to join us back to Phandlin, where she enlisted them as town guards on the edge of town without anyone's knowledge outside of the party. Leading up to the next session, the DM informed me of her plan to have the orcs destroy Phandalin, and we decided that my Lecknov, who was best friends with our power hungry elf, would attempt to thwart the attack while simultaneously making Drastia take the fall. So, we had a private mini-session where I went to the trusted members of my factions, Sildar Halwinter and Daran Edermath, the newly appointed Townmaster and her husband (who happened to be the Druid player's former PC Bard), and an NPC human adventurer that Lecknov trusted, respected, and admired. Every NPC was told the story, and needed various levels of convincing to not go out and strike the orcs down immediately, but the dice ended up being favorable that day. The plan was simple: Defend the town from the orcs when they invade the town, and let Drastia take the fall. During the next session, our party travels to Wave Echo Cave, which serves as one of the major dungeons of the module. Our mission is to clear out the cave so that the people of Phandalin can mine in the caves and improve their economy. Between traveling to and from the cave, as well as dungeon crawling, the party is gone for multiple days. We cleared out the dungeon, snagged some treasure, and started to make our way back to town. Nearing Phandalin, Lecknov spotted a young boy he had befriended early on, and gives a smile and big wave. The boy, who used to admire the scaly adventurer and hailed him as a hero, turned away and ran back home without a word. The session ends there, and the DM tells us that she will need everyone to attend the next session, as well as give her a few minutes to read her prepared narration. I was part of the entire scheme, yet I wasn't prepared for what would come next. As the party reached the town entrance, the air smelled putrid, and we found that a dozen orc heads mounted on pikes were starting to decay. Phandalin was in complete disrepair, several civilians and fighters were being tended to by healers, and a congregation of government officals approached our party. Drastia was called out by full name, and ordered to forfeit her weapons and magic items. An archmage than branded her neck with some sort of anti-magic sigil, which rendered her incapable of casting any type of spell. She was hauled off to a cell, despite protests from her and the rest of the party, save for Lecknov who remained silent during the entire exchange. Sildar Halwinter then thanked Lecknov for warning him and the others about the impending attack, easily within earshot of Drastia and the other party members. This led to an amazing roleplay moment where two friends, who had known each other for years, were separated by iron bars while they argued over right versus wrong, control versus power, and personal portrayal of betrayal. In the end, the table wanted to fight an optional dragon as the final boss in the module, so Drastia was released from her cell a few days later and given her weapons back on the condition that she never return to Phandalin again. She agreed, and took up an old wizard's tower in Thundertree as her home after we killed the dragon. We all had so much fun that the DM decided to go on hiatus in order to extend the module into a massive 1-20 campaign. We all had a falling out with Lisa in the interim, so Drastia's exile ended up being her bow out of the campaign.
@ledlebrgr5380 10 ай бұрын
GOD what I'd give to be a fly on the wall for those Jerrel games
@GuacamoleBill 10 ай бұрын
I did cuss him out, just like that. He got his comeuppance. When Delkesh moved on (as we had previously agreed), he had a wizard from his previous kingdom pick him up. Oddly enough, the wizard sent to retrieve him looked very familiar to the party. Then someone in the bar shouted "JERREL!" and people started clamoring around him. Turns out the image that Delkesh used for Jerrel was someone he'd met once upon a time back in his home kingdom, and curiously, the grandson of that man looked an AWFUL lot like his grandfather. Almost the spitting image really. Sadly, Delkesh's player did not find it much of a hindrance moving forward, but it's been a favorite ongoing gag. In fact, one of the players asked me recently if - since everyone 'knows' Jerrel - what would it take to grant him some level of divinity? *shudders* Anyway, I have a great group. I'm very lucky. I'm just glad they are still having a great time.
@sin6872 10 ай бұрын
Ah yes the rogue dimension where a character goes if they manage to roll a stealth check above like 35. Or if a bard gets like a 40 deception.
@thorbasnthunderborn7475 9 ай бұрын
My forever DM friend was running a homebrew campaing with sort of Hunger games/battle royale setting. We all got dropped in a jungle with a single task to survive. Each and every one of us was equipped with a device that sometimes gave us a quest to kill somebody within given time limit otherwise we would drop dead on spot. The jungle we were in was also inhabited by monsters made of both flesh and metal, also they were able to be cloaked/invisible for most of the time. So after some shenanigans, our group picked up some NPCs as well and at one point we got ambushed and captured by bandits. They herded us inside their camp with no way to escape. Or so we thought so till on of my friends whose character was a sort of psychic mage got the brilliant big brain idea to send out a psionic shock that would attract the deadly invisible monsters. Guess what, nat 20. As you can imagine, a total chaos ensued with the arrival of invisible monsters, truth is, that some of us were able to escape or hide (ehm, ehm, my character definitely did not survive by hiding under a shield within roots of a jungle tree) but a lot of our allies and some PCs died. The psychic character did not survive tho as one of the NPCs from our group decided that his character was a great kill object for the device timer. To this day, my group recalls this as the most infamous big brain moment and to this day, the friend who called the monsters firmly believes that it was the best course of action.
