가사 무지개 안의 사람들 어떻게 너희들은 그렇게 행복해요? 나는 무엇을 기대했는가? 아직도 노래하는 걸 기억해 라라라 기억하시나요? 처마에 숨어있는 사람들 너 무섭 니 웃었던 기억이 있나요? 아직도 나를 기억해 호기심 많은 바보가 된다는 것을 기억하세요 거기 가면 아무것도 모르겠죠? 거기 가면 아무것도 모르겠죠? 차가 다리를 지나갔다 그 편의점에서 와인을 샀던 기억이 난다 하지만 감히 혼자서는 술을 마시지 못해요 차는 다시 산을 통과했다 내 형편없는 오토바이를 운전하고 싶어 산책하다 하지만 나, 하지만 나 차를 팔아서 아쉽네요 내 마음 아 내 마음 건물 전체 임대 여기저기서 줘 심은 꽃 흰머리를 치료하세요 두려워하지 마세요 두려워하지 마세요 내가 있는 곳이 있다 언제나 꽃이 가득한 흰머리를 치료하세요 두려워 하지마 언제나 꽃이 가득한 흰머리를 치료하세요 항상 가득 차 있습니다 항상 가득 차 있습니다 항상 가득 차 있습니다 내 마음 아 내 마음 건물 전체 임대 여기저기서 줘 심은 꽃 흰머리를 치료하세요 두려워하지 마세요 두려워하지 마세요 내가 있는 곳이 있다 언제나 꽃이 가득한 흰머리를 치료하세요 두려워 하지마 언제나 꽃이 가득한 흰머리를 치료하세요 항상 가득 차 있습니다 항상 가득 차 있습니다 항상 가득 차 있습니다 꽃들
Upstream makes me here. I couldnt understand the lyric but it is as what a song should be - universal ❤. Really great song and inspirational movie.
@jessicaguo180313 күн бұрын
I put the lyrics at latest comments
@jessicaguo180313 күн бұрын
In 2024, the Chinese song *"Flowers"* became a sensation in the Mandarin-speaking world, celebrated for its heartfelt and warm lyrics and melody. The song delicately captures reflections on life, memories, and emotions. Its imagery, such as "the whole house for rent," "flowers I’ve planted," and "healing your silver strands," conveys a selfless love and companionship, portraying the heart as an ever-open sanctuary, ready to welcome others. This love carries a healing power, creating a safe and beautiful haven for listeners. The phrases "people within the rainbow" and "those hiding under the eaves" seem to symbolize two contrasting states of being: one of free, joyful seekers and the other of fearful, withdrawn souls. Through questions and recollections, the lyrics evoke a sense of nostalgia for the past and hope for the future. The recurring line, "forever in bloom, forever in bloom," extends an infinite sense of hope, serving as a source of comfort and encouragement to the audience. The melody intertwines seamlessly with these words, leaving listeners deeply touched and embraced by warmth and healing. 在2024年華語圈爆紅的中文歌這首歌《鮮花》以其深情又溫暖的詞曲,表達了對生活、記憶和情感的細膩感悟。歌詞中的意象,如「整棟出租」「種好的鮮花」「治癒你的白髮」,傳遞出一種無私奉獻的愛和陪伴,彷彿心靈永遠是開放的,隨時迎接來訪者。這份愛意帶著治癒的力量,為聽者營造了一片安全與美好的天地。 而「彩虹裡面的人」和「躲在屋檐的人」似乎象徵了兩種不同的生命狀態:一種是自由、快樂的追尋者,另一種是害怕、躲藏的靈魂。歌詞通過提問和回憶,激發了對過去的懷念與對未來的想像。 這首歌的重複段落「永遠開滿 永遠開滿」營造出一種無限延展的希望感,就像對聽眾的安慰與鼓勵。旋律應該與這些詞語相輔相成,讓人深感治癒與溫暖。
@jessicaguo180313 күн бұрын
反覆的「我的心啊我的心,整棟出租,處處都給你」是一種極致的奉獻與分享,彷彿心靈的每個角落都向愛或希望敞開,並以「永遠開滿」的鮮花象徵生命中無盡的美好與治癒。 歌詞中也隱含著對過去的懷念與對未知的憧憬。比如: 「彩虹裡面的人,你們好嗎,你那快樂嗎」 帶有一種詢問與關切,像是對曾經相識的人、對更美好的自己或未來的呼喚。 「車子經過了橋」「車子又經過了山」 這些片段展現了移動與流轉中的記憶,帶著對某些片刻的留戀。 「可是我不敢一個人喝」「可惜我把車賣了」 流露出一絲無奈和對現實的坦然接受。 而「治癒你的白髮」反覆出現,賦予了整首歌溫柔而療癒的基調,像是一個承諾:不管經歷什麼,有我在的地方,永遠都能找到安心和美好。 這首歌帶來的情感層次很豐富,既是給他人的溫暖,也是一種自我療癒的力量。 