I'm so proud of TNX for getting this stage together. They ranked last in the previous rounds just based on the fact that their fandom is pretty small compared to other groups like Tempest and scored lower on the public streaming part. Based on the groups on sight they actually scored 1st place but moved down to the last (if we keep Cravity out of it as they didn't get the chance to score). They didn't let this result drag them down at all but instead motivated them to do better. Hwi, the producer and main rapper of the group, had a vision for this song and did so incredibly well in interpreting it that it made even Stray Kids fans proud! We have seen a lot of great performances in the previous parts of the franchise but for a first public stage they really outdid themselves and set the bar very high 😊 I hope they can keep it up but the group has so many good ideas I don't worry too much I hope the attention this stage brought TNX gets them a few new fans, that check out their incredible discography! From their debut to songs like "Love or Die" - they all deserve to get streamed a lot ❣
@jess_holyfield2 ай бұрын
I am already really happy with the fact they get to perform in front of a live audience! I think that makes it more enjoyable personally and I'm super excited for next week's episode and performances!
@marnijanil20012 ай бұрын
This is the best oerformens kingdom season 2........the new six the power....loved
@jess_holyfield2 ай бұрын
Best of the challenge thus far for sure!
@thaodalena2 ай бұрын
So, LEW (platinum hair) was chosen by the members as this challenge's ACE (center) and that's why the performance works around him for the majority of parts. It would include him receiving the thorned crown as well, as opposed to Hyuk (blue hair) who only comes in for a high note. There's actually a reason for the small podium they chose to utilize and it's a detail I believe one would appreciate once they learn of it. The boys who dance on the platform at any given time will slip on and off these things that to our untrained eyes, will only recognize as black string peaking atop the front of their shoes. When they apply pressure during their footwork upon the podium, there's orange sparks that ignite beneath their shoes. Using the podium's rubbery material to create a safe place for friction was a sound choice over damaging the stage flooring itself - and likely, would have been difficult to achieve the same effect. I thought it was a cool and thoughtful detail after I noticed it while analyzing their solo cams. Thought I'd share
@THXwithTNX12 ай бұрын
Hwi actually took part in many things in this performance. He took part in creative directing, composing the song, writing his own rap and the suggestion to perform Phobia was actually given by him.
@jess_holyfield2 ай бұрын
I learned a lot of this from the episode! Super fun to see the investment made!
@l0veholic2 ай бұрын
the new six choosing to do phobia was such a genius move! i'm not watching this show yet so i'm not too sure of the scoring system or anything but if they get a part of their score based on views, they already got a ton of stays to check out the stage based on the fact that no one has ever performed it before, it just makes you so curious on what they'll do, whereas unfortunately for tempest, we've seen skz do maniac a thousand times a hundred different ways, so it doesn't spark that curiosity and on top of that it feels a bit like anything they do it's less surprising. also really agree on the dance break from tempest, it just feels a little jarring. maybe if they arranged it so it was a more seamless transition between the bridge and the last chorus, that was the slow down wouldn't be so abrupt
@jess_holyfield2 ай бұрын
IT was a risk but VERY good call if you ask me for the reasons that you affirmed! I know a lot of things with Tempest's format is outside of their control (like who makes the call on choreography, arrangement, costuming, etc) so I don't really blame anyone for it, just not the best situation against an opponent who played their cards right.
@akeyrabrown11142 ай бұрын
I agree about the Tempest dance break. If it was me I would’ve cut the bird and drill sound from the chorus because it’s never used again. Then I would’ve leaned into the more orchestral sound when it came to the dance break. The instrumental already sounds more orchestral and grand so why?! oh why?! did they go with an electric techno dance break.
@jess_holyfield2 ай бұрын
It was giving the EXACT feeling SF9's set to "Move" with the Lasers as well! Interesting time haha
@TNX_DDA2 ай бұрын
THENEWSIX WON 🏆 that round , tempest did good job but TheNewSix did legendary stage there
@minajdm43432 ай бұрын
Tnx are using so many butterfly in all their videos recently ,also their other performance in episode one. We think their soon to be released new album might be named butterfly. And they might also mean that they are going high like a butterfly (their dream)
@ThanhHuyenNguyen-x1p2 ай бұрын
Tempest ❤️
@TempestViE-u1o2 ай бұрын
Im proud of Tempest. I love them so much
@jess_holyfield2 ай бұрын
@@TempestViE-u1o very proud of their efforts !!
@여름-u1r2 ай бұрын
@rosr65942 ай бұрын
Hrre was a lot I missed watching Tempest but u made me aware of it and on the other hand The New Six gave it their all and I loved your perspective on it all. Thank you so much for this.❤
@jess_holyfield2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for taking the time to watch with me! Every group did great and I am always delighted to analyze quality performances!!!
@itsmerafandr12342 ай бұрын
The performace concept TNX is so crazy
@vanie92 ай бұрын
I was impressed by TEMPEST performance!
@duchaotranduchaotran95722 ай бұрын
tempest 😭🤣🤣🤣🇻🇳
@sangyeonsfan89172 ай бұрын
The groups reminded me so much of the first road to kingdom, I would love to see react to the original road to kingdom
@jess_holyfield2 ай бұрын
So I have great news for you! I have already been able to watch both of the other seasons of Kingdom! They are on Patreon!!
@IreneforSKZ2 ай бұрын
TNX killed it.
@jess_holyfield2 ай бұрын
@수빈하-c3q2 ай бұрын
@user-nh1lp2lg2q2 ай бұрын
I liked tempest performance it’s a shame though that some details were missed and can only see it in the fancams
@jess_holyfield2 ай бұрын
I can agree with this! Enjoyed seeing them in the episode review as well!
@TraMy-xt9kt2 ай бұрын
@jess_holyfield2 ай бұрын
@cannoteven2 ай бұрын
that was a really interesting watch! just wondering, why couldn't you watch the full versions, but only the full cams? i thought you might compare the two POVs (what people on TV/YT see and what people in the audience would've seen)
@jess_holyfield2 ай бұрын
Great question! So I typically watch the camsduring the episode viewing or if the cam versions are specific to the percentage of the voting within the challenge ( I heard challenge 3 will be streaming and not a heavy live vote so I may watch cams then. I do this so I have a newer reaction and refined feedback to the cam shots shown in the episode for more fun!
@shikin23172 ай бұрын
Maybe no one know, maniac song sound like safety pin composed by hwi tnx... Hehe just coincidence 😂
@jess_holyfield2 ай бұрын
That is a fun connection!
@ohhbellachan97752 ай бұрын
Hi would like to recommend Zerobaseone's dance practices, you'll like it i promise
@Moonlight-kj3wr2 ай бұрын
Please react to inside seventeen video ❤❤❤❤❤
@jess_holyfield2 ай бұрын
I have it as a Patreon request so it will be on patreon sometime soon!