@evilflamer186 6 ай бұрын
OMG ITS JERREL!! I remember listening about him in the how did your dm troll you video
@RanierMedic 9 күн бұрын
Running an AD&D campaign. The party fell into a red dragon's lair (young adult). On the surprise round, the dragon was going to use it's breath weapon on the surprised party. The paladin, who happens to be the crown princess of the imperial family, said "don't you do it! " in the most commanding voice she could. Crit success on the charisma check, and crit fail on the dragon's save. The dragon swallowed the fire, and combat commenced.
@rik857 9 ай бұрын
I'll never forget that time when my Elf wizard killed an ice Drake at lv1 because every time the Drake tried to hit me he misssed and every time i went down i got a Nat 20 on death Rolls, my master killed me the next session with a stone trowed by a goblin
@BigSeth1090 8 ай бұрын
So I was in a long-term campaign, one of the players was an aasimar divine soul sorc (doing the “naive young man who was basically raised in a cult that worshipped him” thing, great character). Throughout the campaign, he received some dream-visions from his celestial ancestor communicating information to him. Always in this same beautiful hilltop vista next to a giant tree, and the sorc always had celestial wings in these visions. The visions actually tipped us off to the impending abyssal invasion that was the “main” plot. We’re around lvl 12-13, and he gets another vision. His ancestor has been brutally un-alived and disfigured, pinned to that giant tree. Three celestials (devas if memory serves) appeared. They told him that his ancestor was punished for breaking the sacred rule and passing information. And the sorc, as the recipient, was to meet the same fate. They back him up to the tree, they’re about to physically cut off his celestial wings. “DM, do I know I’m in a dream?” ‘Roll insight.’ “Natural 20.” ‘Yes, you know you are in a dream… and you know that when you know you’re dreaming, you can control the dream.’ Sorc then rewinds the dream to the moment they began backing him up. He launches into about a two-minute tirade about the wrongness of their actions. No heat of emotion in his voice, but only stone-cold resolve. He concluded thusly: “You would condemn me because another violated a law I knew nothing of? And you tell me I do not deserve my gifts? You tell me I am unworthy, and I must be destroyed!? NO! It is you, you who would condemn the innocent, you who would kill a man for the crimes of another, it is you who dares judge me that are unworthy! It is you who does not deserve your gifts. You will not take my wings. **I** will take **your** wings.” He then cast spiritual weapon at the highest level he could. There is a solid 30-second pause. Everyone was speechless. I was covered in chills. It was the most amazing monologue I’ve heard in thousands of hours of play. When the DM regains his composure, he narrates what the sorc does to the three devas in this realm of dream where he holds the power. The sorcerer awakens. And he finds that he has three pairs of actual, physical angelic wings sprouting from his back, and he now has a permanent fly speed.
@Zacharadus 9 ай бұрын
I will remember this one forever: I was running Waterdeep: Dragon Heist and one of my players (an elven ranger) had stolen some purple clothes from a gnomish street performer. Obviously, they were far too small for him but he insisted, so he was wearing tight purple gnomish performer clothes as they were traversing the sewer systems of Waterdeep in search of an enemy hideout. Then suddenly, HE said that the tight clothes made it hard to walk in such a confined space and he tripped into the sewage. I rolled a D100 to see what kind of nasty stuff he fell into and of course it was feces. He insisted that, with it being dark, he probably would've had his mouth open in surprise as he fell, so we ruled that he literally ate shit. He got a disease from it. My group was laughing so hard at it that we still remember that moment and bring it up four years after the fact.
@goji3755 7 ай бұрын
My last character was proficient enough in stealth that he had a habit of pulling a Batman on his own party. Another PC would ask him to scout ahead or sabotage the enemy forces, I'd roll for it without a word, and frequently roll high enough the DM would rule that the requesting PC looked away for second while speaking, looked back and I was gone.
