非常优质的一期节目,谈论了大马教育从来没有教过的性教育防范知识。也很感谢bryan非常勇敢的说出来,即使过了这么多年还是愿意说出来,我相信you are not alone,由于很多小朋友小时候其实都非常缺乏这方面的知识所以一定还有人遭受这种事情但不愿说出口。很感谢培永做出这类题材的影片!让更多人认识和防范。
Happened to me before when i was 11 years old during my art class lesson. The person who harassed me was the art teacher where he touch my thigh for about 2 mins and felt super uncomfortable and dont know how to tell my parents. I ended up telling my mom that i want to stop the class. It's a very traumatic experience especially for kids who doesnt know how to defend themselves. Parents should really listen if your kids told you this. Dont just ignore them and say they were talking rubbish.
I experienced sexual grooming at 10-12 years old too. Even now I'm an adult and I have overcome my mentality. I will still cry watching this video. Thanks for educating the public. I don't see it as 乘热度 or 堕落, the extra point was definitely going to the time when the expert came out and explained more details than juz a 八卦谈话 in the first 10 minutes. Overall, thx for the good effort.
我再成长过程遇过好几次骚扰,或许很多人会问你做么不喊?做么不打她,做么不怎样怎样怎样?当你遇到的时候,不是每个人很理智。我每次遇到都是蒙了,头脑嗡嗡作响,反复怎自己是真的还是假的?误会还是真的在碰我?事情过去了很久,我回想时才会觉得好像不对劲,我应该怎样怎样。但是能怎样?下一次遇到还是会懵.. 现在我觉得我应该比较勇敢了,至少上个月遇到一个人走过来我面前跟我说:You boleh tutup sikit tak kalo tak i akan (做打手枪的动作)。我生气叫他走开,我回想挺无奈的,穿宽松T恤加长裤也被骚扰。