Рет қаралды 644
Origin Song: 妖怪の山 ~ Mysterious Mountain (Meaning: Youkai Mountain ~ Mysterious Mountain
Source: ダブルスポイラー ~ 東方文花帖 (Double Spoiler ~ Touhou Bunkachou) / 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith (Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith)
Title: the Wind - from the year 2015
Genre: Piano Piece/Piano Solo
Album: The Wind Plus
Circle: Seaside
Arrangement: SHI ( / shunters_shi )
Event: Unknown/Independently Released
Release Date: May 31, 2015
Website: / shiatseaside
Picture sources in order:
1: 牛土 [www.pixiv.net/...]
2: 牛土 [www.pixiv.net/...]
3: 砂(s73d) [www.pixiv.net/...]
4: 砂(s73d) [ / 1481546290475384832 ]
5: 木神明乃 [www.pixiv.net/...]
Say it with me! 3, 2 ,1, Kakashi Nenpo is good too! I love Hatate, I almost named my channel after her (but I like Aya a bit more). I actually like Youkai Mountain ~ Mysterious Mountain more than Wind God Girl (maybe because I've only ever 1cc'd MoF?). Because of that, this is my second favorite track on the album tied with the Wind - from the year 2015! My favorite is coming up after next week's jazz video!
NOTE: This song, and the album it is a part of, is uploaded with lossy MP3s as a source. I downloaded them from the, now defunct, Seaside website back in 2017.
I do not own anything!
None of the content in this video belongs to me. All content presented in this video is the property of their respective owners. I do not make any profit from these videos.