會不會有一個可能: PrisonPanic裡的這位"表演者"其實有兩種型態,且兩個星星(空心&實心)也分別代表兩個型態,甚至有可能與Doug的女兒/老婆有關係(可能她們兩位也是“不情願”,然後“set me free”也或許與前面“以前的事情必須解決(set to free)才能向前”有呼應之意,星星盒則是有可能一面空心一面實心以呼應“表演者”兩個型態的樣子。
For the ninth level boss… There may be a theory (my theory) that the puppeteer king can actually make itself become the person that goes in this mall,for the multiple mask,it might be a masks for it to recover it’s mask when it’s broken by Doug (if we have to use something to hit it). For the tenth level… The “performer” has a very high chances of her being controlled by malak because of her disobedience on his order? But I have a feeling that the stars on her eyes has something about it’s own form on the entire level. There might be a form of “hollow” and “solid” which maybe connected to the photo of a blob being a hollowed star box Maybe the box itself is apart of the prison,since she looks like it was from the circus / carnival. And there may or may not be having some boxes that looks like the box in the photo.