Dancing on the edge of perception, where possibility begins to take form.

  Рет қаралды 12

Creative Rebellion - with Jenny Fjurns-Giles

Creative Rebellion - with Jenny Fjurns-Giles

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I started off recording a video blog for my socials and KZbin and half way through I found myself deep in meditation and felt like I had dropped off the plant for a moment. Deep in the quantum energy of all things happening simultaneously and choosing where I wanted to come back and what time line I wanted to find myself on when I did.
This vlog is ephemeral and is like listening to the whispers of the void, where creation stirs in silence.
Let me know if this resonates with you, if you have any reactions to the words shared or activations within your own energy body. I sense this mystical feeling and subject will be over the heads of some (to be honest I am listening while creating this video wondering if I truly "get it" - I don't and thats the point!)

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