Рет қаралды 154
Obsidian: obsidian-level...
Unseen Evil: www.doomworld....
Doom 64 Stereo Project: www.doomworld....
HSVDither: github.com/Imm...
Doom 64 Discord: / discord
OBSIDIAN is a procedural level generator for a variety of id tech games. @craneoexmortis4646 created an addon, Obsidian 64: The Obligation, which lets OBSIDIAN generate Doom 1 and 2 levels with textures based on the Doom 64 graphics. To complete the Doom 64 experience, a Doom 64 inspired gameplay mod is required where @legowegomaster's Unseen Evil has come in. Unseen Evil is particularly nice in that, not only does it replace the sprites to their Doom 64 versions, it also adds Doom 64 style colored lighting to levels. Unseen Evil does a lot more than that but I had to mod some of it out as not to interfere with Obsidian 64. I have also used my Doom 64 music replacer for Doom 1 and Doom 2 from the Doom 64 Stereo Project. And finally I have used HSVDither for a slight color saturation boost.
I don't normally share the generated Obsidian Packages, but this one is so good (so far) that I have provided the link here: drive.google.c...