After living several years in the country, my understanding is cuz this country is the most innovative nation in the world, most of morden technologies and concepts, even business models were invented here. A further question would be why innovation occurs in the US, diversity, absolutely diversity.
我是一名学生,目前在学习MPA masters in public administration, healthcare administration concentration 医疗行政。本科为public health公共卫生,我一直好奇美国医疗系统,为什么看病这么贵。 经过这么多年来的学习,我总结了一句话:“在美国资本主义的体系下,政府是儿子,市场经济是爸爸。” 看病,实则是在医院看医生,理论上则是在医疗保险公司里消费。什么?你问要是没医疗保险怎么办?!。。。我只能回答你:Welcome to democracy