@Mikenike23 8 ай бұрын
Started a campaign this week, as the dm I set up my party against some giant fire beetles, at the time I only had two players, both rolled around 3 for attack for 3 rounds in a row
@awesomeblader45 5 ай бұрын
in one of our campaigns our DM gave each of us a unique legendary action pertaining to our character's backstories, My character was a reference to Sun Wukong with little bit of Dragon Ball Goku mixed in to make the warrior Sone. I didn't go monk as I wanted him to use martial weapons more than hand to hand, and by the end of the campaign I had two stats naturally maxed, and third unnaturally boosted and beyond the max, another two in the 18 range, the joke became "Why min max when you can max everything?!" as well as a massive magical glaive twice my size. Anyway, my legendary action allowed me to counter and reflect any damage that would drop my HP to zero, in round two of the BBEG fight just before my turn was the BBEG's turn, he targets me as the DM knows I still haven't used any of the charges for my glaive and can deal massive damage, the BBEG is special Kobold with four arms and gets four attacks, he was desperate to take me out to make the fight ore dramatic and to extend it a bit longer. In his haste, the DM forgot to count each attack as separate and rolled them all as one, meaning I could reflect the ENTIRE damage that was just dealt to me, reducing the BBEGs health by nearly half, before my turn even started, with a character nearly maxed in all stats...
@ArshikaTowers 5 ай бұрын
Fighting the bbeg which was a thunder dragon. It’s breathe weapon was a destructive thunder weapon. I had a shadow monk/scout rogue character. We were running up this tower in attempt to escape when the dragon broke through the side of the tower, fitted his snout through and breathed. I asked if I could get a spell off as the rest of the part was surprised but I had alert feat. Won initiative roll. On my turn I used my last two ki points to cast silence around the party. As the dragon breathed the thunder breathe, all of us took no damage and kept running. It took me a moment to explain to the DM that silence negates thunder damage. We escape with everybody alive. We returned to win the fight later.
@sideways_chip_eater6420 5 ай бұрын
We were having a wholesome moment in our campain with smores around the campfire. one of my friend's characters attempted to cook a marshmallow to make the smores Out of curioisity he decided to roll to see how well he cooked it Nat one Twice. The marshmellow was so had that it was used as a weapon later on
@Klima371 5 ай бұрын
I have an... interesting story I like to call "Giga Bear". So I was DMing/running a game in Etharis/Grim Hollow (think horror setting with "gods are dead" theme). I had a party of 5 adventurers. The two who were critical to this story was a Circle of Mutation druid and a Bladesinger Wizard/Rogue multiclass. The adventurers were pursuing a vampiric butler from one of the character's backstories relevant to the larger plot at play whom I had plans to sow chaos in the city they were rising in. They followed the trail laid out to an abandoned wooden church some distance from the city they were residing at. I described the church as a desolate, run down wooden church that has been boarded up. It lies in the middle of a clearing in the forest they had gone through to get to this point. The church was 3 stories, with a nearby bell tower that was connected to the church via a small walkway plank that connects the top floor of the bell tower with the attic of the church. The party sent the other three members (a Potion Drinking Mutation Fighter, a Oath of Pestilence Paladin, and a Paladin/Barbarian multiclass) up via the attic to find positions within the church to launch an ambush while the druid and wizard waited outside. After some time elapsed for the members to obtain an ambush position, where they identified 3 vampires inside, the druid transformed into a Bear. Now, the thing about Circle of Mutation druids is they have a subclass ability that allows them to expend mutation charges to change aspects of their animal shape/form. For example, they can expend a mutation charge to change the size (basically the enlarge/reduce spell)... She did this to go from a large to huge size bear. The wizard... then also cast the enlarge/reduce spell to make her Gargantuan. The druid: now a hulking colossus of a unit, very easily swiped her paw across the top of the church and ripped the roof off of the building, letting sunlight into the church (exploiting the vampire weakness). The party then used a prepared spell via a magic item to Magic Circle the vampires inside, effectively trapping them. I can honestly say I did NOT expect the trickery that I was dished out. Needless to say, the party annihilated the vampire villains I had planned on using to sow some chaos and discourse for a decent amount of time. I was internally FURIOUS, but immensely proud of the party and their shenanigans.
@daedalus1 9 ай бұрын
There is always the classic description of a manor, with a large gazebo in the middle... the party cast a fireball, magic missile, and charged to attack the "dreaded" gazebo. Ah, the imagination of pre-teen players. Not the smartest... but they had heart. Hearts of psychopaths.
@thatsmuggamer 10 ай бұрын
@ScipiPurr 9 ай бұрын
We were playing an evil campaign and one of the supplements the DM was running was one that allowed us to have pets. Our cleric had a pet piglet that always rode on his shoulders during our adventures. In the midst of an adventure, we take a difficult fight and immediately after come across a mimic in the room. We don't want to fight it and the mimic isn't immediately hostile, but before any of us can think of a plan the cleric reaches up and throws the piglet into it's open maw as a bribe. None of us expected it and it completely solidified the fact that our characters were not good people
@Chucklebot_ 7 ай бұрын
My party spiked the tavern's ranch supply woth hallucinogenic mushrooms. ... Schenanigens ensued. We didn't get a lot done that day, but hey, everyone had fun!
