使い勝手向上•コスト削減が目的の大幅な仕様見直しを感じませんが、改良余地はあります I don't see any major changes in specifications aimed at improving usability or reducing costs, but there is room for improvement. 10:10 私が'12年に沼津へ来た時から進展が遅く、高架駅まで長い道のりに感じます Progress has been slow since I came to Numazu in 2012, and it feels like it's a long road to the elevated station. 静岡県内の東海道線が313系などより快適移動でき、あなたも体感されたらうれしいです! Tokaido Line within Shizuoka Prefecture is more comfortable than conventional cars, and I would be happy if you could experience it as well!