Hello First of all, Hebrew is a very easy language and you can learn it in three months - (new immigrants to Israel learn it written and read in three months of study) Biblical Hebrew has no more than 12,000 words more or less and is very easy because of its root system. For example, the root that consists of the letters כ and ל - it must be remembered that in Hebrew the letters have three functions 1. A pictograph shows a drawing (in the ancient Hebrew script that was changed 2,500 years ago to a square script) 2. The name of the object that the drawing shows (preserved to this day) 3. Sound (as in all languages) Hebrew speakers do not pronounce the sounds of the letters, but read the names of the objects - for example ALEF the first letter A - means the bull that leads the herd, i.e. a leader. In ancient writing it was depicted as the head of a bull. When we have a certain root, we can add words from it - this is what was done and is being done in modern Hebrew, which expanded the vocabulary to many more words that will be needed in modern life. In Hebrew there are no letters that symbolize the sound of the word (punctuation letters), so the same word with a different sound and intonation takes on a different meaning. Why is this important - the use of every word in the Hebrew Bible is critical and very important because of the size of the language - because the Hebrew Bible is written and does not contain punctuation. What remains to understand the text is only the context. Let's go back to the book of Isaiah - the prophecy is not about the kingdom of the south (Judah) but about the kingdom of the north (Israel) and the prophecy is that before the child knows how to distinguish between good and evil the kingdom of the north will disappear from the map. Forget everything that the Christians teach is not true and does not belong to the Hebrew Bible at all - these are connotations that arise because of the "spectacles of Jesus" that they are equipped with when they come to read the Hebrew Bible. In any case, there is no "early Christianity" (Christianity was created in the first century AD about 30 years after what is commonly thought to be the execution of Jesus) - since the exodus from Egypt about 2,700 years ago there is only Judaism! When current Judaism is the Judaism we know = rabbinic Judaism divided into three classes "Orthodox", "Conservatives" and "Reformers" who are distinguished by the interpretation of the Jewish Halacha which is the work of the rabbis from the 1st century BC until today.