@HeeroYuy01W 10 ай бұрын
Delkesh and Jerrel might have to make a guest apparence in a campeign of mine now.
@torchrandom9059 9 ай бұрын
Maybe this is because I'm a newer player, but my first proper dnd campaign has had a LOT of memorable moments. We crumbled not just one but two mountains, my friend summoned the god elk from his bag of furries, our other friend became the Elvin god through orgies, there was a lot of chaos for the first game, but there is one thing I have from my more serious story roleplay "campaign" thing that I find much more impressive & unique than this. It's only ever been used a few times, even rarer still it seems every time a character uses a move akin to this they seem to either go into hiatus, retirement, or level down afterwards, but it's always some form of petrification curse followed up by the corresponding characters' "signature move" of sorts. For instance, Felicity (our resident plague doctor potion brewer) threw a potion of petrification(?) at a running opponents' feet & hands, then grabbed her doctor's tools to start preforming a vivisection (dissection, but the target isn't exactly dead yet). There's the time SLG4 (lightning dad) stole the energy from someone by sapping the electricity out of their systems (the target was a fleshy human btw), leaving them as a raisin, & then he sent the stolen biological electricity straight back at them. Even my little starlight Torch got one of these petrification moves off; Burning their foe to charcoal before a good slash through the gut to make sure they were burnt to a crisp & there wasn't any proper flesh left in there.
@scotterwins113mcdowell8 10 ай бұрын
Sorry about the overnerding, but I would check that rouges dice, that just doesn't statistically make sense
@halohire585 Ай бұрын
Probably a common story, but I had a new player who got bullied/coerced by my party into being a level 3 soul knife rogue. This was her first game and she was skittish, so I was trying to be nice. Up until her first nat 20 in a contested roll. See, her job had been to sneak into the guard house by a gate and lower the bridge. She didn't know I had a captain with some serious magic buffs (not to be mean, but to set up a prison break story hook.) The guard captain was meant to be a reoccurring npc, so he was only a few levels higher, So you got the set up, first time rogue sneaking into the guard cabin. Level three vs A cr 6. Stealth vs perception. She rolls a crit20 (+4) and my captains got a nat1. Table explodes. I manage to calm them down cause she still has to get the key off the captain. Dirty 22 vs 4. She looked me square in the eye and said "he's going home naked." She stole even his loin cloth. I watched every slight of hand and she beat my rolls for the poor guard. Eventually, I called aInvestigation check for the guard to realize there's a strange draft in his nethers. Nope. The dice hated me. She took his keys, his clothes, his weapons, everything. He became a recurring npc alright. He wanted his clothes back.
@petermatis6083 10 ай бұрын
The greatest move we've ever pulled? Got to be the dumbest thing we've ever done because it ended up killing one of the PCs as well as the boss. So the DM, after we beat a mimic, gave us an object called the mimic core. It should be self explanatory but what this object did was. If it touched an object larger in volume than it self then it turned it got absorbed into the object and turned it into a mimic. Now imagine a boss room massive 70x70 ft large and the dragoncult leader just waiting for us. Suddenly he summons his minions and transforms into some gross human-dragon hybrid. At this point we're shitting ourselves cuz we not only have to contend with a boss but also a crap ton of minions and large monsters. So comes the idea. The room we're fighting in has a 50x50ft carpet on the floor. Which arguably has more volume than an apple sized mimic core. So I toss the core at the carpet and who would've thought it gets absorbed. About two turns go by of us getting our asses kicked and the smarter/able ones fleeing the carpet's range. And then the carpet starts ripping into strips, and folding, and twisting and turning. And turns into a Kraken. It oneshots about 7 cultists in it's first few turns, crushes the boss with it's tentacles and eats one of our PCs. Glourious and diabolical. The group fell apart like two sessions later.
@danielturczan2485 8 ай бұрын
Old school AD&D. DM was graduating, and he apparently wanted to kill the party off. So he puts us in front of a fountain that has a random d20 effect if we drink the water. Just about as we figure this out, the ancient red dragon attacks. With all of its 6 attacks pee turn. It aimed the weakest attack against my halfling thief, and drops him to 1 HP as my action was to take cover by the fountain. Next turn the party is mostly intact. I drink water from the fountain. The random effect was to transform me into a wyvern. Turn 3 and things are going poorly. I attack the dragon, using the wyvern's poisonous tail. I hit. The dragon rolls its save versus poison. It fails and dies. That was the last time I played D&D outside of a couple of one shots.
