1) By horse and carriage, Kilkeel should not be specially far from Newcastle. Also, the Boston poster confuses me, but I am sure we are in the UK. I wish I knew what “W.L.” means, which is undoubtedly some district in the U.K. Can not find Kilkeel... Newcastle outskirts, 1900 (7,596). 2) Kathmandu downtown, 2008 (7,485). 3) I do not understand the context, but I know we are in Market Street-San Francisco. In the background, Ferry Building. ‘64 in bold letters, so 1964 (9,997). 4) Angkor, Cambodia? I do not see alternatives to the capital city, but is it the ocean behind? Maybe the river. Riverside Boulevard Phnom Phen, Olympic year 2016 (9,947). 5) Prague. Wenceslas Square around, 1954 (9,795). FINAL SCORE: 44,820