We were at Kamakura in end May last year, it was crowded, but not as bad as your visit. I did buy the printed fabric for wrapping food (as it was so pretty). My niece tried the budda cake, she said the taste was just OK, so you did not miss anything! Thank you for sharing the beautiful sunset with Mt Fuji 👍⛩🌋
@Denman8266 ай бұрын
Jane Galella Thanks for watching and support 🙏☺️ Kamakura is a very famous area for both local and foreign tourists 😎 it’s quite an interesting place and I am sure I will visit again in the future
Hi I’ve really been enjoying your program. I notice you were using the OSMO pocket 3 and wanted to ask should I buy the bundle which includes the microphone? Your thoughts will be appreciated. From a fan here in Australia
@Denman8266 ай бұрын
Hello Chuck Thanks for watching and support from Australia 🇦🇺🙏☺️ if you don’t have a mic for OSMO pocket - the camera itself has its recording function. However I still suggest to buy the creator package with the wireless Microphone .. the sound is much better especially if you want to create videos for Social Media Hope this help 😉
@warwickchuck16 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for the reply. I’m convinced now to get the creator package. I look forward to seeing more of your work. BTW we were recently in Kamakura and really enjoyed it. Cheers.
Yee Yan Chan 係呀,日本嘅咖喱相對係比較甜啲.. 咁你會唔會比較鍾意食印度咖喱呢? 但係我就覺得印度咖喱香料味太重。 我最鍾意係泰式咖喱😉👍🏻
@WinnieMa-sr8ne6 ай бұрын
@Denman8266 ай бұрын
Winnie Ma 多謝收看及留言支持🙏☺️ 我哋步行樓梯返落去大約5分鐘 … 行落去係OK嘅
@WinnieMa-sr8ne6 ай бұрын
@@Denman826 多謝回覆!我驚會行到腳仔軟😅
@ilovealiaime6 ай бұрын
@Denman8266 ай бұрын
MF Cheung 多謝收看及留言支持🙏☺️
@fungheeleung71766 ай бұрын
@Denman8266 ай бұрын
Fung Hee Leung 多謝收看及留言支持🙏☺️ 呢集係攝影師小幫手未返香港之前拍攝嘅😎
@chungwaiyuen6 ай бұрын
Hong Kong Market is equal to Stanley.😂
@Denman8266 ай бұрын
Chung Wai Yan Thanks for watching and support 🙏☺️ but don’t understand what you have meant ? 👉 Hong Kong Market equal to Stanley ? Stanley is in HK of course
@Denman8266 ай бұрын
But too bad Stanley in HK is very quiet now 😅 lots of restaurants and shops have been closed down