@geshtheguardian4411 9 ай бұрын
My group summoned tarrasque through wild magic. To start off it is heavily homebrewed and being my own little world I gave the players some magical items I called 'fortune cookies' basically you eat the cookies you activate the wild magic scroll that's inside and something wacky happens. The party was fighting a wizard who kidnapped one of their teammates at the top of his tower, and by all accounts they were but the rogue decided to have some wild magic fun. As his bonus action he pops one of these cookies into his mouth, on my very own wild magic surge chart he rolled a 99 (we use a d100 to make it more interesting). After chewing on the cookie a hand came and grabbed the top of the tower, there they meet face-to-face the most terrifying creature that noobs can fight. Two party members died and The wizard they were fighting peace out with a teleportation spell while the barbarian in the very rogue who summoned it were clinging onto him
@ghostmachine71 7 ай бұрын
2nd Edition, Player Option rules. I was running an Elf Ranger, with Longbow Grandmaster, which means 4x damage on a crit, instead of 2. We reach the boss, and its a Lich. DM made the phylactery pretty obvious; a headband the Lich is wearing. I make a called shot, and.....Nat 20. Only time I've ever one-hit-killed a boss level monster playing D&D, and only the second time I fired the Longbow that entire adventure. And that was one of the last times I ran that character. (Moved on to 3rd Edition and rolled a new character instead of converting him over.)
@yusaki8064 10 ай бұрын
That time we convinced one of the Henchman of the place we were heisting to join our side after singing a duet of Bohemian rhapsody together in the lift. Our DM made us roll a literal Vibe Check which was a flat d20. I rolled an 18. We rocked that song. His name is Max. He became one of our Rogue’s groupies a couple levels down the line.
@micahwright628 8 ай бұрын
We were in a hallway with an army on our tail, and got caught in a 'Dead' end. Now what was supposed to happen was we'd fight for a bit then reinforcements from our allies would then hit them from the rear (Or so my DM claimed). I got them all in range and point-blanked myself with Fireball. They got wiped out and I survived with minimal damage, and man I felt like a Badass after that
@Meiryst 9 ай бұрын
Someone died in our party, his body got pee’d on by some dragonborne on our party. I rolled to hit with my bow and got a nat 20 and shot his parts, took a small cleric spell to mend it and I still remember it to this day
@albinoreaper2949 10 ай бұрын
Not really the most exciting story, but definitely one of the most wild. So, to preface, in my PC’s backstory, he was betrayed by the kingdom he fought for after he was framed for the murder of a well-respected knight who actually orchestrated it and lied to everyone when he “somehow survived”. When we made it to wrapping up my arc in the story, we made it to the fortress of the legion that had been sent out specifically to hunt down my character, Thane. Instead of going in and most certainly fighting for several sessions and getting our asses kicked, I chose to use a five-time use skill and permanently spend 20% of my max HP to channel every last trace of damage my sword has ever done and fire it in a wave at the fortress. One nat nat 20 + 11 for 31 later and the fortress and the ground it rests on ceases to exist, and a valley called “Devil’s Gorge” was created.
@userJohnSmith 9 ай бұрын
My level 2 newbie (3-4 session) players downing a dragon TWICE with a command spell during a plot encounter. I was just trying to say "hey guys there's a dragon you need to deal with eventually but it's going to kick your ass right now." I had to give the dragon plot armor to get it out of the encounter safely.
@lukaswei4767 9 ай бұрын
Warrior in my party did something legendary... Was in DSA not dnd but we were in a battle of two armys with each other. The enemy had small non-winged dragons (wyrms i think) and we had troubles to kill them fast enugh with the catapults ect... So our Warrior had the idea, to load himself onto the next best catapult, aimed it at a wyrm and hit a 20... He launched himself, sword and head first towards the wyrm, had to roll on dex and const to not die at the impact and rolled a double 20. Killed the wyrm instantly by piercing trough his mouth severing the spinal cord and exiting on its back with a salto... Then he rolled pretty low with an intimidation roll to scare the enemys near him and got jumped by 8 people... I was plying a healer and was trying to create a healing potion in that time but accidentally paralyzed myself insted with some toxic fumes...
