@@jarocari_0693 The second half of the video was taken from a 2009 conference commemorating "20 years of Chinese rock" (I guess 1989 is considered the start given that Cui Jian dropped his most influential album that year), where Ding Wu was asked if he would ever share a stage again with Dou Wei. This was because Dou Wei had shit-talked Ding Wu in the press in 2006. That's what skarter007 is mad about, I imagine. As for the Ding Wu/Dou Wei drama, you can be the judge. blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_591c7a8f0102wz0c.html news.sohu.com/20060420/n242896805.shtml
@jarocari_06934 жыл бұрын
@@phantasmagora6542 Oh interesting and thanks for shared me this, but I DON'T UNDERSTAND CHINESE! (and also sorry for replied you so late)