如果没错的话,雪隆八独中的高二生都有考SPM的,而且学生的成绩都相当卓越, 完全不差以国中生的成绩。只要上网keyword search一下就可以找到独中在SPM成绩放榜期间向外发布的新闻报道。 我女儿是一名独中生,读完高二,考完SPM,直接去澳洲读大学先修班。 她读的先修班其中一个必修课目没有offer English Second Language (ESL)而是澳洲学生读的 English。我以为English成绩会影响总成绩。结果english各别成绩就那了87分。 这不是因为我女儿聪明,是马来西亚的独中生在适应科目用不同语言教课环境都被训练到很强了。 希望独中越办越好,越做越强。💪
您說的華中是指國民型華文中學吧?很多人不了解差別,很多同一名字的中學分為”國民型“和”獨中“,例如中華獨中,中華國民型中學,前身都是同一家叫‘中華中學’的學校,在國家開始統一學制時期(60年代?),有些中學一分為二,從英殖民地時代的free school 分為國家教育部體制下的“國民型”學校,但保留部分語文課程,以及不願意接受改制,完全獨立運作,不再接受政府資源的獨中。 我跟你應該是同時代的人,當時的國民型華文中學還保有改制前大部分的教學系統,特別是中文還有很多上課節數,以及很好的師資,教學品質甚至比當時資源缺乏的獨中有過之無不及,很可惜數十年來,這些優秀的教學傳統被國家教育政策稀釋得所剩無幾了。
My relative has two children, first child was cared by grandparents, they communicated in Cantonese to him, but parents communicated in Mandarin. He went to Chinese primary school, government secondary school. He can speak Cantonese. The second child was sent to nanny, nanny spoke Mandarin to her, same education like her brother , until now, never heard a word of Cantonese from her mouth. I asked her mum, why she didn't speak Cantonese, the answer was she refused. I once was wondering, how could a toddler know what language or dialect is best for her. My conclusion, the home environment! You grow up in a family tend to speak what language/dialect, you speak what. My case: we speak Cantonese to our children though sent them to private school. We agreed that children would pick up English language in school, less worried of it.