@ToxicMynd 9 ай бұрын
It was less a singular move and more what my character was capable of and did in our games. I played Reika Goldbrand, a dwarven multiclass of lvl 4 inquisitive rogue and lvl 2 cleric of a homebrewed god and subclass with the observant feat. With a passive perception of 25 and passive investigation of 20, just about nothing could escape her sight or ability to deduce things. Basically any traps, mysteries, and other such things were instantly figured out by me. A big inspiration was misc Sherlock Holmes interpritations from media mixed a with heart of gold. The kind of Lawful Good that doesnt even lie or swear(until she gets blackout drunk, then she switches to Chaotic Good and is a loud emotional mess). The most notable thing was when we got arrested and charged for a crime we didnt do. Durring testimony there was a Zone of Truth spell cast on the stand with the procecution asking skewed questions that would discredit us as heroes. For me they brought out the mayor from the starting town and a recently minted barroness we helped fight a dragon, both of whom I was in a relationship with. Both of them knew about another and were in regular contact with me and eachother via magic letters. I was asked who I loved and I said both. The dm asked for a roll against the spell and I simply said no. I was telling the truth and even went into a long in character testimony about our relationship and won over some jurors to our side.
@ARViuff 10 ай бұрын
A legendary moment, might be that one time our zealet barbarian/echo knight halfling took down a fire giant in a single round all by themselves, then did it again, and again... It was that, or the one time we were in the elemental planes and he was banished, normally that means he would be removed from the entire fight and way afterwards until we could summon him back, but echo knights can swap place with their echo and it doesn't have a range. My personal favorite was recently when my viking bard used thunderwave to flip a city sized turtle, to put this in perspective we met ogres who build cities on the back of these things, OGRE sized CITIES. This turtle had a fortress on its back instead, creatures of this size usually have very good con and thunderwave is a con save, but the dice was on my side and while it was about crush us my bard shouted with thunder and flipped that bad boy on its back.
@stev___________8483 8 ай бұрын
One of the most legendary moment I remember till this day is when our party was being tortured in a special space and time area for thousands of years by a almost omnipotent for a reason I don't remember and he was asking was what was the thing each of us lost or find most precious, all answers were wrong until the dm said otherwise, on my turn however😈. when the lich asked the thing I went on a whole rant about how they gave me something but I broke it, torn it to shreds, destroyed it, completely obliterated it, and did not take care with it, how these mistakes would not repeat themselves and I would redeem myself, and many similar things. When he asked what it was, I simply said: Your an*s. Got insta killed, but it was worthy it😂
@nunyabiznez3102 9 ай бұрын
Not a D&D campaign, but a Roll Master campaign saw our elvish characters trying to sneak back into their city that was being invaded by a human army. Roll Master uses 2D10 or percentages. I had a ninja wood elf who had a stealth of 98, a hide of 94, and the skills of disguise, sense weakness, and ambush. I rolled a Nat 100 on stealth.... My GM got the look, you know the look the Grinch grin and the glee filled voice of "I'll get to you in a minute." My ninja wound up sneaking straight into the middle of the army. While my ninja was there I decided to have her search for the leader of the army, found him, ambushed him (another 100, then a 96, then an 84). She killed him immediately, disguised herself as a human soldier, and then stealthed her way out of that mess.... I had never before seen such a shocked look on our GM's face.
@warwolfman Ай бұрын
It was the battle against some wannabe ancient evil god BBEG and her minions. We stood in a village that she had slaughtered before we arrived and attacked. After several turns and once all her minions had fallen she flew into the sky out of range and with no spells left we had limited options (because why carry bows when you have spells) when one of our players asked the DM to describe the area in more detail which he did going into a whole speech about blazing fires and destroyed buildings at which point the player asked the DM if he could throw the rubble as an improvised weapon to which the DM said no the rubble was too big for us to throw at the now flying BBEG (which is bs there should have been rubble of all sizes with that much destruction) at which point the DM continued to describe the setting. He was clearly proud of it talking about the layout the geography etc but most importantly he talked about the many remains of the villagers scattered around mentioning they were comprised of adults the elderly and most importantly the young after asking if he could throw the remains and being told no still too large he proceeded to ask about the younger corpses....... we spent 2 and a half combat rounds chucking small children at the BBEG until she perished. The DM later asked why we didn't just try throwing our melee weapons and to be honest I don't think any of us thought of it.
@FennixGamingYT 8 ай бұрын
The first thing I did in my first campaign was stab a barkeeper unprovoked, almost one shot him even though he was 4 levels higher than me, and then proceedto get shotgunned in the stomach knocking me unconscious and the DM just said we should start over lol.
