心事會讓人覺得累 xin shi hui rang ren jiao de lei Something in your mind makes you feel tired. 放的舊了很疲憊 fang de jiu le hen pi bei It’s old. it’s tired. 若即若離的糾結 ruo ji ruo li de jiu jie The tangle of aloofness. 哪如乾脆 na ru qian cui How can it be so simple 誰對誰都不必慚愧 shui dui shui dou bu bi can kui No one needs to be ashamed of who he is. 對與錯哪來的絕對 dui yu cuo na lai de jue dui What’s right and what’s wrong? 無非同情和習慣 wu fei tong qing he xi guan Nothing more than sympathy and habits 隱隱作祟 yin yin zuo sui It’s all over the place. 早已經枯萎的玫瑰 zao yi jing ku wei de mei gui A Rose that has already withered 看的久了會傷悲 kan de jiu le hui shang bei Look for a long time will be sad 物是人非的浪漫 wu shi ren fei de lang man Things are different romantic 太過虛偽 tai guo xu wei Too hypocritical. 擁抱淪為一種拖累 yong bao lun wei yi zhong tuo lei Hugging is a drag. 從容的道一句再會 cong rong de dao yi ju zai hui Calm down and say goodbye. 就當我再去寵愛 jiu dang wo zai qu chong ai I’ll spoil you again. 你最後一回 ni zui hou yi hui Your last one. 我偽裝的很簡單、強悍、坦然 wo wei zhuang de hen jian dan 、qiang han 、tan ran My disguise is simple, powerful, easy. 聽天由命般的在路口故意走散 ting tian you ming ban de zai lu kou gu yi zou san I’m just trying to get out of the way. 你偽裝的很不安、遺憾、心酸 ni wei zhuang de hen bu an 、yi han 、xin suan You pretend to be upset, sorry, sad. 卻早有打算 que zao you da suan But I had a plan. 我偽裝的已了斷、無關、看淡 wo wei zhuang de yi le duan 、wu guan 、kan dan I pretended to be dead, nothing, indifferent. 還無意之間對你的事偷偷打探 hai wu yi zhi jian dui ni de shi tou tou da tan And I didn’t mean to snoop around about you. 多年之後的感歎、多愁、善感 duo nian zhi hou de gan tan 、duo chou 、shan gan After many years of sigh, sorrow, kindness 學會好聚好散 xue hui hao ju hao san Learn to get together 早已經枯萎的玫瑰 zao yi jing ku wei de mei gui A Rose that has already withered 看的久了會傷悲 kan de jiu le hui shang bei Look for a long time will be sad 物是人非的浪漫 wu shi ren fei de lang man Things are different romantic 太過虛偽 tai guo xu wei Too hypocritical. 擁抱淪為一種拖累 yong bao lun wei yi zhong tuo lei Hugging is a drag. 從容的道一句再會 cong rong de dao yi ju zai hui Calm down and say goodbye. 就當我再去寵愛 jiu dang wo zai qu chong ai I’ll spoil you again. 你最後一回 ni zui hou yi hui Your last one. 我偽裝的很簡單、強悍、坦然 wo wei zhuang de hen jian dan 、qiang han 、tan ran My disguise is simple, powerful, easy. 聽天由命般的在路口故意走散 ting tian you ming ban de zai lu kou gu yi zou san I’m just trying to get out of the way. 你偽裝的很不安、遺憾、心酸 ni wei zhuang de hen bu an 、yi han 、xin suan You pretend to be upset, sorry, sad. 卻早有打算 que zao you da suan But I had a plan. 我偽裝的已了斷、無關、看淡 wo wei zhuang de yi le duan 、wu guan 、kan dan I pretended to be dead, nothing, indifferent. 還無意之間對你的事偷偷打探 hai wu yi zhi jian dui ni de shi tou tou da tan And I didn’t mean to snoop around about you. 多年之後的感歎、多愁、善感 duo nian zhi hou de gan tan 、duo chou 、shan gan After many years of sigh, sorrow, kindness 學會好聚好散 xue hui hao ju hao san Learn to get together 以為偽裝的像個演員 yi wei wei zhuang de xiang ge yan yuan Pretending to be an actor. 在不經意間都被看穿 zai bu jing yi jian dou bei kan chuan To be seen through. 同一個動作,都是彼此轉身兩邊 tong yi ge dong zuo ,dou shi bi ci zhuan shen liang bian The same action, all turned to each other on both sides 有人貪婪,有人為了成全 you ren tan lan ,you ren wei le cheng quan Some are greedy, some compromise. 我偽裝的很簡單、強悍、坦然 wo wei zhuang de hen jian dan 、qiang han 、tan ran My disguise is simple, powerful, easy. 聽天由命般的在路口故意走散 ting tian you ming ban de zai lu kou gu yi zou san I’m just trying to get out of the way. 你偽裝的很不安、遺憾、心酸 ni wei zhuang de hen bu an 、yi han 、xin suan You pretend to be upset, sorry, sad. 卻早有打算 que zao you da suan But I had a plan. 我偽裝的已了斷、無關、看淡 wo wei zhuang de yi le duan 、wu guan 、kan dan I pretended to be dead, nothing, indifferent. 還無意之間對你的事偷偷打探 hai wu yi zhi jian dui ni de shi tou tou da tan And I didn’t mean to snoop around about you. 多年之後的感歎、多愁、善感 duo nian zhi hou de gan tan 、duo chou 、shan gan After many years of sigh, sorrow, kindness 學會好聚好散 xue hui hao ju hao san Learn to get together 最後把故事交給、某人、保管 zui hou ba gu shi jiao gei 、mou ren 、bao guan Finally, I gave the story to someone to keep 也算是一種圓滿 ye suan shi yi zhong yuan man It’s a kind of fulfillment.