This song’s lyrics are poetic and tender, weaving emotions and imagery into a landscape that feels both deeply personal and boundless. The recurring line, "Oh, my heart, my heart, the whole house is for rent, every corner is yours," speaks of ultimate devotion and generosity, as if every part of the heart is open to love and hope. The blooming flowers symbolize endless beauty and healing in life. The lyrics also carry a sense of nostalgia for the past and a yearning for the unknown. For instance: "To the ones within the rainbow, how are you? Are you happy?" feels like a gentle question, a caring call to someone from the past, a better version of oneself, or a brighter future. "The car passed over a bridge" and "The car passed by the mountains again" evoke memories in motion, moments of longing for fleeting times. "But I didn’t dare drink alone" and "Sadly, I sold the car" reveal a quiet resignation, an acceptance of life’s realities. The repeated phrase, "healing your silver strands," infuses the song with a soothing and reassuring tone, like a promise: no matter what you go through, wherever I am, you’ll always find comfort and beauty. This song holds rich emotional layers-it’s not just a gift of warmth to others but also a journey of self-healing and quiet strength.
Oh, my heart, my heart The whole house is for rent, Every corner is yours. Forever in bloom, Forever in bloom, Forever in bloom. To the ones within the rainbow, How are you? Are you happy there? Are you as I’ve hoped? Do you still remember singing, The “la-la-la” of those days? And to the ones hiding under eaves, Are you afraid? Do you still remember how to smile? Do you still remember me? Do you remember being a curious fool? When I go there, will I know nothing at all? When I go there, will I know nothing at all? The car passed over a bridge- I remember the wine I bought at that convenience store, But I didn’t dare drink it alone. The car passed by the mountains again- I dreamed of riding my broken motorcycle, Taking it for a spin. But I, but I... Sadly, I’ve sold it. Oh, my heart, my heart, The whole house is for rent, Every corner is yours. The flowers I’ve planted- They’ll heal your silver strands. Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid. Wherever I am, The flowers will always bloom. They’ll heal your silver strands. Don’t be afraid. Forever in bloom, Forever in bloom, Forever in bloom. Oh, my heart, my heart, The whole house is for rent, Every corner is yours. The flowers I’ve planted- They’ll heal your silver strands. Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid. Wherever I am, The flowers will always bloom. They’ll heal your silver strands. Don’t be afraid. Forever in bloom, Forever in bloom, Forever in bloom. 彩虹裡面的人 你們好嗎 你那快樂嗎 我期待的嗎 還記得歌唱 記得啦啦啦嗎 躲在屋檐的人 你們害怕嗎 還記得笑嗎 還記得我嗎 還記得保持好奇的傻瓜 我去到那裡 會不會一無所知 去到那裡 會不會一無所知 車子經過了橋 我記得在那便利店買的酒 可是我不敢一個人喝 車子又經過了山 我妄想開著我的爛摩托 去轉一轉 可是我 可是我 可惜我把車賣了 我的心啊我的心 整棟出租 處處都給你 種好的鮮花 治癒你的白髮 別害怕 別害怕 有我在的地方 永遠開滿了鮮花 治癒你的白髮 別害怕 永遠開滿了鮮花 治癒你的白髮 永遠開滿 永遠開滿 永遠開滿 《 🎸 solo 🎸 》 我的心啊我的心 整棟出租 處處都給你 種好的鮮花 治癒你的白髮 別害怕 別害怕 有我在的地方啊 永遠開滿了鮮花 治癒你的白髮 別害怕 永遠開滿了鮮花 治癒你的白髮 永遠開滿 永遠開滿 永遠開滿