@gt4lex 9 ай бұрын
Context: - Custom game created by our DM mostly - I'm playing Kinmune, a Dominian (magic race from another planet) mage mastering the elements of light (mostly healing) and mental (mostly utility / control). She has a bird familiar and can see through its eyes. - After a major incident with magic (crit fail at the worst moment), every successfull speel casting roll from Kinmune is followed by an entropy check roll. 1 means the spell goes out of control, consequences can be bad or good, decided either by a coin flip or DM's will in relation to context, and the initial roll's value to size the amount of power / chaos resulting from it. Initially it was a D6, now after training, it bumped up to a D8, with one re-roll allowed per day. So we're in an area where there's a decently sized city, then a military fort a bit further, then a small village further away, at the edge of a forest that climbs slowly to the mountains. We know the village has some goblin attacks problems. Long story short, we know there's most likely something bigger involved behind this, so we investigate and find out a bunch of drows have taken the initiative to gather and organize the local goblins and orcs, with the goal of leading that army to a big scale attack on the fort. We clean up some small goblin groups, seal some access through mountain galleries, warn key people and manage to gather an army and a plan to defend the fort. Battle ensues, Kinmune is posted at the top of a tower with her bird flying over the area, mainly to monitor where the enemy troups are coming from. Things are starting pretty well, but there was one thing we missed. Suddenly, a golem walks out of the mountain side, punching a hole through it like Kool Aid Guy would through your wall, followed by a small group of drows led by their matriarch - who controls the golem. Kinmune is not meant to be a damage dealer, but she is capable of shooting arrows of light, which don't do nowhere near as much damage as any proper DPS' tools, but it's better than nothing. She's in prime position (and maybe the only one really) to see this and get who's linked to the golem. So light arrows to the matriarch. They don't do much, but they annoy the drow enough for her to try to counterspell. Unsuccessfully. She gets angry, and decides to cast a cloud of darkness on Kinmune in an attempt to blind her, as she has more important things to do right now. But the light darts still come out of the black cloud (Kinmune is using the bird's eyes to aim). Now she's PISSED. She stops, the golem stops right behind her, and she diverts her full attention towards Kinmune, swearing profusely, probably trying to actually curse her. Now in this game, spellcasters can get some minor custom spells at certain levels, very basic, simple stuff that the PC can easily create themselves with a bit of effort. Players can submit their own ideas, and the first I came up with was "loose balance". As the name says, it makes the target loose their balance if they fail their save (turns out it's very powerful in stairs). So, Kinmune tries to use that on the golem, in the hope it falls or trips over and steps on the drow matriarch. Roll: success, quite large at that. Entropy check: 1. DM decides to go for the coin flip. Positive outcome. The golem's eyes turn from red to green. Kinmune is now fully in charge. So first thing, I make the golem step on the matriarch. It's very effective! Then, I make it turn around, face the bulk of the enemies, and play golf with the green skinned creatures. Understandably, they all turn around and scatter, deserting the battlefield. The battle is won. Great. But what do I do with this giant thing now? It's not like Kinmune can bring it along everywhere, nor that she really has a use for it or even desires to deal with it. "Errr.... chase the orcs and goblins, please ?". So the golem starts running after them and gets deeper and deeper into the forest until it is nowhere to be seen. Meanwhile, the party goes to care about their own business. The village never again suffered any goblin attack. Its inhabitants were able to resume their peaceful lives of meditation and simple things. A legend has it that the spirit of the stones is protecting them from hostile creatures, and occasionally, wanderers say they witnessed a big man made of rocks roam the forests, or heard the terrified screams of goblins in the distance. Some even say the mountain itself kicked out a red dragon who was living at its top, although some records say it's the doing of a woman with pale blue skin and long pure white hair, who trapped the dragon's soul, but few read the city's archives, so the stone spirit story lives on in the village. (Truth is I managed to trap the dragon's soul into an orb after a well thought out plan, lots of preparation and a healthy doese of courage, but due to a crit fail during sleep that night, the dragon's soul managed to use the entropy to jump into Kinmune's body... but that's another story).
@tomorrowisanew2761 10 ай бұрын
I have one that I love, it was my first time really playing D&D, it was with family members, aunts, mom, her boyfriend, and my uncle was the DM. We were in combat and we were trying to flee, and rolling low, so I was thinking if I could make a distraction it would help, I a halfling rouge, for some reason had two crowbars. With fast thinking I thrown it, rolling A NAT 20, was able to make an explicit distinction, making it so that we all were able to escape. Then the fighter killed a civilian
@doctorcorvus1319 9 ай бұрын
Craziest thing that ever happened: So I had this special item that allowed me to reflect any attack back at someone for twice the amount of damage done, the catch? I can only use it three times a day. Unfortunately for me, I was a Wizard, so I really didn’t need to get close or put myself in a position where it was useful or needed. About a dozen sessions later I had forgotten about it, that was, in till we reached the final boss of our campaign, and when I say this was the fight of our lives, I mean it. It was like Rustage’s One Piece D&D final episode levels of crazy. We lost five NPC’s, I kept reviving six more every-time when our Paladin or Druid was occupied, and the final boss had multiple legendary actions. And I shit you not, I was healing everyone so much that the DM had the boss focus on me and the boss had managed to land a high attack roll against me, didn’t help that the final boss was a Barbarian that knew magic. I was scrambling to figure out what to do next till I remembered the artifact I had and used it. A Nat 20 later and a I had just unleashed a 500+ attack right back at the boss and taken him out. Everyone was screaming when this had happened and it unbelievable. I’m definitely writing it into a story or something in the future.
