I hope that marine fisheries can continue to be a food source for global fishermen. Recent actions by Japan involving the discharge of water containing radioactive materials have raised concerns. This radioactive water is expected to disperse globally through ocean currents. I believe that if Japan doesn't immediately cease releasing such highly radioactive pollutants into the ocean, within just half a year, the world's seawater will become contaminated with radiation. Naturally, all marine life would then be inedible, potentially leading to a global catastrophe. ✅Furthermore, recent extreme weather patterns leading to reduced crop yields and conflicts around the world indicate that land-based food resources are likely to diminish in the next ten years. With the possibility of contaminated marine life, combined with food scarcity on land due to droughts and floods, it seems that we are heading towards a dire situation. Do we really want to experience scenarios of food shortages and desperation? 希望海底的漁獲可以一直被全球漁民捕撈,因為日本最近一直排放「具有核輻射的核污水」,這具有輻射的核污水,將隨著「全球洋流」散佈至全球各地,相信如果日本不立即停止排放「具有嚴重核輻射的污染物」進入海洋,相信不用再半年,全球海水中將充滿具有核輻射,當然,所有海中的生物將無法食用,這將是一個全球浩劫。 ✅近來極端氣候導致糧食短收,各地戰火蹂躪,可見未來10年陸地上的糧食必然減少,試問如果海底的漁獲因為具有核輻射而無法食用,陸地上又缺糧,各地不是旱災,就是水災,大家這樣下去,是想體驗「易子而食」嗎?