sofi:*sofi rend book* ifso:*ifso make cake* Griefer:=D... Cruel king:did why...a... Sawnoob:HAHAHAHA A NEED KILL EVEYONE ALL! John deo:WTF SAWNOOB DID YOU KILL ALL? Blue noob:^v^ Red noob:-_-... Noobador:*sigh*idk why my kids doni? Builderman?:a like vidoe a need kill >=) Greed:xDhehehe Fear:=c that sad shelly.. Solitude:that okay Fear.. Pruple noob:ummm that no Bad Green noob:okay that fine.. Star Align:awww why eveyone no like shelly shelly is soo nice😊 Kitchen wizard:now a make Ghost poteng now Melanie:awww is soo cute shelly a love shelly😊