@mikewinans5091 9 ай бұрын
In the campaign I'm playing with my roommate, I'm playing a homebrewed race called an Oni. At the time of this story the party was level 4 and I was a barbarian. We were fighting a group that was running an underground monster fighting ring and one of the monsters they had stored there was an juvenile red dragon. So we're fighting this thing and I get enlarged and I grapple with the dragon to keep it off of the rest of the party. The rest of the party was fighting the ringmasters and a few of the less dangerous monsters. One of the ringmasters ordered the dragon to focus it's attention on one of my allies, so seeing the opportunity to potentially immolate both the ringmaster and my friends it decided to use it's fire breath. The DM allowed me to forcibly change the target AoE of the breath weapon because I was grappling with the dragon by the neck as long as I used my reaction and took the full force of the fire breath myself. Once the ringmaster was dead and the dragon was pacified, we released it into the wild with it's mate and egg.
@UncleIrohpnw 9 ай бұрын
My dwarven crossbow expert got cornered by a hook horror well he used his eevr fill mug of dwarven ale and after several rounds of successful strength checks i drowned the hook horror with the mug.
@WhizzerdSupreme 3 ай бұрын
*_The Legendary Bitch-Slap of Strahd_* In my first 5E group, we started on one player's honebrew world, but when Hoard of the Dragon Queen was published, we switched to that campaign and another player DM'd it. Well, this guy's *favorite* adventure of all time was Ravenloft from 2nd Edition. I say this, because he translated the 2nd Edition Ravenloft adventure into 5E _years_ before Curse of Strahd came out. So some specifics were different but more or less the same as the 5E version. Except, the stats were *weirdly difficult* to translate, so... In the beginning of the 2nd chapter of HotDQ, we end up getting caught in an enchanted mist and wandered into Barovia. Turns out, my character, a Half Orc Barb/Druid Noble, wielded an ancestral greatsword, whos blade was the holy sword, just missing the hilt. (That's how he worked in the transition between modules, the sword pulling us in through the mist.) This version of the sword, when complete, is a *_crazy_* amount more powerful than the Sun Sword from 5E. _but so was Strahd_ Cut to the party being invited to the castle for the first time, where Strahd does his fear and taunting-the-heroes thing. We had just hit level 6... _But I had already completed the sword_ Well, I can't rememeber who it was, but someone ended up being insulted by the vampire, and threw some insults back at Strahd, aimed at his wife. *BIG MISTAKE* Strahd, murder in his cold, dead eyes, slowly approached them...and just... _slapped him_ To this day, the people of Barovia speak of the night where the skies were rent by the clap of thunder that did not follow a bolt of lightning. The guy was hurled backwards through the castle, into the mountainside, and in anime fashion, a percussive wave of air followed that carved the shape of his hand upon the face of the mountains. Instantly went to death saves. Thus, we witnessed the *Legendary Bitch-Slap of Strahd. * I immediately went into a Rage and attacked him, rolled a fkng Nat 20 with all the usual bonuses at that level, then extra attack. _poof_ I fucking 2-shot Strahd Von Zarovich, forcing him to retreat into his mist form and seek the safety of his coffin chamber. We were still too low level to make it through any of the castle really, and retreated in kind to rescue our ally and strategize. It was a rough couple sessions after that... But damn, I will never forget that session of legend. I play that character to this day and now he has this insane interplanar backstory where the sword takes him where he is needed most.
@infernofox7339 9 ай бұрын
this is golden
@fangwu7576 9 ай бұрын
So once in a campaign my character and 2 others were cornered in a dungeon 2 floors underground. Meanwhile, our petite 12ft orc barbarian with a -1 in stealth had to succeed 3 stealth checks past a horde of guards to get to us. He proceeded to roll 3 consecutive nat 20s disguised as a tree.. in an underground dungeon. Of course he had disadvantage so he technically didn’t roll those 20s but still somehow managed to succeed all of the dc14 stealth rolls. Our Dm proceeded to add a +3 to stealth whenever our barbarian decided to disguise as a tree for the rest of the campaign.
@steambub 10 ай бұрын
lol, that rogue probably prayed to the eldritch god of piss poor manufacturing. It gifted him with a lopsided die.
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